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252/258 Gearing System not viable for Casual/PvP players


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Dear Keith + Bioware Team,


I implore you to consider implementing an alternative gearing system for the PvP community, to your proposed 252/258 gear. I'm going to keep the reasons why this hurts us (BADLY) in a concise list below:


1. Many PvPers don't do PvE. Obtaining the means to gear up through a PvE gearing system is forcing people to participate in an aspect of the game they may not enjoy in order to grind gear.


2. You are penalising the Casual player: The Data Crystals you mention are obtainable for "Casual" players by doing the weeklies on multiple characters and then transfer over the mods via legacy - will Casual players really have the time to do weeklies on multiple characters? And at an ever increasing cost of UC? This doesn't sound Casual to me. Believe it or not, some of us have jobs and families and lives outside of the game, playing recreationally in our spare time.


3. The Craft option: How about crafters that are PvPers? Are they now supposed to be able to jump into a Gods MM and to obtain mats? This isn't realistic for many (even hardcore PvE'ers struggle with this ops) and nor should you expect a PvP player to need to do PvE in order to get mats for crafting.


4. Market creation: This will create a hyper-inflated market for mats, held in the hands of the MM PvE community who will be able to charge whatever they want. At least with T-ranked, anyone can give it a go and still eventually be rewarded without too much complexity.


In summary, you've made it astoundingly difficult and not enjoyable for PvPers like myself and many others to obtain high end gear. Some of us are still trying to gear alts in 248....


There was nothing wrong with the old 204/208 system for PvP - it was in fact perfect and put everyone on the same level playing field. Take a look at what they're doing in GW2 where they essentially make skill and not gear, the focus for PvP. Thanks for listening.


Kind Regards,


Loyal + Casual PvP Player that is hanging in here all these years despite many bad decisions by Bioware.

Edited by Mantlers
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Well, casual players won't need the extra gear. Every solo content in game is already doable without any gear upgrade, you don't need to be competitive to do heroics. Master Mode chapters are the hardest solo content currently and you can beat those just fine with current gear.


For PVP you are correct, gear is a big factor that a lot of people would like to remove the need entirely to have an even playing field for all players, and make it a skill game mode, rather than a gear game.

Edited by Kiesu
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Well, casual players won't need the extra gear. Every solo content in game is already doable without any gear upgrade, you don't need to be competitive to do heroics. Master Mode chapters are the hardest solo content currently and you can beat those just fine with current gear.


Yeah, you're right :) I guess I mean PvPers that don't put in a massive amount of hours due to life balance etc.

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I second this as this is a poor change. Its not needed and its making game worse. I wish game was getting better not worse. From competitive, fair and accesible pvp before 4.0 we have gone down the line with RNG, alt killing, conquest killing, endless gear grind that made playing multiple charcters unnecesserily hard. Skill gap is huge atm and adding more gear gap isnt helping, Community is getting father apart from each other, people dont get bettter at game cuz they have nobody to help them out, they cant test different toons cuz gearing takes ages and LUCK. We have less tanks for PVE, less healers, its harder to be adaptable and filling spots that are needed and one of the reasons is gear grind.

We dont need more gear discrepancy, especially in PVP.


Casual by definition means; not regular so for people how can only play for a short periods its extremely hard to get to even field. Those people might want to be competitive in end game, they invest time and money and maybe played for 6 years and never needed to grind, especially with RNG effect. And weekly limits ? To even make it harder and longer ?

I just dont see the need, dont see why this is going to happen. This game was always different from grindfest games and at some point even greatly accessible and enjoyable. Its sad when changes are made to make it worse in that regard.


Many of us support this game on monthly basis to see it grow and develop, we dont want to accept mediocre things and want the best for the game. Last changes with PVP improvements were great start even if flawed a bit and I wish it continued in that direction and not in 5.0 direction !

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Isn't the definition of a casual gamer someone that isn't competitive? No offense, but why would a casual gamer need BiS gear? Not to mention that 248 currently is more than enough to do NiM raids (which, realistically a casual would not have the time, skill or dedication to do anyways). The fact that there ARE ways for casuals to even get gear is already more than enough. Is it gonna take a lot of time? Well, tough luck, but you aren't rushing anywhere anyways. Does it suck that it's gonna be moderately difficult to get said gear? Definitely, but again- all you have is time on your hands.


