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Favorite and Least Favorite Companions


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I see from the OP's list, they must play a LS inquisitor. otherwise I have no idea how Ashara could be their favourite. Her entire presence makes no sense on any DS playthrough. Never shuts her mouth about "reforming the Empire" even if you make it abundantly clear you have no interest in doing so... Coincidentally your choice for favourite and least favourite Inq companions are the complete opposite of mine :p I love Xalek, he's like my own personal Darth Maul to me. Reticent, but deadly. I was just upset he got so little conversations and a crap KOTFE return with the terrible KOTOR convos.


But, to the question at hand.


Fav overall companion- Kira. This answer might have been different if she was back already, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. I cannot wait for my lovelorn JK to be reunited with her.


Least favourite overall- Hard to say honestly. There are a few who I hold in equal levels of disdain or that I find pointless. Broonmark, Scorpio, Tharan Cedrax, Ashara, Skadge and Kaliyo would all be in the running for my least favourite, hard to decide which I hate more.


Warrior favourite- Vette (My warriors first love :p)


Warrior least favourite- Broonmark (Boring)


Inquisitor favourite- Xalek (Like I said, my Maul xD)


Inquisitor least favourite- Ashara (Yawn, wish we had a kill option, my Inq wouldn't have tolerated her for 10 minutes after Taris)


Agent favourite- Honestly don't have one, I find every Agent companion quite tedious. I guess Lokin, if I HAD to pick one.


Agent least favourite- Dead heat between Scorpio and Kaliyo, they are equally annoying. For such a good story Agent has TERRIBLE companions.


Hunter favourite- Mako (Enjoyed her on both genders, works well as both love interest and sidekick)


Hunter least favourite- Skadge (Isn't it obvious?)


Knight favourite- Kira


Knight least favourite- Scourge (Simply because in all my Knight stories he'd be imprisoned by now and I find it a little hard to buy that he'd be allowed to roam free after the Emperor's defeat.)


Consular favourite- Qyzen (I usually dislike non-voiced Alien races as companions, but I enjoyed Qyzen and his personality. Also isn't a great crop to pick from in Consular imo)


Consular least favourite- Tharan Cedrax (I found him to be a self centred user, always asking for you to sully your good name to further his career. Plus he's the SW universe equivalent to the guy who dates his Siri voice on his phone)


Smuggler favourite- Bowdaar (Had to be, every true smuggler needs a huge Wookie)


Smuggler least favourite- Akaavi Spar (I found her pretty boring, her voice didn't help matters)


Trooper favourite- Dorne (I like her voice :))


Trooper least favourite- Tanno Vik/Yuun. Hard to separate them, I find Yuun unbelievably boring and Tanno incredibly annoying. Can't say which irks me more.

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A lot of people seem to dislike Broonmark and Skadge so I am not the only one.


They are my first and second most hated companions respectively.


Quinn, Kaliyo, Pierce and Xelak also really annoy me.


But Skadge and Broonmark are the only two that I did not bother interacting with at all the second time I played a SW and BH through. Once they became companions, they just stayed on the ship....standing around...doing nothing.

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Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Felix Iresso and Qyzen Fess

Least favorite: Zenith



Favorite: Elara Dorne and Aric Jorgan

Least favorite: Tanno Vik


Jedi Knight:

Favorite: Kira Carsen and Scourge

Least favorite: Sergeant Rusk



Favorite: Risha and Bowdaar

Least favorite: Guss Tuno and Corso Riggs


Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Andronikos Revel, Talos Drellik and Ashara Zavros

Least favorite: Xalek



Favorite: Vector Hyllus Doctor Lokin and Raina Temple

Least favorite: Don´t really have someone whom I would truly dislike, though Kaliyo and Scorpio aren´t always on so good terms with my Agent.


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: Vette and Malavai Quinn

Least favorite: Broonmark and Lieutanant Pierce


Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Mako, Torian Cadera and Blizz

Least favorite: Skadge

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- Jessa (Both)

- Elena

- Shae Vsla

- Darth Hexid

- Risha

- Akaavi Spar

- "Deadeye" Leyta

- Veeroa Denz

- Temple

- Mako

- Ashara

- Vette

- Acina (Well, she was a companion for a minute.)

- Created companions (wishful thinking lol.)


Least Favorite:


- Skedge

- Koth


The rest:



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A lot of people seem to dislike Broonmark and Skadge so I am not the only one.


