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What Is Your Deal Breaker?


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As passionate and up-in-arms as I may get at times, and while I take breaks, I can't see myself quitting unless there are extreme changes. The only two reasons I could think of right now are;


- Closure of the game, duh.

- Removal of all current content/original class stories to redesign SWTOR as PvP only (which I don't see happening).


Basically, for as long as the servers are live and I continue to have access to my favorite aspects (Story, even if limited to old story content for replay) I cannot see myself quitting fully. I have plenty of items on my wishlist and ideas as to what could be but that's a different matter and those aren't dealbreakers. I'd still play even if all I could do was relive the Knight's class story a hundred times over.

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My deal breakers:


1) I once broke up with a guy who cut his toenails in bed;


2) I'm ashamed to admit it, I broke up with a really hot guy once because his laugh was highly irritating; and (I think more on topic :rak_03:)


3) Games which don't offer multiple paths of progression and pigeonhole you in one direction because they think...


"Gosh, if only the players try it, then they will suddenly and spontaneously find it fun."



Edited by Jdast
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Thus I put this question to you few who remain. What is non negotiable for you? What would be a real deal breaker; something that would cause you to leave Star Wars the Old Republic and never return?

I will start you off by telling you mine.


1) Excessive server lag (I PVP so this is key).

2) Friends leaving.

3) Cross faction PVP


You say that "cross faction PVP" is "a real deal breaker" for you. And "a real deal breaker" is something "that would cause you to leave Star Wars the Old Republic and never return".


We have cross faction PvP in this game for a couple of months already. But you are still here.


I don't understand. :confused::confused::confused:


This - I need no PvP and OP they should focus on story, Solo Content and better crafting.


That would be the perfect scenario for me as well.


For me, a deal breaker would be if they would raise the monthly sub price.

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You say that "cross faction PVP" is "a real deal breaker" for you. And "a real deal breaker" is something "that would cause you to leave Star Wars the Old Republic and never return".


We have cross faction PvP in this game for a couple of months already. But you are still here.


I don't understand. :confused::confused::confused:




That would be the perfect scenario for me as well.


For me, a deal breaker would be if they would raise the monthly sub price.


I understand your confusion. You see as a Pacific player I have developed a fairly high tolerance for getting dumped on by those in charge of the game. Therefore I can deal with a few such things before I reach the end of my tether. ALL three would have to be met before I just stop playing full stop. As it is while I have a few mates left who play I will hang on and occasionally play with them when they log in.

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Well, as far as forced grouping, there's Oricon. There's Pierce and 4X as alliance alerts. There was also some hubbub around Hexid. Personally, I don't really see the problem. Putting together an op is a lengthy process just to complete a story. Doing a couple WZs is nothing by comparison.


But big stuff? Generally, BW's done a pretty good job on reducing that problem. Illum's story ends in an FP; before solo FPs existed, I remember that being a pain. Ditto Blood Hunt in SoR - or did that always have a solo mode? I only ever played it with that option - and SoR also had the option of ending with an op or PVE grinding. Gods has been optional content for Iokath, and even with the new gear grind it's still semi-optional.


Forced is too strong of a word and it's thrown around here too casually (not you personally, but you generally). People seem to mix up require and force. Require implies you have a choice to not do the requirements. Force means there is no choice involved--metaphorically holding a gun to your head.


If you can't finish Oricon with the required Ops, you won't be barred from any other part of the game except that final cutscene. (I don't like this, I'm just saying) It's not like if you don't finish that mission you cannot move forward to KOTFE. (in fact, you can go back and do it later at anytime--it doesn't auto-complete when you start KOTFE)


If you are a Warrior, you don't have to do any PvP for Pierce. If you are a Trooper, you don't have to do any PvP for 4X. There is no requirement other than to be a Warrior or Trooper. If you are not a Warrior or Trooper, you are not forced to do anything for two companions you have no attachment to, but if you really feel you must have them on your non-warrior/trooper, you can fulfill the requirement to get them by suffering through 10-20 PvP wz, but by no means is a gun being held to your head for two optional companions.


