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Companions that you just can't get yourself to romance.


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I really liked Nadia on Ossus, and the way she interacted with Doc actually, it was clear that she was much more mature and experienced than she was pre-KOTFE. That was pretty funny seeing both my JK and Nadia make fun of Doc.

And yeah the fact that they're not in a teacher-student relationship anymore changes a lot of things, that's why I think a possibility to start the romance on a male JC at that moment as well if the JC didn't take the option during the vanilla game would've been much better, but well i have 3 female JC, so using one of them to see how the SSR with Nadia goes could be nice


Actually, it is possible to start the romance at that point on a male Consular. Mine rejected Nadia during the class story, but was able to start the romance after Ossus.

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Tharan Cedrax is not a romance. He's a one night stand, kinda like Pierce. Also, Tharan isn't interested so much in himself as ... well, emotionally and intellectually he's all about Holiday. Physically it seems he'll go after any female around; after he dumps you (because of Holiday) if you talk to Nadia you find out he starts to creep on her at which point I usually advise Nadia to tell Holiday.


Doc, Risha, and Akaavi are all romanceable.


I never got the impression that Tharan was trying to get with Nadia. Just that he's the type to get get into people's personal space.


I could've read it wrong though :p

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I agree with that, the female LIs are generally younger than the male ones and they are almost all in a position of subservience or inequality in some way. Whereas the male LIs, with only one or two exceptions, are older and all seem to have accomplished a lot or established themselves and are not subservient or looking to the PC for validation. I don't like that imbalance at all.

Yeah i don't like it either, and that one of the reason I mainly play female characters and that of my 3 main males 1 is sticking to the Jedi code and not in any relationship, 1 is gay, but unfortunately still single and the last one is probably going for Akaavi.


It's one reason I like Lana so much; she's clearly not 21 years old and when you meet her she's advisor to a Dark Council member, which means she's not at the bottom of the power structure. And then she's the Minister of Intelligence, so again, she's got a powerful position apart from the PC. Even when she's loyal to the PC in KOTFE she's not coming to them saying "Oh, master, I'm so confused" the way the padawans do and she has a position of authority on her own terms.

That was a nice change, and that prbably why Lana is one a the female LI i actually like, even if i'm not really interested in the romance aspect. She can do things on her own and is not dependant on our PC, even if she's also abvle to admit she sometimes needs help.


I agree that Risha, Akaavi and Kaliyo also buck the uneven power structure in the class stories. I'd add Kira in a grey area, because even though she's a padawan she's also a former Child of the Emperor and clearly has been able to hold her own out in the big bad world. She was able to get away from Korriban *as a kid* and resist the Emperor's influence, and she tells the PC and other companions off a lot.

Yeah Kira could be there as well, but i did not really counted her there because i've actually never polayed a male JK and so i really don't know how the relationship goes.



I haven't been through with a JC yet but I did see the videos, and I agree. It's clear she has no time for Doc, and it's nice to see her standing up for herself. I also like that during the AA she has a much more reasonable view than Gnost-Dural did - she says that she thinks Sith and Jedi should learn to co-exist whereas Gnost-Dural wants to kill them all.


For obvious reasons I don't mind that they concentrated on the SGR, but since they made LS Jaesa romanceable by both male and female PCs, it's odd that they didn't offer the same with Nadia.

Haven't been trhough JUS with a JC either, i've only played it with my JK.

But if she really thinks that Jedi and Sith should learn to co-exist then that shown she's grown a lot from the young woman who wanted to kill the Sith who murdered her father.


Ah, seems like it's actually possible


Actually, it is possible to start the romance at that point on a male Consular. Mine rejected Nadia during the class story, but was able to start the romance after Ossus.

Nice to know that this is a possibility.

I don't know if i'd try it with my main JC as he never appeared to me as being interested in any kind of intimate relationship so far.

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Torian and Mako are really cute together.


I did, and she does mention it. She says something like, "I heard about Torian, and I kept thinking if I were there I could have done something." That's it.


