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What would you like to see in SWTOR's future?


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- a way to summon Tanno Vik

Do you mean for non-troopers? All my troopers can get him back from the console thingy. If you're a DS trooper Tanno Vik is quite good fun! Is he the only companion of the Weekway species/race?

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Do you mean for non-troopers? All my troopers can get him back from the console thingy. If you're a DS trooper Tanno Vik is quite good fun! Is he the only companion of the Weekway species/race?


Umm.. last time I tried to retrieve Tanno from the Odessen console, he did no appeared on the list . My character was a LS trooper and did not kill Tanno on Asylum. Bug?

Regarding his species, yes he is the only one.

Edited by AdornedBlood
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Umm.. last time I tried to retrieve Tanno from the Odessen console, he did no appeared on the list . My character was a LS trooper and did not kill Tanno on Asylum. Bug?

Regarding his species, yes he is the only one.


Contact customer service. You should be able to retrieve Vik from the terminal. I know my LS Trooper had not issue doing so.

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More class stories.

The force users we create are supposed to be the most powerful in the galaxy now we need to see it. In story mode at least this way it’s not interfering with group or pvp

More planets from the kotor era to visit like dantoine,kayyssekk, etc .

Market the heck out of it to get new players so BW can get more money for budget so we get more content

More interaction with our LIs. We don’t do anything with them at all hardly

All the ops and uprisings made solo-able.(keep the group runs though) They are part of the storylines. And not to mention it’s getting harder to get groups together to run these

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More interaction with our LIs. We don’t do anything with them at all hardly


You are right, more interactions with the LIs would be nice - the problem is many of them are dead in some stories and alive in others ( Vette, Torian, Kalyio, Jorgan, Koth, Arcann, Theron) .

Still, it would be cool to have more interaction with the ones mentioned above and with the not killable ones : Mako, Akaavi, Risha, Iresso, Raina and so on.

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Where would you like to see SWTOR go in it's storylines?[/color]


For me it boils down to one word: CUSTOMIZATION

Looser weapon restrictrictions: Ranged can use any ranged, Melee any melee, and Jedi/Sith any lightsaber.

More open world and less tunneled areas.

Ability to switch factions.

Other races special feature unlocked during charater creator: Tattoos, scars, and cybernetics(should be an addition and not a race).

Items from Cartel Market should be purchasable regardless if they are unlocked or not. Especially decorations.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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For me it boils down to one word: CUSTOMIZATION

Looser weapon restrictrictions: Ranged can use any ranged, Melee any melee, and Jedi/Sith any lightsaber.

Items from Cartel Market should be purchasable regardless if they are unlocked or not. Especially decorations.

I agree with all of these Tony - great suggestions!!!


Switching factions is a bit more complex, so I can see why that won't happen, but the above suggestions are brilliant imo.

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I got an extensive wish list.


Here's a small portion.


> Kira Carsen

> A server in the era of Tulak Hord, Naga Sadow, and Ajunta Pol

> Nautulans

> HK 47 in the cartel market

> Rebuilt Jedi temple on Coruscant

> A male jedi companion available in collections: Model him after the Jedi used in each expansion cinematic.. you know the guy... tossled hair and a scar on his face.

> Prestige classes (L50 start) of Terras Kasi meelee class, non force using, unique starting planet in which you choose your faction at the end. proficient in the force pike/vibro weapons we usually throw away or sell as vendor trash.

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Fix to dsync


Fix so that we can use cc break when holding huttball again


Bolster in pvp bolstering up to max gear, or new upcoming gear buyable for reasonable amounts of unassembled components


Improved class balance in pvp


Tank stats becoming useful by affecting tank abilities


More class specific stories


Our characters actually being the class and power they're meant to be in cinematix, and using their abilities


Return to Empire vs Republic


Fix so that we can hear voice emotes of players of other classes


More customisation (size, positioning and filtering) of buffs on ops frames


Finally letting male warrs romance Malavai Quinn

Edited by Neulwen
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I hadn't had time to check or really think these through so apologies in advance for my spelling/grammar.


