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Republic and Imperials on same PVP teams... lame


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Game is more important than your immersion. Especially having people able to play it. PVP without people doing PVP is pretty lame too. World is larger than the inside of your head.


This is a role playing game; immersion is important. This game only lives because it is Star Wars. If this game was exactly the same as it is but minus the star wars stuff hardly anyone would play it. There are simply more entertaining games to play when it comes to actual game-play. I am very sure that people who still play this game, play because it is a part of the Star Wars universe, not because it has been well made and well managed (because we all know that it hasn't been either of those things).

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This is a role playing game; immersion is important. This game only lives because it is Star Wars. If this game was exactly the same as it is but minus the star wars stuff hardly anyone would play it. There are simply more entertaining games to play when it comes to actual game-play. I am very sure that people who still play this game, play because it is a part of the Star Wars universe, not because it has been well made and well managed (because we all know that it hasn't been either of those things).


If this game wasn’t SW related it would have died and been shut down 3-4 years ago

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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If this game wasn’t SW related it would have died and been shut down 3-4 years ago


So So true, if I wanted a pure PVE challenge there is better stuff (EQ, ESO etc)

Although im not into PvPer, if I was ESO is way more fun


Star Wars is the only reason im still here, the thought of fighting fellow Imperials is just a non starter for me.


Be safe

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It killed star wars atmosphere in the game. I dont feel like playing the real star wars where reps soldier fighting imps troopers, jedi dueling sith with their cool lightsabers. Now it is just lame :confused:


To me, that' "Star Wars athmosphere" was never there in the first place, it was just your personal "hhead-canon", because you don't seem to have noticed what happened with the "good guys", the Republic Clone Troopers", after and within ROTS. They became evil. Imperial Clone Troopers. Faction-switching at large ? LOL


And don't remember Luke using Force Choke towards an gamorrean guard in Jabba's Palace - a force skill usually considered to be evil, too !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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But, that wasn’t the case on the US servers. It didn’t pop like DM,


I do agree that matchmaking has done nothing. If anything it’s made it worse and they shouldn’t have bothered. But that’s not the crossfaction fault.


I think if they’d left the matchmaking out of it the crossfaction would have worked better than it does. They should never have done it at the same time and then we could have seen first hand the real impact of crossfaction,


As it was, by doing them both at once it did have a detrimental affect on the quality of pvp. People like to say (on the US servers) it’s because reps are s**t players. But that’s just not the case. Since the matchmaking it has become apparent that the majority of players on both factions are just s**t players because of how borked up the matchmaking is.


They put 1-2 good players on a team or whole premade and and then all s**t. Instead of putting same skilled players for both teams. They spread out all the good players or premades to carry the crap players. If they just put all the crap players together into matches and all the better players together it would make things better. But at the moment we are spread out instead of being put together.


At least without the match making you had a better than average chance of getting good teams on both sides. Now it’s rare to ever have two good teams against each other. You have complete one sided teams that’s so bad it’s like preschoolers getting beaten by PhD graduates.


Crossfaction didn’t cause any of that and was needed for the US servers or pvp would have always been imp vs imp.


Huge skill gap between players is a much bigger "problem" that cross faction and matchmaking changes that work only paper .


This march will be my 4th year in this game and I can see that the level in regs has dropped a lot due to token chars and easy access for any neb to endgame PVP without knowing even basic things about their classes.


In 3.0, 4.0 era endgame regs was much more competitive than it is today.


Doesn't matter what they change, it will look good only on paper... ;)

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I've only ever seen that in shooter games where characters are not as individualized as in RPGs/MMOs. As lame as the current solution is I think you'd rustle a lot more jimmies by auto re-skinning toons into generic templates.


They did this in World of Warcraft to address queue times actually, and it worked fine. I don't see why it should rustle anyone's feathers.


As for your 'idea', while it is certainly possible for BW to implement such a thing [they've made many such stupid decisions], their decision to implement this wouldn't be based on whether they are 'a real AAA title' or not...


It would be based on whether it's worth putting their resources into, and the resources they have (ie: budget) does in fact relate to them 'being a AAA title or not'. My statement was explaining that a clearly understaffed MMO that rarely releases content and can barely keep up with bugs isn't going to focus resources on the visual appeal of characters in warzones, nor should they, but if they were a larger game with a larger budget they might.


...but on whether they'd like to manufacture a forum / twitter meltdown because a niche minority of players want to rewind the game to how it looked in 2012.


See previous remark regarding WoW doing this. This was already done in another game and exactly zero people had a meltdown. I don't know where this assumption you're pushing that people would freak out is coming from but I'd like to see your data backing up that argument.


