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6.0 - what things do you wish for?


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I like convinience a lot, so real dual or triple spec with saved talents and hotbars.

Second, needing to be in group for simple quest to get credit for mob kill? Faction mob tap please

And lastly, this is far-fetched, I would really like ToR addon support. This would double my enjoyment.

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Good story with good replayability (basically more like vanila, less like kotfe+kotet)

Class Quests

More companion story/interaction (and maybe a couple new companions with story to them)

More races

A couple new classes (maybe like wow heroic classes, starting at higher level with a specific starter story before the main story)

More ingame customization options (i know they need to make money in the shop but would it kill them to have some good stuff ingame?)

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- Less Lana. Like, a lot less.



- Hoping against hope that they will FINALLY buff PT DPS so it isn't a free kill against the majority of other classes anymore.

- Expertise so the PVErs can have their grindfest and I stick to PvP for PvP gearing within a reasonable timeframe.

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- Good story

- Keeping the Alliance

- A bit less Lana

- More Theron, Arcann, and any other LI

- More interactions with my companions, especially the LIs (considering i killed none of them except Vette because i did not really have a choice, i'd like to see them and hear from them sometimes)


- More customisations for some forgotten species : i'd really like more skin tones (something like yellow would be nice), horns and tatoos for the "dark" Zabrak for instance

- Some new haircuts for ladies with long hair (more buns actually)


And that would already be nice for me.

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Odessen stronghold


Either ‘Show dark side corruption’ option changed to a dropbox allowing you to pick between any Dark level you’ve attained on that character or else points earned based on the dark side/light side toggle next to the minimap don’t affect the character sheet scale/appearance


Companions on your ship again (at least droid and romanced, better would be to add those plus 4-5 of player’s choice)


Intertwined class stories again like chapters 1-4 (lvl 1 character creation through rothc) - would be a bit complicated to pull off, you’d need some sort of transition/interim arc to explain what non-kotfe/kotet characters were doing between the start of kotfe and the end of the traitor arc, with characters that haven’t started any of the kotfe/kotet/traitor content being given the choice of starting kotfe or following the transition/interim stories - could be an intertwined class-specific arc that’s unavailable to kotfe/kotet characters. You’d also have to do something about the companion mess we currently have


All the screwy mess caused by Jedi Under Siege applying “default” choices regardless of whether or not you’ve completed all affected story arcs fixed

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I hope they stop with the gearing bullshtittery thats been going on for years now. Just copy the system from makeb/oricon time back and we're good.


Progression is my main concern. But if they don't bother with listening to any feedback we've been giving them for yers about this, hope they at least make a good *long* story so I can justify a sub without feeling like I could have gotten more value out of that money by purchasing winzip lol.

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- A very interesting story with great cinematic presentation like Kotfe buf now with pub vs imp.

- More Jonas Balkar, (full romance, wink wink)

- Theron interact more in the story with pubs, maybe with his mother, maybe his father or gnost dural or maybe even Jonas.

- Likewise if you choose imp, there’s more Lana. But don’t make Lana pretend she’s all pub and knows all about them over Theron. That was ridiculous she contacted SIS and not Theron himself.

- Keep letting us be the commander of the alliance, if you want to give a choice to not be anymore, then ok, but let us those that want to remain this way, stay.

- An exclusive scene with the LI, be able to have at least a one on one scene with your LI, in your room or somewhere where they can chat. Even if they only ever pop up this one time only on the story. Because say you can’t fit Arcann in the story but those who romanced him can still get something.


Bonus: Tea with Daeerun.


Im excited either way for more story content!

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I wish that I can skip to 6.0 with my characters that never started KotFE, without getting a ton of unwanted companions from other classes and having my original companions being replaced with mindless clones that no longer react on pre 3.0 content. Also no alliance alerts, please, that blink in my menu bar until I get those clowns. Just let me move on with my characters to play current content, and pretend KotFEET never happened for my smugglers and bounty hunters.


For the future writing I wish that the storywriters would respect class identity. If you have to make one story that has to fit all classes, find a plausible way to involve our characters. Enveloping the actual story in a class-specific arc could change the whole narrative with only a few lines of extra dialogue. (e.g. "Hey Captain, my master Nemro the Hutt will pay generously for info on his rival Toborro's plans on Makeb. I heard you have good connections to the Republic...")

