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Does reporting do anything?


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Death threats should be reported in pvp. Harassment by legacy should also be reported [ie getting ignored so you hop on an alt and continue whisper insulting the person]. The rest you mentioned such as the 'elitism' and the insults are imo irrelevant. I agree with Warrior there. Suck it up or don't pvp. I don't play Ranked for that specific reason [also queuing is much slower]. Regs has a bit of that but reporting is an overreaction imo.


Ralph Panda: You're welcome to disagree. You're welcome to, on your own, report anyone you choose. You are not welcome to shove your pov on me and insist that I am immoral for thinking that way and that normalizing hyper-offense culture is somehow preferable to the status quo. If I were following your rulebook, I could report you for bullying Warrior in this thread. It's no longer quite so nice when it gets turned on you.



The problem with saying 'don't play ranked' if you don't like the insults, is that, there are items you can only get by doing ranked, and if you are a collector, like me, you have to do ranked. I'm not a pvp'r, i just do it at times to get the extra itmes i can't get from other content, same as doing NiM, or MM stuff. Bad behaviour shouldn't be excused for any reason. If people in ranked actually helped newer players, more would stick around, and would improve, but as it stands, it's just abusive. It's not about having a 'thick' skin, it's about what you'd do in real life, if you were on a street standing next to a person, 99% of people wouldn't behave that way, they do it here, because they are hiding behind a keyboard. At the 1% that say they'd do it, are probably scumbags, who'd end up arrested. If something isn't acceptable on the street, it should be acceptable in game.

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If you're a collector and want some items that only come with ranked [whatever those are], then grin and bear it. You are free to report them if you wish but I think BW might have some difficulty changing the entire culture so you can get a mount without some hurt feelings along the way.


When I did ranked for the first time last year I was blown away by how f-- awful the people were, well beyond the toxicity of normal pvp. I complained on the forums about it, and the ranked people lol'd and everyone else said meh. Eventually I decided I could either put in the effort to do the thing and just tolerate the stress it would cause me, or not do it. I chose the latter. Life is full of trade-offs.



The internet is not real life. I think this is a fallacy people on this forum make rather frequently. So often I see BW getting compared to a restaurant or some other real life example that is supposed to show how whatever pet issue they're struggling with wouldn't be tolerated in real life. Well, it's not real life, and you can tell that by virtue of how we put up with it here and don't put up with it irl [maybe anyway, I tend to think we put up with plenty of bad behavior irl too and this is all rose-colored glasses].


Let me emphasize again: You are free to report whomever you wish. BW may or may not take action. But I guarantee you that moaning about it on the forum will not make the toxic culture go away and denigrating anyone who disagrees with you as part of the problem [spare me your contrived irl political BS] will not change anything either. It is just you venting, and I tolerate it [in the sense that I don't report you for harassment] because your impotent lashing out at everyone around you is a distasteful but *expected* behavior on the forum.


^^ I agree with this assessment.


Andryah agrees with me. This, more than any argument the opposition put forth, is what made me seriously secondguess if I was really on the right side of this issue. I still think I am, but it was a close one.

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The problem with saying 'don't play ranked' if you don't like the insults, is that, there are items you can only get by doing ranked, and if you are a collector, like me, you have to do ranked.


Then simply learn to ignore the insults. If you are on a mission to collect through PvP... stay focused on your mission and ignore the noise and chaff. Remember why you are there, and don't fall prey to the trolling (which is what most smack-talk in PvP is).


Seriously.... you are always going to find some toxic behaviors in MMOs from other players, so you should already know that you just report and move on. The fact that PvP smack talk tends to be more toxic in some cases and more inflammatory is simply the nature of human on human direct conflict (which is exactly what PvP in an MMO is, in a virtual sense).

Edited by Andryah
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The internet is not real life. I think this is a fallacy people on this forum make rather frequently. So often I see BW getting compared to a restaurant or some other real life example that is supposed to show how whatever pet issue they're struggling with wouldn't be tolerated in real life. Well, it's not real life, and you can tell that by virtue of how we put up with it here and don't put up with it irl [maybe anyway, I tend to think we put up with plenty of bad behavior irl too and this is all rose-colored glasses].


Let me emphasize again: You are free to report whomever you wish. BW may or may not take action. But I guarantee you that moaning about it on the forum will not make the toxic culture go away and denigrating anyone who disagrees with you as part of the problem [spare me your contrived irl political BS] will not change anything either. It is just you venting, and I tolerate it [in the sense that I don't report you for harassment] because your impotent lashing out at everyone around you is a distasteful but *expected* behavior on the forum.




Andryah agrees with me. This, more than any argument the opposition put forth, is what made me seriously secondguess if I was really on the right side of this issue. I still think I am, but it was a close one.


Congrats like the average human you choose to become the abuser once you get abused and love to pretend "its the internet yo, it doesnt matter"


I cant wait for the dystopian time where internet actions face serious consequences ;^)

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Is there any proof reporting actually achieves everything?


Because there seems to be a lot of elitism, insults, angry caps lock rage, afking on purpose or just rageleaving etc on higher level content...


