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Is it me or are the forums slow.


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That's the fault this is an MMO not a "story" game.


If you want story? There are a million games and the Witcher 3 you can play for story. This is an MMO, Bioware should have spent those two years telling the story people to go play one of those single player games and had been putting out more raids, more pvp, more MMO content.


Conversely, it's not like there are only two MMO's out there if this "MMO" isn't pushing all the right MMO buttons

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There has been a HUGE change (for the worse) in forum activity just alone in 2018. I just mentioned it a few days ago, before this thread. This forum is as good as dead. I've been here since 2009. Always. You cannot seriously say you were here for the last 7 years and claim that there hasn't been a "great change".


One reason for the decline in activity in 2018 is something we are not allowed to discuss. Some people would like to continue discussing, but they got muzzled or are on the edge of getting perma-muzzled. What do they do? Stop discussing. And when you don't have discussions anymore, things get boring. Eventually, only the yay-sayers will be left and they will wonder why this forum became boring or even dead.


"Love the delay of the newest patch. Good decision."

"I agree."

"Me, too."

"Thanks for the honest communication."

"It's not easy to hold deadlines, we all know it."

"[Yellow post:] We're glad you are satisfied with our delay. Customer satisfaction comes first."


Indifference is what kills a game (and not only a game). That's what we're seeing in 2018 about Swtor. Less and less people have a strong opinion about the game. Haters are mentally invested in what they hate. What you don't want is people that are "meh". Some of the most hardcore haters on Dulfy's stopped hating this game. THAT is bad news.


I too agree with this too. I’ve noticed a fair few people disappear because of those reasons you mentioned. For some it was the last straw and made them quit the game.

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originally 6.0 was scheduled for this winter. it was pushed back.


SWTOR December 20, 2011

Rise of the Hutt Cartel April 14, 2013

Galactic Starfighter February 4, 2014 - not an expansion

Galactic Strongholds October 14, 2014 - not an expansion

Shadow of Revan December 9, 2014

Knights of the Fallen Empire October 27, 2015

Knights of the Eternal Throne December 2, 2016

6.0 Spring 2019


that's the timeline for SWTOR release and the following expansions/big updates.

My sources haven't been incorrect yet when it comes to expansion release times.


Maybe they’ll say during the cantina stream. But I’m not holding my breath for a date or that it will be in spring.

I hope you’re right, but my optimism is dead

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I wanted to add that 9 months ago I could spend 8 hours (my time) on the forums having near constant conversations in multiple threads. Now I can make a post and have to wait 8 hours for a response or for any other threads beside 3 to be active enough to participate more than 1-3 times a day. When I go away for 4 hours and come back and see no one has replied to the top 4 threads, it’s very sad.


Prime example is it’s nearly 3 hours between my last post in this thread and this one and no one has posted, the same goes for a few of the other current top threads that have had no replies for hours.

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That's the fault this is an MMO not a "story" game.


If you want story? There are a million games and the Witcher 3 you can play for story. This is an MMO, Bioware should have spent those two years telling the story people to go play one of those single player games and had been putting out more raids, more pvp, more MMO content.


And yet here you are, year after year, still trying to drive story people out of a story driven MMO.


Imagine how happy you would have been if you'd buggered off to an MMO that focuses purely on pvp and raiding. Shouldn't matter which one, you don't give a flying fornicate about story, so take your pick.


This game will always be a story driven MMO, no matter how much you long for all the story and solo people to leave. Do yourself a favour, take the advice you've given many many other people before, and go play something else.

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And yet here you are, year after year, still trying to drive story people out of a story driven MMO.


Imagine how happy you would have been if you'd buggered off to an MMO that focuses purely on pvp and raiding. Shouldn't matter which one, you don't give a flying fornicate about story, so take your pick.


This game will always be a story driven MMO, no matter how much you long for all the story and solo people to leave. Do yourself a favour, take the advice you've given many many other people before, and go play something else.


Pretty much, I do think there needs to be a lot of content variety when it comes to SWTOR. Something that looking back now I think the Devs could've done with KOTFE(Star Fortress were prime Flashpoint/Operations material IMO), but it's very story-driven compared to other MMOs. The cutscenes, voice-acting, codex entries, companion interactions, companion mails, all of the world-building Bioware put on vanilla Bioware shows how much of a focus Bioware has with the story. Again this isn't to say we need to neglect all other aspects of the game and focus solely on story, but Ash really needs to realize this was never that type of MMO.

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Look at e.g. the Crew Skills subforum. It's not that long since there were new posts every day, even if they were just responses on existing threads. As I write this, the newest post is more than a week old.


after 7 years, is there really anything more that needs to be said on the crafting side of things? when tier 5 comes out it is likely to be flooded with new threads and questions.


the point isn't that there hasn't been a thread in over a few weeks, the point is that there isn't anything to discuss around the subject that hasn't already been explained out several times before.


