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Is it me or are the forums slow.


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That's the fault this is an MMO not a "story" game.


If you want story? There are a million games and the Witcher 3 you can play for story. This is an MMO, Bioware should have spent those two years telling the story people to go play one of those single player games and had been putting out more raids, more pvp, more MMO content.


Yes it is a story game. It was advertised as such at the very off--'Become a hero in your very own Star Wars Adventure'. That was the catch phrase for the campaign. It's the reason I play. I know there are other games out there, but I don't care about them. I want to live in the Star Wars Universe. If I wanted to play elven fantasy, I'd be playing elven fantasy. I'm not.


What you're suggesting is telling the biggest demographic of this game to buzz off...and to that I say, no, I won't. If they'd ignored story, I would've been gone 4 years ago.

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That's been my biggest point lately. I see either extreme malcontents or people that are simply bored and lashing out at the devs because they want this game to provide endless entertainment.
Endless? Malcontents? Lhance...not even close...but something is expected. Not only would I like to justify my sub with new content, I'd like this game to be able to retain more than just the few diehard fans that are left. I'd actually like to see us attracting new players, not bleeding out slowly.
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Yes it is a story game. It was advertised as such at the very off--'Become a hero in your very own Star Wars Adventure'. That was the catch phrase for the campaign. It's the reason I play. I know there are other games out there, but I don't care about them. I want to live in the Star Wars Universe. If I wanted to play elven fantasy, I'd be playing elven fantasy. I'm not.


What you're suggesting is telling the biggest demographic of this game to buzz off...and to that I say, no, I won't. If they'd ignored story, I would've been gone 4 years ago.


Once again.. Lunafox nails it. :)


While story alone cannot sustain a game like SWTOR... for this particular MMO it IS very much the glue that binds all other content together and hence provides a basis for players to grow their characters in an entertaining manner and also to offer them mission breadcrumbs to actually try other content. Story can be largely bypassed today via the use of a leveling token.... but as most veteran MMO players already know... skipping content is a path to early burnout in most cases.

Edited by Andryah
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Here's a quote for you.




Now I don't know how many people you have on ignore, but I assume most of them are because you didn't like what they were saying about the game - and you couldn't defend that. You can't hide from the truth all the time. Criticism is healthy, and I'm not sure you realize this yet. I do notice that you seem to defend Bioware on every tiny criticism that I see on the forum and you, 90% of the time, resort to calling people "haters" or some other form of calling out people as problematic, or an "us vs them" attitude and you often divert from the actual topic to do this.

Quote for awareness :)

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Yes it is a story game. It was advertised as such at the very off--'Become a hero in your very own Star Wars Adventure'. That was the catch phrase for the campaign. It's the reason I play. I know there are other games out there, but I don't care about them. I want to live in the Star Wars Universe. If I wanted to play elven fantasy, I'd be playing elven fantasy. I'm not.


What you're suggesting is telling the biggest demographic of this game to buzz off...and to that I say, no, I won't. If they'd ignored story, I would've been gone 4 years ago.

Guess what happened when former producer Ben "RNG is Exciting!!!" Irving focused on monthly chapters? Yup this game tanked. Many endgame PvP'ers and PvE'ers left in droves as there was nothing to do. KotFE dropped the ball and then its sequel "expansion" screwed the pooch. It's clear that story players cannot sustain what's been, and always has been, advertised as an MMO.

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Guess what happened when former producer Ben "RNG is Exciting!!!" Irving focused on monthly chapters? Yup this game tanked. Many endgame PvP'ers and PvE'ers left in droves as there was nothing to do. KotFE dropped the ball and then its sequel "expansion" screwed the pooch. It's clear that story players cannot sustain what's been, and always has been, advertised as an MMO.

Story is still a core part of this specific MMO, as Andryah put its what glues it together. I do agree they should've released multiplayer content alongside KOTFE, Star Fortresses being a missed opportunity for a new flashpoint IMO, if not an operation. But Luna's point is addressing the fact that this game has more of a focus on story than other MMOs out there.

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the number of posts and threads per day have dropped.


Anyone that would post here daily is probably already doing that in a Discord somewhere or on Reddit.





