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What would you like to see in SWTOR's future?


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Hey all! I've heard a few opinions from people on where they would like the game to go, and I just wanted to hear some more. Where would you like to see SWTOR go in it's storylines?


In the future, my personal desire would probably be to have singular storylines to pursue with our favorite companions, as well as individual continuations of class stories. An expansion including the fleshing out of stories such as Mako's cloning story, or Kira's sith story, and all the other ones; and how their past comes back to haunt them would be really interesting, as well as a continuation of class stories in a new and refreshing light. Bringing back the individualization and personal value of each class is something sorely needed, and I think it would bring back a lot of vanilla players that left some time ago.



That's my two cents, but I am REALLLLY interested in where the SWTOR fanbase would like the game to go. What's something that you've always dreamed about being in SWTOR, or where you want to game to go?

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One important thing for me is a choice to be able to return to our original faction. Not as an ally, but as a full member of our original faction just like we were pre-KotFE. Preferably my toons would even return to their former positions, my Sith Inquisitors coming to sit on the Dark Council again, my Sith Warriors coming to serve as Acina's or Vowrawn's Wrath (especially I'd love them to serve Vowrawn as I adore that character), my Jedi Consulars becoming Bar'senthor again and so on and so forth. That's a major thing I'd want from the future storyline of SWTOR. As for other stuff I'd like to see in future story content...


1. A deep dive into the Chiss lore. I really want to see more of the Chiss Ascendancy even their planets becoming explorable and involved in the story. I'd especially want a Chiss-focused storyline on Csilla, that's something I have been hoping for for years.


2. More storylines that involve the older and more ancient lore of both the Jedi Order and the Sith, especially around the era of the Great Hyperspace War.


3. More hidden secrets that pop up about Valkorion/Vitiate, displaying how dark and twisted he was. Like maybe dangerous artifacts he may have created or perhaps his very own holocron.


4. A storyline tied to Darth Traya, maybe a cult or something that in their twisted view of her teachings believe the Force can and has to be destroyed by creating echoes throughout the galaxy that would eventually deafen everyone to the Force. That's a storyline I'd really love to see and play through.


5. I'd actually dig a setting where the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire fracture through civil war or something. We know eventually the current Sith Empire will break up into warlords that each have their own territory and wage war against one another. Something similar could happen to the Republic, it's territory being reduced to a part of the core worlds or some other core worlds like Corellia, Alderaan or Kuat challenging Coruscant's position and influence. A galaxy embroiled in the chaos of total civil war would really be an interesting setting to play in.

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One important thing for me is a choice to be able to return to our original faction. Not as an ally, but as a full member of our original faction just like we were pre-KotFE. Preferably my toons would even return to their former positions, my Sith Inquisitors coming to sit on the Dark Council again, my Sith Warriors coming to serve as Acina's or Vowrawn's Wrath (especially I'd love them to serve Vowrawn as I adore that character), my Jedi Consulars becoming Bar'senthor again and so on and so forth. That's a major thing I'd want from the future storyline of SWTOR. As for other stuff I'd like to see in future story content...


1. A deep dive into the Chiss lore. I really want to see more of the Chiss Ascendancy even their planets becoming explorable and involved in the story. I'd especially want a Chiss-focused storyline on Csilla, that's something I have been hoping for for years.


2. More storylines that involve the older and more ancient lore of both the Jedi Order and the Sith, especially around the era of the Great Hyperspace War.


3. More hidden secrets that pop up about Valkorion/Vitiate, displaying how dark and twisted he was. Like maybe dangerous artifacts he may have created or perhaps his very own holocron.


4. A storyline tied to Darth Traya, maybe a cult or something that in their twisted view of her teachings believe the Force can and has to be destroyed by creating echoes throughout the galaxy that would eventually deafen everyone to the Force. That's a storyline I'd really love to see and play through.



YESYESYES! Everything you just said would be so interesting! The Chiss have such a backstory to them, and I think there is enough story out there about the Old Republic that the fans don't want new content, they want a deeper dive into the old, less developed stories close to our hearts :D 10/10 on your ideas

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The only thing that has really held up over the years in swtor IMHO are the class stories.


I'd like to see that kind of design return to the game.


I agree 100%. Opinions on the expansions differ, but class stories are loved by all. In order to revitalize this game and bring it to glory again, they need to go back to their roots and build on what everyone originally loved about this game :)

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Here's what I'd like to see from the story:

* A major, reoccurring NPC voiced by Jim Cummings. Bonus points if he's a Weequay pirate captain.