Ultimately, the point is that beyond said gear being shiny, it's not something that a casual really needs to aspire to. And if you REALLY wanna be able to do ranked PvP from the get go, you're not a casual, and you should have enough UCs saved up to have the entire set in about a week, seeing as it is legacy bound.


Good luck and happy hunting.

Edited by asiasusanna
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Isn't the definition of a casual gamer someone that isn't competitive? No offense, but why would a casual gamer need BiS gear? Not to mention that 248 currently is more than enough to do NiM raids (which, realistically a casual would not have the time, skill or dedication to do anyways). The fact that there ARE ways for casuals to even get gear is already more than enough. Is it gonna take a lot of time? Well, tough luck, but you aren't rushing anywhere anyways. Does it suck that it's gonna be moderately difficult to get said gear? Definitely, but again- all you have is time on your hands.


Ultimately, the point is that beyond said gear being shiny, it's not something that a casual really needs to aspire to. And if you REALLY wanna be able to do ranked PvP from the get go, you're not a casual, and you should have enough UCs saved up to have the entire set in about a week, seeing as it is legacy bound.


Good luck and happy hunting.


From Oxford :

Not regular or permanent.


2.1 Employed or established on a temporary or irregular basis.

So means also just that. People have jobs and life but can be competitive in end game due to for example experience. Having 3 hours a week to do a NIM ops or Team Ranked but not really time to farm dailies.

Any changes should be made for a reason or have a justification otherwise they are pointless. I wonder the reasoon behind this, And no time is not a luxury many people have.


Also why ignore flexibility of charaters and roles to fulfill ?


At this point aim of changes should be to bring players to the game, give them options and enjoyment not to allienate more.

I am yet to see someone say: OH G this change is amazing I amma get into Swtor to grind RNG gear and then grind more 14 pieces of gear over 3 and a half months, this is a change that I wanna be a part of!


But on the other hand seeing : OMG Why we need more changes that kill alts are new ppl unfriendly and make me commit more time then I have to play what I enjoy ...


Then why change for the worse ?

Edited by MackPol
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From Oxford :

Not regular or permanent.


2.1 Employed or established on a temporary or irregular basis.

So means also just that. People have jobs and life but can be competitive in end game due to for example experience. Having 3 hours a week to do a NIM ops or Team Ranked but not really time to farm dailies.

Any changes should be made for a reason or have a justification otherwise they are pointless. I wonder the reasoon behind this, And no time is not a luxury many people have.


Also why ignore flexibility of charaters and roles to fulfill ?


At this point aim of changes should be to bring players to the game, give them options and enjoyment not to allienate more.

I am yet to see someone say: OH G this change is amazing I amma get into Swtor to grind RNG gear and then grind more 14 pieces of gear over 3 and a half months, this is a change that I wanna be a part of!


But on the other hand seeing : OMG Why we need more changes that kill alts are new ppl unfriendly and make me commit more time then I have to play what I enjoy ...


Then why change for the worse ?


I mean... That train left the station a long time ago. I raged like mad when the Loot Crate gearing system was introduced. God knows that I didn't gear up my two mains via said system. In fact, on my Operative, out of 400+ command rank 300 crates, only 2 had 248 gear, and they were duplicates.


Realistically speaking, a person who plays 3 hours a week is unlikely to even get 248, let alone 258. As for Nim raids... Don't think that I've seen a hardcore raider that only logs in once per week (I'm in a guild that has 2 NiM teams, though I'm just a scrub HM raider).


Anyway, this gear is only gonna matter for PvP-ers, and those make UCs like it's nothing. Supposedly it takes about 25k UCs to get a full set (take my words with a grain of salt), so just farm TR for the next 2 months and you should be set.

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Isn't the definition of a casual gamer someone that isn't competitive? No offense, but why would a casual gamer need BiS gear? Not to mention that 248 currently is more than enough to do NiM raids (which, realistically a casual would not have the time, skill or dedication to do anyways). The fact that there ARE ways for casuals to even get gear is already more than enough. Is it gonna take a lot of time? Well, tough luck, but you aren't rushing anywhere anyways. Does it suck that it's gonna be moderately difficult to get said gear? Definitely, but again- all you have is time on your hands.


Ultimately, the point is that beyond said gear being shiny, it's not something that a casual really needs to aspire to. And if you REALLY wanna be able to do ranked PvP from the get go, you're not a casual, and you should have enough UCs saved up to have the entire set in about a week, seeing as it is legacy bound.


Good luck and happy hunting.


