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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cheating in warzones?


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So... last night and today i believe i have seen cheating on warzones.


This goes in the form of a one-shot called "Kill" that does 0 damage.


The death message goes like "Defeated by with Kill (0 damage)". I didn't hide the name, that is the actual message.


I know for sure that last night's was a cheat cause it was in response of planting the explosive in a door (voidstar), me and another guy were one-shot by an assassin when we were max health with their AoE move used once. He was the only enemy there, so it was 100% a cheat and i reported it.


So... it's out there and it's rampant. Have you guys experienced this as well? This will break PvP completely if action isn't taken soon.

Edited by Nemmar
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So... last night and today i believe i have seen cheating on warzones.


This goes in the form of a one-shot called "Kill" that does 0 damage.


The death message goes like "Defeated by with Kill (0 damage)". I didn't hide the name, that is the actual message.


I know for sure that last night's was a cheat cause it was in response of planting the explosive in a door (voidstar), me and another guy were one-shot by an assassin when we were max health with their AoE move used once. He was the only enemy there, so it was 100% a cheat and i reported it.


So... it's out there and it's rampant. Have you guys experienced this as well? This will break PvP completely if action isn't taken soon.


Oh boi what have you done?!!!! Im sure thats a problem related to playing from the Fiji Islands or something...


Can someone with a Gship summon TRIXXIE to this thread ???

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Erm... is something wrong with you?


I have 33ms. Maybe i should have mentioned i am on Darth Malgus server. What does it have to do with anything? Who knows! Sounds like some american insult of sorts that passes me by. :o

Edited by Nemmar
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Hi :D


Hey! How'd you get a response in that was less than 5 chars!? You HAXCER! I suppose the space, the ':' and the "D" might have all counted as separate chars, but what I see on the screen is only THREE chars, so at the very least it's an exploit. Reported! :p


Oh, for the original poster... I haven't seen any hack/bug like you describe. I doubt it signals the end of PvP as we know it... in fact, it sounds a lot more like "the continuation of PvP as we know it". Plenty of bugs, exploits, cheaters, etc. If you reported it with good details, that's the best you can do really.

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The death message goes like "Defeated by with Kill (0 damage)". I didn't hide the name, that is the actual message.



I’ve seen this message many times over the years. It’s usually associated with dying from falling, dying in a pvp trap, using /stuck.... and many other reasons including falling through the map and the game bugging out.


I think “kill (0 damage)” is the default when the system can’t work out what killed you.


Someone actually posted a similar image on reddit of their companion dying from “0 damage”, but it seems to have disappeared, so I can’t link it.


I would suggest that you got this message because the chat system couldn’t report what killed you.

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I’ve seen this message many times over the years. It’s usually associated with dying from falling, dying in a pvp trap, using /stuck.... and many other reasons including falling through the map and the game bugging out.


I think “kill (0 damage)” is the default when the system can’t work out what killed you.


Someone actually posted a similar image on reddit of their companion dying from “0 damage”, but it seems to have disappeared, so I can’t link it.


I would suggest that you got this message because the chat system couldn’t report what killed you.


Once I got that message while using phasewalk on Corellia Square. It just instantly killed me as soon as I teleported. I think maybe it was because my phase was placed partially inside of a wall? I don't know, but there are probably other weird circumstances that can cause the game to just kill you.

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I’ve seen this message many times over the years. It’s usually associated with dying from falling, dying in a pvp trap, using /stuck.... and many other reasons including falling through the map and the game bugging out.


I think “kill (0 damage)” is the default when the system can’t work out what killed you.


Someone actually posted a similar image on reddit of their companion dying from “0 damage”, but it seems to have disappeared, so I can’t link it.


I would suggest that you got this message because the chat system couldn’t report what killed you.


Yes, but in this case there was no fall damage or trap. Literally happened in front on the voidstar door after planting the bomb. It wasn't the act of planting the bomb, in case you are wondering cause we were there defending it after it was planted. It was the Assassin AoE that 1 shot us.


