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252/258 Set Bonus not working??


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  • Although the tooltip isn't displaying the set bonus, is the set bonus still applying?
  • If you moved the armoring but still have the original shell. Is there the correct mod in your original shell, and you still have the moved mod (missing the tooltip)?
  • If you take the mod which is missing the set bonus and move it into your inventory does the tooltip change?



1. No

2. Yes

3. No. Removing the no set bonus piece from equipped legacy gear into inventory has no affect on it. Putting it back in shows it still without the set bonus.


Someone above summed it up quite well:

The original 252/258 armorings before the patch have had their set bonuses removed.

The shells in our inventories have been refilled with working 252/258 components.

The old components if removed don't seem to visually regain their set bonus.


And as someone who sold their 258 shells since there was no reason or warning to keep them (the 252s needed turned in so I kept those shells, not the 258s):


This does however cause a significant inconvenience to anyone who no longer has their shells for one reason or another.


I got screwed. Some people ended up with 2 sets of 258 gear - albeit one with set bonus and one without - but since I sold my shells I am left with just 1 set of 258 with no bonus.

Edited by michaelcshow
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[*]If you take the mod which is missing the set bonus and move it into your inventory does the tooltip change?


You realize there is a credit cost moving armorings around. We're just supposed to eat the credits while we TEST whether or not this was fixed as promised?

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Hey folks,


We are looking into your reports on the missing set bonuses from the armorings. I have a few follow-up questions to help in our investigation:

  • Although the tooltip isn't displaying the set bonus, is the set bonus still applying?
  • If you moved the armoring but still have the original shell. Is there the correct mod in your original shell, and you
    still have the moved mod (missing the tooltip)?
  • If you take the mod which is missing the set bonus and move it into your inventory does the tooltip change?

We are actively looking into the issue, thanks in advance for the help.




Your "fix" stripped the set bonuses off ALL 252/258 armorings that were on existing characters and OUTSIDE their original shells.


I was keeping and using the 252 set armorings for cross-faction alts and you've effectively stripped the effectiveness of those alts since it will now take weeks of additional grinding to recover the 252 set bonuses.


To answer your questions:


1. The Set bonus is GONE. On my Sorcerers and Sages, hitting Recklessness only yields 2 charges now (down from 3).


2. I keep all shells as a matter of habit and they all contain armorings that have set bonuses as expected, but this killed all 252 set bonuses where upgrades to 258 happened, essentially robbing every older 252 set piece being used for alts.


3. Removing a broken armoring from a piece of armor does NOT restore the set bonus for that armoring. They are all either slot-bound Resistive or Versatile armorings post-patch. Relogging after removal, moving across inventories, and re-applying the broken armoring to a piece of armor changes nothing. The set bonus is GONE.

Edited by Rhesus_TOR
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Hey folks,


We are looking into your reports on the missing set bonuses from the armorings. I have a few follow-up questions to help in our investigation:

  • Although the tooltip isn't displaying the set bonus, is the set bonus still applying?
  • If you moved the armoring but still have the original shell. Is there the correct mod in your original shell, and you still have the moved mod (missing the tooltip)?
  • If you take the mod which is missing the set bonus and move it into your inventory does the tooltip change?

We are actively looking into the issue, thanks in advance for the help.




what about the level 50 comps that were reduced to level 1 ??????????:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Hey folks,


We are looking into your reports on the missing set bonuses from the armorings. I have a few follow-up questions to help in our investigation:

  • Although the tooltip isn't displaying the set bonus, is the set bonus still applying?
  • If you moved the armoring but still have the original shell. Is there the correct mod in your original shell, and you still have the moved mod (missing the tooltip)?
  • If you take the mod which is missing the set bonus and move it into your inventory does the tooltip change?

We are actively looking into the issue, thanks in advance for the help.




I purchased a 252 Helm with 2 crystals about a weekish ago maybe less. I stripped the mods out of the 252 Helm and put them in " Remnant Dreadguard Helm " This morning I logon after the patch and the " Remnant Dreadguard Helm " is no longer showing any set bonus as it did before the patch. It is just showing that it was 3 252 Mods / Armoring, Enhancement in it. Its not a tooltip error either, for as even with the " 2 piece bonus " it is not procing for me as a sith warrior.


Thanks in advanced.

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Small workaround: looks like if you still owing the prepatch 252/258 cloth, the empty 252/258 clothes are filled with the working set bonus parts.


Except -you can't move the new mods from the masterworks shells into legacy gear.


I have all the 258 shells, but not on one char. It's like no one the dev team understands their own game. I do not have 'a main', I do not want 'a main', and I will not grind out full sets of gear for every endgame character and spec I play.


