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Why is there no option to amicably part ways with Lana?


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So the writers have decided that killing every other companion was fine and justified but the idea of giving Lana the same treatment is "crazy for no reason" and not allowed. Fine. Disregarding the fact that the writers are the ones who control the scenarios and could easily write a scenario where killing her or letting her die would be perfectly justified, killing her is not the only solution for those of us who hate her. As we all know, our other companions all have a greatly reduced presence at best and have been completely absent, non-interactive, and silent stumps at worst with only Lana remaining. This may be fine for those who love her, but many of us absolutely HATE her. I could list the reasons here but they are irrelevant. Lana has taken the place of every other companion and advisor and feels like she's constantly being shoved down the throats of those who can't stand her and the game decides that you are her BFF regardless of how you treat her or what the player actually thinks. This generates extra resentment of her since characters we actually like have been erased from the story while Lana gets all the care and attention. The writers don't want to give us the option to be evil and kill her, fine there is another way: let us part ways with her amicably. Any of these scenarios would make sense and not require writing a "justification" for killing her.


-If you return to or join the Republic, she leaves and joins the Empire (unless romanced)

-The goal of the alliance was defeating the Eternal Empire and that is now accomplished, you can go your separate ways.

-Simply tell her things aren't working out and you want to part ways.


Please stop constantly forcing this character on people who hate her BioWare.

Edited by Nefla
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Okay if this thread turns into a warzone I'll assume Lana fans can't read or do not understand the word "Amicably!":p I totally don't want to kill ANY companions! I don't like it. I NEVER EVER wanted to kill Lana but she has got to go for some of us because it makes no sense to keep her with some of the choices we have.


I never play Dark Side, but it doesn't make any sense for her to stay with a Dark V psycho brute. It doesn't make sense for her to stay with Light V Pubs. It doesn't make sense for her to stay with Imperial Saboteurs! I just want my game to make sense for my own story please.

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Okay if this thread turns into a warzone I'll assume Lana fans can't read or do not understand the word "Amicably!":p I totally don't want to kill ANY companions! I don't like it. I NEVER EVER wanted to kill Lana but she has got to go for some of us because it makes no sense to keep her with some of the choices we have.


I never play Dark Side, but it doesn't make any sense for her to stay with a Dark V psycho brute. It doesn't make sense for her to stay with Light V Pubs. It doesn't make sense for her to stay with Imperial Saboteurs! I just want my game to make sense for my own story please.


Same here, killing her isn't my preference-peacefully parting ways is. I just don't want her forced on me anymore!

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Okay if this thread turns into a warzone I'll assume Lana fans can't read or do not understand the word "Amicably!":p I totally don't want to kill ANY companions! I don't like it. I NEVER EVER wanted to kill Lana but she has got to go for some of us because it makes no sense to keep her with some of the choices we have.


I never play Dark Side, but it doesn't make any sense for her to stay with a Dark V psycho brute. It doesn't make sense for her to stay with Light V Pubs. It doesn't make sense for her to stay with Imperial Saboteurs! I just want my game to make sense for my own story please.


It really doesn't matter if the word "amicably" is in the thread title, because this is very obviously a thinly-disguised Lana hate thread.

Wait, I take that back. It's not even thinly-disguised.

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I don't even see why she has to always give us the quests. I mean I don't dislike Lana, on the contrary i have one Lanamancer and I consider her a good friend to some of my other toons but.... I find it really odd that our characters, the commander of the alliance no less is never in the Command Center to take the calls for assistance him/herself. It always comes from someone else. Then she wouldn't be constantly thrown at the PC for those who don't like her as well but also it would make sense for the Commander to like, do some work around the base, hand out assignments etc.


It also would have made equal sense for our force user advisor to be the one to bring this latest development to the Commanders attention. We have these advisors, some great chars there that are never used. Mix it all up a bit. Its starting to feel like a one or two person alliance with a Commander who twiddles their thumbs waiting on Theron or Lana to come up with the goods.


The command center always looks like a ghost town these days when it should be alive with activity, even random unknown npcs in the background would make it look more alive but its just.. not?


Random npc: Hey commander incoming call from person xxx insisting on speaking with you.. all it would take to actually feel like the commander of the alliance and like you were actually in the CC doing something.. without the need for it always being Lana(previously Lana and Theron).