My guess is this forum is a relic of the LucasArts contract with Bioware before being bought out. I think it still uses the same message board software that powered LucasArts forum way back when, with slight modifications.


Internet Archived version: web.archive.org/web/20060827045938/http://forums.lucasarts.com:80/category.jspa?categoryID=10


Also World of Warcraft, League of Legends maintain their own forum so EA/Bioware must feel their Game as a Service platform needs its own forum, so this forum should remain alive. Otherwise it probably would have been discontinued along with Bioware Social Network.





Discord is probably the most responsible for slowing the number of posts/threads per day.


Bioware pulled the plug on the official BSN Bioware Social Network forum a few years ago. Most of their games now just use twitter and community discords where Bioware employees have their own assigned Server Role.


A fan version of the BSN still exist hosted by ProBoards free host. bsn.boards.net/


Anthem is going to use the reddit discord with Bioare employees assigned a role. discord.gg/CallofDuty, Ubisoft, Activision, various publishers use official partnered discord instead of hosting a forum specific to the games.





The Reddit got some dev/former dev related posts this month becuase it's not a message board tied to a former employer








Message Boards are slowly being replaced by social media.


Anyone remember Invisionfree? The free Invision Power Board host from the early 2000's? Custom CSS, personal message boards.


It looked like this with stock CSS: web.archive.org/web/20051211093427/http://support.invisionfree.com:80/index.php


well it rebranded as ZetaBoards a several years ago and just recently finally got sold to a mobile social platform called Tapatalk







No one feels inclined to use a long form communication options like message board when there's short form with instant access to a human beings like discord and twitter available 24/7.

Edited by Falensawino
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This forum is far from dead


but the choice of threads that get bumped and stay on the front page are rather poor. Not just for morale, but in maintaining healthy discussion too.


If you're still in the camp judging people's disdain for the official forums as a sign, maybe you should be made aware of the community run discords where there is a sign of daily, hourly, and even minute by minute activity.


r/swtor reddit discord: (the main one for the game) discord.gg/swtor


Server specific:

The Star Forge: discord.gg/starforge

SWTOR - Star Forge: discord.gg/HWVjUDP


Satele Shan Discord: discord.gg/MRhrHvb

Satele Shan Community HQ: discord.gg/h5zx2gN


Darth Malgus: discord.gg/dAW8qdb

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the number of posts and threads per day have dropped.


The Reddit got some dev/former dev related posts this month becuase it's not a message board tied to a former employer





I’ve moved over to using reddit more than posting here. As have people who can no longer post here for what ever reason.

Seems more civilised too and less white knighting. More constructive feed back and less fighting. People are also more helpful in regards to questions or problems.

I wonder how often the devs read the swtor reddit compared to these forums ?

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If people cant feel comfortable about stating their "Game Thoughts" in the "Games own Forums" then they wont. Soon they will move on where their thoughts are appreciated (or atleast accepted) and soon their money will follow; (would you pay/support any body/thing that insulted your thoughts?) *Assuming a product is perfect and every *Customer that says different is wrong and a target for criticism is ignoring *Feed Back, Threatens Income from that Customer, Insecure and Aggressive (Not the side most would want others to see is it?).

Out right *Attacks from member to member should be monitored (we are civilized and upright) but stating discontent with the product (Paid For $) or the hosting company (at a moderate level) should be allowed to gain insight (Feed Back) on improvements later on.



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If people cant feel comfortable about stating their "Game Thoughts" in the "Games own Forums" then they wont. Soon they will move on where their thoughts are appreciated (or atleast accepted) and soon their money will follow; (would you pay/support any body/thing that insulted your thoughts?) *Assuming a product is perfect and every *Customer that says different is wrong and a target for criticism is ignoring *Feed Back, Threatens Income from that Customer, Insecure and Aggressive (Not the side most would want others to see is it?).

Out right *Attacks from member to member should be monitored (we are civilized and upright) but stating discontent with the product (Paid For $) or the hosting company (at a moderate level) should be allowed to gain insight (Feed Back) on improvements later on.




What exactly is your point here? Sincere question.


