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What would you like to see in SWTOR's future?


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But that would break the lore... as the Yuuzhan Vong emerge for the first time during the Yuuzhan Vong War and not earlier. It would contradict everything previously established.


There was 1 Yuuzhan Vong War and let's keep it at 1, because 1 was enough ;)


Umm Nope Disney Threw out our beloved EU. So the Yuuzhan Vong could attack the Old republic for the first time in this era. oops but Bioware already stepped in it, by going back to the Pubs vs Sith. Too bad they coulda got allot of subs with that story it was one of the most popular ever for the Eu. Yup that story definitely could have help save this game.

Edited by Fallensouls
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Umm Nope Disney Threw out our beloved EU. So the Yuuzhan Vong could attack the Old republic for the first time in this era. oops but Bioware already stepped in it, by going back to the Pubs vs Sith. Too bad they coulda got allot of subs with that story it was one of the most popular ever for the Eu. Yup that story definitely could have help save this game.


I liked the NJO, but up until TLJ came out it was widely seen as the most divisive aspect of the whole franchise. Some fans liked it. Many loathed it. A few loved certain books [Traitor, for instance] and disliked others [star by Star, Vector Prime].


Regardless of your personal feelings about it, it would not have been a sure bet that it would have succeeded. If anything, it was a sure bet that the forum would erupt into a firestorm of criticism far outweighing any other story choice to date.


Conversely, they might have retconned Abeloth and / or the Lost Tribe into this, which I would have hated but much of the fanbase here seems to adore [for reasons unclear]. Ditto the Muur Talisman.


But that would break the lore... as the Yuuzhan Vong emerge for the first time during the Yuuzhan Vong War and not earlier. It would contradict everything previously established.


There was 1 Yuuzhan Vong War and let's keep it at 1, because 1 was enough ;)



As far as it's not canon or whatever, the lore from KOTOR suggests the Yuuzhan Vong are at least aware of this galaxy [Canderous supposedly found a coralskipper when he was a young mando]. So it could theoretically be possible for a small force to show up far ahead of schedule. In the books leading up to the series, the Chiss are spooked about some mysterious invader in Wild Space, ie. the YV [and maybe some kind of Voss-like warlord]. It's never explained how they know about them except that they're further out on the galactic spiral, but it's possible that could be retconned into them knowing about them because they showed up 3000 years ago and weren't completely wiped out.


I still think the fanbase would explode though. It would cause fans who don't play games to finally take notice of SWTOR, but it wouldn't be good publicity.

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I know an expansion with 8 character classes is out of the question but I would like what happened on Rishi to happen again. An expansion where each class gets one side mission unique to that class.


Solo versions of the following:


Solo uprisings

Solo Seeds/Shroud mission

Solo Colicoid war Games as well as the Rakghoul FPs. (For the FPs, it would also accept placing them back in the vet FPs).

Solo Operations (the story-based ones. I don't really see the need for solo Eyeless or other such ops)

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I liked the NJO, but up until TLJ came out it was widely seen as the most divisive aspect of the whole franchise. Some fans liked it. Many loathed it. A few loved certain books [Traitor, for instance] and disliked others [star by Star, Vector Prime].


Regardless of your personal feelings about it, it would not have been a sure bet that it would have succeeded. If anything, it was a sure bet that the forum would erupt into a firestorm of criticism far outweighing any other story choice to date.


Conversely, they might have retconned Abeloth and / or the Lost Tribe into this, which I would have hated but much of the fanbase here seems to adore [for reasons unclear]. Ditto the Muur Talisman.


As far as it's not canon or whatever, the lore from KOTOR suggests the Yuuzhan Vong are at least aware of this galaxy [Canderous supposedly found a coralskipper when he was a young mando]. So it could theoretically be possible for a small force to show up far ahead of schedule. In the books leading up to the series, the Chiss are spooked about some mysterious invader in Wild Space, ie. the YV [and maybe some kind of Voss-like warlord]. It's never explained how they know about them except that they're further out on the galactic spiral, but it's possible that could be retconned into them knowing about them because they showed up 3000 years ago and weren't completely wiped out.


I still think the fanbase would explode though. It would cause fans who don't play games to finally take notice of SWTOR, but it wouldn't be good publicity.