How do they expect getting new players if they are greeted with that behavior the moment they reach the endgame


well lets see. no rule that says you cant be an elitist.

insults, cap talking...if you have a problem with how some one speaks they made a little thing for that called ignore.

afking on purpose??? confused by this one. i randomly afk all the time and dont always say anything and have no reason to tell ppl why when they ask.


rage leavening... no one is forced to do something they dont want to so they are free to leave at any time.


not one thing you said is worth a ticket. maybe the way ppl talk but you'll most likely just get told to ignore them as thats why it was put into the game.

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the best thing in reporting is the feeling to have done anything against it. that's it.

but even known and varified cheaters weren't banned. they just got cleared their rating.

as long as you have an active subscription, you just get a warning, a second warning,

a third warning, a n+1 warning.


the only thing you will lose you account is a problem with you subscription,

or you are selling credits for cash.

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When I first started playing, I had a big problem with another player, he was harassing me via General Chat, private messages, all sort of taunts when we were in the same flashpoint group ( I ignored a few of his characters, but he has like 40 or maybe more) . At that point, I reported him. He wasn't active for one week, so I supposed he got banned. Then it all started all over again: threats, taunts, racism , discrimination based on nationality .

Didn't knew what to do, so I spoke to my guild leader, he invited the harasser and his guild leader to squad for a friendly chat. The dude apologized to me ( because his guild leader told him to do so) and never bothered me again ever since.

I'm not saying this will work every time, but I think sometimes a little diplomacy might be exactly what's needed.

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When I first started playing, I had a big problem with another player, he was harassing me via General Chat, private messages, all sort of taunts when we were in the same flashpoint group ( I ignored a few of his characters, but he has like 40 or maybe more) . At that point, I reported him. He wasn't active for one week, so I supposed he got banned. Then it all started all over again: threats, taunts, racism , discrimination based on nationality .

Didn't knew what to do, so I spoke to my guild leader, he invited the harasser and his guild leader to squad for a friendly chat. The dude apologized to me ( because his guild leader told him to do so) and never bothered me again ever since.

I'm not saying this will work every time, but I think sometimes a little diplomacy might be exactly what's needed.


The two guild leaders really stepped up here and did an outstanding job in addressing and getting resolution to this. Reminds me of the old days in MMOs when guild leaders more often then not would solve issues like this before it got to the need to report a player to the studio. :)


Luckily... the other player was not just some guildless griefer. Then again.. guildless griefers generally have a short attention span and move on to grief someone else rather then fixate on one player.


This particular instance sounds like the other player is someone with terribad social skills & maturity, who thinks they can just do anything in game that they view as fun.

Edited by Andryah
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Is there any proof reporting actually achieves everything?


Because there seems to be a lot of elitism, insults, angry caps lock rage, afking on purpose or just rageleaving etc on higher level content...


How do they expect getting new players if they are greeted with that behavior the moment they reach the endgame

I've reported every line of credit seller ad text I saw when they used to litter general fleet chat. I made sure to right click and report each line for spam while I was in fleet. I've never /ignore'd a credit seller, it's a waste of ignore list space, that character/account will get deleted, banned anyway. And if you ignore the credit seller after just one line, you miss the chance to report every succeeding line of spam.




Because there seems to be a lot of elitism,
possibly a myth and unactionable


subject to interpretation.

insults are against rules of conduct and depending on severity it could break terms of service, but trash talk in PvP is expected and unforgiving attitudes in high end pve content is common. Keep in mind, you might also be exhausting someone's else patience, or time and making them equally frustrated. You have a list of sins not to commit in pve/pvp content and so do they.


angry caps lock rage,
that just makes the person look stupid. Do you really want a paid employee to waste finite office hours with stuff like this.


afking on purpose
afk kick timers are implemented in the game. If someone has a bot or autolooping macro to beat afk timers that is an actionable offense, but going afk isn't really breaking a rule. Just a dickish way to play. Same thing for reporting the most mundane thing for inane reasons is also pretty dickish.


or just rageleaving etc on higher level content...
if you mean leaving a a flashpoint like Traitor Amnongst the Chiss, Crisis on Umbara, looking at flashpoint composition, reavling the random assigned flashpoint and deciding that length of content with that group is not worth your time, patience or sanity. I don't know why you would want to punish someone more defensive of their free time.


The penalty for leaving is a 15 minute group finder lock out timer, not an action against the account.




All the reason you've stated for reporting players are nearing petty territory and really I've never seen a game or developer take specific action against account that commit the sins mentioned in the original post. Jeff Kaplan director and overseer for Overwatch has made public video PSA for players to in general be less angry or mean to each other, but no company is going to alienate a customer when they're just using a game to relieve real life stress in a safe online environment.



Everyone just wants to have a good time, I wouldn't let small things like that get to you.

Edited by Falensawino
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All the reason you've stated for reporting players are nearing petty territory and really I've never seen a game or developer take specific action against account the commit the sins mentioned in the original post. Jeff Kaplan director and overseer for Overwatch has made public video PSA for players to in general be less angry or mean to each other, but no company is going to alienate a customer when they're just using a game to relieve real life stress in a safe online environment.



