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Welcome to Dantooine on PTS!


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Hi folks!

We’ll be bringing up PTS later today with the Pirate Incursion event, set on the planet Dantooine. For this round, the event will be active, so you’ll be contending with vicious Nova Blade pirates as well as enemies from your rival faction while you explore the new event area.


Some stuff to know going in:

  • The storyline wrapper for the event is hooked up, but the cinematics definitely aren’t. They’ll have cinematics at launch! (There will also be a few other little story tidbits in 5.10.3 that we haven't announced yet ;) )
  • While the event version of Dantooine is chaotic and war-torn, the planet will be more peaceful and pastoral when the event isn’t active. So if you were looking forward to a more chilled-out Dantooine experience, be sure to also check it out later when the event isn’t running! There will still be a couple of small activities and secrets to check out when it’s in that state, but the bulk of the Dantooine missions have been built for the event.
  • I know a lot of folks are hoping to visit the Jedi Enclave, which won’t be accessible as a part of this update. I didn’t feel like that location was a good fit for this kind of event (also, we just went to a Jedi ruin in the last story update) so we’ve held it back for the time being. That said, while I have some ideas for how to use it in the future, I’m interested in hearing what y’all think: would you want to see it added as part of the event later? Used for some other kind of story content? Crazy idea: Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold? Let us know what you think would be cool :)


How to access Dantooine once you’ve loaded into PTS:

  • Open your galaxy map.
  • Locate Dantooine – it’s in the north-northeast area, a bit above Taris.
  • Travel there!


Enjoy your visit to Dantooine and be sure to give us your feedback on the PTS forum!

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Used for some other kind of story content?


I would really like to have a flashpoint in Runied Jedi Enclave.


It was kinda flashpoint~ish area in KotOR2, so why not make it so again? Especially, if flashpoints would be relevant towards gearing in 6.0

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Crazy idea: Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold?


I could definitely go for a Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold so long as it's not in too much of a state of ruin and it has space that is conducive to living quarters. More Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa with multiple separate rooms and less Yavin with big temples. If you could do a layout like what we saw in KotOR 1 or 2, or perhaps combine the two, with the interior and exterior spaces that would work. Perhaps a way you could do it to keep that ruin feel is as you unlock areas it clears away rubble to open those areas in the same way that unlocking a door opens that area in other strongholds.

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Hi folks!

Crazy idea: Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold? Let us know what you think would be cool :)



Enjoy your visit to Dantooine and be sure to give us your feedback on the PTS forum!


I definitely could go for a jedi enclave ruinsstronghold to complement the yavin 4 one

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If possible, it would have been fun if you did just as you did with Umbara Train Stronghold before, that you have to go through a certain Flashpoint belonging to the planetary story or story for Jedi Enclave ruin Stronghold to unlock it.

I would have liked to see it as a kind of copy of Yavin Four but with more theme for Jedi and Republic of course.

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Hi folks!

We’ll be bringing up PTS later today with the Pirate Incursion event, set on the planet Dantooine. For this round, the event will be active, so you’ll be contending with vicious Nova Blade pirates as well as enemies from your rival faction while you explore the new event area.


Some stuff to know going in:

  • The storyline wrapper for the event is hooked up, but the cinematics definitely aren’t. They’ll have cinematics at launch! (There will also be a few other little story tidbits in 5.10.3 that we haven't announced yet ;) )
  • While the event version of Dantooine is chaotic and war-torn, the planet will be more peaceful and pastoral when the event isn’t active. So if you were looking forward to a more chilled-out Dantooine experience, be sure to also check it out later when the event isn’t running! There will still be a couple of small activities and secrets to check out when it’s in that state, but the bulk of the Dantooine missions have been built for the event.
  • I know a lot of folks are hoping to visit the Jedi Enclave, which won’t be accessible as a part of this update. I didn’t feel like that location was a good fit for this kind of event (also, we just went to a Jedi ruin in the last story update) so we’ve held it back for the time being. That said, while I have some ideas for how to use it in the future, I’m interested in hearing what y’all think: would you want to see it added as part of the event later? Used for some other kind of story content? Crazy idea: Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold? Let us know what you think would be cool :)


How to access Dantooine once you’ve loaded into PTS:

  • Open your galaxy map.
  • Locate Dantooine – it’s in the north-northeast area, a bit above Taris.
  • Travel there!


Enjoy your visit to Dantooine and be sure to give us your feedback on the PTS forum!


Let's be real here, make the Jedi Enclave SH. Lol


You know it, we know it, it is going to be in high demand. Please give us something of nostalgia that will be great to experience with swtor characters.


The thing with Ossus, Soooooooooo many NPC's that we can't just enjoy the locations. Give us a dantooine SH. The ruins of the Enclave will be huge, Charles.


Hope to see it before the expansion

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I .... Perhaps a way you could do it to keep that ruin feel is as you unlock areas it clears away rubble to open those areas in the same way that unlocking a door opens that area in other strongholds.