They are my first and second most hated companions respectively.


Quinn, Kaliyo, Pierce and Xelak also really annoy me.


But Skadge and Broonmark are the only two that I did not bother interacting with at all the second time I played a SW and BH through. Once they became companions, they just stayed on the ship....standing around...doing nothing.


With Skadge, if they at least had him join the crew with dialogue more in line with,


"You know boss, he's crude and crass and kinda smelly, but every team could use a big brainless bruiser to rough up the small guys, maybe we should give him a shot on our crew?"


1) You're right.

2) Okay, but just a chance.

3) I don't know, but okay, but he's taking a bath first.


He might have gone over much better.

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With Skadge, if they at least had him join the crew with dialogue more in line with,


"You know boss, he's crude and crass and kinda smelly, but every team could use a big brainless bruiser to rough up the small guys, maybe we should give him a shot on our crew?"


1) You're right.

2) Okay, but just a chance.

3) I don't know, but okay, but he's taking a bath first.


He might have gone over much better.


ha ha, I like this idea!!! :D

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Nothing wrong with Skadge, he is just misunderstood. He's a real brute but the way he acts is nothing more than the crudest attempt at deadpan and black humor i've ever seen. Since this game is built on humor through the storylines, it seems no one can see Skadge for what he is and always see him as the cold hearted brute everyone wants to airlock.


"Hey Runt, look at that wussy hutt over there trying to slither away." - Skadge

"Nooo." - Hutt

"I aint got time for such nonsense Hutt! You're coming with me and we are going to have so much fun." - Skadge


20 minutes later..


"Aww yeah! There is nothing better than watching a Hutt get theirs." -Skadge

"I take it you enjoyed yourself?" -Bounty Hunter

"Yeah, it was fun when the Hutt tried to escape with the shock collar i put around his neck and it shocked him unconcious. It was like he'd forgotten the first time and then.. hahaha" -Skadge

"..and then.. what?" -Bounty Hunter

"And then he forgot about the collar a second time and his head exploded into a green mess, Hah! Serves the hutt right. I'm bored now, let's find something new to do, runt." -Skadge


Can't say there isn't humor in what Skadge does. He is literally nothing more than a walking source of humor despite being a brute.

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I don't think Skadge is misunderstood -- just that he acts in a very unpleasant manner when you encounter him (doing dumb things that hurt your mission more than help it) and then practically forces himself to your ship. This is a game that allows people to make up a personality for their PC (or just self-insert and make the choices they personally would make), and taking Skadge along feels very out of character for many players. It breaks the illusion of choice.


I completely agree with SithKoriandr in this:


With Skadge, if they at least had him join the crew with dialogue more in line with,


"You know boss, he's crude and crass and kinda smelly, but every team could use a big brainless bruiser to rough up the small guys, maybe we should give him a shot on our crew?"


1) You're right.

2) Okay, but just a chance.

3) I don't know, but okay, but he's taking a bath first.


He might have gone over much better.


When you're forced to take a companion along with you, it matters how it's justified. Especially if the companion has a somewhat extreme or argumentative personality.

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Note: I don't really like any of the companions from the expansions. The only reason they were invented in the first place was because BW couldn't afford to continue class stories. Lana and Theron are interchangeable to me. Senya was probably the most interesting.



Favorite character: Vette. Not for the romance, which can be all kinds of creepy, but because she has the most story and interesting quips. I quite like her line on leaving DK spaceport 'where legends are forced on the galaxy'.

Honorable mention: Quinn. He grows on you, but admittedly a lot of it comes from his romance, which helps alleviate...other issues.

Least favorite: Broonmark. Someone described him as a D&D premade for the barbarian class, which I think is the most accurate description I've seen.



Favorite character: Adronikos. Again, not for the romance, though I give it credit for being understated and subtle. I quite liked it during the class story on Tatooine when he actually throws sith cruelty back in your face if you shock him. Not many comps directly criticize your character like that.

Least favorite: Xalek. After all the buildup to get a new, proper sith apprentice, this is what we're stuck with? I'd rather have gotten the Gran.



Favorite character: Doctor Lokin. Unlike most comps, I get the impression that whoever wrote Lokin also wrote another fifty pages of backstory that never got added in. He feels like he has depth, like an actual person. He's also one of the few comps who actively talks to other members of the crew. And he can turn into a rakghoul.

