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Which new companions are worth leveling to 50


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I have Shea and Lana at 50 and they are both really good but I want to level up a few others. I play Arsenal Merc so I use tanks and healer the most, so which other companions do you recommend?

Any one that floats yer boat. Other than the fact that some companions are "melee" and some are "ranged", there's no real substantial difference between them**.

I know, some people will swear that some companion is better than others, but it's basically not true. Most of the time it's just the result of luck and confirmation bias.


It's best - IMHO - to have at least 1 melee companion (level 50) and 1 ranged companion (level 50) for when circumstances make one or the other work better - depending upon things like, AOEs, etc.


But, other than that, use whatever companion you like.


** That is to say, there may be some minor differences between them output-wise, but never enough to make any real difference "in the field".

Edited by JediQuaker
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The best Tank companion currently is the Nathema Beast.


Source? It’s not in KevMeUp’s thread.


It used to be Lokin because his gap closer has no cooldown, but he also doesn’t have any taunts, so now basically it’s recommended to have a melee dps comp.


OP, if you only have the time, credits, and/or patience to level up one companion to rank 50, then I would recommend one of the following:

  1. Veeroa Denz from the Nar Shaddaa Star Fortress
  2. Master Ranos, the reward from the DvL event
  3. Ashara Zavros, if you are a Sith Inquisitor
  4. Any other 2 handed melee companion that I’m forgetting other than the lookalike dread Master droid companion since it’s bugged


That way you have an effective companion in all scenarios. It’s not going to be ideal for every trinity role, but with ranged companion AI being bugged and ranged comps sometimes forgetting to follow you/heal you/shoot at stuff, your best bet is to stick with a melee dual wielder. KevMeUp’s testing on Shae Vizla as the best DPS, for example, was all before ranged comp AI broke in 5.9.something. Those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.

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  • 1 year later...
As a solo player it really does not make much difference to me.


As for crew skill missions the answer is none. A level 50 fails just as much as a level 1. The only real difference is the time it takes to complete the mission.


The time difference between the different levels is huge and the level 50 has a better chance of critting in regards to crew skill missions. Crafting items on the other hand is very important to have level 50's. They crafter faster, crit more and larger chance of augment slots. If youre end game crafting, I highly recommend only doing it with your level 50 companions.


To OP: Hexid is melee but a decent healer and dps. Shae is my go to on all my toons, but you already mentioned you have her maxed out. Probe droid is the best healer out of the droids. Torian is good at dps as well. Ill concur with the others on Lokin (frankly he is just a lot of fun). I also love me some Khem Val for tanking and dps. There are a lot of fun companions that make witty or not so witty comments as you plunge through content. They are all decent enough to carry you through most content. I highly recommend going through the list and call them to duty for a bit of play time each and see if you like one over the others.


Best of luck! :rak_03:

PSS: you could also be like me and have 9 level 50's on one toon. :rak_03:

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