Hexid is similar to Pierce and 4X in that she is just as optional. Bioware did not force anyone to run all those flashpoints or warzones. You won't lose access to any other piece of the game by not having Hexid (this whole mess with Paxton Rall, granted, is messing this whole thing up, but there is a temporary workaround and I can't imagine that they won't fix this as soon as they're back--it would be absurd to think they would just leave this bug there forever)


I agree with you as far as how it's not a big deal anyway, and they have been doing things better in this regard since creating the Solo FPs and the Solo Daily pathway to avoid ToS. I'm just saying I can understand when people express fear that at some point down the road we might be required to do something we don't want to do, but for something that isn't necessarily optional from the main story perspective. My example about having to run 50 ranked PvP matches to access the next part of the story, specifically is the fear. (insert whatever "group" content people don't want to do for 50 ranked PvP. As someone said above--Heroic 4s are bad enough to some people--but again, luckily anything related to heroic 4s is purely optional so far)


*Honestly, I think you get it, I'm just a little tired at seeing the word "forced" used as often as it is in these forums over the years and it's simply not the right word or expression.

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I guess I never really knew until it happened. There were things that I had expected to be deal-breakers that I just ended up resenting, getting bitter over, but didn't chase me away.


5.0 chased me away because it became much too time-consuming to get a large selection of characters into even just 230s. I'm not much interested in the easiest content of the game anymore, and I'm an extreme altoholic. I've never been one to obsess over BiS gear, but entry-level endgame gear needs to be easily accessible, and upgrading a handful of characters a few tiers should not take a year.


I resubbed when 230s became direct-buy.


The moment that I have to stick to 1-3 characters to do the kind of content that I enjoy is the moment I had quit and would quit again.


I'm also fairly sure that losing certain names of characters of mine in a hypothetical future merge would also get me to throw in the towel. Not all. Some have become very important to me.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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I actually think forced is the appropriate word, although at the end of the day it's a debate over nothing more than semantics. Forced implies that it's something that a person does not want to do, and does not find pleasant, and that there's no choice to get around it.


As of now, we haven't had forced PvP or grouping, we've had situations where quests have tried to lead to it (Oricon and Iokath) and it's been required for optional companions (Pierce), and situations where those who do not wish to PvP or group have been given a harder path to the same goal (the current 252/258 gearing paths). 'Forced' to me would be an Oricon or Iokath where there's no way to get around the PvP, Ops or grouping to move on in the story, or to complete significant pieces of it. It is a concern based on how heavily they've pushed PvP and grouping this year.


As to what is a big deal and what isn't, that is subjective. For me, any sort of PvP or grouping requirement would be enough to walk away. I paid real-world money on CCs for the HK-51 quest and abandoned it because I was not willing to go into a PvP area to get the required tools. I walked away from the macrobinoculars quest after going all the way to Quesh with it because of the grouping at the end. I will not do Pierce's AA on my non-Sith Warriors. For me, the PvP and grouping ARE in fact deal breakers and I'd walk away from any other story bit where it was required or forced.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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As of now, we haven't had forced PvP or grouping

The current, utterly awful gearing system pretty much forces grouping for world bosses or FPs/warzones unless you want to postpone 258 for so long the gear will likely become irrelevant.


It reflects the dev attitude to the player base which has consistently been "we know better than you what you want to do". They don't.


I paid real-world money for the HK-51 quest and abandoned it because I was not willing to go into a PvP area to get the required tools.


Bit extreme, its a 30s walk into a PVP area which is deserted 99.99% of the time. You're more likely to die from a lag spike than a ganking player.



Deal breaker for me is when another game becomes interesting enough to ditch the comfortable familiarity of SWTOR, so it's out of the hands of the SWTOR team.


The tin eared SWTOR team themselves couldn't do anything worse to the game than they've already done. The last two years have been an endless litany of bad ideas, dead ends, missed opportunities and a weary dribble of derivative, bug riddled content. I doubt there's a way back for the game from here.

Edited by Bullyabass
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The current, utterly awful gearing system pretty much forces grouping for world bosses or FPs/warzones unless you want to postpone 258 for so long the gear will likely become irrelevant.