Generally, I'd like to see a coherent handling of the new focus on the war between the reps and imps. Here are some of my suggestions:



Expansions should focus on key/major turning points or events in the War. For example, the Empire mounts a devastating attack on a key planet and the Republic is forced to retreat; or a new super weapon is found and over a few arcs, the Rep must stop the Empire from completing it. We all know the Empire will be defeated eventually so the stories should all build up to that final inevitability.


Note to Devs: Main NPC characters can be bosses and they don't have to die... If Malgus/Jadus is brought back, he/they would make a good enemy for the Reps over and over again. PVE content CAN end in storyline defeat for one side. Old planets can be reused with new zones opened up for 70+ level players especially to reflect the outcome of the latest updates eg a decimated Dromund Kaas area.


Updates - PVP and PVE

While expansions focus on key turning points or events, the regular updates can focus on the in-between battles that take place during the War. New content for PVP and PVE which are in theme would be great. For example, a Battle for [Planet] update can include an update or series of updates focused on the battle to secure the territory. New WZs which tie in with PVE story lines would be great. For example, a strike force (reference to PVE group) is attacking [key rep/imp base/planet killer] (PVE content), so PVP players must engage defenders to secure distract the enemy etc in the WZ (PVP content). Or PVP player must secure some specific data (eg Void Star) and PVE content refers to the data secured being used in the mission. It could also work the other way round. Note: PVP is now cross-faction so we just have to pretend and make do here.


It is up to the Devs to resolve the conflicts in one way or the other. There should be a back and forth in the War after all. It would just be fun to be in actual War again. There was so much potential before the Zakuul expansions.



Conquest can also be tied to the whole theme. For example, each week, the top guilds' scores for Imp side and Rep side can be tallied. If the Imps have more points, they "win the conquest of sector". Perhaps bonuses/rewards should be legacy type so that no one faction is locked out of gaining the benefit arising from faction pop imbalance' or alternatively, this can be looked at as similar to the "light vs dark" mechanic except if one faction wins a planet/setor, a group of "rebels" will pop up.



A PVP "conquest" running in parallel with regular Conquest. Tallying up the WZ specific points in Conquest for all players (guild/no guild) will determine which faction wins. Rewards credits, tokens for new War decorations etc for participants that complete regular WZ conquests - inconsequential to gearing.


PS: No more huttball.

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We all know the Empire will be defeated eventually so the stories should all build up to that final inevitability..


I beg to differ. The Republic cannot defeat the Empire, not in this game & not in the canon movies because they rely on idealists , daredevils , old ladies with a honorary military rank, traitors, unproperly trained "military" forces, some old grumpy Jedi hermit.

Besides, the "great" Republic is as bad as the Empire, aka ( in game) the alliance with the Hutt Cartel ( same Hutt Cartel trafficking slaves from Ryloth..) and in movies aka taking Anakin but leaving Shmi Skywalker in slavery. Or maybe this is perfectly understandable & forgivable because some politician like Leontyne Saresh comes and gives a speech about "beacons of light and hope" ?

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😆😥 I only meant the Empire disappears somehow since the Jedi thought the Sith were supposed to have been wiped out. But I am not a lore expert..


If the Jedi want the Empire to disappear they need to build their own doomsday machine, death star, starkiller or w/e. Destroy Dromund Cheese, destroy every Imp base on every planet, Korriban too. Et voila, no more Empire ! :D

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If the Jedi want the Empire to disappear they need to build their own doomsday machine, death star, starkiller or w/e. Destroy Dromund Cheese, destroy every Imp base on every planet, Korriban too. Et voila, no more Empire ! :D


ROFL Dromund cheese. Now I can't see it any differently.

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First would like to see a proper expansion with emphasis on long term viable MMO content - no more solo / instance chapters that are over and done in less than a week with little to no replay value. RotHC and SoR were very good format for expansion and hope to see something similar.