OK, I regret using the word "Casual" now because i think its interpretation is too subjective :p To clarify, i meant someone that does not play for many hours daily, or every day due to life balance. Just because myself and many others may not have hours of endless time to invest in playing the game, does this mean that we shouldn't be able to remain competitive in a warzone because we cannot spend X mount of hours grinding for gear? There are other solutions to this for PvP.


If you look at other games, such as ESO or GW2, they help their player base that do not have time for endless grind by:


1. In GW2, they make gearing for PvP unnecessary and keep the competitive nature to exist based on skill. This is also very ALT friendly

2. In ESO, for players that do not log on every day, the provide an auto XP boost for when they do log on


The PvP is superior gameplay in SWTOR imo, which is why I remain a subscriber to this game however I wish the developers facilitated flexibility, not rigidity in class choices or stopped making decisions which promote endless gear grind which should be unnecessary for PvP.

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Well, casual players won't need the extra gear. Every solo content in game is already doable without any gear upgrade, you don't need to be competitive to do heroics. Master Mode chapters are the hardest solo content currently and you can beat those just fine with current gear.


For PVP you are correct, gear is a big factor that a lot of people would like to remove the need entirely to have an even playing field for all players, and make it a skill game mode, rather than a gear game.


That was my first thought.

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I mean... That train left the station a long time ago. I raged like mad when the Loot Crate gearing system was introduced. God knows that I didn't gear up my two mains via said system. In fact, on my Operative, out of 400+ command rank 300 crates, only 2 had 248 gear, and they were duplicates.


Realistically speaking, a person who plays 3 hours a week is unlikely to even get 248, let alone 258. As for Nim raids... Don't think that I've seen a hardcore raider that only logs in once per week (I'm in a guild that has 2 NiM teams, though I'm just a scrub HM raider).


Anyway, this gear is only gonna matter for PvP-ers, and those make UCs like it's nothing. Supposedly it takes about 25k UCs to get a full set (take my words with a grain of salt), so just farm TR for the next 2 months and you should be set.


I have more than one toon fully outfitted in 248 gear, all from the RNG cxp loot crate drop system. I keep reading stories like the one above and have to wonder how it is I can routinely get those drops and everyone else decries their scarcity. Getting hard to believe after a while.


I will say this, though, I have enough alts (36 toons on Star Forge) who are enough mirrors of each other to pass drops around via legacy gear, who then feed my mains. I've no shortage of drops.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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OK, I regret using the word "Casual" now because i think its interpretation is too subjective :p To clarify, i meant someone that does not play for many hours daily, or every day due to life balance. Just because myself and many others may not have hours of endless time to invest in playing the game, does this mean that we shouldn't be able to remain competitive in a warzone because we cannot spend X mount of hours grinding for gear? There are other solutions to this for PvP.


If you look at other games, such as ESO or GW2, they help their player base that do not have time for endless grind by:


1. In GW2, they make gearing for PvP unnecessary and keep the competitive nature to exist based on skill. This is also very ALT friendly

2. In ESO, for players that do not log on every day, the provide an auto XP boost for when they do log on


The PvP is superior gameplay in SWTOR imo, which is why I remain a subscriber to this game however I wish the developers facilitated flexibility, not rigidity in class choices or stopped making decisions which promote endless gear grind which should be unnecessary for PvP.


I think that you're trying to use the word "casual" when you actually mean PvP player. I understand trying to reach out to a greater demographic to inspire more pity for your scenario, but that's a tad bit misleading.


In any case, I agree on that front - PvP players (since basically this gear only really matters for them) should have a bit easier time getting said gear. The current system DOES cater to people who basically don't even need the stat boosts, since if they're getting the mats for the crafting, that means that they can already deal with the most difficult content PvE wise.


I do wish that they'd rework the system, but BWA are not famous for... Paying attention to what we (the consumers) say. I hope that my tone or words did not offend you, because that is not my intention. I wish you good luck, and with any luck, things won't be as bad as we fear once the actual patch comes out.


Good luck and happy hunting.

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I will definitely become a casual player in like one month, where I will be able to play like 1 evening a week. I still want to raid and later do ranked warzones, so how am I supposed to get gear? I will login with my toons being 248 geared and will get ripped appart by people in 258.


I will not be able to gather credits, get crafting mats and my gain of UCs will be minimal. So does that mean that playing once a week is to be punished?

