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Bio intent to create in game 1% trillionairs


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Oh really? One word: Conquest


Nuff said!

There is a difference between ticking players off purposely and ticking players off because the the players are unwilling to adapt. There is a distinction that puts the blame more on one side vs the other, and you clearly still dont understand it.

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Nothing is negated.


It is based upon what they said. This is my opinion of what may happen IF what they intend to do goes into play. Last I checked that is the very basis of these forums is it not? A discussion of the game.


Will it happen, I hope not but this is currently their intent and worthy of discussion. Or are all the similar posts talking along different interpretations also pointless?


That's true, obsessively paranoid players ranting hyperbolically about x proposed change based on one line in a roadmap is exactly what the basis of these forums are. Or at least gen discussion. It's also true that we shouldn't try to silence this one, because there's probably dozens of other ones on a similar vein, and really, that sounds like far too much work to mock all of them in order to be logically consistent.


I'd rather just mock one but let it play out; it's not as if anyone comes here for something other than forum drama anyway.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Good gosh, the man needed to rant about something, let him.


As far as the topic, I think personally the crafters will or could drive the cost down. It may start off high, but as soon as the recipe gets out there it will likely go down in price. Ive tried one attempt at controlling a market item in game on another game. I set the price, bought everything that was under my price, and it didn't last very long. I had tons of capital to do it. I set it at a fair price, which was the killer of it all. There were just hands down too many players that drove that price way down. This game pvp and pve can use the armor, so it will be in high demand. Mats will take grinding, and will likely be hard to get at first, then sold at high prices, but more likely the mats will get used initially rather than sold or stowed away. So yeah, I would guess would take some time to drive the price down, but it aint the end all of everything. Not every pvp'r needs or uses best in slot stuff anyway. So this gear could just sit on the market at a high price and not even sell, hence cost going down.


I don't know if they have any plans on making any of this stuff cartel market??????? It would definitely but a damper on things. You would have this really cool looking armor that is 5 years old that you just bought off the cartel market, and you cant mod it with anything new?? At some point I would guess if it becomes the norm, which I would guess it does, that the cartel market would need to make some. If this is the case, and they are thinking right, then well...… it says the game isn't going anyway for a while which is good


As to why the gear isn't out of command crates is kind of interesting though.


Anyway, good topic man, hang in there. There are some cool people on here, just gotta get used to the feel a bit, im new too and don't usually stay on here for long, lol.

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On one hand I am annoyed with the hysteria revolving around this one sentence, but on the other hand perhaps this is what was needed for the devs to "reconsider."


If people didn't react hysterically, I am afraid they might take reasonable/calm behavior as acceptance and for that I suppose I ought not be so judgmental with those who keep posting these extremely hyperbolic threads on the new incoming gearing changes.


I can't see them creating such a one-dimensional gearing change where the only way you can gear up is via extreme-mode OPs.


As you mention, it's a very tiny fraction of people that even participate in these. Alienating 99% of the players from gearing up would be dumb. Pretty sure they understand that.


I agree 100%

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Ok correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the best gear in the game was the "set piece" stuff that gives extra perks if you have the full set. The new gear didn't mention any set bonuses, so wouldn't it be inferior to what we have now? :confused: I'll probably never have the new stuff anyway because the tier 1 sets are more than enough for what I generally do in game (that's where my gear grind stops). But I'm generally curious about the concerns mentioned here.
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Nothing is negated.


It is based upon what they said. This is my opinion of what may happen IF what they intend to do goes into play. Last I checked that is the very basis of these forums is it not? A discussion of the game.


Will it happen, I hope not but this is currently their intent and worthy of discussion. Or are all the similar posts talking along different interpretations also pointless?


If you have included the word "IF" anywhere in your original post, I would have not even bothered to respond. But that's not what you did. You talked about exactly how the system was going to work and gave it a click bait title to boot. Thus, I called you on it. Simple as that.


It's fine to speculate, as long as you recognize that is what you're doing. They have announced nothing but the existence of the new tier, that it will be crafted, and that the schematics will of course appear in Master Mode (as all top tier gear has done since the beginning of the game, save for a short while there at the beginning of 5.0 when no gear dropped in any operations).


Could the schematics appear elsewhere and then nullify your argument that people will be "locked out"? Yep. Absolutely could happen. They haven't said either way, so you don't know that. You are guessing.


Will they set the CXP system on it's ear, as you claim will absolutely happen? Not if the mats drop in CXP crates. At least, not any more than they already do for the last 2 tiers of augments.


Wow, you often go over the top like this? Your assumptions and interpretation of my post is stunning. I uttered not one single word of the game going down in flames. Zero information...no based on what Bio has said however limited. I do not need to try again as being dismissed by you for your plugged in over the top interpretation is not worthy of another response.


