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SWTOR Deserves A Revival: More Funding, Resources and Manpower


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Oh, thanks! I mean, I didn't invent those or anything, I don't even remember why I keep them there, but thanks :)


I never seen letters used to make roses like that before. Took a second to recognize them, which made it even more interesting to me once I seen they were roses. Like a little visual puzzle hehe. :D

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I never seen letters used to make roses like that before. Took a second to recognize them, which made it even more interesting to me once I seen they were roses. Like a little visual puzzle hehe. :D


Oh well see, this is the original rose: --'{@ but I tried to make mine look like thistles because I didn't want to copy it exactly, plus I'm more of a thistle person than a rose person >.>

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I've been collecting these weird little bugs that happen while recording, maybe you should too! My husband loves watching these goofy things.


Oof, I'm having trouble with the website, I hope I haven't posted anything like 5 times in a row.

Too bad i was not recording at the time, but as i'm replaying the BH story, something like 2 days ago, i was having a chat with Torian when my fem BH suddenly started talking in german. Then yesterday, she randomly started speaking with the male's BH voice, that was quite hilarious :D

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one keen major problem Disney as a whole hates the expanded universe only reason this game still running is EA owns the rights and EA only puts money into stuff that can make them 1 billion back like fifa which is why most of the improvements went to the CC market
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Too bad i was not recording at the time, but as i'm replaying the BH story, something like 2 days ago, i was having a chat with Torian when my fem BH suddenly started talking in german. Then yesterday, she randomly started speaking with the male's BH voice, that was quite hilarious :D


:eek: I wish I could see that! I just did the bh story recently and it was sooo buggy, but I wasn't saving them yet. I'll have to replay it just for the bloopers :D

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one keen major problem Disney as a whole hates the expanded universe only reason this game still running is EA owns the rights and EA only puts money into stuff that can make them 1 billion back like fifa which is why most of the improvements went to the CC market


I doubt Disney hates it. What do you base it on, do you have articles or quotes in which Disney formally states their dislike for the EU? Or is your claim simply based on personal and subjective conjecture?


The fact they declared EU Legends doesn't imply they hate it. They simply wanted a clean slate, and frankly, I get it. The EU after Return of the Jedi is so insanely inconsistent, chaotic and all over the place. I'm frankly even happy some of the stuff became Legends because... there's enough cringeworthy material there.


I only wish they had kept the pre-prequels era Canon. Like, that could have stayed, they could have kept the Old Republic era canon.

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:eek: I wish I could see that! I just did the bh story recently and it was sooo buggy, but I wasn't saving them yet. I'll have to replay it just for the bloopers :D

I play in french, so i don't know if you'll see these things as well, but i seriously giggled when i heard that deep manly voice come out or her mouth :D (iirc that was during a dialogue with an imperial officer who called for help because Darth Tormen's ship was under attack)

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Dear fans and players, we're almost at 2000 supporters/signatures! We're 9 signatures shy of reaching that number right now :D


Please, share this petition with as many people as you can! Tag SWTOR content creators, tag the Bioware Influencers! Tag the other Star Wars content creators like Stupendous Wave, Star Wars Explained, Star Wars Theory etc etc, let's all try to bring this petition to as many people as possible!


Because it's not our goal to reach 2000 signatures. It's our goal to go beyond that!

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The fact they declared EU Legends doesn't imply they hate it. They simply wanted a clean slate, and frankly, I get it. The EU after Return of the Jedi is so insanely inconsistent, chaotic and all over the place. I'm frankly even happy some of the stuff became Legends because... there's enough cringeworthy material there.


To be honest most of those inconsistencies were dealt with retcon, it sure isn't perfect but it was a pretty good continuity.

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To be honest most of those inconsistencies were dealt with retcon, it sure isn't perfect but it was a pretty good continuity.


There were definitely good elements in that continuity. You'll always find me praising the Dark Empire comics, the Thrawn trilogy and the Hand of Thrawn duology. But for example the entire Yuuzhan Vong war and arc? I absolutely hated it and I am happy it's no longer part of the canon.


I guess it comes down to personal preferences, but the current continuity after Return of the Jedi feels like it's less chaotic and all over the place. It feels more streamlined. Although I will admit that -had it been up to me - everything from TFA forward would have been different. I'd have preferred if they made a movie adaptation of the Thrawn trilogy or went about the sequel trilogy more creatively. Still, in all honesty, I do enjoy TFA and TLJ a lot more than I did the Yuuzhan Vong arc :p

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The primary reason they should make a try with it is, because the monumental time difference allow them to do pretty much anything.