For the romance between the two of them, I had the feeling it ended a long time ago, didn't it? From what Torian says they stayed together for a time after the BH disappeared but then he ditched her on some planet when the Mandos called, and "she could take care of herself." And I thought that Mako and Akaavi could plausibly be together.


I was never able to figure out how to get the Torian/Mako romance started. Or maybe it's so minor that I'm oblivious. Don't flirt with Mako. Don't flirt with Torian. Give Mako permission...? Do you have to be on a female toon?

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I agree with that, the female LIs are generally younger than the male ones and they are almost all in a position of subservience or inequality in some way. Whereas the male LIs, with only one or two exceptions, are older and all seem to have accomplished a lot or established themselves and are not subservient or looking to the PC for validation. I don't like that imbalance at all.


It's one reason I like Lana so much; she's clearly not 21 years old and when you meet her she's advisor to a Dark Council member, which means she's not at the bottom of the power structure. And then she's the Minister of Intelligence, so again, she's got a powerful position apart from the PC. Even when she's loyal to the PC in KOTFE she's not coming to them saying "Oh, master, I'm so confused" the way the padawans do and she has a position of authority on her own terms.


I agree that Risha, Akaavi and Kaliyo also buck the uneven power structure in the class stories. I'd add Kira in a grey area, because even though she's a padawan she's also a former Child of the Emperor and clearly has been able to hold her own out in the big bad world. She was able to get away from Korriban *as a kid* and resist the Emperor's influence, and she tells the PC and other companions off a lot.




I haven't been through with a JC yet but I did see the videos, and I agree. It's clear she has no time for Doc, and it's nice to see her standing up for herself. I also like that during the AA she has a much more reasonable view than Gnost-Dural did - she says that she thinks Sith and Jedi should learn to co-exist whereas Gnost-Dural wants to kill them all.


For obvious reasons I don't mind that they concentrated on the SGR, but since they made LS Jaesa romanceable by both male and female PCs, it's odd that they didn't offer the same with Nadia.


When the PC is obviously supposed to be rather young, I don't see how you get that the female LIs are younger. If anything they're a bit older if not the same age.


Now the male LIs, I do agree are all older, because the PC is supposed to be so young.

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Top on my 'No Can Do' list is Mako and Nadia since they just come across way too young for my characters. Kaliyo and DS Jaesa are on the list for their messed up personalities. Ashara's on the list due to her situation with why she's on the SI's ship. Corso's a no because of how he reacts even if you never flirted with him and have been mean to him with each dialog/choice. Vector's a no after going through all his dialog to learn more about being a joiner and as bad as the reveal was about the Killiks observing through his head was, the microlarvae under his skin was the deal breaker. Arcann's also on the no list for attempting to kill my characters multiple times, wrecking thier lives with the being in carbonite for years, scattering their companions and devastating the world/s they knew. My roster can forgive the Quinncident, but Arcann goes above and beyond that. Lana's a no because her personality just felt 'meh' and going from the music cues in SoR, it gave me the sense that the devs were expecting you'd be romancing her since it cuts awkwardly when you turn her down. Add to that by this point I'm a bit tired of seeing her around without romancing her, I'm not really up to making a new character to do a romance.
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Jorgan. Just don't care for the fur.


Koth. I don't hate him, just don't care to romance him.


Corso. I wasn't fond of either.


Doc. I don't hate him. I love how he reminds me of Hawkeye. I just don't recall him being a great romance. However, Knight is the class I've played the least. However, I remember think Iresso was the better romance, even if he was on the more slow/sweet/boring side of romances.

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However, I remember think Iresso was the better romance, even if he was on the more slow/sweet/boring side of romances.


It doesn't help that Iresso suffers from 'last recruited-itis'. Compared to most of the other LIs who you spend more time with, the handling on his feels off. If you got him earlier, I feel it would've flowed better.

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When the PC is obviously supposed to be rather young, I don't see how you get that the female LIs are younger. If anything they're a bit older if not the same age.