Because frankly, my friend I know I don't have any idea that this will take place, oh except that is what they said as of this current date. Good luck flaming the next thread.


Nothing I said was over the top. I simply said you don't know for sure what is going to happen, but talk like you do. How is that over the top? I think if you read your own words, it is actually a fact. Again, throw in something that indicates this is all an "if" and I wouldn't have even responded, because that is speculating vs. deciding that people are going to be locked out of getting these gear pieces and that gold farmers will be getting a huge boom in business. Neither of those things are certain, but you posted as if they were.


I don't think pointing this out is over the top. And me pointing it out to you is part of the "discussion" here... which I happen to think is just fine and exactly what these forums are here for.



Edited by PennyAnn
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As you mention, it's a very tiny fraction of people that even participate in these. Alienating 99% of the players from gearing up would be dumb. Pretty sure they understand that.


Because they totally didn't restrict GC to just subs and remove ops passes at the same time already.. I'm sure subs alone in any endgame activities kept the ball rolling up till now! :rolleyes:

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Because they totally didn't restrict GC to just subs and remove ops passes at the same time already.. I'm sure subs alone in any endgame activities kept the ball rolling up till now! :rolleyes:


There is some truth in that : Subscribers already have access to needed end-game mats, which non-subscribers don't. They even monopolize that market already by desiring prices for crafted materials - or even for mats alone - which non-subscribers just can't pay because of that barrier. Some people just "forget" that non-subscribers have that barrier.


I see Zynga at work here : Inflicting some sort of their "fun pain" to force people into becoming subscribers.

And subscribers already look down on non-subscribers with terms like "freeloaders".

I'm glad that this hasn't reached offline games yet.

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Because they totally didn't restrict GC to just subs and remove ops passes at the same time already.. I'm sure subs alone in any endgame activities kept the ball rolling up till now! :rolleyes:


I don't know anything about what a non-sub gets, I have always been a sub. I would imagine they have researched and come to the conclusion what they can restrict and what they cannot restrict so as to not hurt their bottom line (money).


I think it's a bit of a stretch to consider non-subs 99% of the game's population so I feel my point stands. I don't see them alienating 99% of the game's population with a highly restrictive gearing system.


Until I read something that indicates otherwise, I am not going to go buck-wild nerd raging over changes I know basically nothing about. People can continue rolling in hysterics if they want, by all means it's their choice I just think it's better to relax and wait till we get more information.

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If you have included the word "IF" anywhere in your original post, I would have not even bothered to respond. But that's not what you did. You talked about exactly how the system was going to work and gave it a click bait title to boot. Thus, I called you on it. Simple as that.


^^ I very much agree. :)


Nothing I said was over the top. I simply said you don't know for sure what is going to happen, but talk like you do. How is that over the top? I think if you read your own words, it is actually a fact. Again, throw in something that indicates this is all an "if" and I wouldn't have even responded, because that is speculating vs. deciding that people are going to be locked out of getting these gear pieces and that gold farmers will be getting a huge boom in business. Neither of those things are certain, but you posted as if they were.


Yeah.... PennyAnn does NOT do "over the top" here in the forum ... not that I have ever seen. Such an accusation directed at PennyAnn is incorrect and an apology is in order in my view.


Of course the entire premise of this thread is ranting-for-dramatic effect in my view, and deserves a healthy dose of pushback to try to clear all the hyperbole out of the discussion.

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Until I read something that indicates otherwise, I am not going to go buck-wild nerd raging over changes I know basically nothing about. People can continue rolling in hysterics if they want, by all means it's their choice I just think it's better to relax and wait till we get more information.


Thumbs up, Lhance. You're absolutely right in this approach. I just wish more people would understand that we just don't know anything about this system really, and it's all guess work at this stage. We can play the guessing game and make suggestions about how they could do a tier of crafted gear well (including schematics and materials in a lot of different areas of the game, making them less sequestered instead of more expensive than necessary or exclusive to those that only play that content, adding appropriate bolster to all PvP, etc). But I guess it's more trendy to just complain about a system that isn't even set up yet instead of making helpful suggestions to how it might work that would, you know... potentially provoke thoughtful discussion. Because we certainly wouldn't want any of that!



Edited by PennyAnn
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I can see my frequently flamed posts of long ago have been effective in opening the minds of some, and reducing the tendancies of harsh hot takes towards BW and swtor. But i also see there is still work to do. Everyone has the right to critically think and develop a thorough understanding of something before developing a deep-seeded opinion, and I will continue to do my best to progress these forums and its population. Today, i feel proud.
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I can see my frequently flamed posts of long ago have been effective in opening the minds of some, and reducing the tendancies of harsh hot takes towards BW and swtor. But i also see there is still work to do. Everyone has the right to critically think and develop a thorough understanding of something before developing a deep-seeded opinion, and I will continue to do my best to progress these forums and its population. Today, i feel proud.


