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I Sacrificed My Character So You Don’t Have to...Or How Autocomplete Really Works


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Sorry to necro this, but my question is;


1. Non-boosted Jedi Sentinel, did not romance anyone in Ch. 1-3 of vanilla

2. Romanced Theron in SOR

3. Declined Lana/Theron romance in KOTFE

4. Plan to romance Doc in KOTET when he comes back...?


Is this possible?



I don't think it's possible.


I played JUS with a JK who did not romance him and don't remember getting any [flirt] option with him on Ossus or during his AA afterwards on Odessen.

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I don't think it's possible.


I played JUS with a JK who did not romance him and don't remember getting any [flirt] option with him on Ossus or during his AA afterwards on Odessen.




So does anyone know if it's possible to start a romance with Theron (or Lana) at the start of KOTET ch.1?


Or, when starting Ossus, "“Inflection Point” mission? Since those are 2 of the listed "hard saves".


I'm just looking for any romance options at this point..

Edited by Scyion
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So does anyone know if it's possible to start a romance with Theron (or Lana) at the start of KOTET ch.1?


Or, when starting Ossus, "“Inflection Point” mission? Since those are 2 of the listed "hard saves".


I'm just looking for any romance options at this point..

I think the only time you can lock a romance with Lana or Theron is during KOTFE ch 9, during the cantina cutscene.


If Arcann's still alive and you haven't done his AA, you can start a romance with him during his AA, which is after KOTET, but you have to do it before starting JUS or it'll be autocompleted without any romance.


And if not i guess your only option to have a romance for your JK is to wait for a new one to be added :(

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I have no problem to do kotfe chapters 1-9, but chapters after those...they are insufferable torture. Especially the one where you meet Satele and Marr. I hate it so much I literally have to force myself through it and I curse and complain out loud when I do it, the whole chapter feels like living through a nightmare, a very boring nightmare.


The one you hate is 1 that i and a lot of other love the most, KOTET Chapeter 1, was fun at first, and loved doing the Walker at first, but over time now i hate it, to where i won't do it anymore, it takes waaaay too long. The Devs should put in a "System", where we can just do the Choices parts of KOTFE and KOTET.


What they Should have done is have our choices Lightsided or Darksided, based on how we use our characters, not based on faction bs. Boyd did say a couple years ago or so that our Light sided or Dark sided choices would be based on what choices we made on what Our Class characters decided i KOTFE and KOTET. Not faction, so Boyd either lied, or their system doesn't work anymore, which is just bs.

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So does anyone know if it's possible to start a romance with Theron (or Lana) at the start of KOTET ch.1?


Or, when starting Ossus, "“Inflection Point” mission? Since those are 2 of the listed "hard saves".


I'm just looking for any romance options at this point..


The only romance lock-in point for Theron or Lana is in KOTFE chapter 9. If you don't lock it in then, or you skip to KOTET, you miss the boat and don't have another shot with them.


Right now your only options to begin a new romance after Ossus would be Nadia for a JC, Jaesa for a SW (don't kill Gnost-Dural if you want to romance LS Jaesa) or Khem Val if you supported Khem over Zash and you're a SI (I wish I was kidding). Or, as Goreshaga said, Arcann if you chose to save him.


There are flirts with a bunch of the NPCs in the Ossus storyline like Jonas and Anri, so you could also try taking those flirts in the hopes a romance might be possible later.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Sorry to necro this, but my question is;


1. Non-boosted Jedi Sentinel, did not romance anyone in Ch. 1-3 of vanilla

2. Romanced Theron in SOR

3. Declined Lana/Theron romance in KOTFE

4. Plan to romance Doc in KOTET when he comes back...?


Is this possible?




Doc comes back in Jedi under Siege, so KoTET doesn't "count". I honestly don't know if you need to have started the Doc romance in vanilla tho. You do get a talk with him one on one regardless of status, but I don't remember my talk options on my knights.


I do know that SoR romance doesn't count as romance, so that shouldn't be an issue at least. (It needs that lock-in in KoTFE to count.)


Edit to add: whoops, bit late on noticing other people had replied already.

Edited by tigrina
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  • 4 months later...
This was probably more confusing to me than it should have been, so here is what I was looking for. I wanted to join a friend in the new content but had literally all of the content that came before (Class Story, and all expansion stories) untouched, as I had just boosted this character with the intention of it becoming my new main. My friend said that if I skipped to where he was it would make choices based on MY ALIGNMENT so I skipped everything and landed on Ossus. However, rather than making all the decisions based on my alignment (I always go full light) it chose dark on every single decision that it was offered, my character is now a horrible person, and I'm missing almost all my companions, because he killed pretty much everyone or let them BE killed. My question is: is there any way to un-do this, or is this character now doomed forever and I have to delete him and buy a new datacron/equipment boost? Edited by Deeked
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  • 3 months later...
Sorry to necro this again, but, I really wanted to say thank you to the OP. What you've done is truly exceptional and appreciated. I was agonizing over using auto-complete for a long time, literally years, because I didn't understand how it worked at all (something, Bioware should rectify, btw), and I didn't want to endanger my many romances with Lana. Thank you so much!
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Sorry to necro this again, but, I really wanted to say thank you to the OP. What you've done is truly exceptional and appreciated.