While the Yuuzhan Vong may indeed be Legends material now, the game still follows the course of Legends continuity. It would be strange if the Yuuzhan Vong popped up now and suddenly when they hit during the Yuuzhan Vong War it's the first time people heard of them (except the Chiss of course).


Nonetheless, I really don't think the Yuuzhan Vong would make for good story material in SWTOR. It would seem just as out of place and out of the blue as Zakuul and the Eternal Empire. There are so many existing things that could pose as a threat, surely we don't need anything new or revolutionary? We could dive into the Chiss Ascendancy more, the Mandalorians becoming a threat again, the Tion Hegemony trying to make a comeback, the Pius Dea cult making a resurgence, a Rakata remnant becoming a threat again, a cult of Darth Traya worshippers who want to destroy the Force... there's so much existing lore that could be used that I really don't think we need something like the Yuuzhan Vong to create an interesting story. Heck, why not even make a plot about Abeloth or Darth Andeddu or Dathka Graush with his army of the undead.


Besides, there is still so much to be told about the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire in this era. It's a conflict that will continue for ages still, so it remains a treasure trove of potential story content and plotlines. If the story developers really want to twist things up, have the Republic and the Empire splinter into smaller factions and such through civil war. Have various Sith and Imperial Warlords claim territory of the Sith Empire and wage war with one another to claim a vacant Sith throne on Dromund Kaas. Have Corellia, Alsakan and other important core worlds break away from the Republic and challenge Coruscant's position and influence, trying to become the new dominant planet in the Republic. I really think that would be an extremely interesting setting to have our characters be a part of.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Most of the things I'd like to see in the future have been mentioned:


More class story, more interactions with companions,..

i'd also like to see a solo version of the dread masters ops since that story started with solo quests.


What I would also like to see are less weapon restrictions. Why wouldn't a JK be be able to use a doublebladed lightsaber? Why can't a BH use a blaster rifle or even an assault cannon, same for smuggler or IA.

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What I would also like to see are less weapon restrictions. Why wouldn't a JK be be able to use a doublebladed lightsaber? Why can't a BH use a blaster rifle or even an assault cannon, same for smuggler or IA.


Not possible with how the classes are currently made up. Cosmetic weapons has been asked for ages but seemingly it's nigh impossible to achieve because of the game's engine or something.


Besides, if you are trained to play the piano you're not trained to play the violin. Sure, you may know the basics but it's not as if you'd be able to play the violin on the same level you play piano.

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What would you like to see in SWTOR's future?


Monthly story chapters. Doesn't matter what story. But there needs to be a little variety within the stories according to the class you play with. And choices have to matter.


Basically KotFE, just more finetuned. And with less Skytroopers. :p

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What I would also like to see are less weapon restrictions. Why wouldn't a JK be be able to use a doublebladed lightsaber? Why can't a BH use a blaster rifle or even an assault cannon, same for smuggler or IA.

Wouldn't that need whole new animations? But, even if it doesn't. What makes the classes unique, if they had the same battle animations?

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Monthly story chapters. Doesn't matter what story. But there needs to be a little variety within the stories according to the class you play with. And choices have to matter.


Basically KotFE, just more finetuned. And with less Skytroopers. :p


Sort of the way SoR handled the class stories on Rishi but then on a monthly basis and each month would release 1 class story chapter. I like that idea! That way we could get back individual class stories and get regular story updates, namely monthly. I like it!

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Not possible with how the classes are currently made up. Cosmetic weapons has been asked for ages but seemingly it's nigh impossible to achieve because of the game's engine or something.


Besides, if you are trained to play the piano you're not trained to play the violin. Sure, you may know the basics but it's not as if you'd be able to play the violin on the same level you play piano.


I know it's probably not possible but the question was "what would you like to see in swtor in the future?" :)


If you start a new JK or JC for example, their training is almost complete so that JK could have been trained in using a double-bladed saber for example.


Couldn't it be possible if they make you select the weapon type at character creation:

So you choose class, gender, race, weapon type and then the game would load the animation set linked to that weapon for that character.


But I know it won't happen :)

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As far as it's not canon or whatever, the lore from KOTOR suggests the Yuuzhan Vong are at least aware of this galaxy [Canderous supposedly found a coralskipper when he was a young mando]. So it could theoretically be possible for a small force to show up far ahead of schedule. In the books leading up to the series, the Chiss are spooked about some mysterious invader in Wild Space, ie. the YV [and maybe some kind of Voss-like warlord]. It's never explained how they know about them except that they're further out on the galactic spiral, but it's possible that could be retconned into them knowing about them because they showed up 3000 years ago and weren't completely wiped out.


