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What is your opinion about Dantooine?


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You are free to have your opinion, but i must correct two things.


First, an MMO is not just lots of people online. You know what a single player game is yeah? You know what a multiplayer game is yeah? You don't put "lots of people online" just to see other players walk around. It's a multiplayer game, so some content will be group content. If you are adamant about not joining in, then you must admit that it's not content made for you and the game doesn't need to cater to only your needs.


Really? This argument, again? Okay, yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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You are free to have your opinion, but i must correct two things.


First, an MMO is not just lots of people online. You know what a single player game is yeah? You know what a multiplayer game is yeah? You don't put "lots of people online" just to see other players walk around. It's a multiplayer game, so some content will be group content. If you are adamant about not joining in, then you must admit that it's not content made for you and the game doesn't need to cater to only your needs.


Actually, that's the accepted definition of an MMO. There's nothing in an MMO that says that grouping is required or should be an integral or required part of the experience. It's a game that's tied to an online server where multiple people are online at once.



A massively multiplayer online game (MMOG, or more commonly, MMO) is an online game with large numbers of players, typically from hundreds to thousands, on the same server.


The game doesn't need to "cater only to my needs," but again, when they make content that a lot of people are going to out and out ignore and walk away from, and they create a daily area/event that alienates and turns players off before it's even a week old., they're not doing themselves or the game any favors. You're free to your own opinion. But I would point out that numerous people who are not usually adverse to grouping have also pointed out in this thread that they don't want to do it on Dantooine, and that they find the H4s too arduous to want to solo regularly.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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re-subbed for a month to play through it and to finish up some stories while I'm at it.


furnishings are nice, planet is ok. quests feel tedious if you are not in maxed out gear. I'm not leet enough to solo any of the heroics so its touch and go whether i get to do them on any given day.


biggest complaint. I get it. I understand they want people to group up some of the time. but tying furnishing etc currency to almost entirely group content? really? REALLY?


make it so that heroics give extra currency, but only being able to get a single piece per day after finishing 6 dailies per character is just...not good. currency should be rewarded by ALL the dailies, not just heroics and "finish 6 dailies" quest. and yes, it should be legacy wide, NOT per character.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I had a idea, what if they separate the weekly like they did on Ossus. They had originally had heroics mixed in with the dailies but then they separated it.


Have the weekly have how ever many dailies that are required and they give a reward.


Then have a weekly reward for the heroics and it gives a higher reward.


Would that not satisfy both sides of this ?


This way those that don't like to do the heroics can just do the dailies but they understand it might take longer to get the rewards then those doing the dailies and the heroics.


But: Please make the currency legacy wide please.

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I had a idea, what if they separate the weekly like they did on Ossus. They had originally had heroics mixed in with the dailies but then they separated it.


Have the weekly have how ever many dailies that are required and they give a reward.


Then have a weekly reward for the heroics and it gives a higher reward.


Would that not satisfy both sides of this ?


This way those that don't like to do the heroics can just do the dailies but they understand it might take longer to get the rewards then those doing the dailies and the heroics.


But: Please make the currency legacy wide please.


it would certainly satisfy me, personaly (though would still prefer it if they add currency to all the dailies, with heroics awarding more, or just.. let us buy rewards with credits). right now, i can feasibly, unless I get lucky and find a quick heroic group - get about 3 pieces of event currency per day. at MOST. not even every day. I don't even care about companion or a mount at this point, I'd just like to get you know.. more then a single tree for a stronghold in a forseeable future.

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Actually, that's the accepted definition of an MMO. There's nothing in an MMO that says that grouping is required or should be an integral or required part of the experience. It's a game that's tied to an online server where multiple people are online at once.





The game doesn't need to "cater only to my needs," but again, when they make content that a lot of people are going to out and out ignore and walk away from, and they create a daily area/event that alienates and turns players off before it's even a week old., they're not doing themselves or the game any favors. You're free to your own opinion. But I would point out that numerous people who are not usually adverse to grouping have also pointed out in this thread that they don't want to do it on Dantooine, and that they find the H4s too arduous to want to solo regularly.


Massive MULTIPLAYER online game, not Massive SINGLE PLAYER online game.