I never seen this post it's great. I agree, the OP put a lot of effort and time into putting this information together for others.

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I never seen this post it's great. I agree, the OP put a lot of effort and time into putting this information together for others.

Yes, it's a fantastic resource. I've lost count of the number of times people have asked about this in chat and I have directed them to search for this thread by name. They often whisper me later to say how helpful they found it.

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  • 2 months later...

With the release of Ossus – and hopefully a full expansion in the future - I started to consider taking my stable of alts into the latest content using the autocomplete feature. Autocomplete enables you to skip all or part of the “Knights of-- Outlander” content and jump straight into Jedi Under Siege.


What I wanted to know is, can you skip part of that content and still retain some choices? Or is it an all or nothing thing? What happens to romances if you skip certain content? I decided that since I have so many characters, surely I could spare one for testing purposes, right? And then I figured that I can’t be the only person wondering about this. So…here it is, the Autocomplete Test. (Due to the nature of this test, there will be story spoilers in this post!)


What I learned:

One way of understanding the autocomplete feature is by dividing it into two types, let’s call them Hard Saves and Soft Saves. (My own made up terms.)


Hard save acts as a “save point” for your character, both story and game mechanics-wise, whereas soft save gives you default story choices but leaves your character in game mechanics limbo until you reach a hard save point.


There appear to be three hard save points:

KOTFE - End of Chapter 9

KOTET – beginning of Chapter 1

Ossus – beginning Jedi Under Siege, “Inflection Point” mission


The autocomplete feature is triggered when you play through any of these points. You will be given a warning message when you reach points 2 and 3. If you are jumping around, however, be mindful Padawan, because you may be asked to click two or even three times before the full autocomplete kicks in. (This happened on my trooper when I jumped to KOTET chapter 1. First click activated chapter and put it in my log, second click activated the autocomplete. Third click would have actually started the chapter.)


There are also “jumping off points” - places in the story where you can skip the previous content and jump back in. These include all the previous hard save points as well as:



Iokath is a jump point (soft save) only, not a hard save point. This is an important distinction.


Why is all this important?

If you skip ahead in between any one of these hard autocomplete “save” points, your choices will be overwritten with the default ones for your class. Reaching a hard save point “saves” your choices up until that point, otherwise they will be erased.


Jumping around in between hard saves can cause some other weirdness, leaving your character in a state of companion and game mechanics limbo. For example, at one point the game allowed me to be in the middle of both the Iokath story arc and the KOTFE story arc, with chapters from both in my log. However, my companion roster only reflected up to the chapter I was on in KOTFE and not anything in between that and Iokath.


Unlocking story companions with Autocomplete:

Jumping ahead to a hard save point will automatically unlock any game mechanics features that were granted during those previous chapters ( ex. Eternal championship) as well as any companions that chose to join you (based on the default choices.) Until then, you may not have access to even your own companions from the terminal.


For example, my trooper completed chap 9 of KOTFE then jumped ahead to Iokath. Since I had skipped over KOTET, I assumed that any companions returned from KOTFE chap 9 onward would be available to me. I assumed I would get

Aric, Vette, Gault, Torian, Scorpio, Arcann and Senya,

but I didn’t, because Iokath is not a hard save point, so I was in companion limbo. I checked the Odessen terminal but my only choices were

Tanno Vik and Quinn. No Aric, no Senya, no Arcann.

While default story choices had been assigned to me (soft save autocomplete) the default companion choices had not yet been assigned to me (hard save autocomplete.)


Once I started KOTET chap 1, I was automatically granted

Vette, Gault, Torian, and Jorgan, as well as any of the remaining Alliance Alerts that were given out during KOTFE. Starting Ossus then gave me Raina, Senya and Arcann as well as opening up all the KOTET alliance alerts.



Test Details

We know through a dev post that using the autocomplete feature sets your choices to a default unique to your class. (See post here.) So I tested by purposefully making a choice that went against the default for my class, and then skipped ahead at different points to see if that choice was preserved or overwritten.


Test Subject: Male Trooper

Romanced: Elara (married), Lana


KOTFE up through chapter 10

“To Find a Findsman” Alliance Alert

Iokath Chapter

Started Ossus


This character skipped KOTET entirely. He

destroyed the Spire

in chapter 10 of KOTFE, then jumped ahead to Iokath where he met Elara. After finishing Iokath, he jumped ahead again and started Ossus, skipping Umbara, Copero and Nathema.


What happened:


My romance with Lana was preserved on Iokath (got a kissy scene.) I had passed the KOTFE chap 9 hard save point, which kept this choice intact.


My choice of destroying the Spire was overwritten. I left KOTFE without activating the next hard save check point (KOTET chap 1.) Even though I was playing content that was further along in the story timeline, that didn’t matter because reaching the hard save point is EVERYTHING.