* More romantic encounters with our romance options. Weddings for those who didn't get them, etc.

* Class-based stories, so it's not repetitive to bring all my toons up to date.

* A celebration. Yeah, all that fighting is awesome, but give us a little scene to remember what we're fighting for? The war with Zakuul ended and nobody threw a party, seriously?

* More visits by the Force ghost of Darth Marr. He's one of the best characters in the game.

* Stories that revolve around interesting NPCs, not just fighting. Give us something and someone to care about.

* Choices that allow us not only to be Light or Dark, but also balanced with the Force (grey).

* Some gratitude from Zakuul for making Light-side choices with regards to them, whether we sat or the throne or not. (There are some legitimate, Light-side reasons to sit on the throne.)

* Some payoff for training with Satele and learning more about the Force, especially for non-Force users. Sure, we made a weapon, but what else does it mean?


Here's what I seriously do not want to see:

* Anything more about Valkorion/Vitiate. Too much of the story revolved around him, already. He's dead, leave him dead. If he pulls a Freddie Kruger, I'm not playing that Chapter. I don't care about his past, either.

* Planet threatening/destroying super-weapons. Done to death. (Pun intended.)

* Stereotypical villains that love TV tropes, Force-using villains, and insane villains. Been there, done that.

Edited by Xina_LA
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YESYESYES! Everything you just said would be so interesting! The Chiss have such a backstory to them, and I think there is enough story out there about the Old Republic that the fans don't want new content, they want a deeper dive into the old, less developed stories close to our hearts :D 10/10 on your ideas


Thank you :)


It's one of the main reasons why I disliked Zakuul and the Eternal Empire. There is such a mastodontic pile of intriguing and interesting lore within the Old Republic era and yet they made something new that, in comparison, wasn't as great. I really wouldn't mind an expansion that focuses solely on the Chiss, or the Mandalorians or any of the other dozens of interesting organisations, groups and factions that already exist in the lore.

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To answer the Op: 50 more developers, a new game engine, 200M dollars investment and a complete new team of writers and proper community engagement.



There are lists and lists of stuff people have wanted for years now. BUT...... What we'll get is:


  • Chapter in April or May that lasts about 1/2 an hour padded with trash mobs, bookended with 2x 45-second cutscenes.
  • A Companion return that only applies if you're the class of the month. - Which lasts about 30-seconds.
  • "Lots of "new and exciting stuff in 6.x - which we can't tell you about, yet."


So basically more of the same: make your own entertainment in game, coz there's nothing much to write home about otherwise.


My 11-yer old produced ~4-hours story/RPG content for a house full of SW fans last Friday. - And probably will do next Friday too. with only 2-3 hrs prep time...... - Puts BW to shame really.

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My main positive thing is I'd like it if they'd continue the class story structure, including more story with the companions. I got involved in the game because, yes, it's Star Wars, but also because of the number of different stories that could be pursued, and miss that.


My main negative thing is I'd like them to not do any more stories about mentally ill or abused characters, especially ones that become villains. It is tiresome, and this particular team seems to be horrible at handling the concepts. Updating some of those stories would be good, too, but I won't hold my breath.

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* Individual class stories, so as to have greater replay value.


* New classes -- start them on level 50 on a new planet and give them new stories.


* More interactions with LIs.


I'd really love these too and while the last one, more interactions with LIs might be possible, I have a feeling the other two aren't possible with the current resources that Bioware has. Maybe if they had a bigger team and more funds then yes, but as much as I'd love and adore to see that happen in the future, I fear it won't :(

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1. A deep dive into the Chiss lore. I really want to see more of the Chiss Ascendancy even their planets becoming explorable and involved in the story. I'd especially want a Chiss-focused storyline on Csilla, that's something I have been hoping for for years.


it would be nice to see some indication of why the Chiss are supporting the Empire, and why the Empire doesn't just take Csilla. In the lore, The Chiss have some kind of ban on preemptive strikes, which makes you wonder if that came as a result of this era. I've always rationalized that the Empire is willing to work with the Chiss because the only planets the Chiss want are crappy cold planets, but then we have Copero which has temperate spots. I don't know what the Chiss are getting out of it.


2. More storylines that involve the older and more ancient lore of both the Jedi Order and the Sith, especially around the era of the Great Hyperspace War.