Honorable mention: Kaliyo. Her romance does a lot to redeem the character.

Least favorite: Temple. I hate her VA and I also hate the way she's characterized. How could the Chiss have tolerated her that long? Her story, and how PCs react to her story, also need work



Favorite character: Gault. He's funny, like Vette he has a lot of good quips [i can see why they put them together in kotfe], and while not overtly DS, he's the most DS character you get until Skadge, something that doesn't become clear until you take him on through all the class missions.

Honorable mention: Blizz. Aside from his gimmick character, I like that he's the baby of the crew, and even hatchet-faced PCs will find themselves overcome with cuteness fever. He's a good foil.

Least favorite: Torian. Missed opportunities, that's all. His comp stories are completely bland if you aren't romancing him, or if you aren't a mandalorian. It makes him stuck-up, and not in a good way, because nothing you do will change the fact that you said 'No' to Mandalore. I also wish there'd been some more backstory on what his dad did, and what effect that had on him. At the very least, Mandalorian PCs should have been able to ask the Question.



Favorite character: Scourge. He's not here to be your friend, and he's not here because he has nothing better to do. Most of the plot-focused characters are rather dull imo [ie. Jaesa], but he makes up for it by showing you a path to the Sith that is a lot more tempting than the way Sith tend to get portrayed in the game.

Honorable mention: Doc. I like him, he's funny and has good lines. I didn't initially like him on my male JK, but even if your PC is stiff-necked LS 5, he can be entertaining.

Least favorite: Rusk. I was initially going to say T3-M4, who is bland and has a bland comp story, but I knew there was one other character I was missing, but couldn't remember. That would be Rusk. I do like the line where he says he hasn't had much time to think lately, and PCs can ask him to clarify if he forgot what downtime was like or forgot what THINKING was like. JKs can actually snipe him quite a lot, even if it's a bit out of character.



Favorite character: Qyzen. He's a loyal friend and protector who generally likes helping others, unless helping them makes them dependent on you, in which case they should solve their own problems [shades of Kreia]. He also approves every time you get a kill option. And he hunts wookiees. I think it's the first time a Trandoshan has been written well in the Star Wars EU. I also like his comp story, he does a surprising amount of philosophizing.

Least favorite: Tharan: I'd have preferred just Holiday, tbh. He has some very irritating quirks, and I don't really want to do his comp story ever again. Just hearing 'lumenatus club' makes me shudder. One part of my problem isn't related to the character at all, but rather the BW bug that for a time ensured that he would say 'Have I mentioned that I'm a pacifist?' after every fight.



Favorite character: Risha. I compare her to Doc. People seem to hate Doc because he continuously flirts with female JKs. They also hate Corso for the same over-persistence. Male Smugglers can flirt with Risha for the entire class story, even during Act 1 when she isn't really a companion yet. But does she get mad and try to slap the PC down? No, she rolls with it, and does an exceptional job imo. She also fits very well with a DS gangster empire-builder PC. The only thing I don't like about her is that there should have been a secondary, secret affection bar for her in Act 1, which would be used to help her make a proper decision when her dad asks her to backstab the smuggler.

Honorable mention: Akaavi: Her romance is one of the best in the game, imo. That aside, I like the way you can slowly win her over. She's one of the only comps in the game that openly states she would rather be anywhere else, but doesn't have anywhere to go. Her VA reminds me of Sigourney Weaver.

Least Favorite: Bowdaar. I like his quips, especially when the smuggler is about to do a blackout moment. His comp story is pretty much a wash though. It seems every Chewbacca clone Star Wars has come up with has been entirely lacking in characterization, and this one is no exception.



Favorite character: M1-4X. Great VA, great comp story [i did HK long after I did 4X, and the entire time I was thinking 'why did they just cut and paste 4X's comp story onto HK?'], and he's a must for DS troopers.

Honorable mention: Jorgan. His romance does a lot to redeem the character. Alternatively, if you're sufficiently evil-minded, you can snipe Jorgan pretty regularly throughout both the class story and the comp convos. By the end, I was glad comps weren't allowed to shoot PCs in the back.

Least favorite: Yuun. Despite being mandatory to open up the rest of the Alliance alerts [a mission that requires you to sift through literal Zakuulan garbage, well done BW], I still had to google his name. Look, people might hate Vik, and they might have good reasons for it, but they don't forget he exists. I really wish they'd used more of the Gand starfighter pilot from the X-Wing books when they made this character, and less of the mystic empath who feels danger D&D stereotype.

