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SWTOR Deserves A Revival: More Funding, Resources and Manpower


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I signed the page because I spent a long time here, and the game has potential.


Unfortunately, I don't see Musco et al seeing past the fastest way to make a buck in the moment for what could make more in the long term. Why else would they consistently screw those of us who have spent the most time and money on this game.

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And you missed to promote this on the german market. as EA already stated, the german market is the most important for them, even if it is smaller than the rest of the world (of course it is). maybe write an email to swtorcantina.de, the most important german page related to swtor, but nearly half dead. maybe some french guys could tell you some more pages, where you could promote it for an wider audience.


Speaking of, I just found out that this article exists on buffed.de! http://www.buffed.de/SWTOR-Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic-Spiel-17102/Specials/Petition-EA-Disney-1273831/amp/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0L_kbOINrU4aFUnXzYOTZgPzlTHhpP4ifXTh-lMiScshp6J5M5tGfQTzU&__twitter_impression=true

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Thank you for keeping this up despite all the reasons people providing why it could fail. It takes strenght and certain kind of character to do that and it's not found nowadays as much as its needed! We should not leave things undone just because there is chance it might fail but it should be always reason to fight even more. I salute you and naturally signed. I will spread the word on my (humble) circles.:)
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Not sure if you are aware but was mentioned here.




Though does seem some views are that they should let the game die.


But here is hoping a new producer that realizes it is the story and lore of Star Wars that makes the game great will be brought on board with an injection of funds. I don't think Keith has been around the forums since before the holidays, with any luck he will be replaced with someone that doesn't decide to spend resources on Master Mode content few people seem to be interested in.

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While I do see what you mean, it is simply not practical to do it otherwise. Currently we have 850 signatures from all across the globe. Had I wanted to achieve the same effect I would have to had booked a flight from Europe to the states, gather signatures there hoping to find some SWTOR fans. Then I'd have to fly to every single area in the world, Asia, back to Europe, etc etc to gather the signatures. I would have had to quit college for that period of time, leave my family behind for those weeks and invest an incredible amount of money in travel. In this era, online petitions can reach a lot more people, in much more remote area's.


Again, I understand what you mean, but I believe that it all rests on personal perception. You perceive paper petitions has having more credibility and value, but ask the same question to a present-day 18 years old and you'll get an entirely different answer and view. They'll perceive the paper petition as inefficient and weird to do it that way, while seeing online petitions as the normal way to go about it. Times have shifted and sadly perceptions don't shift along as easily. Though that is a completely different subject and I don't want to derail my own thread :p


For paper petitions to work, there has to be a particular fan organization structure in place which isn't there, and I agree they do take time to get rolling. Still makes a letter writing campaign viable. I know it'd still seem wierd and inefficient to some, but that also makes it stand out more in the Age of Internet. All you need is the right address or addresses for Bioware/EA and give people a few guidelines with what to do/not to do on thier letters. Stamps are cheap and it does require people to do more than e-sign and click a button.


A letter writing campaign wouldn't negate doing the online petition thing, but supplement it.

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That is one thing i would say we need is a newer game engine. I go further and say that if they wanted to suspend subs and shut down the game till they built new said Game Engine and once done reactivate the subs and show off that bad boy Engine. I would Support that and the time off from the game....


IF <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ONLY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


They can guarantee we the Players would not lose our characters or level ranks or any gear and companions, pets and other stored stuff and so forth... if they can do that, i am all for it.........

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That is one thing i would say we need is a newer game engine. I go further and say that if they wanted to suspend subs and shut down the game till they built new said Game Engine and once done reactivate the subs and show off that bad boy Engine. I would Support that and the time off from the game....


IF <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ONLY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


They can guarantee we the Players would not lose our characters or level ranks or any gear and companions, pets and other stored stuff and so forth... if they can do that, i am all for it.........


I'f I'm remembering rightly what's been said by former employees, the Hero Engine used is either extensively tweaked or was never the full version so it was already iffy to begin with. Add to that, the people who worked most with the system and knew it's quirks are no longer with the company and this is why a lot of longtime bugs that should've been fixed long ago haven't. Essentially no one's around who knows it well enough to go in and fix things without breaking other stuff.


I'd be all for a move to a newer engine as long as we kept our characters and all the stuff with them even if it meant the game going on hiatus for a time to get that accomplished.

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It is also being shared on facebook. I just got a link from my boyfriend on facebook and I hadn't told him yet about it so it is being shared even on facebook.