I'd like them to push it back deeper, to the Jeedai era. Like, we already have Tython, we have the flesh-raiders, and the story hints at their origin [mutated inbred Rakatan shock troops]. In the lore, Tython was also a really screwed up planet. It was balanced between light and dark like Odessen, but it was a precarious balance that would fall apart if anyone was too LS or DS. It also had some weird bottomless pit that the Gree were involved with. That's obviously not an issue anymore, so what changed? How'd they lose Tython in the first place? Where are the Tho Yors? What's going on at Tython's moons, Ashla and Boga? Probably a lot of interesting artifacts there.


3. More hidden secrets that pop up about Valkorion/Vitiate, displaying how dark and twisted he was. Like maybe dangerous artifacts he may have created or perhaps his very own holocron.


A holocron would be cool. Perhaps BW's decision to have Dramath in a holocron is their answer to that question: Sith [and Jedi] build holocrons to pass on knowledge. Even Sidious built holocrons [in the EU anyway]. But Vitiate intended to live forever, so the only holocron he built was more like a Rakatan mind trap so he could torture his dad for eternity.


4. A storyline tied to Darth Traya, maybe a cult or something that in their twisted view of her teachings believe the Force can and has to be destroyed by creating echoes throughout the galaxy that would eventually deafen everyone to the Force. That's a storyline I'd really love to see and play through.


I think they missed the boat on this one. That's what SoR should have been about instead of another pointless Revan doppleganger mess. They planned to destroy the Emperor by killing the Force, only it backfired. Instead of Revan showing up we could have had the Exile and she'd actually be useful for a change. As it is the last few expansions have featured cults and I don't want a third one popping up. But we know Malachor is still around, or at least the system [Talos mentions it in his comp story].


5. I'd actually dig a setting where the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire fracture through civil war or something. We know eventually the current Sith Empire will break up into warlords that each have their own territory and wage war against one another. Something similar could happen to the Republic, it's territory being reduced to a part of the core worlds or some other core worlds like Corellia, Alderaan or Kuat challenging Coruscant's position and influence. A galaxy embroiled in the chaos of total civil war would really be an interesting setting to play in.


Whereas this is what they should be doing right now. This is what 6.0 should be. The eternal empire war has essentially killed both the Empire and Republic, and now bits and pieces are fracturing off to start their own fiefdoms. But I think they need more lead time for that [it should have started at Fractured Alliances] and Ossus seems to be going in the wrong direction.

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The only thing that has really held up over the years in swtor IMHO are the class stories.


I'd like to see that kind of design return to the game.

* Individual class stories, so as to have greater replay value.


* New classes -- start them on level 50 on a new planet and give them new stories.


I'd like to see both of the above, especially new classes that start at level 50 on a new planet. Didn't Keith confirm this style of play is never going to happen again due to overlord business reasons that are out of their control? I hope they've changed their minds. Failing that I'd like to see:


  • More conversations/interactions with my original LI companions included in all future storylines.
  • Another Nar Shadaa size stronghold that's for decorators not PvPers
  • Zakuul being pulverised to dust. Bonus if I get to do it.
  • More Darth Marr - even as a force ghost he can still be included.
  • The return of Darth Jadus. A Darth of his calibre has not been sitting in a cave knitting for all these years while crap was happening. He's a master planner - he must have something good & evil planned. Also the hand of Jadus needs to do more hand of Jadus-ing :D
  • Nautolans as a playable race with their own story
  • More solo content that can be done with groups of friends if you choose to. That was the one annoying thing about kotfe/kotet for my small group of rl friends who play. I don't mind soloing everything but they haven't bothered going further than a couple of chapters into the story because they can't group. At least with the original class stories you could group and view their story.
  • Flashpoints with a solo player version of hard mode similar to hard mode Star Fortresses and chapters with unique drops/rewards. Give us (solo players) an end-game alternative to OPs/Ranked PvP.
  • Weddings. Doc & the Jedi Knight got one :p after the fuss at the end of Nathema, Theron should get one (and I bet the Lanarites wouldn't say no either).
  • Return of Lord Scourge - his return better be so awesome that the forums/internet implodes with fans-gone-mad-in-delight.

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I would like to see more "Class Recognition" in the coming stories. BW cannot afford the 8 full class stories anymore but the Class Pit Stops we saw during S.O.R. was good.