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Jedi Knight

Most Favorite - T7-O1. He's endearing, earnest, clever, and even funny at times. Since I always play my Knights LS (I really don't like the way most DS decisions in that story play out, it just doesn't 'fit' well in my head with the plot train) it's always T7 + Jedi = Win!

Least Favorite - Rusk. Not only is he dull as dishwater to interact with, but he's practically a sociopath with how little he cares about throwing lives away to meet some random "efficiency" number he made up in his own head. That's the whole reason he ends up on your ship--no one in the military wants him around because he turns every skirmish into a meat grinder.


Jedi Consular

Most Favorite - Qyzen. I love that they wrote a Trandoshan with actual depth. Finally they were a species with a culture and a belief system instead of random lizardmen you find in trash mobs while questing.

Least Favorite - Tharan Cedrax. So many people like to rant about Doc like he's some sort of sex offender, but they are oddly silent about the fact the Consular has a smarmy wannabe lethario companion with even creepier lines who also brings a sentient waifu hologram on board. Also Holiday's high pitched cutesy voice grates on my nerves whenever I'm forced to hear it.



Most Favorite - This is a tough one. For sheer entertainment value I would say M1-4X. I enjoy having the Propaganda Bot as my co-pilot in GSF matches, because hearing him shout "FOR FREEDOM!" whenever you score a kill is kinda hilarious. In terms of actual story, it's probably a tie between Aric Jorgan and Elara Dorne. They're both fairly well fleshed out companions and seeing the hardedge Republic patriot interact with the prim Imperial defector in the group cutscenes is fun.

Least Favorite - Tanno Vik. Characters written to appeal to the Edgelord McTryhard demographic always bore me.



Most AND Least Favorite - I'm honestly pretty "meh" about all the Smuggler companions. I don't adore any of them, but I don't hate any of them either. (I did use to majorly dislike Guss, but I softened on him after a second story playthrough and doing his Alliance Alert.) They all have aspects I like and aspects I find irritating. I really can't rank them easily.


Sith Warrior

Most Favorite - Vette. I've never romanced her, but my Warrior playthrough was LS and so she was my best gal pal. I love her witty dialogue, as well as how she never stops thumbing her nose at everyone who tries to keep her down.

Least Favorite - Broonmark. Boring one-note murderbeast is boring.


Sith Inquisitor

Most Favorite - A tie between Khem Val for entertainment value (especially during the 'Odd Couple 2099' scenes when he and Zash squabble) and Andronikos for the unconventional romance.

Least Favorite - Ashara. Dumb, delusional, whiny, hypocritical, useless... I have nothing good to say about this lady. I won't ever do her Alliance Alert, because I prefer her gone.


Imperial Agent

Most Favorite - Vector. He's a very unique character, both seriously creepy and seriously endearing at the same time. That makes him very appealing to me. A very close second place would go to Dr. Lokin, since he's another character with depth and complexity to him (and the responses in your conversations with him that actually get his approval follow a very interesting pattern).

Least Favorite - Kaliyo. So many people (including Theron haters) seem to forget about or laugh off that one time in the Agent Kaliyo literally tried to sell your protagonist to some of her old terrorist buddies for torture and death. I don't--or the fact she has the unmitigated gall to get mad at you if you tell her you can't trust her anymore after she tried to sell you out. I didn't want her around in the Agent story, and I DEFINITELY don't want her around on any toon in KotFE/KotET. None of my characters would EVER want a sadistic maniac like her as part of their organization.


Bounty Hunter

Most Favorite - Torian wins if I'm a Mandalorian and romance him on that playthrough. If I don't, then it's a tie between Blizz (because cuteness) and Mako (because best gal pal).

Least Favorite - Skadge. Does this really need to be explained? Another Edgelord McTryhard entry in the companion stable. He's the only companion I've ever gleefully selected the "Kill" option for, that's how much I detest him.


It's really hard for me to pick a favorite companion overall. Skadge, Kaliyo, and Ashara are my top three most hated companions for sure.


Now, out of all the companions we've received AFTER the end of the class stories, Theron Shan is definitely my favorite by a large margin. I love his character arc and how he's evolved as a person over the years in the story. Troy Baker doing such a fantastic job of portraying him is the cherry on top of the delicious sundae.