It reflects the dev attitude to the player base which has consistently been "we know better than you what you want to do". They don't.


But you don't need the gear for story progression, and that's what I'm getting at. Sure if you want to do PvP or Ops that gear is necessary and the path is flawed, but you don't need 258s to do the Ossus story. So it's still technically optional/


Bit extreme, its a 30s walk into a PVP area which is deserted 99.99% of the time. You're more likely to die from a lag spike than a ganking player.


*shrug* I don't care if anyone thinks it's extreme. I will not go into PvP areas. Don't care if it's for ten seconds or ten hours.

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First off, everything that makes the game (virtually) unplayable like bad lag, ability delay, constant DC's and the like.

Second, if OPs are needed to advance the story I will start to consider leaving.


Nothing else that I can predict though, I am a pretty hardcore SWTOR fan.

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I understand your confusion. You see as a Pacific player I have developed a fairly high tolerance for getting dumped on by those in charge of the game. Therefore I can deal with a few such things before I reach the end of my tether. ALL three would have to be met before I just stop playing full stop. As it is while I have a few mates left who play I will hang on and occasionally play with them when they log in.


Now I understand how you meant it. Thanks for the reply.


P. S. I add "Loser Malgus romance" as a possible deal breaker to my list. ;)

Edited by JattaGin
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But you don't need the gear for story progression, and that's what I'm getting at. Sure if you want to do PvP or Ops that gear is necessary and the path is flawed, but you don't need 258s to do the Ossus story. So it's still technically optional/




*shrug* I don't care if anyone thinks it's extreme. I will not go into PvP areas. Don't care if it's for ten seconds or ten hours.


You do know that on the PvE even though it says this is a PvP area its actually not. On the PvE instance you cannot be attacked. Just ignore the warning, it only applies on the PvP instance. Been like that since the introduction of the PvP/PvE instance that came with level sink. I'm not pvp player myself and only got HK after this came out.

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*shrug* I don't care if anyone thinks it's extreme. I will not go into PvP areas. Don't care if it's for ten seconds or ten hours.


It's not a pvp area anymore. It may SAY pvp, but that's a leftover message from before they changed PVP to a separate instance. You do not get flagged for pvp for going through outlaw's den on a PVE instance.


I guess this means you also don't do Corso's comp mission on Tat, since the only real way of getting to Jettison is by going through outlaw's den.


*Whoops, ninja'd.

Edited by Ardrossan
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My deal breaker is:


1. Making a redundant gear grind that is not only tedious but not enjoyable with zero content to grind it through.


2. Keeping the same power meta of classes the same for 2+ years.


3. Making the gearing of alts frustrating and clunky, and NOT FUN.


4. Rewarding larger guilds with big rewards for their dominance and removing all chance of smaller guilds to compete in conquest versus the larger guilds.


5. Forcing restrictions in conquest making it so you must pick and choose what characters to gain conquest on instead of allowing them all to gain conquest equally.


6. Making the least fun PVP maps pop consistently over and over at a far more frequent clip than many of the more favorable maps.



All of these items have made the game less enjoyable, less fun, chore-like, and which is why I stopped playing. AKA, the deal has been broke.

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My deal breaker is:


1. Making a redundant gear grind that is not only tedious but not enjoyable with zero content to grind it through.


2. Keeping the same power meta of classes the same for 2+ years.


3. Making the gearing of alts frustrating and clunky, and NOT FUN.


4. Rewarding larger guilds with big rewards for their dominance and removing all chance of smaller guilds to compete in conquest versus the larger guilds.


5. Forcing restrictions in conquest making it so you must pick and choose what characters to gain conquest on instead of allowing them all to gain conquest equally.


6. Making the least fun PVP maps pop consistently over and over at a far more frequent clip than many of the more favorable maps.



All of these items have made the game less enjoyable, less fun, chore-like, and which is why I stopped playing. AKA, the deal has been broke.