I don't really care if some rando I'm PVPing against in a Warzone doesn't see my character on their screen the same way I do, and neither should anyone else. Probably because the person I'm fighting is actually looking at my health bar the whole time anyway.


I lol at the way you can apparently headcanon your characters doing pvp in the first place but the sticking point is the appropriate color of your teammate's lightsaber.


"Color of lightsaber" was obviously a loose reference to the general concept of maintaining the theme of two distinct warring faction identities visually represented in warzones, which is the topic of this thread, and not a suggestion that the only thing relevant to this thread topic is what color our lightsabers display as in warzones.


Nice strawman though.

Edited by Genaya
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I don't really care if some rando I'm PVPing against in a Warzone doesn't see my character on their screen the same way I do, and neither should anyone else. Probably because the person I'm fighting is actually looking at my health bar the whole time anyway.


While otherwise a very well constructed post, I disagree with this part! Certain players have worked hard to create an iconic look for their character and it would be understandable if they got upset if other players couldn't see that. I certainly would. Back in 2012 and 2013 I could recognize other players by their looks before I had even seen their names. As for the system you mentioned in WoW; last time I played I was playing Horde, and Horde had longer queue times than the Alliance. In spite of this fact, I'd still rather queue Horde side because I got to play my own character. But it's nice that the choice is there, I suppose. It's optional, after all.

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This is a design flaw that had been pointed out during the closed beta already.


Mythic was integrated into BioWare before they started the development for SW:TOR, so they already had the knowledge and mechanics to set up PvP with three factions, which worked beautifully with DAoC. Three factions balance themselves automatically since two will team up once the third gets too powerful.


Even without all that, one can guide population growth with incentives. Offer the weaker faction a bonus to exp/cxp or something. There are lots of options.


I am still playing PvP and technically it doesn't matter since the people behind the characters are all the same but sometimes it is jarring... like, I'm the commander of the Alliance and an important figure even before that. What am I doing here, performing in a game for a disgusting Hutt? Previously I could at least pretend that I am competing against enemies for some political or strategic advantage. Now... meh.


Anyway, all the complaining isn't going to change anything. BioWare very, very rarely listens to their player base because they believe they know better. Even if it's obviously evident that they do not. But that's an entirely different discussion.

Edited by DaemionMoadrin
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PvP has always been Republic and Imperials on the same team, only the pubs were disguised as imps. Due to the terrible faction balance created with the 5.0 gearing debacle everyone PvPd on the imp side no matter what their main faction was.


Same people, just now instead of everyone using lightning, some throw rocks.

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This is a design flaw that had been pointed out during the closed beta already.


Mythic was integrated into BioWare before they started the development for SW:TOR, so they already had the knowledge and mechanics to set up PvP with three factions, which worked beautifully with DAoC. Three factions balance themselves automatically since two will team up once the third gets too powerful.


Even without all that, one can guide population growth with incentives. Offer the weaker faction a bonus to exp/cxp or something. There are lots of options.


I am still playing PvP and technically it doesn't matter since the people behind the characters are all the same but sometimes it is jarring... like, I'm the commander of the Alliance and an important figure even before that. What am I doing here, performing in a game for a disgusting Hutt? Previously I could at least pretend that I am competing against enemies for some political or strategic advantage. Now... meh.


Anyway, all the complaining isn't going to change anything. BioWare very, very rarely listens to their player base because they believe they know better. Even if it's obviously evident that they do not. But that's an entirely different discussion.

Your comment about a 3rd faction is spot freaking on!!! It is absolutely the best possible way to develop PvP.


But your "commander" comment...dude...come on...suspend your RPing of the "commander" for a few minutes in PvP. This is still a game...just enjoy it for what you're doing, not the pretend story you've played through.

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PvP has always been Republic and Imperials on the same team, only the pubs were disguised as imps. Due to the terrible faction balance created with the 5.0 gearing debacle everyone PvPd on the imp side no matter what their main faction was.


Same people, just now instead of everyone using lightning, some throw rocks.


This is sooooooo true.

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Your comment about a 3rd faction is spot freaking on!!! It is absolutely the best possible way to develop PvP.


A third faction from the start would have been interesting and awesome. One that was focused around non Force users and the criminal underworld.

Their tech, tactics and abilities would all be designed around killing force users.


You could still have -


Republic faction

* Jedi and troopers. Jedi consulates would keep the Shadow build so they have stealth


Sith faction

* Sith and Agents. But either Inquisitors or Agents would need to have their stealth classes converted to a non stealth build because it wouldn’t be fair for them to have 2 stealth classes.