Another reason is that the Sith's 2 law does not exist. Any number of jedi and sith can be put against in open warfare. Also the constant war forces the jedi order to be less restricted. Both in recruitement, and the stuff their jedi does. So adult people gets recruited, and romantic story is not about perfect secrecy. Hell the grand master herself has a son.


Last but not least it has quite a large fanbase. So the first movie/game, or a great expansion to this one is kinda ensured to hit.

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Little update: thanks to Reddit we've gone from 2000 to more than 2400 in the span of merely several hours! If the current rise of signatures is going to keep up, we may even reach 3000 signatures today xD


Here is a link to the Reddit thread, if anyone is interested in joining the discussion there!

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Little update: thanks to Reddit we've gone from 2000 to more than 2400 in the span of merely several hours! If the current rise of signatures is going to keep up, we may even reach 3000 signatures today xD


Here is a link to the Reddit thread, if anyone is interested in joining the discussion there!


Nice! Thanks for keeping the thread updated, Yll.

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I have to go with the highest rated post on the reddit post,


As you suggested, I signed it even though I'm positive that this will amount to absolutely nothing


What happens when you hit 2500, or 3000? Do bells and whistles go off waking Keith from his Nap?


The dev tracker seems devoid of activity and they still haven't found time to say appreciate the effort or way to go kid.


Are we all as delusional as the white knights, thinking some how somewhere there is a number of signatures that will change things, or that after the last 2 years there are enough people that care about the game to get there. The game launched with a million subscribers who had all purchased a boxed version of the game. Now its free to play and I doubt there are a million players and going by the number of signatures the number of subscribers maybe closer to 3000.

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I have to go with the highest rated post on the reddit post,




What happens when you hit 2500, or 3000? Do bells and whistles go off waking Keith from his Nap?


The dev tracker seems devoid of activity and they still haven't found time to say appreciate the effort or way to go kid.


Are we all as delusional as the white knights, thinking some how somewhere there is a number of signatures that will change things, or that after the last 2 years there are enough people that care about the game to get there. The game launched with a million subscribers who had all purchased a boxed version of the game. Now its free to play and I doubt there are a million players and going by the number of signatures the number of subscribers maybe closer to 3000.


While I agree with this comment, at least it can be said we tried and sometimes that all we can do. I have been playing wow lately because of some of the problems here but I would like to have them make some changes, but I am not naive enough to believe it. I signed the petition when they were closing SWG on the same idea. At least I could say we tried.

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What happens when you hit 2500, or 3000? Do bells and whistles go off waking Keith from his Nap?


The dev tracker seems devoid of activity and they still haven't found time to say appreciate the effort or way to go kid.


Are we all as delusional as the white knights, thinking some how somewhere there is a number of signatures that will change things, or that after the last 2 years there are enough people that care about the game to get there. The game launched with a million subscribers who had all purchased a boxed version of the game.


Nope, no bells or whistles will go off. In fact, nothing might happen at all, I have been saying from the start that is a realistic scenario.


But why don't impossible odds stop people from playing the lottery? From trying to become famous? From trying to set up the next most successful business? From going into politics? One word.




You can call all of them delusional as well, for believing they have a chance. And yet... so many people try and some actually do succeed. Because the chance is there, regardless of how slim that chance is. It's hope that, maybe this time, we'll actually be that lucky 1%. If we're not, what did we lose? Nothing noteworthy. But we can say we have tried, we can say we didn't just sit idly by and watched things from the sideline. I'll gladly quote Kreia/Darth Traya for you here:


"So you will do nothing? Apathy is death. Worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects."


There's no need to call us delusional because when people sign this petition, most of them know that the entirety of it may not achieve anything. Why point that out to us if we already know it? We're fully aware that the chance of us achieving what the petition asks for are slim, but initiatives have been started in even worse conditions, with worse odds and chances. Didn't stop them from trying to achieve their goals, so why should it stop us? Especially if there is nothing to lose, it literally takes only a few seconds to sign it. It actually takes more time to go and call us delusional than it takes to sign the petition ;)


Now its free to play and I doubt there are a million players and going by the number of signatures the number of subscribers maybe closer to 3000.


If that number is correct - which I doubt, otherwise EA would have shut the game down long ago - we're actually very close to all subs having signed the petition :D

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Nope, no bells or whistles will go off. In fact, nothing might happen at all, I have been saying from the start that is a realistic scenario.