And yet here you are. Again. And again. And again. Seriously, don't you get tired of posting complaints all day long? On almost every single thread? Sure, you're entitled, but doesn't it get old? What about the guitar? Walks in nature? Isn't there any place you can direct your positive energy, rather than allowing yourself to drown in bitterness against this game? Because, in the end, it is just a game, and we get it. You hate it. It has failed you. The universe is a massively unjust place. Bummer.


But just so you know, endlessly repeating your message dilutes its power. You look like you have an axe to grind rather than a valid point, when some of your points probably are valid. Just saying.

Edited by sauceemynx
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I actually think forced is the appropriate word, although at the end of the day it's a debate over nothing more than semantics. Forced implies that it's something that a person does not want to do, and does not find pleasant, and that there's no choice to get around it.


As of now, we haven't had forced PvP or grouping, we've had situations where quests have tried to lead to it (Oricon and Iokath) and it's been required for optional companions (Pierce), and situations where those who do not wish to PvP or group have been given a harder path to the same goal (the current 252/258 gearing paths). 'Forced' to me would be an Oricon or Iokath where there's no way to get around the PvP, Ops or grouping to move on in the story, or to complete significant pieces of it. It is a concern based on how heavily they've pushed PvP and grouping this year.


As to what is a big deal and what isn't, that is subjective. For me, any sort of PvP or grouping requirement would be enough to walk away. I paid real-world money on CCs for the HK-51 quest and abandoned it because I was not willing to go into a PvP area to get the required tools. I walked away from the macrobinoculars quest after going all the way to Quesh with it because of the grouping at the end. I will not do Pierce's AA on my non-Sith Warriors. For me, the PvP and grouping ARE in fact deal breakers and I'd walk away from any other story bit where it was required or forced.


You gave up on the HK-51 quest over that? I'm not much of a pvper myself, bust sheesh that was quick and painless. Run in, get the tool, run back out.

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It's not a pvp area anymore. It may SAY pvp, but that's a leftover message from before they changed PVP to a separate instance. You do not get flagged for pvp for going through outlaw's den on a PVE instance.


I guess this means you also don't do Corso's comp mission on Tat, since the only real way of getting to Jettison is by going through outlaw's den.


*Whoops, ninja'd.


I have no way to verify that so I'm not going in.


Actually, there's another way to that cannibal mission with Corso, I had to Google it but I found a solution that I did use - on the Outpost Thorazon side of the desert there's a cave near the Sand People that is open, and you can walk through that and get to the cave you need for Corso's mission without going through the PvP area or the Imperial bases.


But to answer the question, if the Outlaw's Den had been the only way to get to the mission I would have left it unfinished. I do not do PvP and I do not walk into any area marked for PvP, and if people think that's silly, whatever. They play as they want; I play as I want/

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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And yet here you are. Again. And again. And again. Seriously, don't you get tired of posting complaints all day long? On almost every single thread? Sure, you're entitled, but doesn't it get old? What about the guitar? Walks in nature? Isn't there any place you can direct your positive energy, rather than allowing yourself to drown in bitterness against this game? Because, in the end, it is just a game, and we get it. You hate it. It has failed you. The universe is a massively unjust place. Bummer.


But just so you know, endlessly repeating your message dilutes its power. You look like you have an axe to grind rather than a valid point, when some of your points probably are valid. Just saying.


I just commented on a thread that literally asked what our "deal breakers" were for the game, so I listed them...


It seems you have an axe to grind with me so you stalk me around the forums commenting on my criticisms of the game. In all honesty it seems you are more affected by what I write than I am of the poor condition of the game. :o


I don't write anything thinking it will change anything here, that's another point you are wrong on. I learned ages ago that valid well-written constructive criticisms of the game do nothing here nor does solid feedback.


Did you know you could choose to not read what others posted? I know it's a novel idea, but just a friendly reminder in case you were ignorant. Everyone has the right to post within the forum guidelines, even if you don't like it.

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I don't write anything thinking it will change anything here, that's another point you are wrong on. I learned ages ago that valid well-written constructive criticisms of the game do nothing here nor does solid feedback.


You're always entitled to your own opinion. Maybe the Developers have not done what you wanted for the game. It happens. Sometimes you fall into the minority.