I was thinking along similar lines. To unlock rooms or improve the quality of the existing rooms, instead of paying cartel coins/credits, complete on-planet quests or build faction with local, native populace (or your inherent faction). Could have a jedi themed SH on Dantooine and/or a sith themed SH on Nathema.

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Hi folks!

We’ll be bringing up PTS later today with the Pirate Incursion event, set on the planet Dantooine. For this round, the event will be active, so you’ll be contending with vicious Nova Blade pirates as well as enemies from your rival faction while you explore the new event area.


Some stuff to know going in:

  • The storyline wrapper for the event is hooked up, but the cinematics definitely aren’t. They’ll have cinematics at launch! (There will also be a few other little story tidbits in 5.10.3 that we haven't announced yet ;) )
  • While the event version of Dantooine is chaotic and war-torn, the planet will be more peaceful and pastoral when the event isn’t active. So if you were looking forward to a more chilled-out Dantooine experience, be sure to also check it out later when the event isn’t running! There will still be a couple of small activities and secrets to check out when it’s in that state, but the bulk of the Dantooine missions have been built for the event.
  • I know a lot of folks are hoping to visit the Jedi Enclave, which won’t be accessible as a part of this update. I didn’t feel like that location was a good fit for this kind of event (also, we just went to a Jedi ruin in the last story update) so we’ve held it back for the time being. That said, while I have some ideas for how to use it in the future, I’m interested in hearing what y’all think: would you want to see it added as part of the event later? Used for some other kind of story content? Crazy idea: Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold? Let us know what you think would be cool :)


How to access Dantooine once you’ve loaded into PTS:

  • Open your galaxy map.
  • Locate Dantooine – it’s in the north-northeast area, a bit above Taris.
  • Travel there!


Enjoy your visit to Dantooine and be sure to give us your feedback on the PTS forum!


A Jedi Enclave would be great as it would give me a place to actually make a Jedi Stronghold. Yavin is more suited for the sith so this would be nice for the Jedi, just one comment not as much junk as you guys did with Rishi (I don't consider statutes junk). Leave places for us to decorate. Make some rooms so we can make libraries, places for padawans to sleep, council room. I could go on but I think you understand. Some open spaces are okay but too many without a way to make a room no.

Edited by casirabit
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If possible, it would have been fun if you did just as you did with Umbara Train Stronghold before, that you have to go through a certain Flashpoint belonging to the planetary story or story for Jedi Enclave ruin Stronghold to unlock it.

I would have liked to see it as a kind of copy of Yavin Four but with more theme for Jedi and Republic of course.


Oh let's not. Doing that flashpoint over and over on one toon was a headache. It it was legacy wide maybe but the one with Umbarra was not legacy wide and there were a number of people that didn't like that not just me.

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How about this for a bananas idea:


What about Jedi enclave ruins that are for a flashpoint, and upon successful completion of said flashpoint, you are granted access to dantooine Jedi enclave ruins stronghold, which is exactly the same as the flash point you just ran to get it?


I think that would be pretty cool.

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Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold? Sounds great to me! But if y'all go that route, I hope you take full advantage of it being on Dantooine by including an area of its majestic fields, rolling plains, and tranquil rivers and waterfalls. I'd hope to explore a bit outside the Enclave and get the full Dantooine experience.


Awesome idea I think. Thanks Charles, and looking forward to the event!

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Hi folks!


  • [*
  • I know a lot of folks are hoping to visit the Jedi Enclave, which won’t be accessible as a part of this update. I didn’t feel like that location was a good fit for this kind of event (also, we just went to a Jedi ruin in the last story update) so we’ve held it back for the time being. That said, while I have some ideas for how to use it in the future, I’m interested in hearing what y’all think: would you want to see it added as part of the event later? Used for some other kind of story content? Crazy idea: Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold? Let us know what you think would be cool :)


How to access Dantooine once you’ve loaded into PTS:

  • Open your galaxy map.
  • Locate Dantooine – it’s in the north-northeast area, a bit above Taris.
  • Travel there!


Enjoy your visit to Dantooine and be sure to give us your feedback on the PTS forum!

I conflicted I do want a Iedi enclave stronghold, however I do want the Jedi enclave to have something story related. If it's possible I would prefer both. If not then I suggest stronghold.

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I’m interested in hearing what y’all think: would you want to see it added as part of the event later? Used for some other kind of story content? Crazy idea: Jedi Enclave ruins stronghold? Let us know what you think would be cool :)

I would like to visit the enclave later in story content and gain a jedi stronghold there. :) I'm greedy that way. :D

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In some ways I agree with the others here who have expressed an interest in the Enclave being a flashpoint, and I do like the idea that one other proposed to make the unlock similar to the Umbara stronghold (but only if the currency is legacy wide), but I'd also like to see something done with the ancient Rakatan ruin that housed the star map. I think that would also make an interesting place for a flashpoint. Same with the crystal cave. I'm a little torn between whether I'd rather those be flashpoint areas, heroics, or open areas. Edited by ceryxp
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