Edited by Suzsi
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You could send Lana on her merry way with a credit bonus, flowers, champagne and a box of chocolates thanking her kindly for her services and certain Lana fans will still get angry. Why? Because it's believed that it isn't just death that reduces/ends a character's story presence, it's exile/leaving too. That any method of removing a character from your personal story, no matter how amicably, removes that character for everyone regardless of their own choices. Thus we are all expected to just keep putting up with Lana and stop complaining.


That said, I agree. I would like to tell her that now the war with the Eternal Empire has ended and the Alliance has served its purpose, it's time we part ways. It's not as if I would trust a Sith to keep my secrets as I work to sabotage the Empire and we were never that close to begin with. So yes, I would like the option to tell her goodbye. Let Bioware find an alternative for Lana's neverending presence and at this rate, I'd take a bag of Hutt turdballs as a quest-giver over Lana.

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It really doesn't matter if the word "amicably" is in the thread title, because this is very obviously a thinly-disguised Lana hate thread.

Wait, I take that back. It's not even thinly-disguised.

It's not meant to be "disguised," I say flat out in the OP that many of us hate her. If the devs don't want her to have a kill option because they think it would be cruel or not make sense then fine, letting our characters peacefully go their separate ways does the job just as well. In the twitch stream, it was clear the devs had seen the requests for Lana's death and rejected them as being cruel or illogical(since Lana does nothing but fawn over you and follow you loyally like a lost puppy), I wanted to make this thread to show that it's not just "kill everyone because DSV crazy" players that want her gone, and death isn't the only option to be rid of her.


You could send Lana on her merry way with a credit bonus, flowers, champagne and a box of chocolates thanking her kindly for her services and certain Lana fans will still get angry. Why? Because it's believed that it isn't just death that reduces/ends a character's story presence, it's exile/leaving too. That any method of removing a character from your personal story, no matter how amicably, removes that character for everyone regardless of their own choices. Thus we are all expected to just keep putting up with Lana and stop complaining.


That said, I agree. I would like to tell her that now the war with the Eternal Empire has ended and the Alliance has served its purpose, it's time we part ways. It's not as if I would trust a Sith to keep my secrets as I work to sabotage the Empire and we were never that close to begin with. So yes, I would like the option to tell her goodbye. Let Bioware find an alternative for Lana's neverending presence and at this rate, I'd take a bag of Hutt turdballs as a quest-giver over Lana.

I actually find their obsession with her a little creepy, they leap to defend her "honor" and say how whatever grievances we have against her are the writer's fault and not her fault as if those are separate things and she's a real person. As long as Lana is untouchable and takes up the majority of companion screen time, the writers will be satisfied that their designated waifu/BFF fills the role of companion and lover for everyone and will not work to balance or change things. If they let us get rid of her as well, things will have to change. They'll have to actually put work into balancing the character roster by either writing scenarios for the 90% of people who DIDN'T kill their previous companions or giving all of us a small crew of NEW companions that aren't dead, but something needs to change. The Lana Variety Hour is excruciating for those of us who hate her and her replacement of all the other companions is just salt in the wounds.


And yes, a bag of Hutt turdballs would be preferable to Lana in my eyes as well lmao!

Edited by Nefla
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I don't necessarily want her to go away, though there are a few things i'd like to see change a bit in order not to get overdosed with Lana and not start hating her.


- I'd like, at least sometimes, for other NPCs to be my quest givers for a change , especially when they make more sense than Lana.

- I'd like for her not to be considered the "default" romance for every PC around and not getting 2 romance scenes when other LIs get near to nothing, if anything at all.

- I'd like for her not to be the person with the most worried look on her face about my PC when she's not supposed to be the closest one to them (which, while i like her, she never is). That's fine on a romanced Lana, but if my characters are romancing anyone else, that should not be Lana the most worried, at the very least when said LI is in the same room...


So far, i still like her, but i might seiously become really tired and even angered by her, if she keeps being the only NPC my characters interact with while on Odessen.

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I don't mind having the option to part with any companions, either amicably or otherwise, but I will say that Bioware makes this game, they also made the Mass Effect trilogy, a story in which Liara had the thickest plot armor ever. Maybe they have big plans for Lana?


Disclosure: I happen to like the character Lana quite a bit, but I can understand the angst for players who do not.

Edited by Ranz
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I don't mind having the option to part with any companions, either amicably or otherwise, but I will say that Bioware makes this game, they also made the Mass Effect trilogy, a story in which Liara had the thickest plot armor ever. Maybe they have big plans for Lana?


