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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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You're missing the point if you think MMOs are all about stats. Sure, stats help, but we're all doing this to make a cool looking character, no doubt about it.


If they made the items all look the same and just have better stats, the game would completely fail. Unfortunately, since we're dealing with lightsabers here, there aren't many cosmetic changes they can make outside of the color.


They have to make sure that the cheese at the end of the stick is worth going after, or no one will play anymore, and you will be on an empty server with your cool purple lightsaber.


When everyone looks cool, looking dorky will be the new cool.


Something is not cool just because you're the only one who can have it.


If I could buy a Lamborghini for $5000, I'd still want one. Only wanting something because it's rare is a bit silly. Being jealous over something you can't have is understandable, though.

Edited by EJedi
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yeah that :cool:


Yeah. I mean nobody, and I mean nobody, enjoys the social and mechanical/achievement aspect of raiding... at all. Raiding is the most poorly designed idea for an endgame in an MMO that I have ever heard of. I mean, I know there's already raid-only gear drops, but come on... if lightsaber colour crystals aren't a raid-only drop nobody will raid! Bioware, you will kill this game if you allow people to customize their lightsaber colour crystals without raiding!

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Hats off to BioWare for recognizing that character customization is one of the things that make games "sticky," and for (hopefully) not giving in to the one percent.


Lol 1%... I guarantee you, right now, you are in the 1%.


Calling raiders 1% is an over used, over generalized bag of trash.

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I think I get what he is trying to say. Some people may join guilds just to raid to get what they need. However, more than not we find many guild fail to work as a team, end up having "select players they will run things with, "oh im the guild leader and a tank, so ill bring dps and healing" thus other tanks in the guild never learn nor get the chance at something like a purple crystal. Also some servers just dont have the manpower and by the time they will, alot of us 50's who are here will be over the game already. So in a sence I can see the frustration. In the end I think you have to ask yourself, if I have to join a decent guild to raid, and I get the chance to maybe find one, how many other saber wielders will be in this run? This drop might be a 1 in 100 runs drop, and say 10 people want it and your low man on the totem pole. Are you willing to hang around for the next couple years to get that drop?
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Lol 1%... I guarantee you, right now, you are in the 1%.


Calling raiders 1% is an over used, over generalized bag of trash.


Unfortunately, this.


SW:TOR is in an interesting situation -- they have attracted a large fan base of non-MMO players due to the SW license. And a large portion of the MMO players that are playing SW:TOR are coming from modern WoW, a game that has abandoned most of what makes an MMO an MMO.


I cannot blame MMO purists for being frustrated at this situations...they are used to putting in effort to accomplish something, to gain a reward that can only be attained through that effort. This is why so many have quit WoW, and are continuing to quit. I'm not making that up, feel free to do your own research.


However, Bioware made it clear that they were trying something 'new' with the MMO genre in creating a story-centric experience. So I personally have set aside my expectations. I think others should as well. We will have our carrot-on-a-stick, our reward for extra effort that is what makes raiding attractive.


But I doubt it will be something like simple customization, in a story MMO where customization reflects the character you choose to play through that story. Honestly, this is kind of like telling people they have to raid to get a specific haircut. It's a little silly.

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Just to add to the feedback. If I were going to design how crystals worked, I would make truly unique ones that require several resources from several places to make the rare ones. If one of the required items were raid dropped, it would be a BoE so it could be sold. There would be pieces that require quests etc.


Additionally, I would make a palette UI for crafters. The code for the crystals themselves is already in place, if it was done correctly then it should be extendable to use custom colors wherever they may come from.


Lastly, stats should be separate from the crystal itself. Add another slot to the lightsaber objects and make that the stat slot. While that is likely a great deal of code, the colors should be cosmetic and for the enjoyment of the community. We shouldn't have to use a certain color because it has better stats.


I plan on buying a razer mouse to get a color crystal. I bought the collectors edition for a color crystal. The devs should be well aware by now how iconic the crystals are and what role they play in Star Wars.