Veteran forum members pretty well know the following, whether they like it and agree with it or not:


A) The studio DOES indeed allow a wide range of criticisms and even tantrums about the game in forum discussion. Unless it becomes a personal attack against a member of the studio, or is grossly off topic they leave it be. If a thread post however is grossly inaccurate in pursuit of railing on the game.. they may delete it. But don't expect them to engage and comment to such posts. Some players seem to think that if they go over the top on their commentary it will illicit response from the studio.. but it's actually the opposite. Personally, I think the studio is too lenient at times with respect to some of the negative posts... but this is their forum and moderation is completely at their discretion.


B) The studio is much more firm handed about posts that attack other players, call them names, make sweeping accusations, try to bait or intimidate, etc. And that is how is should be in a forum format. Any veteran forum member here knows full well where the line is here.. and as long as they stay away for the line.. they are fine.. even if things do get a bit heated in the process. But if you go near the line, or clearly over the line, then you get actioned. Again... it is the studios forum.. so they determine what requires moderation and what is given a pass. The studio relies on forum members reporting posts that appear to violate forum rules and review them for possible action.


C) Lastly.. the studio can and will move a thread that is placed in the wrong sub-forum... moving it to the appropriate sub-forum. Threads getting moved from general forum to off-topic being one of the most common, followed by suggestions or bugs threads being moved from general forum to the appropriate sub-forum. This is not to bury them, but to keep the forum reasonably organized... seeing as they expect players to pick the right sub-forum... and some players are good at placement, others are not, and some appear to do it deliberately to try to get attention to some peeve they have.

Edited by Andryah
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I’ve moved over to using reddit more than posting here. As have people who can no longer post here for what ever reason.

Seems more civilised too and less white knighting. More constructive feed back and less fighting. People are also more helpful in regards to questions or problems.

I wonder how often the devs read the swtor reddit compared to these forums ?

I'm glad you're there (Reddit) - it's amazing the progress that can be made in a discussion when there's no "white knight" to troll everything being discussed.

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What exactly is your point here? Sincere question.


Veteran forum members pretty well know the following, whether they like it and agree with it or not:.


First of all, Four plus years is more then enough (that wasn't Personal was it)?


Too many "Righteous, Aggressive White Knights" in the forums. As other have stated here and around the forums (Other Forums aswell). Those two or three self appointed guard dogs have run out and ended quite a few subscriptions themselves in addition to the GC issue(s), Content Droughts, Nerf/Buff results and Zakuul events. If somebody wants to express an opinion knowing it most likely will be ridiculed and become *Personal (By nothing more substantial then *Another, Opinion) then they most likely wont. The game is the game but people should feel comfortable in the forums chatting; *Unless they are the one(s) Contending everybody else that doesn't think the game is Perfect. They're not helping, they're hurting.

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First of all, Four plus years is more then enough (that wasn't Personal was it)?


Too many "Righteous, Aggressive White Knights" in the forums. As other have stated here and around the forums (Other Forums aswell). Those two or three self appointed guard dogs have run out and ended quite a few subscriptions themselves in addition to the GC issue(s), Content Droughts, Nerf/Buff results and Zakuul events. If somebody wants to express an opinion knowing it most likely will be ridiculed and become *Personal (By nothing more substantial then *Another, Opinion) then they most likely wont. The game is the game but people should feel comfortable in the forums chatting; *Unless they are the one(s) Contending everybody else that doesn't think the game is Perfect. They're not helping, they're hurting.


Ah yes.. by all means resort to pejorative labels to make your case. :rolleyes:


I seriously doubt anyone has driven anyone else from the forums.... on either side of the alleged tribal differences and confrontations, because of whatever labels some like to apply to them or unsubstantiated allegations of being driven off by difference of opinions. And there is certainly no evidence of the studio driving players from the forum because of forum rule moderation.


I get that players leave a game because of lack of fun or meeting expectations. If you leave the game as a sub, of course you leave the forum as a poster as well. And I support every player making their own choice in this regard. But to imply other players are driving them from the game because of forum discussion is just pure role playing the role of victim. I accept that some players behaviors have forced them from the forum.. but that is completely on them since we are all ultimately responsible for our own forum behavior and the consequences of it.