Not just Crew Skills either.. Pretty much all of them except general, . - You can go away for a holiday and come back to the same discussions 2-3 weeks later on several other forums too.

When you filter out the referral link spammers, the wrong-forum posts, the flame-bait, the repeat questions or duplicate discussions, petty arguments and the argumentum ad hominem, the speculation on announcements; the critique of bugs; the-non announcements; the new content demands;the sky-falling-on-head wailing.... There's so little churn, it's only worth a quick scan once a day.


TBH there's only about 2 dozen peoples' posts that are worth reading most days. :)


generalising much? quite a few subforums are still active.

there is always something new going off in story and lore, new players and star wars discussion.

PvP, classes and fp,ops,heroics are still fairly active.

server forum, galactic strongholds and community content do have a few days gap between them, but they are still active.


that is over half the subforums that are still active. so i don't know what you mean since scanning those forums myself over the last few weeks has shown anything but what you are going on about.

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after 7 years, is there really anything more that needs to be said on the crafting side of things? when tier 5 comes out it is likely to be flooded with new threads and questions.


the point isn't that there hasn't been a thread in over a few weeks, the point is that there isn't anything to discuss around the subject that hasn't already been explained out several times before.




generalising much? quite a few subforums are still active.

there is always something new going off in story and lore, new players and star wars discussion.

PvP, classes and fp,ops,heroics are still fairly active.

server forum, galactic strongholds and community content do have a few days gap between them, but they are still active.


that is over half the subforums that are still active. so i don't know what you mean since scanning those forums myself over the last few weeks has shown anything but what you are going on about.


I am with Storm Cutter tbh.


I aint a gloom and doom person, but I can compare the activity of the forums to how it was 2-3 years back and it was far more active. You basically can check forums once a day and find something to type about with others, however most of the time nothing has been discussed leaving you with little to write on.


Personally the lack of activity on the forums makes me play more and do more outside of the game.


Forumquesting usually is one of my favorite activities but the swtor forums leave very little for you to do if you enjoy socializing on forums of any kind. I don't use any other social media platforms at all, so if I play a game that's the only forum I interact with.


In actuality I found the forums of P99 much more lively and active and that's on a free emu server's forums. Granted, some of the banter isn't for everyone and they allow trolling in the rants and flames section, that being said you have a choice to go there or not.


Just being honest, swtor forums are extremely desolate compared to other gaming forums I have seen and experienced, especially nowadays. :(

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I am with Storm Cutter tbh.


I aint a gloom and doom person, but I can compare the activity of the forums to how it was 2-3 years back and it was far more active. You basically can check forums once a day and find something to type about with others, however most of the time nothing has been discussed leaving you with little to write on.


Personally the lack of activity on the forums makes me play more and do more outside of the game.


Forumquesting usually is one of my favorite activities but the swtor forums leave very little for you to do if you enjoy socializing on forums of any kind. I don't use any other social media platforms at all, so if I play a game that's the only forum I interact with.


In actuality I found the forums of P99 much more lively and active and that's on a free emu server's forums. Granted, some of the banter isn't for everyone and they allow trolling in the rants and flames section, that being said you have a choice to go there or not.


Just being honest, swtor forums are extremely desolate compared to other gaming forums I have seen and experienced, especially nowadays. :(


so you haven't kept tabs over the last few years? and who cares what other forums are doing.. this is a discussion about this forum and this forum alone. you basically haven't answered your own point.

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so you haven't kept tabs over the last few years? and who cares what other forums are doing.. this is a discussion about this forum and this forum alone. you basically haven't answered your own point.


My point is pretty clear to me, anyway. I can compare the forums to 2-3 years ago to now.


I have been back for 3 months adding posts and threads quite frequently over the past few months. Anyone that visits these forums will attest to my post count for better or worse depending on who it is you ask lol. Not everyone enjoys what I share. :p


Anyway, if you think the forums are active and provide you with plenty of forumquest, well that's fine too. I would say me personally my experience is that it is lacking compared to it's past activity levels as well as other gaming forums I have recently been associated with.

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that is over half the subforums that are still active. so i don't know what you mean since scanning those forums myself over the last few weeks has shown anything but what you are going on about.

As of right now, there are only 20 threads in General that have had any activity in the last 24 hours.


You say you've been around for 7 years. Don't you remember when there would be 20 threads with active posts in just a single hour?

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As of right now, there are only 20 threads in General that have had any activity in the last 24 hours.


You say you've been around for 7 years. Don't you remember when there would be 20 threads with active posts in just a single hour?

7 years ago there were 20 threads with activity per MINUTE...I'd reply to a thread that had already fallen to the second page at times...

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7 years ago there were 20 threads with activity per MINUTE...I'd reply to a thread that had already fallen to the second page at times...

