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§tar Σars: Intentionally Spelled Wrong


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§tar Σars is just a new beginning of a intentional miss spelling of "Season Of The Witch" a period in time in a fictional dystopian year of 2297. §ΘΓΣ was born out of this time period after a brutal war which gave rise to the hidden powers of science & technology of the warlock.


Because the witches surround the warlock the rise in witchcraft was inherent in this period of change. This was a time where mostly everyone was hidden in order to stay alive. So then we find the evil things crawling out of the darkness, and hence "§eason Θf Γhe Σitch" of last year.


This evolved into various Seasons of something or another until it was finally realized as "§eason Θf Γhe Σar" in other words "The Season Of War" had returned, and having come full circle. Though, §ΘΓΣ still remains as a club for video game footage out of nostalgia, and the reason for this post.


There's no money involved. It's a non-profit video gaming endeavor. "NO MONEY!" Authenticity & honesty are more of a focus in order to keep the essence of the §ΘΓΣ video game club in the pure form of the video game hobby. I'm also hoping to branch this out of the my local city's League & E-Sports Cafe.


So check it out if you want to. Maybe you have some time to kill? That or ignore it. I don't mind. I'll definitely be promoting alternative play styles which suit SW:TOR as we learned from founding the game 4-5 years before SW:TOR launched, and the 2018 idea to treat TOR as if it were KOTOR III. :ph_love_this:


YouTube Playlist Link @ §ΘΓΣ


Take Cars,






† God Bless †


Is this some sort of riddle, we got a riddle going on in the PVP section already wow I am excited...


Ok, what's the difference between "Season of the Itch" and "Season of the Ear"? And shouldn't there also be a "Season of the Sore"?


Are these all some how interconnected? Itch, sores, ears, somehow seems there's a connection. Or am I off base?


Need more details please.

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I'm so confused....I don't know what the hell is going on.


Did the country of Greece buy Star Wars from Disney or something?


And just because it was the only part I actually did understand, let me just say that I hated KOTOR and I hated KOTOR 2 even more than I hated KOTOR and I'm so fine if there is never a KOTOR 3 it's not even funny.


I'm not interested in playing anything that actually thinks Grey Jedi is a thing.


This game cannot do anything that conflicts with new canon and it has to obey Lucasfilm Storygroups decisions even though it can't be mentioned in the overall canon time line because you can't give 600,000 different names for the same person. There can't be 600,000 Alliance commanders, 575,000 Wraths of the Empire, and 485,000 people all married to Vette at the same time.


Every storyline in this game first has to be sent to the Lucasfilm Storygroup who than go over it and make notations and send it back with comments [You can do this, you can't do that, don't speak about that planet we're gonna be using it in the next movie, etc.]


There are no 'alternate realities', there is only one Star Wars universe now and everything happens in that same universe. Anything that would contradict new canon cannot be done in this game. Lucasfilm Story Group does review all Star Wars content for authenticity.




I'm sorry OP, but this isn't nor will it ever be KOTOR 3, for which I am grateful. :D

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§tar Σars is just a new beginning of a intentional miss spelling of "Season Of The Witch" a period in time in a fictional dystopian year of 2297. §ΘΓΣ was born out of this time period after a brutal war which gave rise to the hidden powers of science & technology of the warlock.


Because the witches surround the warlock the rise in witchcraft was inherent in this period of change. This was a time where mostly everyone was hidden in order to stay alive. So then we find the evil things crawling out of the darkness, and hence "§eason Θf Γhe Σitch" of last year.


This evolved into various Seasons of something or another until it was finally realized as "§eason Θf Γhe Σar" in other words "The Season Of War" had returned, and having come full circle. Though, §ΘΓΣ still remains as a club for video game footage out of nostalgia, and the reason for this post.


There's no money involved. It's a non-profit video gaming endeavor. "NO MONEY!" Authenticity & honesty are more of a focus in order to keep the essence of the §ΘΓΣ video game club in the pure form of the video game hobby. I'm also hoping to branch this out of the my local city's League & E-Sports Cafe.


So check it out if you want to. Maybe you have some time to kill? That or ignore it. I don't mind. I'll definitely be promoting alternative play styles which suit SW:TOR as we learned from founding the game 4-5 years before SW:TOR launched, and the 2018 idea to treat TOR as if it were KOTOR III. :ph_love_this:


YouTube Playlist Link @ §ΘΓΣ


Take Cars,






† God Bless †


My English is bad, but the text does not make any sense right? 🤨😕😅

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This one always makes me laugh


LEGO Death Star Cantina with Jeff Vader



hahaha That was funny as hell, Trixxie.


"This is not a game of 'who the F are you"


"I run the Death Star. This IS the Death Star. This cantina is in the Death Star."


"I can kill 'catering' with a thought."


"Did you 'dry' these trays in a 'rain' forest?

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hahaha That was funny as hell, Trixxie.


"This is not a game of 'who the F are you"


"I run the Death Star. This IS the Death Star. This cantina is in the Death Star."


"I can kill 'catering' with a thought."


"Did you 'dry' these trays in a 'rain' forest?


“You Jeff Vader?””

“No, I’m Darth Vader”

“Are you his bother? Can you get his autograph?”

“... ok, I’m Jeff Vader”

“Can I have your autograph?”

“No, F off or I’ll kill you with a tray”

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My English is bad, but the text does not make any sense right? 🤨😕😅

I'm not merely a native English speaker, but actually *English*, and it does, indeed, make no sense, or pretty close to it.


I mean, the sentences are grammatically sound (aside from the Greek letters), and aren't complete semantic hash(1), but taken as a whole, it does, indeed, lack something.


(1) Noam Chomsky's classic "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" is a good example of semantic hash. All of the words are real English words, and a part-of-speech analysis reveals "Adjective adjective noun verb adverb" which is a reasonable structure for an English sentence (e.g. "Large white cars move quickly."), but from a point of view of meaning, it's totally opaque.

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