Far bigger wish is for BW undo many mistakes and dumbing downs they have made starting with 4.0 release.

  • Reintroduce removed mechanics in Story Mode operations.
  • Reintroduce removed mechanics in Story Mode Flashpoints.
  • Remove level-sync or revamp it so it makes sense and provides a sense of progression during level up. Right now level 70 content for a decently geared character is much easier than lower level planets due to the way level sync works!
  • Reintroduce heroic 4s as they existed in the original game.
  • Make levelling experience more fun and feel like an actual game and not an interactive movie. It is too easy. You can go through entire class story without ever changing your gear from white trash you start the game with. This is so wrong and broken on so many levels!
  • Add back all the planetary missions and bonus series that have been removed. I know some are hidden behind exploration missions and that bonus series appear at level 60? But WHY? Most people remain unaware that exist and miss so many awesome missions and story.
  • Revert companions back the way they used to be - with unique abilities, roles, needing to be geared up. It was a great part of the game and something to do during levelling.
  • Restore gearing as it was - people doing hardest content get the best gear. Simple! Current system is an abomination. There are people in full 248 without ever going through single hm/nim or ranked pvp match. This is simply wrong. And with a hint of P2W being introduced with next tier .... I am very very worried.


Few additional things I'd love to see:

  • Remove bolster from story mode operations when manually entering (not group finder)
  • Allow queuing for Hard (veteran) Mode operation via Group Finder
  • Allow queuing for 16M operation via Group Finder (I know it was implemented once with disastrous effect, but change it so it is enter operation only. Useful for preassembled groups)
  • While you at it fix the damn group finder bugs. Just allow people to be invited into group finder group.
  • Allow switching between specs easily. Look at how WoW does it and just copy it. So tired of constantly swapping between roles.
  • Add filter box in the guild window (filter by name, legacy, rank, member/officer note)
  • Make personal starship useful again. I haven't visited mine in like 2 years.

Edited by albeva
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If I was sticking around, what I'd like to see in SWTOR's future is a different studio doing development for it; preferably an independent studio that values player engagement and satisfaction over making a quick buck, or at least one that isn't beholden to a publisher like EA.
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For male players, a body-type version 2.5 is mandatory - already years - so stupid

Body Type 2 or 3 are only minor evils but nothing perfect

I'd love a BT 2.5 for both male and female PC.

I would've done my female BH as a BT2.5 if it was possible, and probably a male SW as a BT2.5 as well

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I'd like to see:


-Scourge being made into a romance, with a storyline to accompany that (preferably longer than 2 minutes :rolleyes: )


-More conversations with romance companions


-a wedding cut scene with Theron Shan


-A Malavai Quinn commemorative statue


-more story, preferably class story, or something more like Shadow of Revan which had class flavour.


-more classes, perhaps SIS agent and Imperial overseer with stories


-clothing slots for companions


-the ability to place hooks ourselves anywhere we want in strongholds


-cheaper unlock costs for collections


-more customizations for character creation...colours for Twi'leks, tattoos for cyborgs, tattoos for all who want them, new hair, new colours, new species, new eye colours


-Darth Marr's return as a story and to be a companion without having to game the system to keep him.


-A story with Darth Jadus


-Vowrawn romance.

Edited by Lunafox
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Hey all! I've heard a few opinions from people on where they would like the game to go, and I just wanted to hear some more. Where would you like to see SWTOR go in it's storylines?


Well aside from making the Alliance a playable third-faction; what would be rather cool is to be able to create and hang individualised family portraits of our favourite characters and their love interests on our stronghold walls.


p.s. And a West Coast server for the Asia/Pacific/Australia/New Zealand/West Coast US players.

Edited by AureliaSulis
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- a male Twilek romance option , preferably a Basic speaker ( don't call me obsessed and insane yet, I wasn't talking about Mr. Z)

- simpler armors , something like Darth Maul's

- flashpoint group finder organized by levels

- no more Hammer Station 8 times in a row, for Scyva's sake!


Thank you

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