Everyone just wants to have a good time, I wouldn't let small things like that get to you.


^^ This right here ---> A /thread worthy comment. :)


Can you imagine how the OP would cope (as in......not be able to cope at all) in Overwatch?

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insults are against rules of conduct and depending on severity it could break terms of service, but trash talk in PvP is expected and unforgiving attitudes in high end pve content is common. Keep in mind, you might also be exhausting someone's else patience, or time and making them equally frustrated. You have a list of sins not to commit in pve/pvp content and so do they.


If that is permitted cuz its pvp i guess it is time to have fun by punishing such people on in ranked pvp, lets see how much they ll enjoy the results of their attitude when people start accidentally throwing ;^)


Another reason for people to get in undergeared in ranked pvp, make those terrible human beings suffer :D

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If that is permitted cuz its pvp i guess it is time to have fun by punishing such people on in ranked pvp, lets see how much they ll enjoy the results of their attitude when people start accidentally throwing ;^)


Another reason for people to get in undergeared in ranked pvp, make those terrible human beings suffer :D


Who is the griefer now? :rolleyes:

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Who is the griefer now? :rolleyes:


Except it wouldn't work. Ranked has very low tolerance to this sort of thing. His team would boot him the moment it looked like he was throwing it, and unlike regs, it's very easy to get 3 edgl0rdz to agree to kick.


Ralph, you can do whatever you want, but you obviously came here looking for sympathy for your hurt feelings in-game, but your attitude is imo just as toxic and petty as the people you're complaining about. Which I find ironic given your sanctimonious declarations regarding abuse as a learned behavior.

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Except it wouldn't work. Ranked has very low tolerance to this sort of thing. His team would boot him the moment it looked like he was throwing it, and unlike regs, it's very easy to get 3 edgl0rdz to agree to kick.


Ralph, you can do whatever you want, but you obviously came here looking for sympathy for your hurt feelings in-game, but your attitude is imo just as toxic and petty as the people you're complaining about. Which I find ironic given your sanctimonious declarations regarding abuse as a learned behavior.


/Agreed on all points. :)

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The moral of the story is that reporting does work. It may not work as fast as you want but it does work in the end. You should not listen to anyone who tells you to get a thicker skin or ignore it. If it is something that really bothers you, report it and let Bioware decide what to do.
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The moral of the story is that reporting does work. It may not work as fast as you want but it does work in the end. You should not listen to anyone who tells you to get a thicker skin or ignore it. If it is something that really bothers you, report it and let Bioware decide what to do.


I gather.. from his temperament over this topic, that he has been reporting people and it has not resulted in sanctions... meaning.. the studio did not find a reason, upon review, to take any action. So.. while I generally agree with you... the grow a thicker skin does apply... just given the particular things he has pointed out as complaints... and the fact that others have tried patiently to help the OP understand that his personal pet peeves are actually not a violation of the ToS of the game.

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Reporting rarely does anything. Maybe names violations, and if someone constantly harasses you. If they hack it rarely gets resolved. IF a buncha people use a exploit they will act but its has to be some thing that really gets noticed. Edited by Fallensouls
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Congrats like the average human you choose to become the abuser once you get abused and love to pretend "its the internet yo, it doesnt matter"


I cant wait for the dystopian time where internet actions face serious consequences ;^)


And you're pissed about elitism and insults in PvP? Pot meet kettle. Spare us the faux outrage, come down from that high horse and stop talking down to people. Or have you not noticed your holier than though attitude is just as toxic, if not more?

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And you're pissed about elitism and insults in PvP? Pot meet kettle. Spare us the faux outrage, come down from that high horse and stop talking down to people. Or have you not noticed your holier than though attitude is just as toxic, if not more?

You are confusing innocent and guilty.


Guilty people deserved to be punished, innocents dont


You cant tolerate intolerance because it just means intolerance will be spread everywhere

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The moral of the story is that reporting does work. It may not work as fast as you want but it does work in the end. You should not listen to anyone who tells you to get a thicker skin or ignore it. If it is something that really bothers you, report it and let Bioware decide what to do.


Pretty much this. But it really does suck that it takes so long for the report to even get looked at.

It can even take them 2 weeks to look at a hack report. By then, the hacker’s usually had his fun and doesn’t care if they get a slap on the wrist. As long as they got two weeks to troll people, they got their 2-3 weeks of sub value.

Next month they can start another account and do the same thing for 2-3 weeks.

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You are confusing innocent and guilty.


Guilty people deserved to be punished, innocents dont


You cant tolerate intolerance because it just means intolerance will be spread everywhere


I'm not confusing anything. You think you're above it, but you're not.

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I'm not confusing anything. You think you're above it, but you're not.


In a very elitest manner too... which I find highly ironic. :)


If the OP looked into a mirror.. I believe he would see the reflection of a cooking pot accusing others of role playing as a kettle. :p

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