But you cannot say they have been ignoring feedback. That is simply... wrong. They may prioritize things that you don't agree with, but they are listening to feedback, even if its not yours.


A few examples:


1. The Zakuulan Story Arc: Originally conceived as a storyline spanning 3 expansion releases with monthly chapters in between. Due to combination of negative feedback toward the monthly chapters and the lack of development of PvE and PvP, the Developers changed their plans. After Fallen Empire, the remainder of the story was majorly overhauled and streamlined to fit in the 9 chapter drop of Eternal Throne.


2. The Republic v Empire Story: Back by popular demand is the narrative focus that was prioritized at the game's launch. The Developers have been heading this way for a while, laying the seeds in the War for Iokath, depowering the Alliance in Nathema Conspiracy, and realigning players with a main two factions in Jedi Under Siege. In a similar vein, Darth Malgus has returned, whom many players considered to have been wasted.


3. The Rishi Stronghold: This stronghold received a lot of negative feedback on the PTS, between the scattered trash heaps and lack of any residential area. Consequently, the developers responded directly, removing trash heaps and adding a residential quarters.


4. Returning Lost Companions: Even though the game's writers aimed for there to be "consequences" of the story, the developers ultimately complied with player demands, allowing players to regain any companion lost in the main storyline simply by visiting a terminal on Odessen.


Again, I'm not trying to invalidate your opinion. It's okay to be disgruntled with the game's direction. But you can't go saying that the Devs aren't listening to player feedback when there is evidence to the contrary. You gotta be reasonable. They can't please everyone.

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I have no way to verify that so I'm not going in.


Given that both me and Tallera both told you the same thing, that would be your verification.


And yes, your hangup over pvp is supremely silly, even considering the usual antipathy most of the playerbase has towards it. Did a pvper kill your dog or something?

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I just commented on a thread that literally asked what our "deal breakers" were for the game, so I listed them...


It seems you have an axe to grind with me so you stalk me around the forums commenting on my criticisms of the game. In all honesty it seems you are more affected by what I write than I am of the poor condition of the game. :o


I don't write anything thinking it will change anything here, that's another point you are wrong on. I learned ages ago that valid well-written constructive criticisms of the game do nothing here nor does solid feedback.


Did you know you could choose to not read what others posted? I know it's a novel idea, but just a friendly reminder in case you were ignorant. Everyone has the right to post within the forum guidelines, even if you don't like it.


I seem to remember you having to defend yourself against accusations of being a white knight not too long ago. When you get attacked on the basis of supposedly being on two, mutually exclusive viewpoints, that's when you know you're truly balanced. Or maybe just rhetorically schizophrenic.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I disliked the move back to Republic vs Empire and so although I 'could' play the new content, I refuse to do so, and so my lv70s' play either out of the Alliance HQ or my fortress. I have finally achieved for my characters the title Alliance Commander which I am pleased about. Perhaps some day I will play the new content, but I suspect that given my real life time commitments that day will be many months away. So I remain playing the content that I enjoy and not the story that Bioware would force upon me.


As for my deal breaker - total unplayable latency and too frequent dropouts.


p.s. After reading about all the bugs and broken companions in 5.10, I'm heartily glad that I remained playing Alliance content and progressing no further. At least my light-side lv70 Sith warrior and Alliance Commander still has her husband Quinn by her side.

Edited by AureliaSulis
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Given that both me and Tallera both told you the same thing, that would be your verification.


And yes, your hangup over pvp is supremely silly, even considering the usual antipathy most of the playerbase has towards it. Did a pvper kill your dog or something?


Not so much.


You seem to think I care about your opinion or need to justify or explain anything to you. I don't. This is a thread about deal breakers. I gave mine, and it's no skin off anyone else's teeth.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I'm going to add not getting a Scourge romance. I've been patient, so have many others that want him for a romance and have for years.


More force-using male love interests in general would also be nice to get, both nice and evil. :) Not getting them would make me consider using the exit door. Expecting people to be patient and wait for YEARS is a bit much to expect even from the most loyal of people.

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