But why don't impossible odds stop people from playing the lottery? From trying to become famous? From trying to set up the next most successful business? From going into politics? One word.




You can call all of them delusional as well, for believing they have a chance. And yet... so many people try and some actually do succeed. Because the chance is there, regardless of how slim that chance is. It's hope that, maybe this time, we'll actually be that lucky 1%. If we're not, what did we lose? Nothing noteworthy. But we can say we have tried, we can say we didn't just sit idly by and watched things from the sideline. I'll gladly quote Kreia/Darth Traya for you here:


"So you will do nothing? Apathy is death. Worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects."


I feel two concepts have been confused. You talk of hope, well you don't need to do anything to hope something gets better. It seldom works, hope alone has a poor track record of changing anything.


What is being proposed is signing a petition which is an action. Now when people sign a petition the general concept is that at sometime it is presented to people in charge who take note of the petition. If there is no intent or option to present it to anyone that is in charge or capable of making any decision in relation to the petition then it should be accepted that the plan is to hope they take note, which if they don't take note of all the subscriptions that are being cancelled may need a better delivery system than hope.


Which appears to be the popular opinion on reddit, to quote one poster


Thousands living the game is not relevant. How much did you pay last month to EA for this game? How much did those 2k players each pay? That's relevant.



There's no need to call us delusional because when people sign this petition, most of them know that the entirety of it may not achieve anything. Why point that out to us if we already know it? We're fully aware that the chance of us achieving what the petition asks for are slim, but initiatives have been started in even worse conditions, with worse odds and chances. Didn't stop them from trying to achieve their goals, so why should it stop us? Especially if there is nothing to lose, it literally takes only a few seconds to sign it. It actually takes more time to go and call us delusional than it takes to sign the petition ;)




If that number is correct - which I doubt, otherwise EA would have shut the game down long ago - we're actually very close to all subs having signed the petition :D


I appreciate English isn't everyones first language, but when I say 'Are We' I am asking a question and including myself in the group I'm asking the question of, as I have signed the petition. By your somewhat antagonistic response you appear to have though I was saying 'You are.'


I will respond a little out of order, my taking of 3000 subscribers is based on the view that I would imagine anyone paying to play would happily sign a petition to get more funding for the game. As you say it costs nothing, though it did appear to ask me for money once I signed it, which though has nothing to do with the actual petition was a little misleading. Though I hope there are far more subscribers that 3000, at 15 bucks a month, $45,000 might just keep the lights on, plus CM sales.


Now to me the danger would be that if x number of people sign said petition and its not considered a very large number by metrics of the desired player base; could it be used as a metric to transfer any remaining funding to other projects. Hope that it could be used to show EA or Disney that there is still interest in the game, well should someone from either of the companies see the petition, is there anything to suggest that they would read it in a position light. Or instead say oh only 3000 people think the game can be saved with more funding. If the general agreement is that its not going to do anything, are we the same as those poor families that spend what little money that have on lottery tickets dreaming of a better life that will never happen. Hope is all well and good but you may be better hoping for lots of new subscribers than EA increasing funding based on 3000 or even 5000 signatures on a site they may never go to. To quote someone from Reddit


I've flown from one end of the galaxy to the other and I've seen a lot of strange stuff. But I've never seen anything that made me believe in EA listening to its customers.
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I feel two concepts have been confused. You talk of hope, well you don't need to do anything to hope something gets better. It seldom works, hope alone has a poor track record of changing anything.


What is being proposed is signing a petition which is an action. Now when people sign a petition the general concept is that at sometime it is presented to people in charge who take note of the petition. If there is no intent or option to present it to anyone that is in charge or capable of making any decision in relation to the petition then it should be accepted that the plan is to hope they take note, which if they don't take note of all the subscriptions that are being cancelled may need a better delivery system than hope.


Which appears to be the popular opinion on reddit, to quote one poster







I appreciate English isn't everyones first language, but when I say 'Are We' I am asking a question and including myself in the group I'm asking the question of, as I have signed the petition. By your somewhat antagonistic response you appear to have though I was saying 'You are.'


I will respond a little out of order, my taking of 3000 subscribers is based on the view that I would imagine anyone paying to play would happily sign a petition to get more funding for the game. As you say it costs nothing, though it did appear to ask me for money once I signed it, which though has nothing to do with the actual petition was a little misleading. Though I hope there are far more subscribers that 3000, at 15 bucks a month, $45,000 might just keep the lights on, plus CM sales.


