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Companions that you just can't get yourself to romance.


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Nope. I don't think they understand why this is an issue for players who romance Vector. Look how long it took them to acknowledge the lack of Torian actually teaching the BH mando'a during that romance and they still haven't fixed that. Vector will probably keep his hive eyes & that scene and it will continue to make no sense. Might have to resurrect the Vector-eyes bug thread and link before/after videos to show the devs what we mean.

What bug is this ?

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Nope. I don't think they understand why this is an issue for players who romance Vector. Look how long it took them to acknowledge the lack of Torian actually teaching the BH mando'a during that romance and they still haven't fixed that. Vector will probably keep his hive eyes & that scene and it will continue to make no sense. Might have to resurrect the Vector-eyes bug thread and link before/after videos to show the devs what we mean.


Bets on which eye thing gets fixed first—Vector or the eye moving outside the eyelids for our PCs.


My bet is on neither because they dgaf :(

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What bug is this ?

There is an entire set of conversations between the female Bounty Hunter and Torian which are missing. It's interesting that male romance companions affected by bugs (Vector, Torian, Quinn, Koth, Theron), some of which have been acknowledged by the Devs, have never been fixed because (theory a): mostly affects women players so we dgaf or (theory b) we have no idea how to fix them so we will stick heads in sand and pretend we never saw the 10 trillion bug reports :p

or the eye moving outside the eyelids for our PCs.

WTH? I've not seen this, sounds horrendous :eek:

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There is an entire set of conversations between the female Bounty Hunter and Torian which are missing. It's interesting that male romance companions affected by bugs (Vector, Torian, Quinn, Koth, Theron), some of which have been acknowledged by the Devs, have never been fixed because (theory a): mostly affects women players so we dgaf or (theory b) we have no idea how to fix them so we will stick heads in sand and pretend we never saw the 10 trillion bug reports :p


WTH? I've not seen this, sounds horrendous :eek:

Replayed the BH story and Torian romance a few days ago, i don't think i was missing dialogues.

But when i last replayed the IA story and Vector romance, while going through the scene where he shows his real eyes, i was trully disapointed that they did not change at all.


What bug affects Theron ?


The bug on eyes and eyelids thing, i've seen it quite a lot though, mainly on my JK and Acina

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Companions I can't force myself to romance:

Vector - don't get me wrong, i LIKE Vector. He's a nice guy. A GREAT guy even. But the fact that he has tiny insects living in his flesh is just... nope. Just... nope. Ugh... *barf*

Mako - she's the only companion i really find irritating and i can't deal with her. When i played through the BH story originally the first and last time i had to actually switch to the ship droid. Sorry everyone who likes her, but i just can't. Also, the BH is my least favorite story, i don't have a male alt.


Romances that i found boring but ovarall are okay:

Lana, Elara, Raina, Felix, Torian

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Torian - Just....bland. His VO gets on my nerves too, not saying he delivers his lines badly, just that it doesn't appeal to me.

Risha - I will admit I did warm to her after her story developed a bit further about her father and history, but there is something about her personality that is a bit much for me.

Irresso - Love the guy but not as a romance option.

Doc - His introduction really soured my stance on him, even as a male knight.

Mako - Again really love her but not as a romance option.

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Replayed the BH story and Torian romance a few days ago, i don't think i was missing dialogues

[sorry for the off topic OP] There are conversations missing where Torian teaches the BH to speak mandalorian - Devs acknowledged this in 2016 but got no further. Did you notice these were back when you did the Torian romance? Vector missing his human eyes bugged after they did the fix back when all the eyes were the wrong colour.

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[sorry for the off topic OP] There are conversations missing where Torian teaches the BH to speak mandalorian - Devs acknowledged this in 2016 but got no further. Did you notice these were back when you did the Torian romance? Vector missing his human eyes bugged after they did the fix back when all the eyes were the wrong colour.

[sorry for the off topic too] I had one dialogue where he said he'd teach her, one where he wanted to cook some Mandalorian dish, and he said that he loved her in Mando'a and she replied in Mando'a as well, just before he proposed.

Dunno if i was missing something though, because my last BH playthrough was a long time before that.