Now the male LIs, I do agree are all older, because the PC is supposed to be so young.


I know you personally believe the PCs are teens or early 20s but that is not definitive canon and not everyone agrees with you. None of mine are kids and nothing in their stories suggests to me that they are.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I know you personally believe the PCs are teens or early 20s but that is not definitive canon and not everyone agrees with you. None of mine are kids and nothing in their stories suggests to me that they are.


Most of the intro crawls specifically say "young" in them when describing the player character ... knight, consular, warrior, bounty hunter, and trooper all do at least. I don't think the inquisitor, smuggler, or imperial agent mention age (although if I recall correctly the IA intro crawl implies you're new).

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Most of the intro crawls specifically say "young" in them when describing the player character ... knight, consular, warrior, bounty hunter, and trooper all do at least. I don't think the inquisitor, smuggler, or imperial agent mention age (although if I recall correctly the IA intro crawl implies you're new).


Young is a very subjective word. Being under 40 is considered young in some professions. The voice actors for many of the characters do not sound like teenagers, and many of the things the characters do seem to imply they've been around for a while. I don't think rookie bounty hunters enter the Great Hunt, for instance. The trooper and agent are both out of the academy, and if that's equated to a college graduation they'd be at least 22 or 23.


At any rate, what I said is true, which is that the PCs have not been assigned canon ages. If someone wants to head canon that every single one of their toons is 14 years old that is their choice but it doesn't mean it's canon or something everyone accepts.

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I know you personally believe the PCs are teens or early 20s but that is not definitive canon and not everyone agrees with you. None of mine are kids and nothing in their stories suggests to me that they are.

Yep, it mainly comes down to how we perceive our characters.


My youngest is my JK who was 19 at the begining of her class story, but that's mainly because when i made the character, she ended up looking pretty young (my sis told me that she looked like she was 15) and she sounded young as well (funny thing is that in the latest story content she now sounds older)

My oldest is actually my male BH who i made something like 32-33 at the begining of the class story, because he didn't look that young and sounded like he was above 30, so for me Mako was way too young for him.


I struggled a bit with the female BH as she sounds quite like a mature woman (well the french VA is something like 60 and i've always heard her voice on 40 something women), so playing as a human BH, that was kinda weird to have that lady who looked in her early 20s but sounded like she was in her mid-40s. Recreating my BH as a Zabrak, the voice fits much better, she still looks like she's in her early 20, but as she's an alien, the voice bothers me far less.

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Young is a very subjective word. Being under 40 is considered young in some professions. The voice actors for many of the characters do not sound like teenagers, and many of the things the characters do seem to imply they've been around for a while. I don't think rookie bounty hunters enter the Great Hunt, for instance. The trooper and agent are both out of the academy, and if that's equated to a college graduation they'd be at least 22 or 23.


At any rate, what I said is true, which is that the PCs have not been assigned canon ages. If someone wants to head canon that every single one of their toons is 14 years old that is their choice but it doesn't mean it's canon or something everyone accepts.


Yes, oh defensive one. I was merely pointing out that many people look at their characters as "young" because that is the way the game specifically describes them as being. Subjective or not, when someone reads the phrase "young padawan" it tends to create a certain mental image especially when you take into account that (as far as I'm aware) Jedi generally tend not to take in "older" students. And I'm sure they avoided giving specific ages to encourage RP although I'm quite sure a geriatric case would not be referred to as "young" by anyone's standards - except maybe a Hutt.

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That list is quite long, so instead I'll do this.


Companions Romanced:


- Jessa

- Elena

- Akavi

- Temple (Incomplete, because I'm now remaking my IA, but I did.)


Companions I'm interested in romancing:


- Shae Vsla

- Acina

- Risha (I'll make a new smuggler eventually.)

- Veeroa Denz

- Malora (good crazy, I like it.)

- Mako (is a iffy for me, somwhat interested, but no enough to make a bounty hunter for that sole purpose.)