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I think purple is a good color to have be rare. For those that care to do some reading:


History, Shellfish, Royalty, and the Color Purple - Paper, Film & Foil Converter


Purple, the Fake Color


The first article states -


Rome, Egypt, and Persia all used purple as the imperial standard. Purple dyes were rare and expensive; only the rich had access to them.


If I'm correct I believe purple has been a distinguished color throughout history as well. My dad refers to purple as "God's favorite color" because purple is most commonly associated with wealth and power as well as being a high-class, covetous color. It might not mean much to us Americans and say that it's just another color, but the second article I linked talks about the uniqueness of purple.


Again, I think BioWare did a good job at making purple extremely rare and hard to retrieve because it gives the bizarre color a realistic manifestation in the Star Wars world. If you look at the spectrum of visible light in the second link it shows all the easy to find crafted colors (I don't know about cyan since I'm still a low level artifice/archealogist.) In case you didn't notice - there is no purple.


For those that don't want to raid for the purple color crystal, I get it. Personally, it adds a whole new dimension to the game to make certain "luxury" items and appearances rarer than others which is why PvPers and Raiders have to work for their specialized equipment. That's also what purple represents in various cultures and history - a valuable and rare color exclusive to the prestigious and rich.


Purple is an exceptionally unique color and BioWare has recognized this. Kudos to them!

Edited by Oawe
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I'm going to say this... I want a purple lightsaber bad enough to kill a baby Jawa. However, I feel the rarity of the purple crystal makes it more appealing to obtain. In this regard I wish there were another way to obtain one, that way that casual players can get them without killing a hard world or OPS Boss.


Am I saying make the crystal easy to get? No


Am I saying give non-raiding (I mean OPS) the opportunity to get one. Make it difficult in terms of money spent and time invested. Not in terms of capability to find a group, etc.


Although I have to say, the process to get the purple crystal is pretty awesome.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


there is a path. participate in the multiplayer portion of the MMO. Or go without.

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Damn Samuel L. Jackson and his extravagant requests. That's the only reason this colour exists anyways. It's not a true Star Wars colour. :D


I had to log in. I see this being said all the time, and it's driving me bonkers.


Mace Windu was not the first to have a purple saber in lore. He is not the only one. Timeline wise, yes. But in time-of-writing-line, no.


Jaina Solo (daughter of Han and Leia Solo as I'm sure we all know) grew her own crystals when she constructed her lightsaber. The book where this occurred was written long before the prequels had graced theaters. Before Mace Windu, and Sammy Jackson's request. The crystal was a purple hue. Probably on the order of amethyst. Whether she still uses it now, I have honestly forgotten. Can't be bothered to check the 'pedia, but there you go.


The reason I want a purple saber? Jaina. She has been a favorite character of mine for a very long time. Mace Windu has nothing to do with it.


Source: Young Jedi Knights Volume 4: Lightsabers


Yeah, yeah, Kevin J. Anderson. But it's there. And movieonly! doesn't apply here, as the explanation for Mace's own saber color is only found in the EU.

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Hey guys,


Thanks for the thoughtful and well articulated feedback. We're going to re-discuss this topic internally and see what we can come up with. I wouldn't expect any short term changes on this as we've got a lot of stuff in the pipe right now, but I wanted to let you know that we have taken note of the feedback given in this thread.


-- Georg


I'm so glad you guys have finally taken note of this! It's important to allot of players to be able to obtain true purple without having to be empire and do PVP. Thank you Bioware! Now I hope you do act on it.

Edited by MasterZionosis
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I had to log in. I see this being said all the time, and it's driving me bonkers.


Mace Windu was not the first to have a purple saber in lore. He is not the only one. Timeline wise, yes. But in time-of-writing-line, no.


Jaina Solo (daughter of Han and Leia Solo as I'm sure we all know) grew her own crystals when she constructed her lightsaber. The book where this occurred was written long before the prequels had graced theaters. Before Mace Windu, and Sammy Jackson's request. The crystal was a purple hue. Probably on the order of amethyst. Whether she still uses it now, I have honestly forgotten. Can't be bothered to check the 'pedia, but there you go.