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Isn't the definition of a casual gamer someone that isn't competitive? No offense, but why would a casual gamer need BiS gear? Not to mention that 248 currently is more than enough to do NiM raids (which, realistically a casual would not have the time, skill or dedication to do anyways). The fact that there ARE ways for casuals to even get gear is already more than enough. Is it gonna take a lot of time? Well, tough luck, but you aren't rushing anywhere anyways. Does it suck that it's gonna be moderately difficult to get said gear? Definitely, but again- all you have is time on your hands.


Ultimately, the point is that beyond said gear being shiny, it's not something that a casual really needs to aspire to. And if you REALLY wanna be able to do ranked PvP from the get go, you're not a casual, and you should have enough UCs saved up to have the entire set in about a week, seeing as it is legacy bound.


Good luck and happy hunting.


Not commenting on all the paticulars or sides of the argument, I did want to just support the notion that even without that new gear present gear levels will also be sufficient to clear any content. Difficulties aren't changing, health pools and damage aren't changing [in Operations]


As far as PVP is concerned, the differences in levels of gear will remain exactly as they are now, still differences in gear levels among players. Even if those differences are small, to the average PVPer those differences are to much.


Whether or not those differences are big or telling, to the pvper sensibilities, any differences are too much, there should be no differences at all stat wise, it should be entirely dependent on skill. To that mindset, nothing mitigates any gear differences.


You won't be able to have 236 geared players going up against 258 geared players and call that even ground. That differnce will be more distinct and obvious unless there is a bolster element that will mitigate those differences to a large degree. The reality is, even with bolster in place that would raise the lower rated gear players to more closer levels to 258, that won't change the differences in tertiary stats. Bolster won't increase your accuracy or alacrity, it may effect crit change to a very slight degree due to bolster to mastery effects but that's very small and has no effect on crit multiplyer.


You can't really have bolster effect tertiary stats because tertiarty stats are very player based and not everyone goes for the one size fits all build. As an example, right now high alacrtity builds are all the rage, but, as a Carnage Marauder I know that the high alacrity build will result in net DPS loss since the changes to carnage from earlier in the meta. Alot of people still use it, I don't know why, but perhaps its just because they like the feel and admittedly I miss it myself, but the only place that the high alacrity build on Carnage doesn't result in a net DPS loss is on a dummy. That spec now benefits more from a higher power/critical build. [Generally speaking].


People have preferences however, some styles work better for some than others, that's a very individual minded decision as long as the differences aren't severe from optimal minimums. Not everyone has the same play styles.


Same thing with accuracy in PVP, different people use different levels of accuracy depending on spec.


Even still increased bolster can mitigate differences to a very large degree and would certainly be preferable even if you take tertiary stats out of the equation. It's really the health pool differences that would be the most telling one IMO, even in PVE that can make a difference on a close to clear, though less so overall when compared to PVP. Bosses won't be hitting any harder than they already do until 6.0.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I will definitely become a casual player in like one month, where I will be able to play like 1 evening a week. I still want to raid and later do ranked warzones, so how am I supposed to get gear? I will login with my toons being 248 geared and will get ripped appart by people in 258.


I will not be able to gather credits, get crafting mats and my gain of UCs will be minimal. So does that mean that playing once a week is to be punished?


so uhm, what exactly are we talking about here?

its simple: you play less -> you get less ressources -> you take longer to gear.


in which world should someone playing 1 evening a week be as fast as someone playing 4 evenings a week?

you wont clear gods by raiding 1day/week as fast as someone progress raiding it 7days/week as well (unless you are very very talented ofc). so whats your point?



this whole "its unfair for us PVP players" thing gets kinda annoying. didnt see any PVE player complaining about farming CMTs in pvp before conquest boxes were introduced.


if you wanted to gear fast, you have had to play all the content available since galatic command was introduced(i.e. you wont gather UCs in PVE as fast as in PVP either, but you are faster combining 242 tokens from simple HC OPs with the huge amount of UCs from pvp). if you dont want to play certain content, live with it.

Edited by mrphstar
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so uhm, what exactly are we talking about here?

its simple: you play less -> you get less ressources -> you take longer to gear.


in which world should someone playing 1 evening a week be as fast as someone playing 4 evenings a week?

you wont clear gods by raiding 1day/week as fast as someone progress raiding it 7days/week as well (unless you are very very talented ofc). so whats your point?



this whole "its unfair for us PVP players" thing gets kinda annoying. didnt see any PVE player complaining about farming CMTs in pvp before conquest boxes were introduced.


if you wanted to gear fast, you have had to play all the content available since galatic command was introduced(i.e. you wont gather UCs in PVE as fast as in PVP either). if you dont want to play certain content, live with it.