Underworld faction (Hutt’s ??)

* Bounty Hunters and Smugglers + crime bosses (or some such 3rd class). They would keep their scoundrels as the stealth class

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They didn't put enough classes into this game. Like aren't there Fringers? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fringer. And only in SWTOR is Sentinel a part of the Guardian class. It was it's own base class.


If this game is loosely based on KOTOR, the 3 non-force classes are: Soldier, Rogue, Scout. Force: Guardian, Sentinel, Consular.


Also, I think development on this game had started before 2009, thus Mythic didn't have anything to do with the conception and early dev of SWTOR.

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If you're a pub pvping, it's more like you're the traitor, since everyone else is an imp.


What The Hell are You talking about, you say a Republic person can't play pvp, grow up.


Grow up about cross faction if ur able to, a lot of people don't want to, but u need to. I play both Imp and Republican, and both sides has bad players so stop ur Bs, and being a crybaby. If you can pvp it don't matter. Fight and and put your mouth where the money is.

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What The Hell are You talking about, you say a Republic person can't play pvp, grow up.


Grow up about cross faction if ur able to, a lot of people don't want to, but u need to. I play both Imp and Republican, and both sides has bad players so stop ur Bs, and being a crybaby. If you can pvp it don't matter. Fight and and put your mouth where the money is.


I don't think you understood what he said, then you attack him with unnecessary anger and name calling. Are you just trolling? And it's "put your money where your mouth is." :)

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I don't think you understood what he said, then you attack him with unnecessary anger and name calling. Are you just trolling? And it's "put your money where your mouth is." :)


What people are doing is acting childish, about this Imperial and Republic pvp system that helps pvp. What i don't like is is people acting like children like. Hey, it seems like i'm the only one, who says like it is, don't be a child and you won't be treated like one. We are supposed to have a good time. Get in and pvp and have fun or get the hell out. Simple. If you don't like it play something else.


I do, if i don't like something. But people need to Stop acting like little children. In real life you have to go through life not liking everyone. That's life. Cross faction helps. It not about faction, as it is the player, not knowing how to play, or Not willing. That happens on both sides. I know because i play both sides on 50+ toons.

Edited by MandFlurry
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A third faction from the start would have been interesting and awesome. One that was focused around non Force users and the criminal underworld.

Their tech, tactics and abilities would all be designed around killing force users.


You could still have -


Republic faction

* Jedi and troopers. Jedi consulates would keep the Shadow build so they have stealth


Sith faction

* Sith and Agents. But either Inquisitors or Agents would need to have their stealth classes converted to a non stealth build because it wouldn’t be fair for them to have 2 stealth classes.


Underworld faction (Hutt’s ??)

* Bounty Hunters and Smugglers + crime bosses (or some such 3rd class). They would keep their scoundrels as the stealth class


A 3rd faction actually is a really neat idea. I always enjoyed EQ1 Sullon Zek server, it had a three faction meta and it was tons of fun. They could actually do a lot with a 3rd faction in SWTOR.

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A third faction from the start would have been interesting and awesome. One that was focused around non Force users and the criminal underworld.

Their tech, tactics and abilities would all be designed around killing force users.


You could still have -


Republic faction

* Jedi and troopers. Jedi consulates would keep the Shadow build so they have stealth


Sith faction

* Sith and Agents. But either Inquisitors or Agents would need to have their stealth classes converted to a non stealth build because it wouldn’t be fair for them to have 2 stealth classes.


Underworld faction (Hutt’s ??)

* Bounty Hunters and Smugglers + crime bosses (or some such 3rd class). They would keep their scoundrels as the stealth class


This is how cross faction should have been done. Imperial versus Republic in warzones but with mercenary, power-tech, scoundrel and gunslinger being able to play for either side. This is pretty much how Star Wars works. Smugglers and bounty hunters have no loyalties. Thus having those four advanced classes cross faction would make sense. However, having Sith and Republic troopers on the same team is stupid.

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A third faction from the start would have been interesting and awesome. One that was focused around non Force users and the criminal underworld.

Their tech, tactics and abilities would all be designed around killing force users.



Underworld faction (Hutt’s ??)

* Bounty Hunters and Smugglers + crime bosses (or some such 3rd class). They would keep their scoundrels as the stealth class


Underworld faction is probably the best Idea I have heard for a third faction. Even better than an alliance faction or Zakuul faction. Could be sponsored by the Hutt Cartel perhaps?

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