Disclosure: I happen to like the character Lana quite a bit, but I can understand the angst for players who do not.


I always say if she's a female, BioWare love interest whose name starts with L and ends with A, better watch out cause she's gonna be the writer's pet and have plot armor. (Liara, Lana, Leliana in DA2 and DA:I) lol

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I'd be happy if she'd go on vacation or something (it doesn't even have to be forever, just a while...see I'm reasonable :rolleyes:), just anything that allows Theron to give some quests, like he should've in terms of being the one to talk to the SIS and arranging everything in 5.10, because he is the one who was SIS and is friends with Jonas for crying out loud. He was also the one who knows Gnost-Dural.


The romantic walk should've been with Theron for those who romanced him. Or both, give the PC their moment with Theron (if romanced) or whoever they romanced for that matter and Lana interrupts with mission crap (she usually does anyway). For those who romanced her, they can keep their walk and talk with her. I just don't want her to be the one in my face all the time.


I'd be happy if she stays out of my room, stops hovering over my sick bed, isn't the one to rescue me for once and stops looking at me like 'zomg I'm so scared for you, what will I do if you go away' when she's not my romance partner. That stuff is for Theron to do. Or Quinn. Or anyone romanced.


The devs need to stop assuming everyone wants and loves Lana and that she should be the one in any default tender moment; different strokes for different folks and all that.

Edited by Lunafox
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Because there's no way to part amicably with anyone? Apart from being able to decline certain Alliance Alert companions, I can't think of any companions we can tell to leave, politely or otherwise. Which is a shame. It's always either a case of don't recruit in the first place, put a lightsaber through, or rudely tell them to get lost.
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So, you made another get rid of Lana thread, but want to say, do it nicely?


It's still the same problems people whine about with the other companions. Have an option to get rid of the companion, and we don't see them anymore.


So, it goes back to, you complained about this happening to a fave companion of yours, and want to do it to other players?


You want to inflict your pain on others? Not very progressive of you. Open your heart. You don't have to like the companion, but do you really want to be so reactionary?

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Because there's no way to part amicably with anyone? Apart from being able to decline certain Alliance Alert companions, I can't think of any companions we can tell to leave, politely or otherwise. Which is a shame. It's always either a case of don't recruit in the first place, put a lightsaber through, or rudely tell them to get lost.


You can tell Kalyio and Jorgan to leave it may not be a sweet parting but you don't have to kill them!


I don't see what's so terrible about telling someone to take a hike. We are not Wookiees we don't owe Lana a Life Debt. I've only killed Broomark because it's forced, and Vaylin Kills Torian. Otherwise, my record is banish or imprison. I can't even bring myself to kill Skadge for cryin' out loud. Saresh who really deserves it is in the jail. I'm not a killer type of player, never have been.


However, I do think its important for your Comps to make sense in the story. In the Vanilla Game we had to put up with people like Kalyio, Skadge, and Vic, because the Quest Giver demanded it. Now, though Lana is both Quest Giver and MAIN COMP, that's not fair!

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I think this Issue (Lana) has already been decided and were just now seeing the first parts in action (Tau, Malora possibly the others). BW surely isn't getting More money then they had before but they sure do keep adding the WAIFU's; If they didn't have enough for the NPCs before then now with even more newer, faction, less generic characters Lana would not be "In the Budget", Pay for Lana that some are already forming the LynchMobs and lighting the torchs? or pay for Two Brand New passionate WAIFU's??


Lana at best returns to the Empire possibly a recurring liaison and the new quest givers take over. Any way it goes, I believe the introduction of even more characters closer to the players drive is the first step to Lana's end.

Edited by MikeCobalt
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So, you made another get rid of Lana thread, but want to say, do it nicely?


It's still the same problems people whine about with the other companions. Have an option to get rid of the companion, and we don't see them anymore.


So, it goes back to, you complained about this happening to a fave companion of yours, and want to do it to other players?


You want to inflict your pain on others? Not very progressive of you. Open your heart. You don't have to like the companion, but do you really want to be so reactionary?


No one worried about my heart when they decided to campaign against Quinn and ultimately bump him off in the stupidest way possible, ten years after the fact when it made no sense. Where were people's hearts then? Oh yeah, they didn't have one because it wasn't someone that mattered to them. It was all kill kill kill kill Quinn! No one worried about me or the countless Quinn fans that didn't want their companion bricked.