PVEers dont complain cause they look forward to being top in ranked and billionares! Most PVErs probably did PVP and farmed mats too, cause it was easy for them. How hard was it go into group ranked and lose 20 times for a weekly? You do it every day and you get 5 for weekly, 7 per day, if the person was good he could do SR weekly for additional 3 mats as well.

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PVEers dont complain cause they look forward to being top in ranked and billionares! Most PVErs probably did PVP and farmed mats too, cause it was easy for them. How hard was it go into group ranked and lose 20 times for a weekly? You do it every day and you get 5 for weekly, 7 per day, if the person was good he could do SR weekly for additional 3 mats as well.


exactly, so they did it, without complaining.

thats my point, whats yours?

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Nope. Not accepting poor changes. Sorry. As said other games disencourage grind and help people to even the ground.

This game has never before 5.0 been a grind and some of us, paying customers ask for it to not be or at least not any more the curently.


I have said what negatives this change might bring; for pvp, casuals, new players alike.

Please change my mind and show positives of this change. Why is it happening ?


I ask for this game to not be getting worse but better, like any game.

I enjoy playing it and would like to stay for longer therefore engaging in this conversation, would like to be convinced then how this is gonna improve the game because for me its another thing to drive some people away.

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so uhm, what exactly are we talking about here?

its simple: you play less -> you get less ressources -> you take longer to gear.


in which world should someone playing 1 evening a week be as fast as someone playing 4 evenings a week?

you wont clear gods by raiding 1day/week as fast as someone progress raiding it 7days/week as well (unless you are very very talented ofc). so whats your point?



this whole "its unfair for us PVP players" thing gets kinda annoying. didnt see any PVE player complaining about farming CMTs in pvp before conquest boxes were introduced.


if you wanted to gear fast, you have had to play all the content available since galatic command was introduced(i.e. you wont gather UCs in PVE as fast as in PVP either, but you are faster combining 242 tokens from simple HC OPs with the huge amount of UCs from pvp). if you dont want to play certain content, live with it.


There is a more balanced solution to this particular scenario and it existed in 4.0... accepting it like sheep does not help the development of this game.

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There is a more balanced solution to this particular scenario and it existed in 4.0... accepting it like sheep does not help the development of this game.



yup, thats right :) Dont be a sheep. Think whats good and whats bad. Dont accept bad :)

Edited by MackPol
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so uhm, what exactly are we talking about here?

its simple: you play less -> you get less ressources -> you take longer to gear.


in which world should someone playing 1 evening a week be as fast as someone playing 4 evenings a week?

you wont clear gods by raiding 1day/week as fast as someone progress raiding it 7days/week as well (unless you are very very talented ofc). so whats your point?



this whole "its unfair for us PVP players" thing gets kinda annoying. didnt see any PVE player complaining about farming CMTs in pvp before conquest boxes were introduced.


if you wanted to gear fast, you have had to play all the content available since galatic command was introduced(i.e. you wont gather UCs in PVE as fast as in PVP either). if you dont want to play certain content, live with it.


You'll never reconsile differences in viewpoint between PVEers and PVPers. A lot of them simply tend to look down on the other, an old age predguidice no longer really keeping with the times, but, teaching old dogs and all that.


I was a progression raider turned PVPer so I can really see and sympthasize with both view points. Even though I am not longer a Raider and only PVP since 5.0, I can't help nonetheless feel that NiM players should have a faster gearing experience doing NiM, as I recall the difficulties experience in nim and the skill caps necesssary, I do feel that NiM [at least in signifcant part] is harder than PVP and thus should get something extra for it. That's not a popular viewpoint to hold in PVP circles heh


I don't however feel the gearing time differences should be large. I'd say a 25 % time difference to gearing BIS would as far as the difference should be. I feel that way in part because I know they are basing the "faster" gear times based on clears in NiM and I also know clears in NiM for most of the player base not a farmable activity and not one that be even help at all on some nights because you need clears, without them you get nothing, and if there is only new gear peice for 8 players, that means 7 of them will get nothing even with a clear [masterwork shares notwithstanding]. Raiders also have weekly lockouts which means if they didn't get anything from a cleared op they're gonna have to wait a whole week before they can even try for the clears and RNG rolls being what they are.


In the end, for 90% of the player base [if not more], NiM even in this proposed new system will not make gearing faster, it will make it slower for 90% of the player base.


