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i wana know how many devs went to anthem from swtor


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All of them. Considering how little work they're doing on this game and how they aren't fixing major game breaking issues until after Anthem launches, the devs are probably all primarily assigned to Anthem right now and are just working on SWTOR sporadically. Edited by AscendingSky
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What I’m wondering is, why should I feel anything other than resentment towards this Anthem game for taking devs away from this one?


You should rejoice because Ben Irving got sent from SWTOR to Anthem and no single move BioWare has made has brought me more joy. I know it's petty and immature and unbecoming, but I will never forget watching the live streams where they talked about how exciting RNG is (even though players had practically risen in one voice and screamed NOOO!!!!!) and how we as players weren't playing the game the way it should be played.

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You should rejoice because Ben Irving got sent from SWTOR to Anthem and no single move BioWare has made has brought me more joy. I know it's petty and immature and unbecoming, but I will never forget watching the live streams where they talked about how exciting RNG is (even though players had practically risen in one voice and screamed NOOO!!!!!) and how we as players weren't playing the game the way it should be played.


He must be one of the bozos that likes lootboxes. But that’s only one obviously undesirable person. What about the rest? :p

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I don't care one bit about Anthem and I can't wait for its launch so I can hear more about the game, aside from SWTOR of course, I care about: Dragon Age.


I'm coming for you, Solas, you dbag.


I recently finally got around to giving DA:O a try (I got it as part of a huge sale bundle on GOG a while back). So far I’m liking the story. A power-hungry jerk betrays the king and the entire country (possibly the entire world) in the middle of a demon invasion, and *now* I’m dealing with a zombie apocalypse on top of that *and* having been falsely declared a traitor just because I got recruited to the Grey Wardens... and everything so far actually makes sense...unlike, oh, say, taking a non force using character through KOTFE/KOTET...or the whole traitor arc...or how the entire galaxy’s apparently forgotten that my consular is Barsen’thor...or the fact that a force-user-eating dashade (Khem) is willing to have an intimate relationship with a Sith Inquisitor...

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I recently finally got around to giving DA:O a try (I got it as part of a huge sale bundle on GOG a while back). So far I’m liking the story. A power-hungry jerk betrays the king and the entire country (possibly the entire world) in the middle of a demon invasion, and *now* I’m dealing with a zombie apocalypse on top of that *and* having been falsely declared a traitor just because I got recruited to the Grey Wardens... and everything so far actually makes sense...unlike, oh, say, taking a non force using character through KOTFE/KOTET...or the whole traitor arc...or how the entire galaxy’s apparently forgotten that my consular is Barsen’thor...or the fact that a force-user-eating dashade (Khem) is willing to have an intimate relationship with a Sith Inquisitor...

Enjoy the ride. IMO, DA:O is the best Dragon Age. Also the romances are so well done, as are character conversations in general. And now reading your post and typing this out has made me all nostalgic. I want to do another run now.

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i wana know how many devs went to anthem from swtor


All but 2. Charles and Matt, and maybe an intern or two, are probably all they have working on the game. And Matt may only be on loan from Anthem (may it crash and burn) part time. So it's probably just Charles and his intern(s). Which is why nothing gets fixed in a timely manner, and no one is giving us any real information. That and they're too busy working on that Geonosian witch (that will introduce even more bugs - no pun intended - into the game) to be bothered with fixing existing bugs. :rolleyes:

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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2019 will be the best year in the history of Swtor, as the EA 2019 preview (or whatever it was) stated.


I really wonder how they intend to do that as I agree with what some have mentioned here: It definitely seems like everyone but Charles, Eric, Keith and (part-time loaned from Anthem?) Matt are gone. And then they got this one guy who posted on social media that he created (some of?) the Ossus dailies. And there is that GSF guy (maybe an intern?). So, all but 6 are working on Anthem?


And when I think about how much work I get done in 8 hours, I wonder what other projects Eric has. Because his community managing output doesn't fill 8 hours a day. He must have some other tasks, too.

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i question this because when a basic bug like fixing a weekly quest so it works seems really simple and they said they pushing it back to feb makes me think that they have max 4-6 people working on swtor right now :rak_02:


Keeping in mind a few points:


* The alpha team (i.e., the original development team) for SWTOR was shuffled off fairly quickly after release. (That's not terribly uncommon in MMO development.) SWTOR was released at the end of 2011 and the alpha team shifted in early 2012.


* Anthem went into development in 2012. That was pre-production, which lasted until 2014. At this time various development groups (mainly from BW-Edmonton and BW-Austin) were pulled in. So that's where a lot of the initial loss from other projects would have been felt.


* Core development on Anthem started later in 2015, after the pre-production issues with the Frostbite engine were assumed to be mostly fixed. This was basically the full-on production phase.


* A revamped development phase started (also in 2015 and into 2016) after more issues with Frostbite were deemed to be fixed.


* Keep in mind that Mass Effect: Andromeda was going on at this same time (which also used the Frostbite engine). It was released in 2017 and pretty quickly ran into issues. This eventually led to reshifting of BW-Montreal developers. I mention this only because this influx of developers would have even less mandated the need to pull from an already small SWTOR development team.


So the point here is that the original SWTOR developers were pulled away from the game many years ago. The bulk of those making up Anthem as the production phase geared up (twice) were not dealing with SWTOR as much, and likely not at all.


It is true that Anthem did receive almost the full stock of development work in 2017 across various studios but, by this time, this was a pool of developers from various BioWare offices and likely impacted SWTOR only minimally. The "time to fix" issue that you mention has been something of a problem, in various aspects and to various degrees, for SWTOR for many years now.

Edited by Kryptonomic
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It is true that Anthem did receive almost the full stock of development work in 2017 across various studios but, by this time, this was a pool of developers from various BioWare offices and likely impacted SWTOR only minimally. The "time to fix" issue that you mention has been something of a problem, in various aspects and to various degrees, for SWTOR for many years now.


I think this part is most interesting because people constantly like to fault the development of Anthem for the lack of fixes and other recent issues with SWTOR. I mean it's easy to understand why people jump to this conclusion, but according to your take on it that's just not the case.


Since reading your posts I have found myself much more at ease with the state of this game, just having some sensible explanations behind a lot of the questions we have had posed on these forums all the while getting no answers from BW/EA has helped. It's always nice to have some logical explanations behind why a game seems to go a certain way.


Mostly I am still disappointed with this game and how the company handled it over the years, but I am out of energy caring. Plus having these answers have sped up my process of understanding just how futile caring about this game is now in it's present form and going forward.

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Isn't that the truth lol. That is the single greatest thing about Anthem.


+1 from me. I have never had any hard feelings for a game dev...and then there's Ben Irving. Him leaving filled my petty heart with joy.

Edited by tahol
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