- Darth Hexid


Otherwise, I have little to no interest in romancing any of the other current companions.

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Yes, oh defensive one. I was merely pointing out that many people look at their characters as "young" because that is the way the game specifically describes them as being. Subjective or not, when someone reads the phrase "young padawan" it tends to create a certain mental image especially when you take into account that (as far as I'm aware) Jedi generally tend not to take in "older" students. And I'm sure they avoided giving specific ages to encourage RP although I'm quite sure a geriatric case would not be referred to as "young" by anyone's standards - except maybe a Hutt.

Can't trust a Hutt mate.

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Yes, oh defensive one. I was merely pointing out that many people look at their characters as "young" because that is the way the game specifically describes them as being. Subjective or not, when someone reads the phrase "young padawan" it tends to create a certain mental image especially when you take into account that (as far as I'm aware) Jedi generally tend not to take in "older" students. And I'm sure they avoided giving specific ages to encourage RP although I'm quite sure a geriatric case would not be referred to as "young" by anyone's standards - except maybe a Hutt.


Nobody's being defensive, so the comment is unnecessary. As I said, nobody's arguing that people shouldn't be able to head canon their toons to 15 or 105 if that's what they want, just that it's been left open-ended and that there isn't a canon age for them. So saying a PC is "supposed to be" any particular age isn't accurate.

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Yep, it mainly comes down to how we perceive our characters.


My youngest is my JK who was 19 at the begining of her class story, but that's mainly because when i made the character, she ended up looking pretty young (my sis told me that she looked like she was 15) and she sounded young as well (funny thing is that in the latest story content she now sounds older)

My oldest is actually my male BH who i made something like 32-33 at the begining of the class story, because he didn't look that young and sounded like he was above 30, so for me Mako was way too young for him.


I struggled a bit with the female BH as she sounds quite like a mature woman (well the french VA is something like 60 and i've always heard her voice on 40 something women), so playing as a human BH, that was kinda weird to have that lady who looked in her early 20s but sounded like she was in her mid-40s. Recreating my BH as a Zabrak, the voice fits much better, she still looks like she's in her early 20, but as she's an alien, the voice bothers me far less.


That's how I see it too. It's all about how one perceives the characters and their experiences. Most of the voiceovers for the PCs in English sound fairly mature to me. I love the v/o artists for the female Trooper and female Sith Warrior for instance, and I think they do an amazing acting job, but they certainly don't sound like teenagers IMHO. It's not like, say, Mako where her voice seems to match her scripted age to me.


My bounty hunter has been head canoned as 30+ too. I didn't think she would be in the Great Hunt if she were just off the hay truck, so to speak. Because of that she would never have even thought of pursuing Torian or Mako romantically and she encouraged the two of them to get together.

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I've made older versions of all the classes. They CAN work, because age is rarely mentioned after the prologue, but it's a tough sell.


I generally assume they're all pretty young except for the BH. Neither of the VAs sound all that young, the Male especially. The problem, as Elessara points out, is that the BH is explicitly mentioned to be a newbie hunter, which means he's either young, or had some other career before this one.

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I've made older versions of all the classes. They CAN work, because age is rarely mentioned after the prologue, but it's a tough sell.


I generally assume they're all pretty young except for the BH. Neither of the VAs sound all that young, the Male especially. The problem, as Elessara points out, is that the BH is explicitly mentioned to be a newbie hunter, which means he's either young, or had some other career before this one.


If they wanted the BH to be young, they shouldn't have hired a 61 year old gravelly voiced man to voice him. That aside, I assume bounty hunters come to that career later in life after other options have fallen through. I can't imagine too many teenagers would live long enough to make it into the Great Hunt.


Since most of the VA for the PCs are in their 30s and 40s, (or older) and they all sound like it, I just can't picture them as "young", certainly not younger than some of the young sounding and often immature companions.

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Haven't romanced a single female, and all my characters are males.