Vector eye's bug is really annoying though as it kinda ruin the whole scene

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for on the male side ashara, just cause she is sith and acts so innocent he though she has jedi blood on her hands. female i play mosdt mine gay now. didnt start out that way, but jorgan getting huffee on mer for choosing dorne as xo. then my second meet was vector...yeea no thanks
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WTH? I've not seen this, sounds horrendous :eek:


It affects my SIs especially, but also Acina and Katha Niar, some of the other PCs. It takes me out of every scene when it happens. It also especially happens to any of the Asian faces. Consider yourself lucky if it doesn’t happen to you. Usually happens with any “angry” expression or whenever you might narrow your eyes or look to the right (so, quite a lot :mad:)

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With Vector I only got to the romance after the bug was already in the game, so when my agent got to that scene I had no idea what the deal was, or why the camera was on him. I only found out later what was supposed to have happened. I'm sorry I missed it. Considering it seems like a very big deal for the character and for the relationship they should have already fixed it.


FWIW there appear to be at least some bugs on the female companions too, like Vette never losing her slave collar even if you take it off. There's a workaround (if you put her in a customization the collar vanishes) but it's annoying.

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Doc full romance because I felt naughty for letting the bad doctor corrupt my innocent young jedi. Then again she was fully aware of his type. Don't like that they kept Doc the womanizer personality with no option to turn his head to my character that skipped to Ossus or not a Jedi Knight.

Nadia. Child like teenager, but the same age as my character. Naïve both of them were. Sure he talks old, but it was not how I saw it. My Disco clubbing female Shadow is now happy she can finally get her clubbing partner in her bed.

Jaasa cold Jedi or crazy clingy type. meh.

Torian surprised he was the youngest of them all. Considered my bounty hunters to be young upstarts, so Torian was the same age as my character, I thought.

Mako was not too young acting. Her denying she is just a pretty sidekick shows she is acting older than her looks.

My female BH who looks like her twin is now romancing her.

Kaliyo too crazy, but that dangerous attraction.

Quinn throw him out the airlock, impale him, chock him until dead. Yup he would have died before the first kiss every time. You do not betray your Sith master no matter how Light Side they are.

Andronikos Bad boy vibe had too be crazy to even think of bedding a Sith who could kill you with a thought. Bit soft once he falls in love.

Xalex, Bowdaar, Khem, Qyzen, Yuun, Broonmark, Blizz, Skadge, Tanno, Guss, Treek not the same species.

Scourge only if my character is Sith species, but from the encounter with Lord Pravan states that a true Sith is not in the Jedi order.

Pierce never thought to flirt with the soldier.

Gault if he was younger and my BH only thought of the money.

Aric hard to crack, but I did romance, but only a female Kathar would really want him.

Dorne too uptight to think a relationship would work.

Iresso too late in the game. Never got his affection high enough, ran mostly with healer comps, and once they changed I was set.

Raina never saw her as a romance since she is late, but a challenge to make her see you like her.

Akaavi same issues. Just takes too long to get her to open up. Plus it does not help she is body type three.

Vette fellow Twilek a mature relationship once free of being your slave, any one else just a fling. Never kept her in her collar as a slave, but if she was truly a slave she would fully hate me as a dragged her to bed with Jaasa. If you have to be evil go all the way.

Corso innocent farm boy stuck in his ways old fashioned, but no back bone to enforce his views on her roll in the relationship.

Risha decent romance Han/Leia trope.

Zennith too Emo/Empire hater

All of the droids only if my toon was a full Cyborg.

Lana romance seems to go nowhere. No reaction from my current husband wife made a romance with her just something to do or more than the only same sex female interest at the time.

Theron is okay as well, but I just don't get the fan crowd

Koth was okay I liked him until he walks out and steals my ship.

Arcann oops did I romance him? I didn't want this I just got my traitor/deep cover boy toy back. Hope I can dump him for Doc? Wait Doc, Theron, Lana, Koth, Theron, and am I really wanting to go back to Doc? Talos, Lokin too old looking acting.


I tried most of the romances and to be honest the romances were interesting, but never really got invested enough that I had to have him/her only. Mako, Doc, and Nadia come out on top. Mako being your bounty partner from the start and the only one who you can fully trust enough to let your guard down. It is natural it goes farther into a romantic relationship. Nadia is naïve to go along with your relationship naïve Jedi. I think of the Jedi that your Smuggler encounters on Tatooine to find Diago. Male Smuggler hits on her and she never gets that he is trying to bed her, and when she does she has no concept of what it means to her. Doc just because my first and main character is a Jedi Knight.

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Going to ask an honest question: Doesn't doing the romance stuff weird you out? I mean, I get the loving up of an NPC, to get info, like on the Smuggler and Imperial Operative. But, this is a video game. How does this just not make you feel...off?


Again, not questioning anyone or implying that you're weird. It just seems really strange, to me. So, I'm curious as to why you do it.