If you are going to keep expecting to claim being a majority, you are gonna have to bring some evidence. As far as i can tell, you are a minority, cause most players are doing the heroics just fine either solo or by grouping based on all the groups forming constantly on general chat.

Multiplayer content does the game a HUGE favor. If solo content was what this game needed the last 2 expansions would have propelled the game into huge success levels. Incidentally, it was the opposite. So, it's hard to take you seriously.

Actually i don't know a single successful mmo that is a solo only game. Not a single one exists.

The people who post here are a minority. A couple of people doing knee jerk reactions are not representative of the majority of players. Dantooine has been packed since release. While there is conquest to be had, you bet people are gonna run it, especially when each daily gives above 1k conquest. Some special ones won't or say they won't. It's their problem. There's more content to play, everyone doesn't need to play everything.

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Massive MULTIPLAYER online game, not Massive SINGLE PLAYER online game.


If you are going to keep expecting to claim being a majority, you are gonna have to bring some evidence. As far as i can tell, you are a minority, cause most players are doing the heroics just fine either solo or by grouping based on all the groups forming constantly on general chat.

Multiplayer content does the game a HUGE favor. If solo content was what this game needed the last 2 expansions would have propelled the game into huge success levels. Incidentally, it was the opposite. So, it's hard to take you seriously.

Actually i don't know a single successful mmo that is a solo only game. Not a single one exists.

The people who post here are a minority. A couple of people doing knee jerk reactions are not representative of the majority of players. Dantooine has been packed since release. While there is conquest to be had, you bet people are gonna run it, especially when each daily gives above 1k conquest. Some special ones won't or say they won't. It's their problem. There's more content to play, everyone doesn't need to play everything.


ROFL. Using caps doesn't change the fact that multiplayer does not equal GROOOOUUUPPP!! HORDEEEEES! RUN WITH LOTS OF PEOPLEEEE!


Dantooine's less than a week old and this is the first weekend day people can visit it. It's not a surprise that it's crowded *today.* That doesn't mean everyone there is jumping up and down with glee about the H4s or groups.


You're just going to stay on this hill, aren't you? As we'd say at home, well bless your heart. Feel free to keep arguing about this, but your entire platform seems to be about taking umbrage because some of us object to forced grouping. Cool story bro, as they say.


It's not my responsibility or obligation to prove anything to you. There are certainly plenty of people in this thread agreeing with me, and the fact that other ham-fisted attempts to shove people into groups have gone down in flames is proof enough that there's a sizable percentage of players that are NOT interested in running in hordes. And all the group content they've shoved at us in the past two years has not brought players back, just the opposite.


But hey, stay on that hill. Support content that alienates people. I hope you and the other groupers who refuse to accept that there are numerous playstyles are enough to keep the lights on when the rest of us leave.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I had a idea, what if they separate the weekly like they did on Ossus. They had originally had heroics mixed in with the dailies but then they separated it.


Have the weekly have how ever many dailies that are required and they give a reward.


Then have a weekly reward for the heroics and it gives a higher reward.


Would that not satisfy both sides of this ?


This way those that don't like to do the heroics can just do the dailies but they understand it might take longer to get the rewards then those doing the dailies and the heroics.


But: Please make the currency legacy wide please.


That would be the logical answer, instead of this ham-fisted attempt to force grouping.

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I had a idea, what if they separate the weekly like they did on Ossus. They had originally had heroics mixed in with the dailies but then they separated it.


Have the weekly have how ever many dailies that are required and they give a reward.


Then have a weekly reward for the heroics and it gives a higher reward.


Would that not satisfy both sides of this ?


This way those that don't like to do the heroics can just do the dailies but they understand it might take longer to get the rewards then those doing the dailies and the heroics.


But: Please make the currency legacy wide please.


Yes it would. Yavin had a solo option and a group option. It was a lesson learned out of the failure of Oricon that ended in H4s and an Op. Keith wasn't around then and now it's his turn to learn it.


It's a good idea on paper to have group quests, but in reality it doesn't work out like they think. I'm not adverse to grouping, but it's hard to get a group when others are turned off by it or there's no one else in the zone. People either solo it or they walk away from it thereby completely negating their grand idea to have people group up. We've been down this road before. And on top of that we have a much smaller population now. We don't have the numbers to support PUGs outside of peak time. And this is just the first couple days of the event. The novelty will wear off soon if it hasn't already. Lining it up with Conquest might be the only thing that keeps this from becoming a total ghost town in 3 months.