The reason I want a purple saber? Jaina. She has been a favorite character of mine for a very long time. Mace Windu has nothing to do with it.


Source: Young Jedi Knights Volume 4: Lightsabers


Yeah, yeah, Kevin J. Anderson. But it's there. And movieonly! doesn't apply here, as the explanation for Mace's own saber color is only found in the EU.


Mara Jade also comes to mind.

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id like all the colors to be available to those who put the time and energy into mastering their lightsaber crafting ability, even if you had hard to get materials

the problem with that; the market is flooded by artifices selling the cool colored crystals, so it kinda defeats the purpose


so personally i think that all the plain colors should be available from the second world, some should be rare to begin with, but they should all be available to all players as a character customization thing


the less standard colors, white, black cores, magenta, bronze, etc. should be rare colors left to lategame, HOWEVER they should be gotten in ways similar to magenta, rather than from raiding or PVP, tedious grinding of endgame content for rare drops or commendations, it should be rewards from hard sidequests and puzzles, so its more skill, rather than luck and grinding

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purle crystals should be available to both sides yes. and it doesnt need to have any alignment for use...just sayin. AND DEVS DONT FRAKIN TEASE PLAYERS BY HAVIN THAT AMOPHORUS ROCK LAYIN THAT LOKKS KINDA PURLE BUT ITS REALLY BLUE! thats just mean.
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It's amazing how entitled raiders are, and how horrible their logic is.


Making things available doesn't make it easier. I got pants at level 1, do you know what the difference between a pair of pants is and a +1 purple crystal?


Your ego.


Do you know what separates raiders from other players?




Raiding isn't hard, but it is a time sink. Waiting until level 50 to 'earn' something isn't relevant to the discussion, player choice is. No one who is asking for crystals are asking for uber pwnage gear, they want a simple color that they see everywhere in the game available for players. It isn't complicated, there isn't a reason to limit it in any way, and the whole purple is rare BS needs to go away.


Getting something that should not have been 'hard to get' isn't being spoon fed, it is being allowed to make a choice with more than 5 basic colors during 50 levels of missions and game play. Get over yourselves, let the vast majority of the players who want some customization to have it instead of pandering to a tiny fraction of the population.


Note: I'll raid and I'll get a purple saber right when I'm done playing a character. It won't be work, it will be hey look I finally got the color I wanted, now I can roll an alt and have three color choices again, yay...

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It's amazing how entitled raiders are, and how horrible their logic is.


Making things available doesn't make it easier. I got pants at level 1, do you know what the difference between a pair of pants is and a +1 purple crystal?


Your ego.


Do you know what separates raiders from other players?




Raiding isn't hard, but it is a time sink. Waiting until level 50 to 'earn' something isn't relevant to the discussion, player choice is. No one who is asking for crystals are asking for uber pwnage gear, they want a simple color that they see everywhere in the game available for players. It isn't complicated, there isn't a reason to limit it in any way, and the whole purple is rare BS needs to go away.


Getting something that should not have been 'hard to get' isn't being spoon fed, it is being allowed to make a choice with more than 5 basic colors during 50 levels of missions and game play. Get over yourselves, let the vast majority of the players who want some customization to have it instead of pandering to a tiny fraction of the population.


Note: I'll raid and I'll get a purple saber right when I'm done playing a character. It won't be work, it will be hey look I finally got the color I wanted, now I can roll an alt and have three color choices again, yay...


You're so confused about the point. It's not about "look what I have, I'm so awesome", it's "look what I have; you don't".


If this was talking about hardcore raiding I would be right there with all of you -- it's just a color crystal after all. But we're talking about ENTRY level "raiding" which really is hard to call raiding when it's just 8 man. It's pub group stuff. Like "LFG UBRS". 2 hours later with your pickup group, you have your purple crystal.