Unless the Raider mentality has changed drastically since 5.0., most succressful NiM raiders wouldn't be caught dead in PVP. Predgudice works both ways. I can recall in both of the progression groups I was in [at least in 4.0] I was the only member who PVP at all. I know people do do both of course, but sucessful NiM raiders capable of reliably farming NiM Operations, most wouldn't even think of taking the better gear into PVP to have any kind of advantage. Theyre two completely different mind sets on which they base skill. Exceptions do exist of course.


No one should have to do a form of content style they are not interested in just for gearing tho. It should be possible for both in a reasonable manner.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Nope. Not accepting poor changes. Sorry. As said other games disencourage grind and help people to even the ground.

This game has never before 5.0 been a grind and some of us, paying customers ask for it to not be or at least not any more the curently.


I have said what negatives this change might bring; for pvp, casuals, new players alike.

Please change my mind and show positives of this change. Why is it happening ?


I ask for this game to not be getting worse but better, like any game.

I enjoy playing it and would like to stay for longer therefore engaging in this conversation, would like to be convinced then how this is gonna improve the game because for me its another thing to drive some people away.


i´m not talking about the system in general. which will be indeed pretty damaging for the game if implemented live, i totaly agree. enabling p2w via cartel coin purchases, "transfering" them into credits via seeling CM items via GTN and finaly buy the gear you need, is one of the main concerns i´ve got.


but its definitly not about the poor PVP players getting discriminated again.....

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exactly, so they did it, without complaining.

thats my point, whats yours?


As someone who hated the whole "get mats from ranked" garbage because it encouraged people to go do just that - ne garbage and get mats to prioritize queue pops over anything else - its the simple fact that a NiM raider should presumably be talented enough at his spec to at least hold his own in pvp.


A pvper just randomly jumping into a NiM raid is going to be totally lost. The mat thing in ranked was an obvious, if superficial, attempt to encourage more players to do ranked pvp.


Following that same logic, this could be an attempt to get more interest in NiM raiding. The problem is that NiM raiding involves far more than queuing for sranked or getting 3 randoms off fleet together for granked. It requires 8 highly competent people with enough time and patience to deal with the learning process. I had enough patience to do ranked enough for mats (and no, i never lose on purpose). NiM raiding is impossible for me as:

1. Frankly I have neither the time nor patience. Hours long wipefests leave me thinking that i could have been having fun.

2. I also do not have the players - 8 people talented enough for NiM who can be on nightly for hours on end wipefesting away are incredibly rare.

3. Unlike the mats in ranked, where you can get the mats for losing and thus still progess, getting mats in a raid will be exclusive to winning - i.e. killing a boss and/or completing the raid.


This is why i suggest that the simplier solution is to somehow make this gear tier irrelevant for pvpers. Why should doing NiM ops give you an advantage in PvP (and yes, by that same logic, I'm perfectly fine if they want to remove the mats from ranked and make them avaliable via pve somehow).


On the odd chance anyone at BW actually reads or cares what I think - most people in this game do not do all aspects of it, nor do they truly desire to do so. Attempting to force your ideal of playstyle on everyone has already proven not to work. Your best strategy is simply to incentivize people for what they want to do, not to force every player to do every thing whether they enjoy it or not.

Edited by KendraP
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My opinion on this? This is a monumentally bad decision to do the gear this way. When 5.0 hit with the new RNG boxes for gear, they said this was it! Now? They want to have players craft 258 with mats only found in MM or if you're lucky RNG boxes. This system is as convoluted as it gets now. Going from a system that people have grown accustom too now for 2 years and now they make it neigh impossible to obtain 258 gear unless you do the standard NCsoft Korean game grind model here in SWTOR.


They want to introduce the new gear? Add it to the existing model we currently have. You can obtain it via MM, RNG boxes, or turn in 248 shells for it. That is the smart and efficient way of doing it. Not what they are going to do now. That is inefficient. It isolates player types by the have and have nots. We all know how that works in HM or MM when they do a gear check. "What? You don't have 258? You're gone."


In my opinion, the decision to have player crafted 258 gear and months long grinding for it, is directly proportional to their decision to nerf companions to 80% shortly after KOTFE launched. Bad decision then cost them money and subs...guess they'll end up losing most of the PVPers who refuse to participate in an area that they do not want. Great job Kieth and company. Really great job. EA will probably give you a bonus if you all run off another 100k subs with this decision.

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