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Sith Marauders, you are not a tank!


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I would just like to point out marauders don't have a taunt. If the boss or mob is looking at them they probably need a guard. I'm not all together positive why mos tanks don't use a guard but they will out right refuse to guard sometimes. Just keep your guard out and taunt often, especially if you have a well geared marauder in your group.
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Or because the tank doesn't know the concept of gearing up or defensive CDs


Or perhaps the DPS let the healer eats the normal/strong adds and focusing on the Elites.



Or because the tank doesn't tank and the healer doesn't heal.


More often than not, wipes happen because of the tank not doing his job properly.

(If that was meant as a joke, then wooooooooooooooooosh to me)


or perhaps dont blame anyone at all and be happy:cool:

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I felt it insulting when people sat idly by waiting for me to "build aggro". I find it doubly insulting these days when a raid leader says "let the tank build aggro".

Every tank at every level has all the tools to keep aggro on anything. It might take a guard if there's a well geared player 5 or 6 level above yours, but that's all there is to it. Stop complaining about other people and start thinking about what you can do to make yourself better. A brain dead dps coming along for the ride in a flashpoint just makes it more fun (hard).

I also find it insulting when i dps. Why should i not do my job because the tank doesn't want to do his?

Edited by Kawabonga
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I felt it insulting when people sat idly by waiting for me to "build aggro". I find it doubly insulting these days when a raid leader says "let the tank build aggro".

Every tank at every level has all the tools to keep aggro on anything. It might take a guard if there's a well geared player 5 or 6 level above yours, but that's all there is to it. Stop complaining about other people and start thinking about what you can do to make yourself better. A brain dead dps coming along for the ride in a flashpoint just makes it more fun (hard).

I also find it insulting when i dps. Why should i not do my job because the tank doesn't want to do his?


This guy gets it.

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Charge+Smash+Aoe taunt + Sabre Reflect = Grouped Aggro'd.


Tanks can hold the aggro of Elites, Strongs + Trash for the amount of time it takes DPS classes to go through the kill order Trash>Strong>Elite. Jugg has to be the easyiest class to maintain aggro. If your DPS is really taking aggro from a target your both hitting, Guard him but it shouldn't really happen.


The biggest pain for me is other Juggs Q'n as DPS and playing in Soresu. Those special people.

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When you initiate a pull, you have (by default) aggro on everything for at least a few seconds. This is generally why you let the tank pull- it focus the damage on him/helps him round up aggro.


Also, dps need to be going after the weakest targets first. A dps being hit a few times by a normal/silver is nothing compared to them trying to tank a champion. Depending on how spread out the pull is as well, the tank might take 5 seconds or more to properly hit everything (to keep them off healer). In this timeframe dps will rip the power deadly mobs off the tank (who is protecting healer). To combat this, the dps attack the weakest and most spread out mobs first. That lone silver ranged mob off to the side? That's a perfect target to charge first. Use cloak of pain/saber ward and kill it dead!


Seriously though, to al lthe people talking about "arrogant tanks that don't like teamwork..." Its the arrogant ******* dps that don't care about teamwork and make the tank/healer's jobs harder that jump in early. How dare I, the arroagant tank, make you wait 5 WHOLE SECONDS for me to top off my health/let the healer catch up? THE NERVE!!!!

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How dare I, the arroagant tank, make you wait 5 WHOLE SECONDS for me to top off my health/let the healer catch up? THE NERVE!!!!

I've had that happen a few times now that I'm in to tanking 55 HMFPs. I'll stop before a mob to let the healer regenerate their heat/energy/force while I top off my health, and some impatient Mara will leap into the mob when the healer is at 1/3 resources. Then they wonder why they died. That crap irks me to no end. >_O

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When a Marauder hops out in front of me before I can get there because they are in a hurry, I don't bother taking aggro back from them. I just let him die and then take aggro.

I don't die from that.

Only thing that practically kills me is something with one-shot script.

Yes, I can off-tnk as Marauder.

What's heavy-big-slow-45535 problem with that ?

Yes, it won't work on the long term, but I saved many tanks and team mates by jumping into mobs or over-aggroing bosses.


And by playing smart, I will not die.

The Marauder benefits for 4 important defensive abilities that if timed correctly can let you actually tank for a while.

Getting more paranoid, and putting TNK mods into the gear actually makes things pretty interesting.


So yes, you can somewhat tank as Mara. Try this:

- be skilled enough to correctly use the abilities

- mod thy gear

- armor rating stims as even another defense mechanism.

- use obsf on non-boss targets

- use prd as an opener


Regarding the defensive abilities, just sync them to cover an interval as large as possible, but in the same time consider the CDs. I personally prefer the CoP, FC, S, U order with U as final immortality solution.


Regarding equipment: d-rating all the way, since shield rating is useless.


So if you true tanks have too many utility points on arrogance, I'm sure we can setup a challenge to prove my concept.

Edited by Overmind
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Let them die. As often as it takes. They'll get the picture eventually. And trust me healers don't like healing the special ed, either. Just wisper your healer to not heal the moron if he pulls.

This is true. anyone who doesn't get it is either stupid or not trying to understand it. it has been going on since early beta and it won't change.

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