Now to me the danger would be that if x number of people sign said petition and its not considered a very large number by metrics of the desired player base; could it be used as a metric to transfer any remaining funding to other projects. Hope that it could be used to show EA or Disney that there is still interest in the game, well should someone from either of the companies see the petition, is there anything to suggest that they would read it in a position light. Or instead say oh only 3000 people think the game can be saved with more funding. If the general agreement is that its not going to do anything, are we the same as those poor families that spend what little money that have on lottery tickets dreaming of a better life that will never happen. Hope is all well and good but you may be better hoping for lots of new subscribers than EA increasing funding based on 3000 or even 5000 signatures on a site they may never go to. To quote someone from Reddit


Note: when the petition asks for money after signing, that is an automatic part of change.org. Supposedly if you pay X amount of money they show it to Y amount of people more. But this is not me asking for donations, I am not asking donations and never will ask for donations in regards to this petition. If anyone wants to, completely voluntarily, pay change.org for their feature, that's up to them. But I am not asking anyone to pay or make a donation. It's an automatic part of change.org that I didn't initiate or start.


My English is perfectly fine, I simply read over "Are we". My mind turned that into "Are you", which is a mistake entirely on my part so I apologise for that. However, it was completely unnecessary to bring in language into the discussion and to suggest I have a difficulty understanding English, which is absolutely not an issue here. Also, note that I am writing this with a polite and friendly tone. It's easy to mistake someone's tone for antagonistic on the internet :)


It is actually my intent to present the petition to EA and Disney eventually, that is the purpose of every petition. I know perfectly well however that in order to not come across as a joke - and you surely think I already come across like that - the petition will need a large number of supporters (like at least X00.000). It's why I focus on generating attention and awareness around it now, in the hope we will actually reach that number one day.


But tell me, what do you want me to do? I am already telling you that you are probably correct. The petition will probably amount to nothing and you are correct. Is that what you'd like to hear me say? (Again, no hostile tone here, genuine question). Do you want me to stop promoting the petition, to close it? Do you want me to say "you are right, I was a fool for trying"? I am genuinely asking here, what do you want me to do? Because everything you say, everything you explain to me, I know that already. I know that, I know everything you said and acknowledge it's true. But now I ask you again, what do you want me to do? (Note: I admit in this part I am also speaking to the naysayers who keep telling me over and over again the petition is futile and won't achieve anything, so this is not entirely directed solely at you)


I don't want to abandon this. I don't want to sit down and wait for SWTOR's end to happen. Apparently, they're 2800+ people now who don't want that either. So just let us? We know and acknowledge everything you and the other naysayers keep repeating to be true. But you can't ask us to abandon this endeavour if we don't want to. You don't need to convince us you're right because we know you are. We simply choose to act differently while having that knowledge.

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2 milestones in 1 single day? I'll take it!


Earlier today - somewhere in the early morning - the petition hit 2000 signatures. Just now, the petition has reached 3000 signatures :D


That's a full 1000 supporters in the span of a single day! Thank you to anyone who signed, all of you are amazing! <3

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Nice work, keep it up! :)

My belief is that Bioware would be more than happy to devote more resources to the game if given the chance, so its EA than you need to convince. EA is a cautious company that really only cares about maximizing return for its investors, and we've seen them back-pedal on things (ie: the whole loot-crate thing in Battlefront) when public opinion is against them.


I've seen a few threads and comments around here re: Anthem and how its sucking up money that could be spent on this game. People are going to "take a stand" and boycott it, which I think is a completely backwards way of thinking about it. The money has already been spent - if Anthem does badly, EA might just close Austin down, which would absolutely be the end of swtor.


EA doesn't care about individual gamers. It does care about gamers as an aggregate, or rather our aggregated wallets. ;)

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I just signed. And tweeted it, although given I have something like seven followers, that part probably isn't going to accomplish much. (My sister being one of them and who used to play as f2p, but between stuff like her computer kicking it and having more important things to spend her money on like school loans, bills, etc, she hasn't played in at least a couple of years. So she might sign. Dunno about anyone else.)
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I just signed. And tweeted it, although given I have something like seven followers, that part probably isn't going to accomplish much. (My sister being one of them and who used to play as f2p, but between stuff like her computer kicking it and having more important things to spend her money on like school loans, bills, etc, she hasn't played in at least a couple of years. So she might sign. Dunno about anyone else.)


Even one signature more is amazing! In the end it's all about gathering love and support for the game, showing that we - the fans - still love it!

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