My least favorite of the KotFE/KotET companions would have to be Senya. I don't hate her or anything, but sometimes all she seemed to do was sulk and criticize (even if you made nothing but LS decisions and spared Zakuulans whenever you could) so I didn't care for her. I wasn't fond of the entire "Keeping Up With The Valkorions" soap opera with space magic family drama overall, to be honest.


In terms of all time favorite love interest companions, those are Theron, Doc, Torian, and Vector (not necessarily in that order). Least favorite love interests are Iresso (boooooring and too late in the class story for it to go anywhere interesting) and Quinn (because his betrayal made ZERO sense in context with the romance).

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Least Favorite - Tharan Cedrax. So many people like to rant about Doc like he's some sort of sex offender, but they are oddly silent about the fact the Consular has a smarmy wannabe lethario companion with even creepier lines who also brings a sentient waifu hologram on board. Also Holiday's high pitched cutesy voice grates on my nerves whenever I'm forced to hear it.



YES! I just played my first female JC and even I, a straight GUY, found him skeevy as hell. I've done a female JK and I didn't find Doc nearly so annoying, he actually grew on me and I ended up enjoying his character, Tharan just seems like some weirdo at the bus station flirting with the Siri voice on his phone while he comes on to you. I didn't mind him so much on my male JC's but I honestly wanted to airlock him in the female story. "My Jedi" :mad: Jerk.


And that voice on Holiday would send my Light V Consular running to train on Korriban. Space bar.

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YES! I just played my first female JC and even I, a straight GUY, found him skeevy as hell. I've done a female JK and I didn't find Doc nearly so annoying, he actually grew on me and I ended up enjoying his character, Tharan just seems like some weirdo at the bus station flirting with the Siri voice on his phone while he comes on to you. I didn't mind him so much on my male JC's but I honestly wanted to airlock him in the female story. "My Jedi" :mad: Jerk.


And that voice on Holiday would send my Light V Consular running to train on Korriban. Space bar.

I think you bettered my Vette hate rant with your Cedrax hate rant :D And I had to Google "skeevy"! Sums up both Cedrax and Holiday perfectly.

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I think you bettered my Vette hate rant with your Cedrax hate rant :D And I had to Google "skeevy"! Sums up both Cedrax and Holiday perfectly.


It's the rare occasion where I've started hating someone simply because of the gender I was in the playthrough. I had no real problems with him as a male, I still found the whole Holiday thing off putting but not to the same levels.


What bugs me even more is my game forced me into a romance with him! I avoided his flirt options like the black death yet he still talked about ending our affair when we never friggin had one! And I had no option to say "screw you we were never anything" :mad:


I feel like I might have the same problem when I run a female Smuggler with Corso, as I have heard he is quite persistent too, but that isn't always as off putting as it is with Tharan.

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"screw you we were never anything" :mad:

This should be an anti romance response! Devs add this right now :D


I feel like I might have the same problem when I run a female Smuggler with Corso, as I have heard he is quite persistent too, but that isn't always as off putting as it is with Tharan.

I found out the best way to play a smuggler is to go dark and give answers that Corso won't like since it does not affect influence (and even if it did, this is still the best option). His "persistence" is easily dealt with when you go dark :) I never really enjoyed the Smuggler story until I decided to play one as nasty ;)

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This should be an anti romance response! Devs add this right now :D



I found out the best way to play a smuggler is to go dark and give answers that Corso won't like since it does not affect influence (and even if it did, this is still the best option). His "persistence" is easily dealt with when you go dark :) I never really enjoyed the Smuggler story until I decided to play one as nasty ;)


I've only done one DS smuggler, and I didn't enjoy it quite as much as LS, so odds are I'll go LS again with a female when I run through it again. I really enjoyed the LS story, found it hilarious. Absolutely love the wise cracks the male smuggler makes, his voice is perfect for it imo. Hoping the female voice is as good.

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It's the rare occasion where I've started hating someone simply because of the gender I was in the playthrough. I had no real problems with him as a male, I still found the whole Holiday thing off putting but not to the same levels.


What bugs me even more is my game forced me into a romance with him! I avoided his flirt options like the black death yet he still talked about ending our affair when we never friggin had one! And I had no option to say "screw you we were never anything" :mad:


I feel like I might have the same problem when I run a female Smuggler with Corso, as I have heard he is quite persistent too, but that isn't always as off putting as it is with Tharan.