Our characters don't always act within their class (The Smuggler never actually Smuggled, transported anything/ anybody), this goes along with the single/ dual story so an Idea I had long ago. Small missions in exactly our class directions. Mini Missions...




Temporary grey faction 4 or 5 contracts

Higher risk contracts give higher payoffs

Go to Hutta and select smuggling contract Possibly retrieving the merchandise or merchandise is waiting at ship. At times others may want to prevent the PCs ship to leave (Law, opposing crime faction) so a shootout is required. Once in Space Possibly Imp.,Rep.or Opposing pirates try to Prevent the PC from going to Hyperspace. Jumping to hyperspace may only last a moment due to being pulled out by either factions capitol ships then boarding.Talk your way out, attempt to bribe or Shoot the boarders and try to make the jump before the Capitol ship pounds the PCs ship to fiery dust. Entering the destination planets orbit again may encounter legal patrols(Shoot out, dump the merchandise or abort the delivery and leave. Finaly contact the merchandises buyer (can be Imp, Rep or private).These fights are all on a chance basis, possibly its no fighting or bad chance its a fight at every stage


Bounty Hunter

Temporary grey faction for one week(?)

Higher level targets give higher bounties

Both the hunter and target are players and submit to the contest. Hunters are given an ability to find the target nomatter where they are in SWTOR (Except fleet, strongholds, game events) and the longer the contract is live the better the information is. Hunters and available targets are matched roughly through gear score OR the target can select higher tiered contests. Once the Hunter finds and attacks the target the bounty is available to whichever player wins the fight. Hunter wins they get their bounty. If the target wins and fights the hunter off they get the prize money.


Sith Inquisitor

4 or 5 missions

The Sith Inq. selects their missions from their own Terminus class ship with their fleet in the windows.

One mission could include Moving their fleet to a Rep or Pirate fleet for a short battle where the SI leads a sizeable boarding party (Bigger then 4 or 5) to capture the lead ships bridge and commander this includes several decisions during the ship to ship battle to reach ship to ship shuttle distance. Another mission could include visiting different Imp bases/ships ferriting out and arresting/Killing the traitors. The traitors are based on a chance system that could include several layouts and scenarios. The SI may have a mission from the Council to take over an installation bringing several escorting stormtroopers with them


I dont know the other class's well enough to think of their class specific mini games.


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I would like to see more "Class Recognition" in the coming stories. BW cannot afford the 8 full class stories anymore but the Class Pit Stops we saw during S.O.R. was good.


Our characters don't always act within their class (The Smuggler never actually Smuggled, transported anything/ anybody), this goes along with the single/ dual story so an Idea I had long ago. Small missions in exactly our class directions. Mini Missions...




Temporary grey faction 4 or 5 contracts

Higher risk contracts give higher payoffs

Go to Hutta and select smuggling contract Possibly retrieving the merchandise or merchandise is waiting at ship. At times others may want to prevent the PCs ship to leave (Law, opposing crime faction) so a shootout is required. Once in Space Possibly Imp.,Rep.or Opposing pirates try to Prevent the PC from going to Hyperspace. Jumping to hyperspace may only last a moment due to being pulled out by either factions capitol ships then boarding.Talk your way out, attempt to bribe or Shoot the boarders and try to make the jump before the Capitol ship pounds the PCs ship to fiery dust. Entering the destination planets orbit again may encounter legal patrols(Shoot out, dump the merchandise or abort the delivery and leave. Finaly contact the merchandises buyer (can be Imp, Rep or private).These fights are all on a chance basis, possibly its no fighting or bad chance its a fight at every stage


Bounty Hunter

Temporary grey faction for one week(?)

Higher level targets give higher bounties

Both the hunter and target are players and submit to the contest. Hunters are given an ability to find the target nomatter where they are in SWTOR (Except fleet, strongholds, game events) and the longer the contract is live the better the information is. Hunters and available targets are matched roughly through gear score OR the target can select higher tiered contests. Once the Hunter finds and attacks the target the bounty is available to whichever player wins the fight. Hunter wins they get their bounty. If the target wins and fights the hunter off they get the prize money.


Sith Inquisitor

4 or 5 missions

The Sith Inq. selects their missions from their own Terminus class ship with their fleet in the windows.

