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Companions that you just can't get yourself to romance.


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I created my first Sith Warrior about four years ago. He is still faithful to Quinn. Not even once flirted with anyone. In my head they are in relationship, and that's it. Agents have unrequited love for Vector until they get to Theron or Koth. Then they give up on bugman who never loves them back, and move on. Head canon drama is the best drama. I had tons of internal soap opera-fun when my last SI got tired of Theron being fickle and dumping him for the second time. Instead of taking Theron back, he fell for Arcann. Now they are happy, I assume. Save Theron, but that Theron doesn't have to be happy, he was stupid. My main SI married him anyway, I assume they are happy too.

I'm a bit locked out of the gay romances as i don't like for different characters to share the same partner.

Theron's already with my JK, Arcann with my main female SW who took Quinn back on her ship but not as a lover and stayed single untill she fell for Arcann, so that leaves only Koth who'd clearly not be a good match for any of my male Sith.

I made a male IA once to see the possible romances, he dumped Kaliyo as soon as she took a guy on his ship to cheat on him, and went for Raina, but, i'm not that much into that romance. Raina suffers a bit from the same issues i have with Iresso, they're rather kind persons that'd probably be nice to be around irl, but they're a bit bland as characters compared to their fellow companions.

And i like playing a female IA more anyways, so Vector all the way.

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I created my first Sith Warrior about four years ago. He is still faithful to Quinn. Not even once flirted with anyone. In my head they are in relationship, and that's it. Agents have unrequited love for Vector until they get to Theron or Koth. Then they give up on bugman who never loves them back, and move on. Head canon drama is the best drama. I had tons of internal soap opera-fun when my last SI got tired of Theron being fickle and dumping him for the second time. Instead of taking Theron back, he fell for Arcann. Now they are happy, I assume. Save Theron, but that Theron doesn't have to be happy, he was stupid. My main SI married him anyway, I assume they are happy too.

Long live the headcanons! It was the only way for me to make sense of Arcann's romance which comes out of the blue (the character totally makes sense for her the way I see him, but the romance comes with almost nothing before…). And the only way for my SI to dump Theron in a meaningful way (I wish we could dump LIs in a proper way!) as he was definitely not made for her.

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he dumped Kaliyo as soon as she took a guy on his ship to cheat on him.


I never romanced Kaliyo to know that she did that, but some people get off on the whole cuckolding thing (in the traditional term for the word, not how it's been borrowed for recent politics).


Maybe I'll create a character who's into that. Hm....

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I never romanced Kaliyo to know that she did that, but some people get off on the whole cuckolding thing (in the traditional term for the word, not how it's been borrowed for recent politics).


Maybe I'll create a character who's into that. Hm....

lol, my guy was not that much into that and did not really appreciate the thing, the guy was pretty lucky to be alive at the end of the day.


And honnestly Kaliyo has some pretty bad taste in men, he was not really attractive...

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You mean, like a Mando? Torian being pretty young.


Also, deep voice doesn't mean old. Seriously, have none of you met young people with deep voices?


Young also doesn't mean immature. Mature for their age. Wise beyond their years. Old souls. These are sayings for a reason.


Torian is mature for his age compared to non-Mandos. From what I understand the Mandalorians raise there children very differently than the rest of the galaxy and they grow up faster. (Grow up as in maturity, not physically) Our characters are not raised Mando and no other companions, save Akaavi (who is very much a woman) are Mandos, so Mandos maturing earlier has no bearing on anyone other than Torian.


No, I've never met a teenager that sounded like a 60 year old smoker.


The companions I was thinking of are immature in behavior as well as sound young. You overlooked that I specifically mentioned the companions' behavior when I referred to them as young seeming. Mako, Ashara and Nadia all ACT much younger than their cannon age. Hence, they are immature. I don't find immature people to be desirable romances. Someone who acts like they are 14 is no more desirable than someone who is 14.


None of our characters act young or sound young. Sure the writers might have intended them to BE young, but if that's the case they did a very poor job of writing them that way or directing them that way. That is great that you can completely ignore all of your sensory perceptions when getting impressions of characters, but I, and many others can't.


ICalling people "kid" or "little girl" or some of the other names doesn't mean much or count as "evidence" for anything IMHO because it can be intended to be pejorative or diminish someone. I've certainly referred to people as children in my real-life work when I've felt they've behaved as such, regardless of their actual ages.