I have no heart and I'm not progressive then. I don't care. Whoop dee do. *bored finger twirl*. I don't see why one companion is held aloft like a golden trophy above all others and can't be killed or touched or gently sent away or even put on a bloody vacation for once (which is actually what I preferred), while the rest can go suck it and die, never to speak again. If I had my way the Quinnhaters wouldn't have gotten their way and started all this crap. Everyone would have their LI and their LI would show up either as part of a story cutscene, or an individual alert so that there is a presence. Hell, we don't even get a proper letter. Buy hey, zomg, Lana can't go not even on a brief vacation, cause zomg, the Lana....oh noes. We loves her. The rest of us can languish in brick land with our voiceless pixels.

Edited by Lunafox
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I always say if she's a female, BioWare love interest whose name starts with L and ends with A, better watch out cause she's gonna be the writer's pet and have plot armor. (Liara, Lana, Leliana in DA2 and DA:I) lol


Minor nitpick ... Leliana was only a love interest in DAO. She was not one in DA2 or DAI.

Edited by Elessara
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You want to inflict your pain on others? Not very progressive of you. Open your heart. You don't have to like the companion, but do you really want to be so reactionary?


Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true. The Devs have said again and again that the Kill Option does NOT mean that the Comp will never get more content. Khem Val is an appropriate example. Also...


Vector has had no new content,


T7 just got one letter if you side Imp.


Blizz no new content


Qyzen no new content


Star Fortress Comps no new content


Bowdarr no new content


Mako no new content


Corso no new content


Guss no new content


Rusk no new content


Yunn no new content


M4 no new content


Pierce no new content


Need I go on? You can scream all you want about how we're cruel and want to ruin your game but it isn't true.

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They never said Quinn-haters were cruel for railing against him existing in the game. They gave them a kill scene just because. They never said Koth-haters were cruel for not wanting him around, they let us chase him off and kill instead. Hell they even caved to those who wanted Theron gone. Kaliyo gone too so it's not a males only thing. but Lana? why's she suddenly so special and why's it cruel all of a sudden?


I ask that as someone who likes Lana and doesn't want her gone, but wants her to step back and let some other characters, preferably class story LI's at the very least, have some limelight and scenes for a little bit. There really is such a thing as too much of one character and I don't need her removed from my game, just request a different npc takes over for a bit, or a few of them to have a break from her.

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No one worried about my heart when they decided to campaign against Quinn and ultimately bump him off in the stupidest way possible, ten years after the fact when it made no sense. Where were people's hearts then? Oh yeah, they didn't have one because it wasn't someone that mattered to them. It was all kill kill kill kill Quinn! No one worried about me or the countless Quinn fans that didn't want their companion bricked.


I have no heart and I'm not progressive then. I don't care. Whoop dee do. *bored finger twirl*. I don't see why one companion is held aloft like a golden trophy above all others and can't be killed or touched or gently sent away or even put on a bloody vacation for once (which is actually what I preferred), while the rest can go suck it and die, never to speak again. If I had my way the Quinnhaters wouldn't have gotten their way and started all this crap. Everyone would have their LI and their LI would show up either as part of a story cutscene, or an individual alert so that there is a presence. Hell, we don't even get a proper letter. Buy hey, zomg, Lana can't go not even on a brief vacation, cause zomg, the Lana....oh noes. We loves her. The rest of us can languish in brick land with our voiceless pixels.


/\ /\


Not even a letter. Nothing.


"But, but BioWare said they had hopes of giving old companions new content...!" But, but nothing. Bullspit. They're saying what we want to hear so we shut up. Those companions are gone. They bricked Theron...you think they're going to give new content to Quinn? Or Andronikos? Or...any of the past love interests who are nothing more than hood ornaments?


We have Lana. Apparently that's all we need, even if it makes no sense in the story. I like her just fine as a character, but even I'm at my last rope with her being shoved to the forefront over every other character after the last update. We get a "Be good, kbye..." from Theron and that's it. Despite his being a founding member of the Alliance. That's right. He was just as integral to the inner workings of the Alliance as Lana. But nope. He dun care apparently. And nothing from anybody else...not even a placeholder, unvoiced hug. Nothing.

Edited by Dracofish
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They never said Quinn-haters were cruel for railing against him existing in the game. They gave them a kill scene just because. They never said Koth-haters were cruel for not wanting him around, they let us chase him off and kill instead. Hell they even caved to those who wanted Theron gone. Kaliyo gone too so it's not a males only thing. but Lana? why's she suddenly so special and why's it cruel all of a sudden?