What's useful about Theran, as a character, for a female LS JC, is that he helps take her out of that 'serene, contemplative' voice that the VA uses through most of the game. Her responses to Theran help develop her own character, or at least the player's sense of their character. I think a big reason people dislike the JC on first run is that both VAs sound so distant and aloof. When Theran obnoxiously flirts with her, the way she reacts humanizes her [even if she's an alien].


I still don't like Theran. But I can see what the devs were thinking when they designed him [and Holiday].

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What's useful about Theran, as a character, for a female LS JC, is that he helps take her out of that 'serene, contemplative' voice that the VA uses through most of the game. Her responses to Theran help develop her own character, or at least the player's sense of their character. I think a big reason people dislike the JC on first run is that both VAs sound so distant and aloof. When Theran obnoxiously flirts with her, the way she reacts humanizes her [even if she's an alien].


I still don't like Theran. But I can see what the devs were thinking when they designed him [and Holiday].


True you do get some emotion in the rude responses to his come ons. One of the few times as a LS Consular you can hear anger in her voice.

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True you do get some emotion in the rude responses to his come ons. One of the few times as a LS Consular you can hear anger in her voice.


I only play DS or dark-neutral JC. Her voice sounds less monotone that way. LS JC is pretty boring so I don’t fault the boring line readings because that’s pretty well in character from that perspective. But I appreciate her VA more when she’s angry or joking

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I only play DS or dark-neutral JC. Her voice sounds less monotone that way. LS JC is pretty boring so I don’t fault the boring line readings because that’s pretty well in character from that perspective. But I appreciate her VA more when she’s angry or joking


I like boring :p Like you said, it does feel more character appropriate for me, being LS all the time on Jedi.

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I only play DS or dark-neutral JC. Her voice sounds less monotone that way. LS JC is pretty boring so I don’t fault the boring line readings because that’s pretty well in character from that perspective. But I appreciate her VA more when she’s angry or joking


I like the JC story much more than the Jedi Knight overall, but yeah, she's so placid she seems asleep a lot of the time. I blame the direction and not the actress because it really seems to be how the character is scripted. She doesn't react to much of anything either in tone of voice or in the dialogue she's given.


Jedi Council: Your master died.

JC: Cool.

Jedi Council: Your master lived.


Jedi Council: We'll give you a title nobody else alive has.

JC: That's nice.

Jedi Council: You appear to have caught on fire.

JC: It's okay.

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The female Jedi Consular was actually one of my favorite voices in the entire game. I thought the the performance suited her perfectly, especially as a Lightsider. It was calm and reserved, but still could be compassionate and authoritative. Edited by OldVengeance
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I only play DS or dark-neutral JC. Her voice sounds less monotone that way. LS JC is pretty boring so I don’t fault the boring line readings because that’s pretty well in character from that perspective. But I appreciate her VA more when she’s angry or joking


I have a light and a dark JC. Being evil helps but not enough to get me to slog that class again. I swear both male and female JC's sound like they're on space valium.

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Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Torian - loyal, cultural, noble, totally marriage material

Least Favorite: Scadge - stupid and bully


Imperial Agent:

Favorite: Vector - intelligent, poetic, sensitive. good-looking for a bug :)

Least Favorite: Kaliyo - a nutcase


Jedi Knight:

Favorite: Kira - smart, good friend

least Favorite: Rusk - nothing bad, just less special than the other 4 companions


Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Zenith - competent. passionate about his revolutionary stuff. hope he will be romance option at some point.

Least Favorite: Nadia in the past, but she is much better now after 5.10


Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Talos - nerd, intelligent, loyal

Least Favorite: Khem Val - he has an interesting story, but really gives me nightmares. prefer not to summon him...


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: Quinn - Smart and competent (though whiny...). I actually liked his betrayal arc. His loyalty had to be conquered, not just earned or bought with presents. But how many times did he get your SW *** out of trouble??

Least Favorite: Broonmark - nutso serial killer



Favorite: Risha - like her personality and attitude

Least Favorite: Aakavi - too somber



Favorite: Aric - the most interesting companion story and arc among trooper companions

Least Favorite: M1-4X - least personality of all droids


Overall Favorite: Theron Shan first, then Torian, Vector, Kira and Risha equally favorite among the old ones.

Overall Least Favorite: Skadge - I am not a school bully to have such a sidekick.

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