Edited by kodrac
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The bottom line is that when Bioware puts out H4s like this, they are releasing content that a lot of players will walk away from. As said before, it does not serve the majority of the playerbase as best it could.




They are making the same mistakes as years ago. And they completely forgot (or ignore) WHY all those changes since 2012 were brought to the game.


There is a very good reason why heroics were changed to being soloable. It's because no one (well, the vast majority) didn't want to play it. I very well remember how impossible it was to find a group for e. g. the Voss heroics back in the days.


BW did so many things correct after the F2P transition. Now they revert all this and go back to making the same mistakes that brought the game down in the first place.


Mr. Kanneg, your hardcore raiding group does not represent the majority of the player base.


I did the Dantooine heroics on my main, so that I get the weekly done. I won't even start the events on my alts as I don't enjoy the heroics at all and just running the dailies without being able to finish the weekly is kind of pointless.


The weekly has to be split. I don't see a reason why not. Forcing people to play certain content just in order to finish something like an event is the opposite of playing your own way. Mr. Kanneg's approach is contradictory.


I don't see myself repeating Dantooine next week.

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You are free to have your opinion, but i must correct two things.


First, an MMO is not just lots of people online. You know what a single player game is yeah? You know what a multiplayer game is yeah? You don't put "lots of people online" just to see other players walk around. It's a multiplayer game, so some content will be group content.


There is PRECISELY NOTHING in the exact definition of an MMORPG that means "group content" is mandatory or even required.


MMO = Massively, Multiplayer, Online.


Massively = lots of people doing it (heck does SWTOR even reach that benchmark anymore)

Multiplayer = multiple people playing in the same server instance at the same time.

Online = requires an internet connection to play.


Where's the "group content" requirement in there? There isn't one.


And the reason SWTOR may not meet the "Massively" benchmark anymore is because the Devs keep trying to shoe-horn people into playing content they don't want to play, it never works and people just leave.


All The Best

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Honestly? I didn't think that much of it, it didn't give that vibe i was hoping for, generally with any new content i get this vibe from it that tends to stuck me into it. Dantoonine didn't really have that effect though, i managed to go through it a few times, one on either side of the factions, but honestly i didn't think much of it. map is pretty small, some of the content is recycled from previous, for example: the turret mission, you'd think of it it as a walker standing still with enemies coming at you and then you realise it isn't that much different.


I actually found that mini story mission on the alliance and faction both getting closer with a grand speech or interview, the empire sabotage as a spy for the republic was humorous. it takes me back some to when there was good humor in the original storyline. i'd like to get my smuggler back to basics being cheeky, it is one of his favorite pastimes, cheeky lip followed by muzzle flashes from his gun in defense of his allies and the republic. First time in a long time i could pull off a similar stunt with my main sith warrior, he hasn't had the chance show his capability for sometime, especially around irony as he revels in it being a heretic of darkness. :p

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Support content that alienates people.


Supporting group content, that is, content that incentivizes people working together towards a common goal, is the exact opposite of alienating.


Some people feel uncomfortable, unwilling, or scared to group. There is a distinction between the designed intent of content, and the way some people react and feel about that content.


The developers design a piece of armor intending for people to wear it. If I think it looks ugly, that's my opinion, and its highly improbable that the developers intend to make ugly things to wear and even less likely they made things intended to not be used. That's precisely why Kai Zyken's log isn't a mount, its a recharge item ... because no one would use a mount that can't move, but as a rest/recharge item, it is useful and humorous.


I think its a fair criticism of the event design if you say, "There should be more reputation trophies and event currency from the solo content than presently exist." Its also a fair criticism for you to say, "The weekly should have less emphasis on group content." Those are reasonable positions to take, and makes for a solid debate.


It is unreasonable to start from the premise that the developers intend to alienate players by incentivizing group content. If that is the base from which you argue, no one can have a reasonable discussion with you.

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Supporting group content, that is, content that incentivizes people working together towards a common goal, is the exact opposite of alienating.


Some people feel uncomfortable, unwilling, or scared to group. There is a distinction between the designed intent of content, and the way some people react and feel about that content.