I do not have to pay a sub to play the story parts of the game where you don't need gear. You only need gear and a sub for the endgame which would be horrifically boring if I did not have multiple alts and specs to vary things up a bit.



*edit correction - log off/log on fixed the issue for me. It was glitch, you can move the new 258s to legacy armor

Edited by LD_Little_Dragon
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Except -you can't move the new mods from the masterworks shells into legacy gear.



You can though? My 6 piece Operative set was split amongst 2 Ops, once I realized what was happening I was able to get the mods out of the shells from both of them and get my 6 piece set working (and tested on a dummy)

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Except -you can't move the new mods from the masterworks shells into legacy gear.


I have all the 258 shells, but not on one char. It's like no one the dev team understands their own game. I do not have 'a main', I do not want 'a main', and I will not grind out full sets of gear for every endgame character and spec I play.


Please explain! You can't put the legacy gear on your legacy and move mods from each alt that has the shell into it, anymore?

Is it locked now or something? Haven't logged in yet, kinda freaking out over what's going on, there's people saying 248 set disappeared too ...

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Please explain! You can't put the legacy gear on your legacy and move mods from each alt that has the shell into it, anymore?

Is it locked now or something? Haven't logged in yet, kinda freaking out over what's going on, there's people saying 248 set disappeared too ...


I had my 248 dps set mess up but my healing 248s work...so I'm not sure what's going on...will need to retest that.

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I can see this as being challenging to patch (since people have gotten rid of their shells), so my suggestion for a "dirty quick fix" is to add a vendor that you can trade grade 252/258 armorings for the proper set. That way, Joe Vader who sold his 258 shell but still has the 258 armoring without set bonus can trade it in for a headpiece.


People who kept their shells might be able to get two 258 pieces if this happens, but oh well - everyone will be happy that way.

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I can see this as being challenging to patch (since people have gotten rid of their shells), so my suggestion for a "dirty quick fix" is to add a vendor that you can trade grade 252/258 armorings for the proper set. That way, Joe Vader who sold his 258 shell but still has the 258 armoring without set bonus can trade it in for a headpiece.


People who kept their shells might be able to get two 258 pieces if this happens, but oh well - everyone will be happy that way.


This is a good idea.

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Except -you can't move the new mods from the masterworks shells into legacy gear.


I have all the 258 shells, but not on one char. It's like no one the dev team understands their own game. I do not have 'a main', I do not want 'a main', and I will not grind out full sets of gear for every endgame character and spec I play.


I do not have to pay a sub to play the story parts of the game where you don't need gear. You only need gear and a sub for the endgame which would be horrifically boring if I did not have multiple alts and specs to vary things up a bit.


Same by me. I have the Shells on 3 Charakters. 2 Sages 1 Sorc.


These Devs dont understand and dont Play their own game! This is the only Answer on such a Problem.


This Bioware is not a fault of your playersbase/community. This is your fault! :mad:


Next Patch in 2 Months? :rolleyes:

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I can see this as being challenging to patch (since people have gotten rid of their shells), so my suggestion for a "dirty quick fix" is to add a vendor that you can trade grade 252/258 armorings for the proper set. That way, Joe Vader who sold his 258 shell but still has the 258 armoring without set bonus can trade it in for a headpiece.


People who kept their shells might be able to get two 258 pieces if this happens, but oh well - everyone will be happy that way.


I should probably wait to bump, but this is a very, very good idea. I hope the devs see it. Practical with minimal collateral damage.



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There is another problem with this, if you use the gear that came with the mods it is not augmented and all my gear is augmented and that is not cheap to redo on all the gear again and unless they are going to pay for that they need to fix it where it works in the gear you want it not the gear they want you to use.


Not surprising they mess this up. If they could do a patch to fix something correctly I will be surprised. Yes, I know I used to be supportive but even I have had my limits with this.

Edited by casirabit
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Hey folks,


We are looking into your reports on the missing set bonuses from the armorings. I have a few follow-up questions to help in our investigation:

  • Although the tooltip isn't displaying the set bonus, is the set bonus still applying?
  • If you moved the armoring but still have the original shell. Is there the correct mod in your original shell, and you still have the moved mod (missing the tooltip)?
  • If you take the mod which is missing the set bonus and move it into your inventory does the tooltip change?

We are actively looking into the issue, thanks in advance for the help.




1.) no

2.) I have 2x full sets of 252 and my 2 x258 items in my cargo hold with a full working setbonus and tooltip

3.) removing the old 252 armoring from the shell I am currently wearing changed nothing to the setbonus or tooltip



>Kill Them Dead<

Darth Malgus

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