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Everything posted by RaanJassa

  1. I am going to do one more thing in addition to what others have posted here. I'm going to write down all of the current utilities my toons have since they are changing that format.
  2. As far as I'm concerned, Tau can meet her end by drowning in a lake of fire, but a Gault/Gus combo...there ya' go.
  3. In the Star Wars movies, force users have the ability to deflect blaster shots and potentially redirect them at a target, This is a game of course, so all the shots can not be deflected/redirected, but it does feel like it should be more common. I personally feel all the force user classes should have some ability to do this, with melee being able to do it more often than rdps /healers, and the tanks more often than melee. However, I have to post this someplace, and it makes more sense to post this in the tanking section than anywhere else, so.... I also realize the Guard/Juggs/Shadws/Sins have an ability that can be used over a short time which deflects 100%. I'm not proposing anything that will minimize nor negate those abilities, I propose 2/4/6 bonuses that do the following: - 2 set bonus that has an increase X% chance to deflect white damage and a smaller y% increase to redirect back to the target, - 4 set bonus that has an increase X% chance to deflect special damage and a smaller y% increase to redirect back to the target, - 6 set bonus that has an increase X% chance to deflect AoE damage and a smaller y% increase to redirect back to the target,
  4. I would too. I know will sound OP, but Musco did say we should go crazy and that the team could balance it out. So, I propose a scoping tactical item that allows Marksman/Sharpshooters (or any sniper really) the ability to scope out like a GSF gunship/or the Macobinoculars to just hit a target at extreme range. The sniper/slinger would have to actually score a hit on a target as the GSF gunship does. I think the sniper would then feel like an actual sniper. I also think this would add more tactical complexity to fights . Both sides would have snipers/gunslingers with this ability to even out pvp play (in theory, barring matchup mixtures), AND of course you know the devs would implement interesting enemies to fight against in pve.
  5. Apparently none of us are going to watch it.
  6. I was thinking along similar lines. To unlock rooms or improve the quality of the existing rooms, instead of paying cartel coins/credits, complete on-planet quests or build faction with local, native populace (or your inherent faction). Could have a jedi themed SH on Dantooine and/or a sith themed SH on Nathema.
  7. I do think the Jedi who 'marry' should be banned from the order. Dark side points? No, but they should be forced to leave. Something along the lines of, "Gratulations on your wedding. The ceremony was beautiful. We'll miss you at the order, but best of luck in your new life,. Wish you the best." The Jedi are a religious order. They do believe in love and don't mind people leaving their order to pursue other careers or families, but like all orders they have tenants. Abide by the tenants, stay in the order. Don't choose to follow the bylaws; well, best of luck in your new life. And this particular tenant, the idea of no attachments, has a valid reason. Love interests/attachments can lead to a conflict of interests which the Jedi order wouldn't want you to be in a position to face. Imagine if the Jaxo story has been a Jedi one instead of a Trooper one....and she had been an actual LI companion. Would saving Jaxo been appropriate for a Jedi? Would that have earned Darkside points? Probably not, but definitely would have been appropriate for the order to censure you or ask you to leave.
  8. I've enjoyed playing GSF, but I'm an average (maybe even below average) player. I don't have the experience many others have, so I won't talk about components or ships....too many good players have already stated the weakness of strikes or the OPness of gunships/bombers, etc. I'll state my one pet peeve: My experience has been that GSF does not feel like a STAR WARS space battle. Ships stop to fight. Actually stop. I remember scenes in the films where an imperial turret commander says to another naval office "they are coming in too fast in small personal fighters; we can't target them" (paraphrasing) or a rebel yelling 'they're coming in too fast." No one stopped to get a shot or lay a mine, That was death. Although I have mastered my gunship, it doesn't feel right to stop and snipe during a dog fight (even though I'm on the edge of the brawl). Maybe weapon lock-on times could have an inverse ratio to the speed of the target. Slower you go, the quicker the enemy can lock a missile/torpedo or smaller the tracking penalty.
  9. I wonder if Valk and Senya had a 4th child? And the real reason Senya left the family was to go "rescue" that child? Just thinking out loud...
  10. Especially looking for raid healers (yeah, I know, who isn't.)
  11. Apparently the Companions are fighting back.
  12. Ambition is looking for healers. Contact Wräyth (the ä is alt-0228) to check them out.
  13. We don't know this IS Revan. All we truly know is there is a person behind a mask that claims to be Revan. Maybe is, maybe not. More than one person would love to have power over the Revanites for their personal cause.
  14. So, how long before we start seeing BH's named, 'Saint' or 'Whodat' ?
  15. My trooper, Brodi, is an Armstech. I think he is in the mid-200s/400. He is on Corellian Run.
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