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Thank you for keeping this up despite all the reasons people providing why it could fail. It takes strenght and certain kind of character to do that and it's not found nowadays as much as its needed! We should not leave things undone just because there is chance it might fail but it should be always reason to fight even more. I salute you and naturally signed. I will spread the word on my (humble) circles.:)


Well, it helps that I have a seemingly inexhaustible pool of positivity :) perhaps naivety is part of that, but I just love the game incredibly much. I want to see it thrive and do well. And I get the points of criticism people have and I do get why people respond less than enthusiastically to it (altho they do sign, so thank you!), but I just can't let that diminish my love for the game, I don't want to let it :)


Not sure if you are aware but was mentioned here.




Though does seem some views are that they should let the game die.


But here is hoping a new producer that realizes it is the story and lore of Star Wars that makes the game great will be brought on board with an injection of funds. I don't think Keith has been around the forums since before the holidays, with any luck he will be replaced with someone that doesn't decide to spend resources on Master Mode content few people seem to be interested in.


Thank you for sharing the link with me, I had no idea there was an article like that about it! I keep hoping the petition will also reach Dulfy and other content creators, it would increase the chances even more of it being notices by people!

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It is also being shared on facebook. I just got a link from my boyfriend on facebook and I hadn't told him yet about it so it is being shared even on facebook.


Yaay, I am glad to hear! I implore everyone to share the petition as much as they can, everywhere they can! The more signatures, the louder the voice!

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This is pretty big imo! The petition already got the attention of some fairly significant social media outlets. Amazing that they picked it up so fast and even commented on it, I am really impressed.


This ought to motivate you more, Yll. :D


I stuck the thread in my sig hope you don't mind.

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I have amazing news for us all: within several days - not even a week has passed - we have managed to get 1.000 supporters for this petition! Yes, thanks to you we were able to push the amount of signatures up to 1k and I want to thank every single one of you who signed, shared, spread the petition <3


But while this is an amazing milestone, definitely a huge milestone... we still have a lot more work to do. If we want to make our voices heard, if we want the petition to reach the right eyes over at EA and Disney, then we need a lot more signatures.


That is why I am asking every single one of you to share this petition anywhere and whenever you can! Share it on Facebook, share it on Twitter, share it on Instagram, on Reddit, on the SWTOR forums... wherever possible! Reach out to the Bioware Influencers who haven't noticed the petition yet (a huge thank you to all the Influencers that already shared this, you guys truly are the voice of the fans!). But also share this petition with other Star Wars content creators like Stupendous Wave, Star Wars Explained and Star Wars Theory. We need to reach more people than just the SWTOR players, we need to reach the entire Star Wars fanbase.


Thank you everyone who signed, all of you are amazing and epic! Let's aim for the next thousand, and then the next, and so on and so forth! Let's show SWTOR is loved!


This is pretty big imo! The petition already got the attention of some fairly significant social media outlets. Amazing that they picked it up so fast and even commented on it, I am really impressed.


This ought to motivate you more, Yll. :D


I stuck the thread in my sig hope you don't mind.


I absolutely don't mind and I am going to do it myself! I am so happy and grateful that we reached 1000+ signatures, it's simply amazing!


I have already reached out to Star Wars Theory, explained the situation to him and hopefully will be able to persuade him to support us. I am waiting for a reply! But it's Star Wars content creators like him, Stupendous Wave, Star Wars Explained etc etc to spread the message in an even wider circle. So that is why I would like to ask all of you, if you can and want, to throw in your voices as well if you watch these content creators and let them know this petition exists! :D

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It's with things like this that we see who's here for love of the actual game and Star Wars, from the frogs, locusts who just stick around for a month or less, and negative naysayers I've seen in sites like MassivelyOverpowered.


What you're doing is amazing and gives me hope for SWTOR, keep going!

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Deserves it? Hell yes it does. Will it get it? I think not. Why do I think it won't? Because whoever is ultimately in charge of this game (buck stops here) is a moron. Whatever is best for the game does not get done. Only the cheapest option gets done. So good job applying for more funding; a worthy cause. Experience tells me they won't do anything to help Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR) now.
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Because whoever is ultimately in charge of this game (buck stops here) is a moron. Whatever is best for the game does not get done.


Unfortunate truth. I have thought this from the start when I subbed first time ages ago. Things have gotten better, as we have gotten tons of quality of life-changes after Keith became boss, but still...the damage was done and it has been a spiral down. When Irving was still in lead, I had to ask out loud once why developers of this game hate the players so much. The decisions made were so idiotic I was sure they were making them out of spite. How long we had to wait for simple things like shared bank for characters, something that every miserable Korean f2p had? Too many years, that's how long. Now we have it, so in the end it was far from impossible to make. Management just didn't think stuff like that was necessary before. I just this week (LOL) realised I can travel now just from galaxy map! Awesome! Why couldn't I do it before? Because someone in management didn't care about stuff like that. Many decisioins made (good or bad) aren't about money or recourses. They are about individuals making those decisions, and if those individuals aren't interested in actually giving players a pleasant experience, or don't even understand what players want or need, more money and resources will be just wasted.