The developers design a piece of armor intending for people to wear it. If I think it looks ugly, that's my opinion, and its highly improbable that the developers intend to make ugly things to wear and even less likely they made things intended to not be used. That's precisely why Kai Zyken's log isn't a mount, its a recharge item ... because no one would use a mount that can't move, but as a rest/recharge item, it is useful and humorous.


I think its a fair criticism of the event design if you say, "There should be more reputation trophies and event currency from the solo content than presently exist." Its also a fair criticism for you to say, "The weekly should have less emphasis on group content." Those are reasonable positions to take, and makes for a solid debate.


It is unreasonable to start from the premise that the developers intend to alienate players by incentivizing group content. If that is the base from which you argue, no one can have a reasonable discussion with you.


*shrug* I'm not particularly concerned if you think it's reasonable or not, but you are misinterpreting.


"Incentivizing" is giving better cosmetic rewards for optional content that takes some effort, like the Wings of the Architect, and that is fine. Incentivizing is giving people a choice, as they did at the end of SoR when a player could choose freely to take a group path (and get whatever rewards came with the Op) but also had an equally viable solo option to complete the storyline.


Attempting to force it is what happens when you have an event that is supposedly open to all players over level 20 but many if not most cannot complete the content, in this case the weekly, without grouping, or find it extremely difficult to do so. As they did with the Ossus 258 weapons being gated behind group content, or stories on Iokath and Oricon ending in Ops with no other option to complete the content.


The latter does alienate players, and as has been shown time and time again, it does not work.


If players are scared or uncomfortable or unwilling to group, they should not have to, and they should not be led down content paths that will require it. This is a game, not a job, and if it's unpleasant there's no point. If people want to play the content, they will play it. If not, why should their arm be twisted in a game that is supposed to be fun?


Nobody said the devs intend to alienate players, but they clearly hope to strong-arm players into the content they want them to play.


Regardless of intent, it doesn't mean the end result isn't ignored content, alienated players, and players who walk away - and they should be aware of it by now. The same thing that didn't work four other times is unlikely to work the fifth. As someone else mentioned this even came up in the Ossus PTS where the daily/weekly was originally with the H2/4s, and there was enough pushback that they dropped that idea, so they know this isn't what many players want.


But at the end of the day nobody is going to change anyone else's mind on that, so I'm out of this thread now. I think that the proof will be in the population, and in this case I predict that at some point they will end up having to spend extra dev time and money to retool the heroics because just as it is on Section X and the original heroics, they will have people complaining they can't even raise a group for it. We'll see, won't we?


This has made me decide not to extend my paid sub time all the way to 6.0, though. I'll be waiting to see if 6.0 is something solo players can actually do before I pay for it.

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"Incentivizing" is giving better cosmetic rewards

Incentives do not have to be cosmetic. CXP is clearly not cosmetic, yet there are bonus days awarding extra CXP for doing the bonus content, which most of the time is group content.


As they did with the Ossus 258 weapons

The increased drop rates of 252 Artifact crates and Masterwork Data Crystals in command crates is a direct positive response to players' dissatisfaction with the grouping requirements for Ossus gearing. Certainly sounds like responsiveness to player feedback.


If players are scared or uncomfortable or unwilling to group, they should not have to, and they should not be led down content paths that will require it. This is a game, not a job, and if it's unpleasant there's no point. If people want to play the content, they will play it. If not, why should their arm be twisted in a game that is supposed to be fun?


Is there someone sticking a gun to your head making you type "LFG all three heroics?" Is there a mission step prior to defeating Valkorion in KOTET chapter 9 that requires you to finish the Dantooine weekly? How exactly are you being "arm twisted" into doing anything in this game, let alone regarding Dantooine?


This has made me decide not to extend my paid sub time all the way to 6.0, though. I'll be waiting to see if 6.0 is something solo players can actually do before I pay for it.


Its always sound financial practice to not spend money on things you don't enjoy. Enjoy your summer!

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I went there yesterday for nostalgia's sake..


The planet is very beautiful, but the event itself is just bad... The rewards are terrible, cheap reskinned junk that you can buy from GTN for 50k credits(the armors).


I have zero motivation to play this event. I grinded the Gree event/Rakgoul to death because I wanted something out of them, I also grinded the Eternal Championship because the rewards had something worthwhile, but won't even bother with this one.