I was given the option to resume the Elara romance. (I chose to end it.) I should not have gotten this option when I destroyed the spire, but, as above, my choice was overwritten, so the game and Elara treated me as if I had saved the Spire instead.


Lana romance remained intact even though I skipped the marriage scene during Nathema. (Confirmed by kiss scene.) This implies that marrying Lana is not required to keep her romance going.



Some Inconsistencies

The “interactions” section of the companions and contacts menu is not playing nicely with the autocomplete feature. Once I started Ossus, Koth and Kaliyo’s panels still referenced that

I had destroyed the Spire

while Senya’s said I hadn’t. This could potentially be confusing and misleading because counting on that panel to confirm or deny the existence of certain story flags may now not be reliable.


After completing the first scene of Ossus, I discovered the H1-R1 droid who is there is fix another Lana bug some people had. I was able to click on it and do the quest. I quit out but I’m not sure what the consequences are for doing this. I guess I could have stealth married Lana by filing some paperwork without telling her? The second option was that we were not married or engaged, but it didn’t say whether or not clicking that option would END the romance. If anyone knows what the option does, let me know.


can i save my bugged out romance with lana by replaying chapters 9 and 10 sins there are saves? and if yes maybe give specific instructions so i won't F it up i mean won't f up the other stuff


i discovered it in onslaught i just thought there will be no more rom scenes after the end of chap 9 the kiss in asylum


my thread


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can i save my bugged out romance with lana by replaying chapters 9 and 10 sins there are saves? and if yes maybe give specific instructions so i won't F it up i mean won't f up the other stuff


i discovered it in onslaught i just thought there will be no more rom scenes after the end of chap 9 the kiss in asylum


my thread



Replaying chapters doesn't affect the choices.

As far as I know.

The choices are locked in after the first story run through.

Not sure what to do in a bugged romance situation.

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Replaying chapters doesn't affect the choices.

As far as I know.

The choices are locked in after the first story run through.

Not sure what to do in a bugged romance situation.


tested it with my sorc who has same issue when it comes to romance for sure sins this (chap 8 and 9 beginning the Cantina part) choice u make in Cantina is hard lock doesn't give me options but automatically says i want to talk to 1of u and it was the1 choice without flirt, the hard lock OP is talking about


new after replaying i was thinking its possible i took 1 of the 2 options as flirt with Theron sins he was last i spoke to sins i fell for the trap once in shadow of reven and its possible it made me 2caustios totally ignoring the fact i can cancel the conversation and redo it differently i am Fed if they wont help me i send a ticket in game and nicely asked


good thing i did it with this char sins consular is in onslaught and if it removes cancels the mission my consular would have been royally Fed up cause its not like it exists in chapter menu

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I only do Alerts for class companions. Though theoretically it would make sense for Saboteur to get all the other side's companions and not their own, Practically though it doesn't matter since none of the companions know you've switched sides, except Lana.. Even Tau and Major Anri will watch you carry out acts of sabotage right in front of them and not notice.
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  • 5 weeks later...
Wait, quick question: if you have someone romanced from Chapter 1-3, then skip SoR, Ziost, and like Makeb and stuff (I did complete Ilum), all the way to KOTFE, do you keep your romance with the Chapter 1-3 character? Or is that overwritten as well?
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Wait, quick question: if you have someone romanced from Chapter 1-3, then skip SoR, Ziost, and like Makeb and stuff (I did complete Ilum), all the way to KOTFE, do you keep your romance with the Chapter 1-3 character? Or is that overwritten as well?


no, those "old" romances should be safe - you will meet them again in KOTFE/KOTET one way or the other :)

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It's completely absurd a player has to catalogue this for EA/BW.


What's worse is we can't even be reasonably assured the bugs will even get fixed.


Ossus is the best daily area in the game, in my opinion. It wasn't worth breaking more than it added, however.


Could you get into detail as to why? Back when it came out I sort of avoided that area like the plague. Being i230 hindered my progress and the map ran really poorly on my laptop. Both of those problems aren't present anymore, but I don't remember seeing the benefits of doing the quests there when I could just farm Heroics?


Some insight would be welcome.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

I'm trying to use the Commander's Token to start the game as a level 70 toon from the Jedi Under Siege story. Before I accept the mission from Lana (one that chooses if you would be a loyalist or a saboteur), if I were to launch chapter 9 of KOTFE and romance Lana, will that hold?

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15 minutes ago, LemonChiffon said:

I'm trying to use the Commander's Token to start the game as a level 70 toon from the Jedi Under Siege story. Before I accept the mission from Lana (one that chooses if you would be a loyalist or a saboteur),

if I were to launch chapter 9 of KOTFE and romance Lana, will that hold?

What exactly do you mean by "hold" ?

And also,  it sounds like you're gonna be doing things  slighly  out-of-story-order, no?

*You might get some help from this community member GUIDE: https://swtorista.com/articles/lana-beniko-romance-guide/

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: yet another 'necro' thread lol
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