I'm going to support you on this.


Rookie refers to experience in the field and has nothing to do with age.

Kid depends on context. Mark Hamill was 25 when filming the first movie, and Han refers to him as "Kid". It can simply refer to someone younger than the person talking.

Women of all ages are referred to as "girls". Sometimes to minimize them, and sometimes just from social conditioning.

Telling someone they are a little old to be xyz is a statement of their age, not yours. Telling an npc they seem a little old to be a padawan doesn't rule out that you are also a little old to be a padawan.


Out of curiosity, I tried to find an answer to the "How old is a padawan" question. Bear in mind that most information is based on the Movie era and not the Old Republic which could be quite different. So for humans, 13 was when students were typically taken as padawans or rejected to other disciplines. The padawan phase was expected to last around 10 years, so knighthood at 23 on average, but it could go quicker, or take much longer. That gives a lot of wiggle room for how old our Jedi characters are.

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Which is again, your opinion. Not fact or canon in the game. The character's ages are what you want them to be. If you want all your characters to be kids, that's fine, but we'll have to agree to disagree that they're "supposed" to be that way or that anyone else has to follow suit.


"Rookie" also doesn't always mean someone's a teenager. Plenty of people who have jobs in security, private investigation, real-life bounty hunting, etc. are former cops or military that are embarking on second careers with the skills they've learned in their first job. There's nothing to say that the SWTOR bounty hunter hasn't done the same, especially since they're presented as being very skilled at their job from the get-go, enough to enter the biggest contest in the bounty-hunting world.


And I didn't say teenager I said late teen to early 20's.


Which you seem to forget.


Not to mention they know almost nothing about the galaxy around them, even in the most well known areas.


No, they're young, you just want to head cannon your characters as being older. Which, head cannon away, that doesn't change how the stories are set up.


Jorgan, getting replaced by a young inexperienced officer (which the opening of Trooper has you being young).


Braden has you being young up and comer.


You're not a 30 something.

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And I didn't say teenager I said late teen to early 20's.


You're not a 30 something.

I think that our PCs are meant to be any age we want between 18 to early 30s.

Considering the male BH's french voice, i just can't picture him as being any younger than 30, but no older than 35, while i'd have a hard time considering the trooper or smuggler being less than 25 and i'd not picture my JK as being over 20.

In case of a Chiss IA, it's said they were part of some kind of police force before becoming spies, doesn't sound like they're all that young either to me


IIRC, Obi-Wan was 25 when he became a Knight and Anakin was something like 19-20 (seems like correct ages for my JC and JK respectively when landing on Tython)

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And I didn't say teenager I said late teen to early 20's.


You're not a 30 something.


One more time: Your opinion. Not fact. Not canon. Not stated anywhere in the story and open to interpretation. Play your characters as you wish. Others will do the same, and neither is incorrect. They very specifically did not give the PCs canon dates of birth.

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I think that our PCs are meant to be any age we want between 18 to early 30s.

Considering the male BH's french voice, i just can't picture him as being any younger than 30, but o older than 35, while i'd have a hard time considering the trooper or smuggler being less than 25 and i'd not picture my JK as being over 20.

In case of a Chiss IA, it's said they were part of some kind of police force before becoming spies, doesn't sound that they're all that young either to me


IIRC, Obi-Wan was 25 when he became a Knight and Anakin was something like 19-20 (seems like correct ages for my JC and JK respectively when landing on Tython)


Yeah, that's what I believe, too. 18 to early 30s sounds right to me depending on how one interprets their stories.


There are plenty of examples of people starting training later on both the Sith and Jedi sides, too. Off the top of my head, Xalek is supposed to be 24 when the class story begins so probably 26 or 27 by the time the Inquisitor gets him, and he's still in the Sith Academy. There's the Twi'lek guy from Botched Interrogation on Nar Shaddaa who is also an adult who is just going off to Korriban. There's also Veeroa Denz (sp) who appears to have started her Sith training as an adult.


On the other side there's Jaesa who started training as a padawan when she was old enough to be engaged to be married and had a job. There's the guy in the Sith Inquisitor story on Alderaan who also left an engagement to become a Jedi. There's also Nadia who's just starting as a padawan at 22 and Kira who seemed to find the Jedi when she was an adult.