That the chat couldn't figure it out it was clear, because it was a cheat.


Unless you can show me a sith assassin doing one spin AoE and one shotting 2 players at full HP, then it is a cheat. I wasn't the only one in the WZ that noticed it, btw. He was spamming it a lot, not a care about getting caught.


Got insta kill on VS planting bomb too, however, on other char this morning companion got insta-dead after doing shuttle-teleport.

Guess they made some new bug on server which randomly kills.


I would be happier if it was a server issue, but i know it wasn't cause he kept using it throughout the WZ.


Also, let's not confuse this with random bugs in the out world. This is specifically in warzones and it's no loading in bug or anything. It literally just happened yesterday and today to me. The rest of the day i didn't encounter more cheaters. I imagine a premade was running this cheat and they spammed warzones for a few hours before stopping.

But hey... i'd be thrilled if it was a bug, cause it can be fixed. Given how swtor bots and cheats are out there, it seems more likely to be the case though.

Edited by Nemmar
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Yes, but in this case there was no fall damage or trap. Literally happened in front on the voidstar door after planting the bomb. It wasn't the act of planting the bomb, in case you are wondering cause we were there defending it after it was planted. It was the Assassin AoE that 1 shot us.


That the chat couldn't figure it out it was clear, because it was a cheat.


Unless you can show me a sith assassin doing one spin AoE and one shotting 2 players at full HP, then it is a cheat. I wasn't the only one in the WZ that noticed it, btw. He was spamming it a lot, not a care about getting caught.


I would be happier if it was a server issue, but i know it wasn't cause he kept using it throughout the WZ. His name was D*** ********* btw.


Also, let's not confuse this with random bugs in the out world. This is specifically in warzones and it's no loading in bug or anything. It literally just happened yesterday and today to me. The rest of the day i didn't encounter more cheaters. I imagine a premade was running this cheat and they spammed warzones for a few hours before stopping.

But hey... i'd be thrilled if it was a bug, cause it can be fixed. Given how swtor bots and cheats are out there, it seems more likely to be the case though.


Let’s assume it’s a bug for now until you see it happen again. If it is a cheater, then it will spread around to those who cheat. These things never stay isolated to one person because people who find or develop the cheats usually sell them for money or tell others on discord.


FYI, I’d edit out that player name (like I have). It’s against the TOS to name players for cheating on the forums. If you leave it, the post and thread will probably disappear.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Hey so if I am correct, this is a voidstar that my friend and I were in last night as well. I will first start off by saying that I am a ranked player so I personally do not care about objectives, just numbers (I'm a retired objective player. Lock me up). My point for saying this is that I'm not biased on the subject because I was on this gentleman's team. Also, I hate the people who just assume everything is a hack in PvP, but in reality, they are just not as skilled as they believe themselves to be. Anyways, this was a clear hack, I do have to say. Edited by ClayFa
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Hey so if I am correct, this is a voidstar that my friend and I were in last night as well. I will first start off by saying that I am a ranked player so I personally do not care about objectives, just numbers (I'm a retired objective player. Lock me up). My point for saying this is that I'm not biased on the subject because I was on this gentleman's team. Also, I hate the people who just assume everything is a hack in PvP, but in reality, they are just not as skilled as they believe themselves to be. Anyways, this was a clear hack, I do have to say.


Well, there you go. I guess there might be another new hack about. Just report them and keep an eye out for others.

I’m sure it won’t be long till it appears in ranked if the hack is shared around. People will only care if it makes it into ranked.

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So... last night and today i believe i have seen cheating on warzones.


This goes in the form of a one-shot called "Kill" that does 0 damage.


The death message goes like "Defeated by with Kill (0 damage)". I didn't hide the name, that is the actual message.