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Going to ask an honest question: Doesn't doing the romance stuff weird you out? I mean, I get the loving up of an NPC, to get info, like on the Smuggler and Imperial Operative. But, this is a video game. How does this just not make you feel...off?


Again, not questioning anyone or implying that you're weird. It just seems really strange, to me. So, I'm curious as to why you do it.


Are you pretending your character is actually 'you'? That's the only reason I can see for feeling weirded out.


Roleplaying games are more like an interactive story. I don't feel weird watching a movie or reading a book that has romance in it, and the video game romances are the same thing. The PC is not 'me', the PC is just the protagonist in a story.

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Going to ask an honest question: Doesn't doing the romance stuff weird you out? I mean, I get the loving up of an NPC, to get info, like on the Smuggler and Imperial Operative. But, this is a video game. How does this just not make you feel...off?


Easy. We are not romancing anyone. The characters we made up for that video games are. For us, this is all just interactive fiction happening on a computer screen, and romance has been a pillar of storytelling troughout the ages.


Once you realize that the glowing box you're looking at is not a magic contraption that sends your soul into a person living in the star wars galaxy, you are under no obligation to have that person act how you would personally. If "having a romance in game" weirds you out, shouldn't killing all those NPCs be much worse?

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I have tried all the romances. However, ones I won't romance a 2nd time are Koth, Vector, and Ilresso. Those three took me a long time to finally romance. Koth just annoyed me, ended up breaking up with him. Ilresso was blah,uninteresting, boring. Vector was too buggy for me - I just couldn't get past that Killick part of him.
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Are you pretending your character is actually 'you'? That's the only reason I can see for feeling weirded out.


Roleplaying games are more like an interactive story. I don't feel weird watching a movie or reading a book that has romance in it, and the video game romances are the same thing. The PC is not 'me', the PC is just the protagonist in a story.


Easy. We are not romancing anyone. The characters we made up for that video games are. For us, this is all just interactive fiction happening on a computer screen, and romance has been a pillar of storytelling troughout the ages.


Once you realize that the glowing box you're looking at is not a magic contraption that sends your soul into a person living in the star wars galaxy, you are under no obligation to have that person act how you would personally. If "having a romance in game" weirds you out, shouldn't killing all those NPCs be much worse?


I can appreciate both sentiments. I guess that there is a point where I can't go beyond for my RP enjoyment. I do the story line, from the standpoint of me being the character. But, the RP romance option just kind of weirds me out. I've done it but it was a thought experiment that I never replicated.


Again, just to double reiterate the point, I don't begrudge or besmirch anyone that does it. I've done it. Just felt off when I did it in the same way that Joaquin Phoenix in "Her" (and all of his other acting) was weird. I should also note that this is the first game where I've ever entertained any semblance of RP (character story choices), outside of naming convention. I dig RP servers because it affords me the adult level game play without kids running around with names based on genitals or slang lingo.

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[sorry for the off topic OP] There are conversations missing where Torian teaches the BH to speak mandalorian - Devs acknowledged this in 2016 but got no further. Did you notice these were back when you did the Torian romance? Vector missing his human eyes bugged after they did the fix back when all the eyes were the wrong colour.


I can confirm the Bounty Hunter had that scene with Torian pre 2016 and she was my only BH. A year ago leveled a new bh and that scene was missing. I was pretty disappointed. If I recall, wasn't it the date they went on where he teaches her? It's been so long I can't recall.


I would have liked Vector's romance more if they fixed his eyes for that romance scene. That just really turned me off to the romance. The big reveal that he can change his eyes to human looking was such a let down that we can't see the scene properly.

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Can't with Doc. His first few interactions were so...awful! His leering and talks about a "physical exam" were so close to something that happened a few weeks into my RL internship that it broke immersion completely. I got over it and kept trying the flirt options, because I wanted to see if it gets better, but each interaction with him is disrespectful and slimy. It is actually putting me off playing the Guardian I rolled. And considering I sunk the instant 50 gift on him...


(Recommendation: if you are a patient, do not make the "I'm a doctor, a gynecologist" joke to females, it is creepy. Also, if you are getting an ultrasound, the "is it a boy or girl" is tired. It's neither, it's a tortuous distal ICA).

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Beside the obvious that the originals companions are Hetero..and I'm not , I did try....uh..whats his name ? Torian .






So even if I wasnt gay , I wouldnt romance some of those companions . Take your pick! Its either feel underagey or Predatorrrrrrr..or sexual Harassement..or Utterly Boooring :rolleyes:


Let see...


