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Make Mirror classes actual mirrors


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@Kellindell good job on the repost.


Jesus how many pages will it take to get a response from the devs I would take anything at this point even a load of marketing spiel to shut us up lol.


Thanks. Again if I missed anything or you have any other feedback let me know.



As far as Devs not being able to win. I understand that, ive developed games before (not MMO) that involved forums. And you are right about that.


The thing is here, what can they lose? They would gain so much reputation with the players by admitting what they did was wrong, whether they are forthcoming about why it happened or not. If they admit its a mistake and fix it, who could possibly get mad at them? This is a situation that needs to be addressed. I understand your theory, but I dont see how it applies here.

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Mega BUMP!


by the way i play a shadow infiltrator, and for those imps that have said that project does damage before animation, please don't be liars that's not the case, in many times project is the worst weapon you can use in PVP because of the delay.

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I can definitely account for the Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular difference.


My Inquisitor is a 50 Sorc, and I know that Shock is instant. I use it in my PVP rotation because of that fact, and because it deals damage instantly.


My Jedi Consular (Level 16 Sage) on the other hand does have a delay in the spell that is equivilant (Project). I noticed this and was confused for a little bit thinking it was a different spell, but I read it and it's the exact same as my Inquisitor counterpart. So there definitely needs to be something done as this is definitely advantage Sith.


Problem is that "Shock" makes sense to be instant, whereas Project makes sense to be a delay. Maybe Project should just be faster, and Shock should be kind of like a Bolt that takes a moment to hit it's target? (that way we hit middle ground)

Edited by Mintawno
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In regard to BH/Trooper issues:


Unload does lose channeling time when struck. Most Arsenal BH's (the ones with Tracer Missile) get a 3 pt talent that reduces loss on channeling and activation times (for Unload, Power Shot, Tracer Missile and something else I believe) by 75% and most other BH's rarely use it. Now if you had said Flamethrower didn't lose ticks then I'd agree because I've never seen that lose channeling ticks due to hits regardless of spec/AC.


Death from Above firing time is dependant on the server. I've seen it fire off instantly and other times not for 3 seconds. Plus it announces what the BH is doing by lifting them in the air giving everyone that can see him warning and info on whose AoEing.


The Heat vs Ammo system I've seen looks pretty much identical (Heat has 100 ticks, I haven't checked my Troopers Ammo ticks or the costs - there is a difference but that also factored in by the ability costs - no Heat generating ability for BH creates less than 8 Heat - 8/16/25/33 is the cost of the various BH abilities, Troopers have less ammo but also use less per ability firing. Also generation of resource is mirrored - BH goes from 0 to 100, Trooper from Max to zero. Generation rates change at equivalent levels identically.

[Not saying this one is wrong, I haven't checked the Trooper costs on my Trooper and done the Math nor particularly interested in doing so {mainly because I really don't see the problem} just saying I'm really not seeing a difference outside of the Rifle/Cannon vs Pistol difference*]


* the Rifle/Cannons actually make the basic attacks have more Penetration and damage than BH pistols which results in a difference in damage comparable to the level of armor on the target - one of the main reason's BH Tracer Missile spammers do what they do - the other attacks do less damage because they fire faster (generating Heat faster) without actually penetrating as well as Troopers - Thats one thing I Love about my Trooper though its a far cry from Sniper or Operatives and I haven't tried Smuggler yet to see how Smugglers compare to Agents.


Also you also need to remember that naturally Empire side is going to have an easier time getting stuff because of the Player Population being greater and selling on the Faction GTN. That also works against them because they have to compete more for credits than republic does however. Empire side = less credits for selling on GTN and harder to get large sums. Grinding produces the same excluding disruption from Opposing faction players (either on PvP servers as combatants or PvE servers by reducing mob availability).

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Not sure if it was mentioned in the 44 pages of this "needs to be updated" OP, but Jedi Knight snare is 6 sec, while SW snare is 9 sec. Huge deal, not a typo. Proof on the class forums.


Are you talking abotu Awe for JK and Intimidating Roar for SW? Because they are both 6 seconds.

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I never believed in the mirror class theory that people said was in this game.


Nor did I believe that levels don't mean anything in PvP


And again I never believed that gear didn't mean much either.












I have to be careful and not use naughty words or I'll get a warning or banned

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Are you talking abotu Awe for JK and Intimidating Roar for SW? Because they are both 6 seconds.


No im talking about freezing force and chilling scream. The zero damage, and (by default) 3 focus snare that is on a GCD. Pretty big deal to be able to get in another two gcd's before needing to reapply another damage-less gcd and spend 3 force.


Devs really shagged the pooch on pvp implementation with this game. Obvious lack of communication.

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Bump for fixing my ****!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seriously are they just embarrassed about this turbo-noob mistake? If you ****ed up, admit it and fix it. Hell I'll respect you alot more for being honest, Manning/Womaning up, and being a gosh darn responsible person.




(Gosh Darn........ holy **** Bioware/EA this is a level of suck that is just staggering...... who the **** says "Gosh Darn")

Edited by SolxTheUnmaker
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No im talking about freezing force and chilling scream. The zero damage, and (by default) 3 focus snare that is on a GCD. Pretty big deal to be able to get in another two gcd's before needing to reapply another damage-less gcd and spend 3 force.


Devs really shagged the pooch on pvp implementation with this game. Obvious lack of communication.


Looked it up and confirmed it. I cant believe their is more stuff I havent found yet.


Thanks for bringing this one up.

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Alright there is obviously a lot of differences between the classes and almost all of them favor the Imps.


I don't understand why they don't acknowledge that there is a problem here, and then give us some input on it. Do you know about these problems yet? Are you working on them? Are you not sure, but you are looking into it?

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Here's the video proof for the Revivification/Salvation "bug" in the Sage and Sorcerer section.


I just took clips from the two videos linked in the other thread and tried to make it a bit easier to spot. I didn't film any of this myself so if you think the Sorcerer video is not good enough(it's from a dps perspective -- although you can see the sorcerer's healing just fine) let me know and I'll record a quick clip of myself in the Imperial Fleet casting the heal.





Thanks for the reformat OP! It's much easier to read now! =D

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The comments about story quality and what not are variable and don't really belong in the original post.


However, all information regarding abilities merits examination and, if true, more than merits immediate attention.


The point of the post is not only to point out the problems, but also to point out that the whole picture when looked at as a whole points towards favortism of one side.


I said flat out I understand they are opinionated, but the opinion is overwhelming on the forums.


This post is about pointing out a problem, but its also about the perception the Devs create through their actions (making these imbalances) and inaction (not addressing them).

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Looking for confirmation on the huttball scoring issue. Anyone else seen this or been able to duplicate it?


Essentially when I play imperials all they have to do is touch a toe to the neon bar and they score.


I cant tell you how many times republic PCs have died standing in the middle of it and they didnt score. We need to to completely cross over to the other side of the neon bar to score.

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I know everyone is concerned with Illum and the patch right now, but you have to look at the bigger picture. The reason Illum is such a problem right now is because of the number of imperials greatly outnumbering the number of republic. That issue has a root, and the root is the favoritism shown to the empire.


Dont let this issue fall to the wayside as it is at the root of most of the PvP problems that arent directly related to over all class balance.

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