It's very had that they focus only on the cash shop and we aren't getting any good equipment from events now.... :confused:

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ROFL. Using caps doesn't change the fact that multiplayer does not equal GROOOOUUUPPP!! HORDEEEEES! RUN WITH LOTS OF PEOPLEEEE!


Dantooine's less than a week old and this is the first weekend day people can visit it. It's not a surprise that it's crowded *today.* That doesn't mean everyone there is jumping up and down with glee about the H4s or groups.


You're just going to stay on this hill, aren't you? As we'd say at home, well bless your heart. Feel free to keep arguing about this, but your entire platform seems to be about taking umbrage because some of us object to forced grouping. Cool story bro, as they say.


It's not my responsibility or obligation to prove anything to you. There are certainly plenty of people in this thread agreeing with me, and the fact that other ham-fisted attempts to shove people into groups have gone down in flames is proof enough that there's a sizable percentage of players that are NOT interested in running in hordes. And all the group content they've shoved at us in the past two years has not brought players back, just the opposite.


But hey, stay on that hill. Support content that alienates people. I hope you and the other groupers who refuse to accept that there are numerous playstyles are enough to keep the lights on when the rest of us leave.


Sure, you don't have to prove cause you can't prove. There is no MMO that is a single player with just others walking around. That would be daft. A waste of server money.

Multiplayer means more than one player, but an mmo game is a multiplayer game. It's in the name. A multiplayer is a game where several players play with each other as opposed to just one.


MMO players who don't like multiplayer content is fine, you should be able to do something when there aren't many people around, but to argue that all multiplayer content should be turned into solo content cause they are special cookies, well... sorry, but as the last 2 expansions showed, that is the death of the game. So, yes, i am happy multiplayer content is here, and you are just gonna have to live with that, cause it will mean more solo content for you aswell rather than the game shutting down.


But i can see why the game declined so much if this was the feedback being given while i was away. Good thing the dev team learned in time to save the sinking boat.


There is PRECISELY NOTHING in the exact definition of an MMORPG that means "group content" is mandatory or even required.


MMO = Massively, Multiplayer, Online.


Massively = lots of people doing it (heck does SWTOR even reach that benchmark anymore)

Multiplayer = multiple people playing in the same server instance at the same time.

Online = requires an internet connection to play.


Where's the "group content" requirement in there? There isn't one.


And the reason SWTOR may not meet the "Massively" benchmark anymore is because the Devs keep trying to shoe-horn people into playing content they don't want to play, it never works and people just leave.


All The Best


This is wonderful. Please point me to this MMO that is only single player and there's no multiplayer content.


Like, i don't even care anymore. In a world where some people believe the earth is flat, i am not surprised that people don't even understand what an mmo game is.

Multiplayer = more than one player.

Isolate what a multiplayer game is. Think. Then you can add even more players and an internet connection to get to the right answer.

But, i'm not payed to educate. I have said and it conforms with reality and that's that. Disagree all you want.


Before you misrepresent what i'm saying again, i will add that it doesn't mean there can't be solo content. But, the point is the multiplayer content. That is why the servers are there.

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Have pretty mixed feeling on Dantooine. I’m happy it finally made it into the game and I’m perfectly ok with it being a filler/ daily area like CZ-198, Oricon, etc but I don’t really like the layout of the map. For a farming planet it’s just too cluttered and too industrialized IMO, doesn’t really capture the feel from the original KOTOR games, also remove those ugly ships from the sky. The missions were ok but it wouldn’t be my first choice when I’m looking for a daily area to get a few credits.


The decorations in the rep vendor are pretty nice, would love a small/ mid size Dantooine stronghold. Not sure why they still have the low amount of rep gain though :/


Since Onderon and Dxun are coming now all we need is Kashyyyk which I hope will be a full sized planet some day. And maybe Telos? Would love to see the restoration 300 years later.

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This is wonderful. Please point me to this MMO that is only single player and there's no multiplayer content.




You are saying that the definition of an MMORPG mandates that Group Content is compulsory.


I have just shown that the definition shows no such thing.


All The Best

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Multiplayer = more than one player..


You are correct: Multiplayer = more than one player. It DOES NOT mean "group".