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Fun chain. I'll make a contri or two. First Kaliyo:


My (male) IA is a total A-hole, always choosing the most offensive conversation choices - except with the companions, whom he's civil toward, since he prefers them loyal and not rearing to stab him in the back at an inopportune moment - or ever.


Thus, Kaliyo is a real delight: she's just like my IA, and they hit it off from the start. It's an open relationship with murder and mayhem and snide remarks. I gagged a little at the marriage part, but I decided that the commitment was for the time being while they felt like it.


Kaliyo's suggestion of ditching the politics and flying off in IA's beautiful stealth ship was very appealing, and let's say they did just that. KOTFE is another story in another galaxy far far away. And quite frankly, the reunions are short and disappointing, and there's absolutely no interaction after them at all. Still, better than nothing.

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As a male myself i ignore male npcs right away. Akavarii has an interesting personality, but her looks is just. Death by snu-snu! Risha looks better, but she is very selfish for my taste, and ignores laws more, than i do. Being rich is nice, but there is that certain point when i draw the line.


For Consular the only option is Nadia, and my consular is quite young himself so going after her isn't that bad. He is sort kinda naive though, but her personality is perfect match for my character's good guy style.


I personally like Lana's pragamtism, and her more grow up style. My next character will sure go after that, because i'm quite curious about it. Though i always imagined her ending up with Theron at some point, if main character doesn't interfere.

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Then all the rest:


I leveled up all 8 of my characters back in the day when same sex romances weren't possible. For whatever reason, I avoid romancing males, and since 4 of the characters are females, they ended up bitter and single :D


I did make a male SW after, since Jaesa seemed interesting. However, Vette is kinda adorable in her perky way, and great fun to shock every time she suggested I remove her collar. When she finally settled to her fate as an abused slave, my evil sith heart softened and I let Jaesa become lonely and bitter. The girl was a basket case anyway. Nothing like my cute Vette.


So, my trooper, SW, and SI girls all missed out and became spinsters at an early age. JC grudgingly accepted Iresso's advances, although the guy is really bland. She has kinda regretted it ever since, although she didn't want to break the poor guy's heart on Odessen after all he had gone through.


My BH is big, fat, and ugly. After vacillating some, he decided to go on light side, mainly because Mako is such a cutie, and he wanted to do right by her. He resisted her advances for a time, since they are obviously quite mismatched, and all he ever wanted to do was hug the little girl. Finally, since the only way to show her how much he cared for her was to start the dang romance, he gave up and went for it.


Kira is too pretty to resist, so my JK took a deep breath and succumbed to her temptations regardless of otherwise being a stickler to jedi code. Not much more to say about that one.


Risha is perhaps my favorite. Of course my smuggler smelled an opportunity to court a princess, ffs, so that was a no-brainer. I like her, too. She's a perfect match for a guy in that line of work. I mistakenly flirted with Akavi, as well, but this was my first character, so I forgive myself :cool: - even though my smuggler nearly wet himself when Akavi took the innocent flirt somewhat too seriously. That's one scary lady!


As of others, should I ever make more characters: Ashara has a cute face and voice, but I can't hack the silly harlequin face paint and the preposterous head pillows. I'm tempted to check out LS Jaesa, but less tempted to make a third SW. Ensign Temple doesn't seem interesting. Dunno. Same with Elara Dorne. Nadia I can take or leave, doesn't really matter. And I can't say anything about males as I don't swing that way.


Peace out.

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Unpopular opinion: I liked Ashara's Romance. Playing as a LS Sorc, It was really interesting to watch her react to you doing the complete opposite of what she expected you to do. The talk of reforming the Empire from the inside was an interesting idea, because that's pretty much what the LS Sorc does anyways, just with en emphasis on not being dumb, as opposed to Ashara's light side attitudes.


Kayilo is gross, and I kill her every chance I get.

Lana is fun opposite a Jedi, and Theron is fun when you're also an agent. Koth was meh.


The rest relationships are by far the temporary ones. Ava Jaxo, Darth Lachris, and if you pick the right options, Hunter, all have fantastic buildups to the relationship. Hunter in particular is good, if you play along. It's the most unorthodox relationship in the game, and the ending is tragically beautiful if you play your cards right.