Edited by Mubrak
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- Zakuul, Oricon or Ossus Stronghold

- Vaylin Voodoo

- Lana Begone

- Kira's Return!


Well, I'd really like there to be fewer "you can kill this character" bits unless they don't appear to end the character's story, so I'm not sure about killing Lana, if that's what you mean. However, less of her and more of our old companions would be very nice.


More story with our companions, including the last of them coming back.


More story that follows from our class story.


Fewer villains who are villains due to mental illness or torture or implanting diodes in their heads, or at least do those stories better if they just can't help themselves. I know it's Star Wars, so I'm not including the corruptive influence of the Dark Side in that, but even that's getting on my nerves.


I'd like a couple of those stories overturned, so, yeah, a Vaylin companion, or better a brief and entirely voluntary story followed by a companion, even if she never appears again, but also continue Darth Zhorrid's story a bit if she's not dead (and let me kill Jadus, or ally with him I suppose, but offing the slime would do me some good). Or just put them on the console or let us get them as CM characters if they truly think that would be weird after Revan and Vitiate and Malgus and so on. Spirits or visions, especially if they come back like Eclipse Squad and thank us, isn't a great choice.


I'd like to see us genuinely able to switch sides. That's probably not possible, or if it is it probably wouldn't be "my Knight still throws rocks at the target instead of lightning (or vice versa), but it would be nice. The way I expect it would have to be done, we may as well just create a new character on the other side with the same look and close to the same name.


Most of what I'd like the best probably requires money and resources I don't know they have. So it goes.

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Bug fixes


A Belsavis SH [use the temple from EV]


Some sort of in-game reason why we have one [or multiple] SHs would be nice. At the end of IA Act 1 Jadus planned to destroy the strongholds of his enemies. I'd like to see this happen as an in-game thing, either as a story chapter or event. Make it a credit sink where you have to defend your stronghold against enemies and pay extra for decorations that do something just for the event [ie. mines]. This could be tied into the Saboteur/loyalist subplot very easily.


Don't give us a new planet, or if you do, make it an Odessen-sized planet. Instead, pick a planet [not starter or capital] that we used in vanilla, and add end-game content to it, as was done with DK for kotet.

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- Less bugs

- More options for our characters, ie, being able to switch factions openly and completely if they want, or at least support them openly, like Iokath. No more sneaking around.

- Continued Alliance

- Continued content with Lana, especially romance content, and choices to keep her as primary quest giver if you want.

- More romance content with other LIs to appease those fans

- Return to companion conversations

- More decos

- More strongholds that are nice and well thought out

- More story content

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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1: Bigger budget and more devs

2: New game engine

3: Less bugs and quick fixes when they pop up

4: Grafik overhaul

5: all of the above before 6.0


:D *i wish i wish...* :rolleyes:


So basically you want swtor 2. If you gonna port a game to a new engine might as well make a whole new game. Also the increased budget will not happen, game does not make enough money for that. All of that in 1 year just not even possible.


1. Increase the difficulty of this game.

2. Reduction of awful grind mechanics.

3. Expertise back.

4. Meaningful group content, make master modes worth your time.

5. Class balance.

6. A decent story and perhaps a new planet.

7. Make 6.0 an expansion one you pay 20 bucks for.


All of this very much possible with the dev power and resources they have. 5 of the 7 can literally be done by updating loot tables and changing number values. The other 2 require more work but we will see what they do. It is said to be an actual expansion unlike kotet stuff. Srry its not an expansion adding story content doesnt expand an mmo.

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Just fix all the bugs, that could make a good 6.0....:rolleyes:

+1 for this. In addition, fix all the things that have gone wrong like the lack of returning companion customisation in Iokath that is still preventing players bothering with it.


I don't think any "new" story they come up with will be any good based on my experience of 5.10 so I'm no longer bothering to get my hopes up.

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republic vs empire is the way to go

I'd like to see Aryn Leneer appear in the story, potentially as the new grandmaster.

All planets picked should be from the movie universe.

be as similar to Star Wars movie feel as possible



I'd like to see some mini games like sabaac or Pazak or similar

Don't make any more large system changes. Just clean what already exists and don't "start over" again

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