Or how about those times when you'd post a reply in to a brand-new specific comment, only to be beat by one or two other posters replying the same comment even faster than you! :D

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The forums are slow nowdays. Just really nothing going on at all much less anything anybody wants to discuss more then a few posts. This thread for example one of the more active threads in the Most active sub forum is about Reminiscing about when the Forums (Most of them) were active of all things. "Back in the Good Ole days..." :)
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These meta-threads are always -briefly- entertaining, but the thing that puzzles me about them is...don't you guys play other games? Aren't there lots of other games you own and haven't played? Maybe it's an age thing, I didn't really get into gaming until my late 20s, and I didn't have the disposable income to buy other games, but like...if I get bored playing this game, there's literally ten other games I can play that would keep me interested and engaged, and after six months or a year, I can come back to this one refreshed. Even if there's no new content, the break will still revitalize the old content.


Like no wonder people are bored and resentful if they spend seven years straight playing one game.

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These meta-threads are always -briefly- entertaining, but the thing that puzzles me about them is...don't you guys play other games? Aren't there lots of other games you own and haven't played? Maybe it's an age thing, I didn't really get into gaming until my late 20s, and I didn't have the disposable income to buy other games, but like...if I get bored playing this game, there's literally ten other games I can play that would keep me interested and engaged, and after six months or a year, I can come back to this one refreshed. Even if there's no new content, the break will still revitalize the old content.


Like no wonder people are bored and resentful if they spend seven years straight playing one game.


That's been my biggest point lately. I see either extreme malcontents or people that are simply bored and lashing out at the devs because they want this game to provide endless entertainment.


I mean I'd love a game that could entertain me incessantly for years but I have never found one to do that. Not reasonable to expect that imo.


Criticism of a game is perfectly fine but at least try to make it constructive.


To the OP's question, it seems 99% of us say yes, the forums are slow. :p

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That's been my biggest point lately. I see either extreme malcontents or people that are simply bored and lashing out at the devs because they want this game to provide endless entertainment.


I mean I'd love a game that could entertain me incessantly for years but I have never found one to do that. Not reasonable to expect that imo.


Criticism of a game is perfectly fine but at least try to make it constructive.


To the OP's question, it seems 99% of us say yes, the forums are slow. :p


/Agreed. :)


Personally, I tend to put the persistent malcontents on /ignore. Interestingly... I see fewer /ignored posts now days. Sometimes I see one return to the forum and start posting again and when I see them quoted.. yep.. same nonsense, different day... so they stay on /ignore.

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These meta-threads are always -briefly- entertaining, but the thing that puzzles me about them is...don't you guys play other games? Aren't there lots of other games you own and haven't played? Maybe it's an age thing, I didn't really get into gaming until my late 20s, and I didn't have the disposable income to buy other games, but like...if I get bored playing this game, there's literally ten other games I can play that would keep me interested and engaged, and after six months or a year, I can come back to this one refreshed. Even if there's no new content, the break will still revitalize the old content.


Like no wonder people are bored and resentful if they spend seven years straight playing one game.


Pretty much, whenever I get bored I replay some of my other games. It really helps because once you get back you have a fresh mind for it.

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/Agreed. :)


Personally, I tend to put the persistent malcontents on /ignore. Interestingly... I see fewer /ignored posts now days. Sometimes I see one return to the forum and start posting again and when I see them quoted.. yep.. same nonsense, different day... so they stay on /ignore.


If it triggers you so much then maybe you should read the forum less...any criticism of the game could just be "blind hate" to you but it could be interesting discussions to others...

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If it triggers you so much then maybe you should read the forum less...any criticism of the game could just be "blind hate" to you but it could be interesting discussions to others...


And that could also be the reason for the forums being quieter as well. You tell people don't like what is posted, then don't come to the forums and then people complain that the forums are slow.

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Fret not. After October 11, we can start complaining about the content they are producing as opposed to complaining about the lack of content.


It's the Circle of Forum Posting.



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And that could also be the reason for the forums being quieter as well. You tell people don't like what is posted, then don't come to the forums and then people complain that the forums are slow.


You'd have to be pretty sensitive [or new to the internet] to never return to the forums simply because someone tells you they don't like your posts, go away.


But perhaps they're all on Reddit.

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Fret not. After October 11, we can start complaining about the content they are producing as opposed to complaining about the lack of content.


It's the Circle of Forum Posting.




I'm sure some will even resub just so they can complain about the new content reveals as well. :p

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And that could also be the reason for the forums being quieter as well. You tell people don't like what is posted, then don't come to the forums and then people complain that the forums are slow.


No worries.. he is just making his monthly drop-in to the forum to try to troll me once again. He happens to be one of those on my permanent ignore list.. so I refuse to engage any of his attempts. :)

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You'd have to be pretty sensitive [or new to the internet] to never return to the forums simply because someone tells you they don't like your posts, go away.



There are a handful of players that seem to like this tactic and try to target me with this from time to time. It just results in more comments by me in the topic they are trying hard to chase me out of. :D

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