I just really like men. I have three to choose from, and they are all pretty decent (save never hearing anything from Koth after Kotet but that was expected). And Theron is so good I never get tired of him. I'm a loyal person!

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All of my characters are female, except my JKs and JCs (I don't like the female voice acting for those classes). I tried female JC and JK, but deleted all except one. I keep that one from nostalgia (one of my oldest characters), but I don't play that JK. I haven't done romances on my male characters.


Never romanced:


- Aric: I thought about it, but then (years ago) BW changed Aric's look. Now, I just see a furry vampire. Nope.


- Revel: a failed pirate who adds nothing to my SIs crew. Nope.


- Torian: too young. Nope.

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1) Lana (just the worst)

2) Doc (and I guess Doc 2.0 aka Theran Cedrax but he's not an actual romance option) really don't like the creepy Chester Molester, doesn't take know for an answer slimeball type.

3) Jaessa (the only dark side SW I've played is female)


I've romanced every other romanceable companion aside from the recent two minute returns on Ossus (Khem, s/s Nadia, s/s Jaessa). I don't see those two minute romance returns as going anywhere or ever having more content so why bother?

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I was never able to figure out how to get the Torian/Mako romance started. Or maybe it's so minor that I'm oblivious. Don't flirt with Mako. Don't flirt with Torian. Give Mako permission...? Do you have to be on a female toon?


I tried to get it started on my BH, but she accepted Mandalore’s offer, the only affirmative response to Torian offering to teach her the Mandalorian language is a flirt, and I suspect that’s the key that locks in the BH/Torian romance (it was the only time I remember choosing a flirt response, and it *seriously* annoyed me that it was either flirt or refuse to learn the language), and later he’s suddenly proposing?

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I HC my female BH as being in her early 20 (not too much older than Torian) and as being a SW Zabrak version of Mathilda in Léon: The Professional in that she lost all her familly before being taken in by a BH, probably Braden, who trained her and she left him to get her revenge before he met Mako.

So while she's fairly new in the BH buisness she's already pretty well trained and has a bit of experience.


That didn't work all that well when i played her as a human because of the voice, but as an alien, it works pretty well, so i'm satisfied.

Well i was quite lucky that i played a male first so that i did not thought of my female BH as being over 30, anyways, when i created her she clearly didn't look like she was more than 25 as she looks like the second youngest of my main characters after my JK.


About Mako, how old is she actually ? I've seen 2 different birthdates, one where she's 17 when you meet her, which supposedly makes her the same age as Torian (though i find it a bit hard to believe he'd only be 17), and the other one where she's 19, meaning she'd be 2 years older than him and only 1-2 years younger than my female BH. But he really doesn't look younger than Mako to me. :confused:



I'm struggling a bit to get myself to romance Koth and Lana though as it seems there is something between the two, or at least there was something and Koth doesn't look like he's really over it.

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Thus far I've only romanced male LIs. Generally I've gone with most of the vanilla story choices and enjoyed them, but my first JK romanced Doc and I would never be able stomach it again. As for the post-vanilla choices, I don't much like Koth, but I considered it just for something different until I found out that the romance is basically abandoned in KOTET. Not terribly disappointed about that, I must admit, although I think it's unfair to those who did romance him.


As for the characters' ages, I make them whatever I want. The voice acting rarely matches the idea of them being incredibly young, anyway. The only companion's age I can't get past is Nadia, who in the vanilla story sounds and acts incredibly young to me; after Ossus, with how she handles herself, I don't find that as much a problem. With respect to the others, I just assume they came to their careers later in life like a lot of people, muddled on in obscurity for a while, or, in the case of my jedi, they're like Ewan MacGregor in the Phantom Menace, i.e., nothing like a teenager. I've forgotten which jedi class story it is, but you meet the one woman who was discovered by a jedi master and was subsequently brought to Tython (he freaked her out at first and she shot at him, so she's constantly apologizing to him). She's certainly no little kid. So it all works out in my head just fine. :p

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