Edited by tahol
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It's with things like this that we see who's here for love of the actual game and Star Wars, from the frogs, locusts who just stick around for a month or less, and negative naysayers I've seen in sites like MassivelyOverpowered.


What you're doing is amazing and gives me hope for SWTOR, keep going!


I will admit that when I read some of the reactions on the MassivelyOP site, I got a bit sad. But the negativity is understandable, it comes from years of disappointments. The same goes for the reactions on Reddit, most of them expressed severe disillusionment with the promises with the game which is just a huge pity that it had come to it.


I keep hoping stuff will change, or better said that stuff can be changed. If the petition does just that, that would be amazing, but I understand the scepticism of people. Now more than ever actually.


But my own love for the game is simply too large to allow there to be room for disillusionment within myself. The memories I have created with this game are one of a kind and frankly, I don't ever want to stop making memories with this game. It's why I hope so fiery SWTOR will be around for years and years to come!

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Over 1000. 👍 👏

I think it's great that it draws so wide circles. Maybe you could also think about a SWTOR 2. With a better engine, better graphics, that gives even more possibilities. ;):D


Who knows, to be honest! The thing with this however, is that EA's exclusive deal with Disney ends in 2023. There is too little time to produce and develop a SWTOR 2 in a mere 4 years.


However, a possible scenario would be that Disney is already negotiating a deal with someone else, to take over SWTOR and potentially start developing a SWTOR 2. Perhaps Zenimax? Perhaps Blizzard? This is all speculation on my part of course, but I can imagine that Disney is fairly fed up with EA at the moment.


And there has to be a Star Wars MMO right? I mean, you have ESO, WoW, Guild Wars 2, Anthem is coming out soon... there has to be an MMO set in a galaxy far, far, away, no? And what better way for Disney to include the Old Republic era into the new canon, by making a SWTOR 2? :)

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I will admit that when I read some of the reactions on the MassivelyOP site, I got a bit sad. But the negativity is understandable, it comes from years of disappointments. The same goes for the reactions on Reddit, most of them expressed severe disillusionment with the promises with the game which is just a huge pity that it had come to it.


To be honest, negativity exists in all MMOs to the point I'd probably be concerned if there wasn't someone being negative about a game. If I had a dollar for each time someone's proclaimed a game's dead or dying and said game's still going on for years, I'd have all my bills paid off including student loans.


The negativity will always be there, same with the comparing various chats to old days Barrens Chat for how bad it is, or every game having some version of the Jawa game in chat. Some of it's completely valid and understandable, then there's also others who just aren't happy unless they're miserable about anything.

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I do agree with Yeldah_ and Tahol, its about upper management making bad decisions in regards to the game... which has been happening for years, although I think Keith has been doing far better than Ben at listening to feedback and adapting. I think with more budget he could maybe turn the situation around.

Who knows, to be honest! The thing with this however, is that EA's exclusive deal with Disney ends in 2023. There is too little time to produce and develop a SWTOR 2 in a mere 4 years.


However, a possible scenario would be that Disney is already negotiating a deal with someone else, to take over SWTOR and potentially start developing a SWTOR 2. Perhaps Zenimax? Perhaps Blizzard? This is all speculation on my part of course, but I can imagine that Disney is fairly fed up with EA at the moment.


And there has to be a Star Wars MMO right? I mean, you have ESO, WoW, Guild Wars 2, Anthem is coming out soon... there has to be an MMO set in a galaxy far, far, away, no? And what better way for Disney to include the Old Republic era into the new canon, by making a SWTOR 2? :)


I don't think we'll get a classical MMO, at least not in the SWTOR sense anyway, in the near future. I do fully expect at some point even EA might try to tap into it but not now. I'm rather curious as to what will happen to the game in 2021, if I recall that is when the game's license ends unless they "renegotiated the deal" so to speak, so it really makes me wonder if what'll happen to Star Wars as far as games go in the future.


As far as MMOs go I think Blizzard and Zenimax has their hands filled already, but I wouldn't rule a triple AAA publisher. I'd expect it to be honest since Disney handing the license to EA shows they want someone big to take care of their license.


And it wouldn't be SWTOR if it was canon, it'd be just another SWTOR. I do hope canon gets a SWTOR equivalent someday though, it'd be a great chance to explore its old republic era and right now canon is sorely lacking in RPGs... talk what you will about SWTOR as a game but if canon had a equivalent for it it'd probably end up being a pretty good immersive experience.


Some of it's completely valid and understandable, then there's also others who just aren't happy unless they're miserable about anything.

Agreed, just in some places I see the same people over and over complaining about the game. And some of it is valid criticism but the rest is just the same old angry rants they've been doing for years.

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