And again... the number of posters has always been a minority in the context of forum readers. Any simple analysis of post read count vs actual post count makes this obvious. And it is pretty well consistent across various forums on the internet, game related or otherwise.

Edited by Andryah
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Eh idk about all these white knight claims. I've only found one that was consistently white knight to the point of being extremely irritating, and from what I can tell they're gone now. They were the one who always lambasted any QoL suggestion like legacy datacrons, solo FPs or a heroics terminal as making the game too easy, players are entitled for asking, etc. They obviously didn't speak for BW because BW ended up caving on all those suggestions.


Now, there may be one or two more elephants in the room atm [curse the forum's extensive mod software that prohibits naming!] but I tend to think a mix of personalities makes game discussions fruitful. I don't care to have discussions with all haters either, and just as there are people who while not white knights, will legitimize their detestable existence as being somehow necessary, there are many players here who will blithely dismiss any concept of 'haters' as a smear against people making constructive feedback. I think, after silently reading these forums for 4+ years, that I loathe those posters more than the actual forum trolls on either end.


I use the swtor reddit mainly to get game info if dulfy or swtorspy doesn't have it. I have an account there that I made up awhile ago, but even when I am not subbed [which is coming up swiftly] I rarely use it.

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Ah yes.. by all means resort to pejorative labels to make your case. :rolleyes:



Remember when you call people who criticize the game "haters"? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Hypocrite much?



I seriously doubt anyone has driven anyone else from the forums.... on either side of the alleged tribal differences and confrontations, because of whatever labels some like to apply to them or unsubstantiated allegations of being driven off by difference of opinions. And there is certainly no evidence of the studio driving players from the forum because of forum rule moderation.


If you'd been browsing the SWTOR forums you'd know that isn't true. The studio isn't to blame, it's the apologists.



. But to imply other players are driving them from the game because of forum discussion is just pure role playing the role of victim.


Literally no one is saying this.


And again... the number of posters has always been a minority in the context of forum readers. Any simple analysis of post read count vs actual post count makes this obvious. And it is pretty well consistent across various forums on the internet, game related or otherwise.


That last paragraph is just pure damage control IMO.

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Reddit is a much better place to discuss the game or post questions or concerns. The format of the site is also more user-friendly.


Alongside these reasons, a certain individual or individuals posting who appear to be paid to provide "alternative facts" on behalf of EA/BW on the official forums makes it much less likely I give feedback or post anything here.


In short, go to Reddit.

True story. Giving feedback and participating in discussions on reddit seems more fruitful at least for the moment, no point in doing it here, for the reasons already stated.

Edited by ExarSun
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First of all, Four plus years is more then enough (that wasn't Personal was it)?


Too many "Righteous, Aggressive White Knights" in the forums. As other have stated here and around the forums (Other Forums aswell). Those two or three self appointed guard dogs have run out and ended quite a few subscriptions themselves in addition to the GC issue(s), Content Droughts, Nerf/Buff results and Zakuul events. If somebody wants to express an opinion knowing it most likely will be ridiculed and become *Personal (By nothing more substantial then *Another, Opinion) then they most likely wont. The game is the game but people should feel comfortable in the forums chatting; *Unless they are the one(s) Contending everybody else that doesn't think the game is Perfect. They're not helping, they're hurting.


Oh, he is talking about the sjw wearing the grand masters robes here on the SWTOR forums?


Do what I do. Troll them, they alone will continue too feed me with their hypocrisy. It's quite enjoyable and I highly recommend it.

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Eh idk about all these white knight claims.


I see more criticisms than white knight comments on the forums here, at least they stand out to me more.


I think people just prefer not having actual discussions anymore, especially when others do not agree with them. It's more fulfilling for many to "discuss" topics with people we agree with who support and genuflect to whatever we write.


That's why people as a whole are seemingly getting more dumb by the year. People avoid reading or watching anything that they don't agree with so they are easily lead down into rabbit holes that fit their personal agendas. it's hard to learn anything if we only say and hear what we already think and believe.


Anyway, that's my perspective on social media and how we as people have "progressed" culturally over the last 20-30 years. It's like technology has outpaced and outgrown common sense and common decency/etiquette towards other people. Anonymity has a lot to do with that too imo.

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