20,000 players all playing solo IS "more than one player".


This is basic English, I can't make it any easier to understand than this, but I understand that for a lot of SWTOR players English is not their first language so some of them may have difficulty grasping the finer points.


All The Best

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MMO players who don't like multiplayer content is fine, you should be able to do something when there aren't many people around, but to argue that all multiplayer content should be turned into solo content cause they are special cookies, well... sorry, but as the last 2 expansions showed, that is the death of the game.


The last 2 expansions didn't show that. The death of the game (if one want to call it like that) happened in 2012. That's when the original concept of Swtor being a MMORPG died. Everything that happened after the F2P transition is just trying to find ways to keep the game on life support somehow.


Since Mr. Kanneg took over, the focus shifted to group content. And where did this bring us? We don't have more players than during the 2 expansions you mentioned. In fact, numbers appear to go down and down and down. We already got the first threads stating that certain servers feel empty. And we only have 5 servers left! During the 2 expansions we had 15. These 15 were about as empty/full as the 5 we have now. So we have 10 server populations less now than in 2015/16.


"Play your way" is the right approach. But so far BW hasn't implemented this approach at all. Right now, we are all playing Mr. Kanneg's way.


For the record: People who want to play group content shall definitely get as much group content as they can. Same with solo players. Why both are forced to play the other way on Dantooine is beyond me though. Two separate weeklies is the easy solution. That they didn't do it like that is a choice they made on purpose. A choice to force players to group up, so that the metrics tell that people play group content. BW, split the weekly and then check your metrics. That's a better statistics.

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Is there someone sticking a gun to your head making you type "LFG all three heroics?" Is there a mission step prior to defeating Valkorion in KOTET chapter 9 that requires you to finish the Dantooine weekly? How exactly are you being "arm twisted" into doing anything in this game, let alone regarding Dantooine?




Its always sound financial practice to not spend money on things you don't enjoy. Enjoy your summer!


Well, you answered your question yourself: She is not enjoying what is being offered. For reasons which could easily be avoided by BW. And BW should know these reasons as they've done the same mistake(s) several times before. Now she is frustrated that there is no learning effect visible and she decides to not continue funding this game.


And THIS is a problem that everyone on this forum, in the game and especially at BW should understand.


Any player being lost is a player too much. It should be BW's main priority to minimise the player drop-out. And I don't see them doing that. Every time they add something to the game at the moment, they do it in such a way that some players are alienated. Remember the Conquest fiasco from last (?) year? No one asked for this revamp. And we lost a good amount of players because of it. Why did they do that? They forced Mr. Kanneg's preferred way of playing conquest on the players, no matter what.


Was there anyone complaining "Why are the heroic and solo weeklies separate on Ossus?" I don't think so. So why "fix" something that was not broken? Two weeklies. And the heroic weekly can give greater reward as an incentive. Then it would be 100% up to the player if they want to do the heroics or not.

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After playing some days and dooing the Dantooine Event-Quests. My opinion feels better then the first day! :rolleyes:


The positive ist that the German Server have enaugh people to do the Heroic Quests. And that too, mostly outside of the German Prime Time. And all Type of players are doing the Heroic Quests.

The Heroic Quests was good fun for me. The question is how long will the people do this.......


After playing some days i like the landscape and design of Dantooine fells better for me then the first day.

But i only have one time in the Loading Screen the original Dantooine Music. Sometime i have the KOTFE/KOTET Music. :rak_02:


Please Bioware can you do here something because of the Music?


Its nice that some Kodex Entrys had links to KOTOR 1/2.


Thanks for the nice Update Bioware!

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You are correct: Multiplayer = more than one player. It DOES NOT mean "group".


20,000 players all playing solo IS "more than one player".


This is basic English, I can't make it any easier to understand than this, but I understand that for a lot of SWTOR players English is not their first language so some of them may have difficulty grasping the finer points.


All The Best


Yes somtime it is hard to go to the details when you want something to explain in English. Or try to write more then usual ....... I think this make somethimes a lot more difficoult for English Speaking players to understand what not English speaking players want to tell.

When my English is not enough i help myself with google translator. :o

8 Years of School Englisch ist not enaugh.


And English is for me my Third Language, so managing 3 Languages is sometimes a littel bit exhausting :o

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