One mission could include Moving their fleet to a Rep or Pirate fleet for a short battle where the SI leads a sizeable boarding party (Bigger then 4 or 5) to capture the lead ships bridge and commander this includes several decisions during the ship to ship battle to reach ship to ship shuttle distance. Another mission could include visiting different Imp bases/ships ferriting out and arresting/Killing the traitors. The traitors are based on a chance system that could include several layouts and scenarios. The SI may have a mission from the Council to take over an installation bringing several escorting stormtroopers with them


I dont know the other class's well enough to think of their class specific mini games.


100% supported. I completely agree with you, we need more recognition of our class and the class story we have been through. It's why I am hoping we'll be called "Lord Wrath", "Darth Nox" or "Bar'senthor" again instead of Commander, Outlander or whatever we are continuously being referred to in KotFE and KotET.


Also, I absolutely agree that such class specific mini missions would be amazing. The way SoR handled it was perfect and KotFE and KotET would have benefited a lot if they had given us such class pit stops as you call them in between chapters.

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You know one of the greatest Star Wars Series did not even involve any darkside users? Star Wars Legends was about them fighting the Yuuzhan Vong and it is a dark story, many died. It was one of the most widely sold series of Star wars.

I woulda loved if they brought the Yuuzhan Vong into this game. That would be very challenging to fight a race that the force doesn't effect.


Also a return to the Eternal Throne to take it back over and to continue my dominating of the galaxy as Emperor.

Edited by Fallensouls
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You know one of the greatest Star Wars Series did not even involve any darkside users? Star Wars Legends was about them fighting the Yuuzhan Vong and it is a dark story, many died. It was one of the most widely sold series of Star wars.

I woulda loved if they brought the Yuuzhan Vong into this game. That would be very challenging to fight a race that the force doesn't effect.


But that would break the lore... as the Yuuzhan Vong emerge for the first time during the Yuuzhan Vong War and not earlier. It would contradict everything previously established.


There was 1 Yuuzhan Vong War and let's keep it at 1, because 1 was enough ;)

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100% supported. I completely agree with you, we need more recognition of our class and the class story we have been through. It's why I am hoping we'll be called "Lord Wrath", "Darth Nox" or "Bar'senthor" again instead of Commander, Outlander or whatever we are continuously being referred to in KotFE and KotET.

I think i'd turn to the DS on my ex-JK if anyone ever calls her Jedi Master and will feel like beheading anyone who'd call me that :(

I liked Battlemaster, but it's still tied to the Jedi Order.

I'm fine with Hero of Tython though.

What I don't want is being forced back to the exact place my characters were before KOTFE.


What I'd like to see, more interactions with my characters LIs, and a nice wedding with Theron (well, one for every LI who did not get one previously would be perfect too).


For the rest, i don't really care as long as the story is good and let me stay with the Alliance (it can change a bit shape or be renamed) as a smaller, more neutral and independant faction that is allied to one of the 2 bigger factions.

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I think i'd turn to the DS on my ex-JK if anyone ever calls her Jedi Master and will feel like beheading anyone who'd call me that :(

I liked Battlemaster, but it's still tied to the Jedi Order.

I'm fine with Hero of Tython though.

What I don't want is being forced back to the exact place my characters were before KOTFE.


What I'd like to see, more interactions with my characters LIs, and a nice wedding with Theron (well, one for every LI who did not get one previously would be perfect too).


For the rest, i don't really care as long as the story is good and let me stay with the Alliance (it can change a bit shape or be renamed) as a smaller, more neutral and independant faction that is allied to one of the 2 bigger factions.


It would be Very good to see our original Companions come back into the forefront or atleast *Around as we go on with whatever 6.0 brings hopefully even Running with us as we go on with the different missions whoever gives them (but not "Instead, of our Comps). Those characters were first therefore their story the longest time on the back shelf (Ignored/ forgotten). Those characters Were, intended to have a story Moreso then the "Johnny come Lately's".


I really don't think the Odessen base is going anywhere although many of the Alliance figures most likely will move on (they have a fight coming and their own reasons why they'd want to be part of it) Our Alliance I'd believe will *Partner with the faction we choose but not Commanded By. A smaller third faction helping X faction. •Beywan Aygo, Hylo Visz, •Juvard Illip Oggurobb and •Sana-Rae are All neutral figures, they have no real Need to leave. The Rank and File soldiers/ guards most may leave (Understandable) but many I'd think will stay so the Alliance, Our Faction, Our Choices will go on. Our choices (past and to come) may determine who of the top line characters stay or move on also.

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