I still think the fanbase would explode though. It would cause fans who don't play games to finally take notice of SWTOR, but it wouldn't be good publicity.


Good Point, I totally forgot Canderous told Revan about that in one of the war stories, Thank you for bringing that up. I dont think fans would hate it and some would check this game out to see it. Probably people that never played this before. Also you are right i liked some of those allot better than some of the others but overall it was a really good book series.

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While the Yuuzhan Vong may indeed be Legends material now, the game still follows the course of Legends continuity. It would be strange if the Yuuzhan Vong popped up now and suddenly when they hit during the Yuuzhan Vong War it's the first time people heard of them (except the Chiss of course).


From a lore pov, the Chiss shouldn't even be in this game. In legends continuity, the Republic hadn't come across the Chiss until Thrawn's era, and the galaxy at large hadn't heard of them until several decades afterwards when Luke and Mara ran across them. So right away we have this massive conflict that the Chiss played a key role in, and everyone just forgets about them entirely because they eventually went back where they came from, I guess.


This is why the 'well the lore says' argument is completely silly when discussing this game. This game violates the lore in a number of ways, which we just roll with because who cares about fake space opera history anyway?

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Sort of the way SoR handled the class stories on Rishi but then on a monthly basis and each month would release 1 class story chapter. I like that idea! That way we could get back individual class stories and get regular story updates, namely monthly. I like it!


Not a bad idea. Like others have said, the class stories have stood the test of time comparatively speaking. No other story, other than the dread masters, has really done that.


Personally, maybe an 8 month sequence where each month they release a new classes' continued story would be nice. That way it's a controlled and steady release, which the current devs seem to like, while satisfying our desire to have more class content.

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Lore experts. The same ones that think the old movies were terrible and the EU fan fiction is great.


Actually you have that wrong. They love the old movies and the EU novels George Lucas approved of and hate the new ones.

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Lore experts. The same ones that think the old movies were terrible and the EU fan fiction is great.


The old movies weren't bad, the EU universe just has more depth and because of that depth more interesting storylines. Also, the new movies are great as well, personally I prefer the new movies over the older ones.


But then again, I prefer the Expanded Universe content, both Legends and new Canon, over the movies so, there's that. The new Canon books are absolutely fantastic, I adored the new Thrawn books or the Phasma novel. Lost Stars is also a gem and the Aftermath trilogy was perfect. Bloodline was also a great story and great addition to Leia's character as well as the Leia novel itself and I didn't expect it, but I loved Last Shot.

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What I would like to see in SWTOR's future :


- monthly chapters

- a way to summon Tanno Vik

- more group content

- a fix for the annoying Hammer Station bug ( invisible mobs at Battlelord Kreshan)

- my favorite Twilek rejoining my crew ( and no, is not Vette)

- stories that make sense

- less CM updates, more meaningful content

- less WoW, more Star Wars

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1.) Massive open worlds to actually explore. Where is the rest of Korriban? Tython?

2.) Massive open world SPACE like Elite Dangerous but with elements of JTL.

3.) Class stories - Chapters 4-99999999

4.) Total elimination of gambling packs

5.) Cartel Dyes added to Collections

6.) Removal of Cartel Certificate currency for reputation vendors

7.) All Cartel Market items actually listed on the Cartel Market


When I look at this game compared to the others we play, this is by far the "greediest". At every turn they are trying to get you with RNG gambling nonsense. Other games have cosmetic items, cash shops, etc. but SWTOR just feels the sleaziest to me. We avoid it at all costs.

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A gearing system that is highly customizable with vendors that sell gears with a currency that is dropped from both WZs as well as PVE FPs/OPs that is highly fluid and seemless allowing alts to be geared equally as easy as any "main" character.


Oh wait. That was 4.0. Can we say what we want back from the past?


Oh and foot sandals for both males/females. Why are there no sandals in the game!?


Oh and pasties. I think pasties for the females would encourage more "dancer" outfits and those are always great to see in the WZs and on Fleet prancing around. Bottomless chaps would work to add more dancer-type themed outfits, too.

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