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Hunter in particular is good, if you play along. It's the most unorthodox relationship in the game, and the ending is tragically beautiful if you play your cards right.


Totally agree with this. The first time I played through as an agent and had no idea what was coming I was very much affected.

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Hunter in particular is good, if you play along. It's the most unorthodox relationship in the game, and the ending is tragically beautiful if you play your cards right.


And completely inconsequential/ incomprehensible if you don't play them right, I guess :p

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Hunter in particular is good, if you play along. It's the most unorthodox relationship in the game, and the ending is tragically beautiful if you play your cards right.

BH the most unorthodox? How? And with who? I'd say the female IA and Vector is the most unorthodox romance of the game (of the ones I've done which are all the male ones). You are romancing the entire hive of thousands when you commit to Vector

to the point where they have to sanction his involvement with them as they can't cope with his feelings of loss when you disappear in kofte


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For me Arcann. Just can't get into romancing him after everything he did.

By the way, just out of curiosity, since I haven't ever romanced him myself: Is there any more content to his romance besides the one flirt option you get in the alliance prompt to chat with him on Odessen?

I remember him appearing during the betrayal story, so I'm assuming is any additional scenes exist, one would play here?

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BH the most unorthodox? How? And with who? I'd say the female IA and Vector is the most unorthodox romance of the game (of the ones I've done which are all the male ones). You are romancing the entire hive of thousands when you commit to Vector

to the point where they have to sanction his involvement with them as they can't cope with his feelings of loss when you disappear in kofte


I think they mean Hunter from the agent story.


Have they fixed Vector's eyes yet? I'm getting closer and closer to recording that story. I remember the first time I did that eye scene, I just about swooned out of my chair. With his eyes messed up the scene won't even make sense, but I'm slowly starting to accept the fact that they don't care about anything that's actually important to me.


Woah! I succumbed to despair for a second there, didn't I? When that happens it's usually a good idea to take a forums vacation for a bit :D

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By the way, just out of curiosity, since I haven't ever romanced him myself: Is there any more content to his romance besides the one flirt option you get in the alliance prompt to chat with him on Odessen?

I remember him appearing during the betrayal story, so I'm assuming is any additional scenes exist, one would play here?

Yes, there is a scene during the Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint. One part of it is for every player, and I find it really nice content-wise. And there is a second part for those who are romancing it, and I personally found it to be part of the most emotionally impactful scenes (regarding romances) that the game offered so far.

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Yes, there is a scene during the Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint. One part of it is for every player, and I find it really nice content-wise. And there is a second part for those who are romancing it, and I personally found it to be part of the most emotionally impactful scenes (regarding romances) that the game offered so far.

I really do hope Bioware will consider including your romance options more in future content. It could be an easy way to program a story that doesn't rely solely on Lana Beniko to deliver information, and would serve to validate our choice and enhance replayability.

I'm glad Arcann isn't just a one time thing, I might roll a character for his romance in the future.

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I really do hope Bioware will consider including your romance options more in future content. It could be an easy way to program a story that doesn't rely solely on Lana Beniko to deliver information, and would serve to validate our choice and enhance replayability.

I'm glad Arcann isn't just a one time thing, I might roll a character for his romance in the future.

I'd like it too, definitely. I guess that it may become intensive resource-wise, though, as they should develop specific content (they can definitely not all say the same thing) and a specific voice recording for each of them.

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Have they fixed Vector's eyes yet? I'm getting closer and closer to recording that story. I remember the first time I did that eye scene, I just about swooned out of my chair. With his eyes messed up the scene won't even make sense, but I'm slowly starting to accept the fact that they don't care about anything that's actually important to me.

I'd really like for them to fix that damn scene, i want to record my IA's playtrough, but i can't record that scene as long as it's bugged, it looks awfull and doesn't even make sense anymore :(

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Have they fixed Vector's eyes yet? I'm getting closer and closer to recording that story.

Nope. I don't think they understand why this is an issue for players who romance Vector. Look how long it took them to acknowledge the lack of Torian actually teaching the BH mando'a during that romance and they still haven't fixed that. Vector will probably keep his hive eyes & that scene and it will continue to make no sense. Might have to resurrect the Vector-eyes bug thread and link before/after videos to show the devs what we mean.

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