-JK : Doc . Why would I romance that sexual-active-got-a-string-of-ladies-in-the-closet for ? like god..why arent there warrant and witch hunt and pitchfork at every space port ? yeah , don't get butthurt over this . Thats what he get for hitting on my JK as his HELLO.....


JK: Scourge ? red faced bastard , that think he is important in the great scheme of the galaxy . HE KILLED THE EXILEEEEEE.......so if anything , I cant wait to kill him with prejudice .


Smuggler: Corso..the fake fat liar wanna be a gentleman but end up being the biggest DOUCHE . I end up romancing that old guy just to get -DISSAPROVAL and for Lolz...was so worth it :D


Sorc: Andronikos : ok..here is the thing , someone who want revenge right ? and he has pretty much ALOT of that . But is always late to push the trigger...thats so lame . I keep stealing kill from him and he keep whining . How do I throw him out of the airlock ? I cant find the Button !


Sith Warrior: Quinn . Ah Quinn...was so fun to kill him . Though it would have been nice to kill him repeatdly !! like Twice or a Hundred times over . No..not cose he betrayed me . I mean , I could see that coming from miles away . Its because he invited himself on my ship! then his talk is all about boring stuff . And that face! Urgh...make me wanna punch him !


Aric Jorgan: Oh kitty! This one is easy . A long time ago someone told me ''Jorgan romance is about YOU proving yourself to him! and until you do , he will YELL at you! Its VERY romantic!'' . Yeah...I'm not into abuse romance , Thanx! Bye !


Koth: Urgh......he is like JACOB from Mass effect . So nuff said .


Tharan Cedrax: Y'know what ? I though he was Gay . Then it turn out he is in love with HIMSELF . And he is a LEECH , and he is BORING for a savant ! and not funny , or interesting ! and he asked my JC to SIGN Paper ! like seriously ?


BH: Torian . I romanced that Bieber and God...I feel like deleting my character . Urgh . It just...his romance is SO teenager like . And if you call him 'Kid'' then 'Let's bang in the bunk' Yurk! gross! add to that..I have no Love for Mando in general .


Iresso: Your figure is lean like a car ! well he said a SHIP...so that make my jedi FAT! Thats what he call FLIRTING!!!!!!!!! Who wrote THAT ?!


As for the ladies...let see :


I wouldn't romance DS Jaessa . No way , I only play LS and I looked at her DS version on YT . and its like she lost her brain .


I wouldn't romance ashara , I think she is the most annoying companion cose she cannot be turned DS . Which is ridiculous! And even if she was turned DS.....I still wouldnt . She act like a brat throwing Tantrum and talking out of her *** like she know anything . I'm like..Just kill stuff already !


I wouldn't romance Kira . Cose....she is nice and all . But...nah .


I wouldn't romance Nadia . Cose..she feel young . She feel sheltered..naive a bit .


I wouldn't romance Risha..cose Princessy...


I wouldn't romance Watcher 2 (and I wanted to for so long)..cose Keeper is her secret DADDY! PLOT TWIST! and he made me butthurt !!!! :mad:


I wouldnt romance Temple..cose she is Psycho , but I would shoot her in the back of her head though .



I would Totally romance Thana Vesh and Kaliyo :p all you hater..GIMME!!

I would totally romance Akaavi , Mako and that new JK Lady thats butthurt lol .

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Won't romance any of the dudes, because being a straight male playing male characters that's not gonna happen.


Of the female LI tho... everybody can get it except Kaylio.... shawty lets you know real early on that she's a sadistic lil trick who's only out for herself. All the rest fit with the character. My JK and Kira are perfect matches. My smuggler finally settles down once Risha drops the hard to get act. Etc etc....


On another note, y'all got me LMAO with the "my character sounds older", because my voice has been "Barry White" deep since I was like 15. By the time I was 17, I was 6'4" 200lbs and never got asked for ID at the liquor store. :D

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I loved Andronikos, and Theron Shan. The one night stand with Theran Cedrax was OK. None of the other men were even remotely attractive. Maybe if Aric hadn't been such a jerk in the beginning I wouldn't have left him in the cargo hold polishing my boots. And I think I dated Doc already, back in the 70s... :rolleyes:


Quinn, that Mando kid, and Bug Boy... forget it.

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Won't romance any of the dudes, because being a straight male playing male characters that's not gonna happen.


Even so, you miss an opportunity to gain insight to the female view of things, like how Corso basically friendzones himself by being too abashed to apologize and try to make up for that drunken disaster, or how Vector interpreting a clear NO as a "hard to get act" can become really really creepy.

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