I know for sure that last night's was a cheat cause it was in response of planting the explosive in a door (voidstar), me and another guy were one-shot by an assassin when we were max health with their AoE move used once. He was the only enemy there, so it was 100% a cheat and i reported it.


So... it's out there and it's rampant. Have you guys experienced this as well? This will break PvP completely if action isn't taken soon.

It must be a bug. I'll explain.

I freaked out too. It happened to me in a Civil War on grass. I was killed instantly with 85% HP. I took a SS and saved last 5min of video. Looked at it, and while viewing it I got another WZ pop. In that WZ I killed 2 people on the "Relic" node and the same "Defeated by with Kill (0 damage)" popped up with their names.

BW will get a ton of these soon I guess and it's sad because new expansion sounds SooooooGoood!!


BUT to OP and all...it's a BUG and you will soon experience it.

Edited by MerriwxOne
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Its a bug, and you can make it happen it by pushing ppl into map geometry, but at that point it could be considered an exploit and bioware has been more active about pvp cheating so I wouldnt recommend trying it.


Seems they fixed issues when you could stop node takers over broken geometry (I reported couple), but...that added unexpected behavior - u're killed if somebody else pushes you ? :D


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100% repeatable without any payed exploits.

Just push into door VS at 90 degree about (perpendicular). For example when somebody plants bomb - insta kill.

Reports sent.

Edited by alexzk
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Yep. Saw this done to me twice in a row in a VS just now. Either very unlucky or I guess people have learned to do it on purpose now. Made for a "great" one and only matched I even bothered with today. I love that bioware fixes deco placements in strongholds in a day, but actual combat bugs just go on and on, like the energizer bunny. :rolleyes:


Well, I guess deco ppl buy cartel market things. (Real) money talks. I wonder if we can gear up in 6.0 by decorating strongholds? :p

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So far it is only happening to me in VS while being on the Attacking side of the match, if you try to plant the door then get knocked back or pushed back towards the door you will blow up instantly and die. Same thing at the bridge area if you land against the barrier or even on the bridge, you will die if you get knock or pushed back, even if you do not fall. This is only happening to the Attacking side, nothing happens to the Defenders and its a bug, happening since probably the update.
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It sounds like the anti hack feature is bugged. You know, the one that is supposed to instant kill you if you try to phase through the door or bridge shield in VS.


It would seem that if you get blown into one of those areas, it instant kills you because it thinks you were trying to do something illegal.


On the flip side. It’s also bugged in a different way in Yavin.


I leapt to an enemy near the side turret stairs and fell through the stairs. I ended up getting stuck underneath them and couldn’t get out. It was like hiding under a framed bed because I was lying down.

This has happened to me before, but when they added the anti hack measures last year, it would instant kill me if it bugged out like this.

Now it seems it’s bugged or turned off. Which makes sense as I’ve seen people phasing through walls again in Civil War to escape getting hit or to cap nodes.

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It sounds like the anti hack feature is bugged. You know, the one that is supposed to instant kill you if you try to phase through the door or bridge shield in VS.


Ah, that make sense. Yeah, I've also only had it happen to me when I was on the attacker side, and only since the latest patch. So, given that, I think I found it. There was only one thing I saw in the patch notes that had anything to do with "clipping"...


Hair will no longer clip through a variety of Tier helmets which players can purchase on Ossus.


So they must have broken the the hacker clipping detection when they fixed hair clipping.


Damn you hair clipping! DAMN YOU!!!!!!


Oh wait! Maybe it only happens to characters with specific hair styles! Has anyone tested that? :p

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Operatives can start huttball before actual WZ started (i.e. everybody await locked).

Saw 1 did that, sent bug report. Will not tell here details yet, except it involves "killed 0" too.


That's great. Players have been complaining for ages that "cry cry, operatives can SINGLE-HANDEDLY win huttball!!!" So I guess bioware just decided to make it actually true. :D



But, of course, only the ones with good hair, see above. :p


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