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Self-defeating playerbase


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Communication might not only be the forum, but also twitter, face book, analog press ...


Which is also very lacking. What we are seeing is about an hour or two worth of work per week if that. Skimming the forums & Reddit on a daily basis, again, takes very little time and there is no indication that he is doing even that. So asking what else Eric does is quite legitimate.

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Its pretty obvious they don't see a long term future for this game, hopefully someone will come along with a fresh new Star Wars MMO that we can all get behind.


Be safe


Would seem ideal just to sell it to a studio like Cryptic. A company that houses many once popular games like Neverwinter Nights, Star Trek Online, Magic the Gathering pretty much on maintenance mode. STO even upgraded their graphics engine and made it playable on consoles a year or so ago.

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Would seem ideal just to sell it to a studio like Cryptic. A company that houses many once popular games like Neverwinter Nights, Star Trek Online, Magic the Gathering pretty much on maintenance mode. STO even upgraded their graphics engine and made it playable on consoles a year or so ago.


Or we could forget something like SWToR alltogether and concentrate on a real KotoR III.

Just dreaming.

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Or we could forget something like SWToR alltogether and concentrate on a real KotoR III.

Just dreaming.

BW has turned Revan into a villain that was beaten by combined efforts of [Horde and Alliance] Empire and Republic. Revan was literally butchered for the sake of 15-y.o. kids that knew him from Wiki articles and a couple of mentions in comics.

I really don't see any a single way how KotOR III may fix the damage done by SW:ToR. Don't get me wrong, I liked SW:ToR's story, but it feels so separate, even distant from original KotOR. Anyway the next KotOR game will have to be either a prequel to KotOr I, or a sequel (at least 300+ years) to SW:ToR.

Edited by ZakPreston
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Its pretty obvious they don't see a long term future for this game, hopefully someone will come along with a fresh new Star Wars MMO that we can all get behind.


Be safe


Seeing as there isn’t one in the works or planned at the moment, you would be looking at a minimum of 6-10 years till you see another Star Wars MMO.

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BW has turned Revan into a villain that was beaten by combined efforts of [Horde and Alliance] Empire and Republic. Revan was literally butchered for the sake of 15-y.o. kids that knew him from Wiki articles and a couple of mentions in comics.

I really don't see any a single way how KotOR III may fix the damage done by SW:ToR. Don't get me wrong, I liked SW:ToR's story, but it feels so separate, even distant from original KotOR. Anyway the next KotOR game will have to be either a prequel to KotOr I, or a sequel (at least 300+ years) to SW:ToR.


Agreed, for the reasons you mention, Kotor3 is never going to happen. With Aperieon dead in the water, this is most likely the last old republic game for a long long time. I'm okay with that.


Mind you, what they might do in a few years, depending on audience interest, when EA's contract to the IP is lapsed, is pick one studio [not BW] to reboot the entire franchise, changing the story as it suits them. That might be a good thing, because it would allow one studio to shape the story, unlike what we got, which was basically Simple-Happy-Mindless ANH [Kotor1]. Dark-Brooding-Unfinished ESB [KOTOR2] and Double-down-Derivative ROTJ [sWTOR]. It's very uneven storytelling.


I'll tell you one thing though, whatever comes next down the pipeline won't be in the form of an MMO, themepark or otherwise.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Agreed, for the reasons you mention, Kotor3 is never going to happen. With Aperieon dead in the water, this is most likely the last old republic game for a long long time. I'm okay with that.


Mind you, what they might do in a few years, depending on audience interest, when EA's contract to the IP is lapsed, is pick one studio [not BW] to reboot the entire franchise, changing the story as it suits them. That might be a good thing, because it would allow one studio to shape the story, unlike what we got, which was basically Simple-Happy-Mindless ANH [Kotor1]. Dark-Brooding-Unfinished ESB [KOTOR2] and Double-down-Derivative ROTJ [sWTOR]. It's very uneven storytelling.


I'll tell you one thing though, whatever comes next down the pipeline won't be in the form of an MMO, themepark or otherwise.


Since Disney have final word SW Canon, I think it is for the best if they never touched the Old Republic era. Just imagine if Disney decided to reboot KotOR series with the same approach they used to TFA and TLJ. I still can't understand why Disney directors haven't realized what a gold mine The Old Republic Era is, and I really hope they will never do, because everything they touched recently have turned from gold to dust (or something nastier).

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Since Disney have final word SW Canon, I think it is for the best if they never touched the Old Republic era. Just imagine if Disney decided to reboot KotOR series with the same approach they used to TFA and TLJ. I still can't understand why Disney directors haven't realized what a gold mine The Old Republic Era is, and I really hope they will never do, because everything they touched recently have turned from gold to dust (or something nastier).


I believe the the reason why they haven´t done anything in regards to Old Republic era in current Canon is due that they wish to finish their current stories first, which are revolving around the Originals and Prequels. After those come end, they might start producing their own content for the Old Republic era.

Or then they might not, considering how badly people seem to react anything that isn´t like how they would want it to be, like it was with Revan and Meetra Surik when they were canonized as male and female respectively, taking away whatever headcanons people had for them.

Edited by Rebamcfan
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