I ask that as someone who likes Lana and doesn't want her gone, but wants her to step back and let some other characters, preferably class story LI's at the very least, have some limelight and scenes for a little bit. There really is such a thing as too much of one character and I don't need her removed from my game, just request a different npc takes over for a bit, or a few of them to have a break from her.


Male gamers have always been favored over female gamers.


Case and point- You get to fight with Nadia on Ossus but not Doc.

Lana gets 2 romance scenes whilst Theron gets one.

Theron, Aric, Torian, Koth, Quinn and Arcann all have kill options on their heads whilst only Vette and Kaliyo do for the guys.

Some of the vanilla class stories have 2 romance options for the guys. For us girls we get one in each, no, im not counting pierces one night stand and Tharan ditching us for holiday.

F/F until recently only had one option, Lana whilst M/M had 2, throughout all of KotFE and KoTET.

Until Arcann we had no force user romance option.

We still at this point only have one non-human option.


I could go onto other bioware games to but this list alone is getting long enough.


Female players always have and always will get shafted in bioware games.

Edited by Suzsi
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No one worried about my heart when they decided to campaign against Quinn and ultimately bump him off in the stupidest way possible, ten years after the fact when it made no sense. Where were people's hearts then? Oh yeah, they didn't have one because it wasn't someone that mattered to them. It was all kill kill kill kill Quinn! No one worried about me or the countless Quinn fans that didn't want their companion bricked.


I have no heart and I'm not progressive then. I don't care. Whoop dee do. *bored finger twirl*. I don't see why one companion is held aloft like a golden trophy above all others and can't be killed or touched or gently sent away or even put on a bloody vacation for once (which is actually what I preferred), while the rest can go suck it and die, never to speak again. If I had my way the Quinnhaters wouldn't have gotten their way and started all this crap. Everyone would have their LI and their LI would show up either as part of a story cutscene, or an individual alert so that there is a presence. Hell, we don't even get a proper letter. Buy hey, zomg, Lana can't go not even on a brief vacation, cause zomg, the Lana....oh noes. We loves her. The rest of us can languish in brick land with our voiceless pixels.


Not about being a golden trophy.


It's about not being an eye for an eye and making the whole world blind. :p


It's just that the people going, "Mine had a kill option so all should have a kill option" makes them some really pathetically sad people, when they want to do unto others what they whined about happening to them.


What's being said now, is give a kill option for Scourge, Kira, Tharan, Zenith (all companions that haven't returned) because someone lost a companion they liked more.


Do people really want to see none of these companions anymore? Just new faces every single new storyline, never to see a familiar face again, because people were so deplorable that they would want that?

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Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true. The Devs have said again and again that the Kill Option does NOT mean that the Comp will never get more content. Khem Val is an appropriate example. Also...


Vector has had no new content,


T7 just got one letter if you side Imp.


Blizz no new content


Qyzen no new content


Star Fortress Comps no new content


Bowdarr no new content


Mako no new content


Corso no new content


Guss no new content


Rusk no new content


Yunn no new content


M4 no new content


Pierce no new content


Need I go on? You can scream all you want about how we're cruel and want to ruin your game but it isn't true.


AA Companions may never be recruited, so they can't do more content with them, as some might not have them.


Pierce requires PvP to obtain as does M4.


Everyone does have to get Yunn, but does one even need to do Yunn's mission to advance the story?


Vector is Agent only (so bricked there).


SF Companions never had much of anything, may as well say "Why doesn't my companion pet have screen time?"


T7 though, you're right. Where's T7? Talk about easy to throw into any cut scene without them speaking and everyone would him.

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Not about being a golden trophy.


It's about not being an eye for an eye and making the whole world blind. :p


It's just that the people going, "Mine had a kill option so all should have a kill option" makes them some really pathetically sad people, when they want to do unto others what they whined about happening to them.


What's being said now, is give a kill option for Scourge, Kira, Tharan, Zenith (all companions that haven't returned) because someone lost a companion they liked more.


Do people really want to see none of these companions anymore? Just new faces every single new storyline, never to see a familiar face again, because people were so deplorable that they would want that?


Female gamers have every reason to be bitter, every one of our LIs killed off 95% of the call out was from male players, maybe we want them to get a taste of what its like to be on Biowares crappy side of the romance wall for a change.

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