Like most everything on these forums, it's a lot of crying about theoretical "this is how I expect it will be, and I don't like the sound of that". Just wait 2 months and everyone will have purple crystals and no one will want them anymore.

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You're so confused about the point. It's not about "look what I have, I'm so awesome", it's "look what I have; you don't".


If this was talking about hardcore raiding I would be right there with all of you -- it's just a color crystal after all. But we're talking about ENTRY level "raiding" which really is hard to call raiding when it's just 8 man. It's pub group stuff. Like "LFG UBRS". 2 hours later with your pickup group, you have your purple crystal.


Like most everything on these forums, it's a lot of crying about theoretical "this is how I expect it will be, and I don't like the sound of that". Just wait 2 months and everyone will have purple crystals and no one will want them anymore.


I want color choice while leveling, not when I'm done playing that character. Most players don't want to grind level 50 for color choice. I am one of the many, many players who want choice while playing the game, and that does not include a long period of grinding at level 50.


It has nothing to do with 'rare' or jealousy, it only has to do with choice early in the game. It's just a color crystal, and match armor to chest is just a thing for looks, and going to the fleet before level 10, and wanting to use a speeder before 25, and wanting to have useful quick travel to a ship, and everything else that makes the game less tedious and more enjoyable are things that raiders mock other for wanting because their only enjoyment in the game is gear and stuff other people doesn't have.

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Yup, I used commendations to get a blaster (I think it was a blaster) that had an orange crystal, and put that crystal in my Sage's lightsaber. Got a yellow crystal the same way.


Yeah, I have a Creamsicle too, also got the crystal from a blaster, but mine came from a drop.


TBH, I have picked up purple and moddable (orange) items more off of weak mobs than I have off of anything else. Kinda strange.

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The problem right now is not that purple is RARE, it has been arbitrarily restricted to Empire PVP classes.


If it is a raid drop for Republic, that does not = fair. If you can solo acquire an item on 1 faction, you should be able to solo acquire it on another.


Restricted != Rare


I'm fine not having my favorite color as an option, so long as every other player in game is not allowed to have their favorite color either.


Thats the arguement here, an arbitrary color, that has no basis in "Rarity" in "THIS" timeline. That arbitrary color happens to be the favorite color of many people playing this game.


Besides, if some one elses happiness detracts from YOUR happiness, you need to take a good long hard look at your life and decide if you should even continue gaming.


Its.. Its actually kinda vile that some one elses happiness makes you upset, if you think about.


So should your vileness be catered too over a "casual"?


BESIDES no one said it had to be EASY.


Make it a level 50 item, cost 1,000,000 credits and take a weeks worth of dailys and a 4 person boss like the magenta crystal. I dont care.


Its restricted now, it needs to be changed, and made available to those that actually want to be able to achieve it with out rolling empire.

Edited by DrackoMeridian
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To all the pruple people (eaters :p)




or here the darth hater one gives some sources...






and the full darth hater list



Edited by Timberwinger
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I had to log in. I see this being said all the time, and it's driving me bonkers.


Mace Windu was not the first to have a purple saber in lore. He is not the only one. Timeline wise, yes. But in time-of-writing-line, no.


Jaina Solo (daughter of Han and Leia Solo as I'm sure we all know) grew her own crystals when she constructed her lightsaber. The book where this occurred was written long before the prequels had graced theaters. Before Mace Windu, and Sammy Jackson's request. The crystal was a purple hue. Probably on the order of amethyst. Whether she still uses it now, I have honestly forgotten. Can't be bothered to check the 'pedia, but there you go.


The reason I want a purple saber? Jaina. She has been a favorite character of mine for a very long time. Mace Windu has nothing to do with it.


Source: Young Jedi Knights Volume 4: Lightsabers


Yeah, yeah, Kevin J. Anderson. But it's there. And movieonly! doesn't apply here, as the explanation for Mace's own saber color is only found in the EU.


EU barely counts. At least you referenced Anderson, he's my 2nd favorite next to Zahn. However the fact remains that Jackson knew nothing of the above, and made his request purely out of ego.

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