Dude, in no way shape or form would I feel shamed because people feel its ok to act like D bags to you. In what world is that ok? Say what you think, keep it simple. Some people have different dispositions and feel it is necessary to qualify remarks, I personally don't for the most part. I answer what I want to answer, and don't have that need. Sometimes I might follow suit, and put together a well thought post, but usually not so much. That's why I rarely post here, but I found some people to be agreeable so I continue. I like the game, trying to like the community, and honestly I don't know of many websites these days that don't have there share of nit pickers.



Anyway, no need to feel shamed because you didn't get the correct gerund phrase associated in the plural indicitve along with ten past participles squared to the negative root of I on the quadratic formula, don't you know its all indominably indubilty man?? geez

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You do realize that for the longest time you could ONLY get top gear from NIM ops... right? And that when they stopped doing that in 5.0 a lot of people rage quit.. I may be the minority here and b4 you get up in arms I'm NOT a nim raider.. But I think for clearing the literally hardest content in game they should be rewarded with better gear than anyone else.
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I can see my frequently flamed posts of long ago have been effective in opening the minds of some, and reducing the tendancies of harsh hot takes towards BW and swtor. But i also see there is still work to do. Everyone has the right to critically think and develop a thorough understanding of something before developing a deep-seeded opinion, and I will continue to do my best to progress these forums and its population. Today, i feel proud.


If you are talking about me, my posting history has absolutely nothing to do with you. I only took you off /ignore to respond because I saw someone else quote you. But back you go. This is for the best, as I fear discussions you are heavily involved in seem to have a history of posts being reported and removed, even when they included rational thought or discussion that just happened to disagree with your point of view. Your involvement in those discussions might well be coincidence, but it happens a lot and it does a huge disservice to these forums. So, to be on the safe side and not get reported just because I don't see eye to eye with you, I tend to leave any thread you start posting in with too much earnest. I don't mean to offend you by saying this, we just are on such completely different planes of thought that I believe this really is for the best. There are a lot of people here that have influenced my frame of mind in these forums, but you are not one of them.


I've always been rational in my responses to you too, but found that you typically only see the side of the coin you are looking at and for you, the view never changes despite rational feedback. As such, I personally don't find your thinking all that critical, but rather see only your need to respond to every single poster that tends to drown out any other discussion that might be taking place among other posters. This does not enhance discussion, it side-tracks it and drowns it under a sea of responses.


Another key difference in those discussions was the fact that the criticism and feedback was being given to parts of the game that were already developed and on the live servers. A discussion of something that has barely been announced and definitely has not been explained is a different animal entirely, so you might want to withhold your self congratulations until it applies. If ever.



Edited by PennyAnn
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I don't know anything about what a non-sub gets, I have always been a sub. I would imagine they have researched and come to the conclusion what they can restrict and what they cannot restrict so as to not hurt their bottom line (money).


I think it's a bit of a stretch to consider non-subs 99% of the game's population so I feel my point stands. I don't see them alienating 99% of the game's population with a highly restrictive gearing system.


Until I read something that indicates otherwise, I am not going to go buck-wild nerd raging over changes I know basically nothing about. People can continue rolling in hysterics if they want, by all means it's their choice I just think it's better to relax and wait till we get more information.


I only sub off and on. When I sub, I grind GC. When I go back to pref, I level chars. I have no complaint about this system. Prototype/artifact gear is fine for leveling.


What I find amusing about these supposed charitable complaints asking for non-subs to get GC is that many prefs can't use artifact-level gear unless they get the authorization. That's been a thing since F2P was released. There's ALWAYS been a gear distinction between subs and non-subs [unless you get the unlock]. Yet I've rarely seen a sub insist that non-subs should be automatically granted artifact gear authorization. This issue is only an issue for subs who don't want to pay for their subs anymore and still earn GCXP.

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This issue is only an issue for subs who don't want to pay for their subs anymore and still earn GCXP.


Well, in my case, I currently feel kind of burned out. And this is a thing CXP can't heal.

I'm still a subscriber, but I just wish I could pause that for a while. I've begun playing Deponia instead, although I'm already halted with the first few puzzles.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Well, in my case, I currently feel kind of burned out. And this is a thing CXP can't heal.

I'm still a subscriber, but I just wish I could pause that for a while. I've begun playing Deponia instead, although I'm already halted with the first few puzzles.


So...take a break? :rak_02:

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Oh really? One word: Conquest


Nuff said!


That's probably why bioware is about to nerf conquest by "improving" the conquest system in upcoming patches.


Predicted it during the livestream announcement, the changes will negatively impact people farming conquest system.


The trend over gear has gotten easier over the years. - They want to be more inclusive and appeal to every type of player from the casual to the hardcore from the PVe-er to the PvP er and all inbetween.


We have legacy gear now, and there is no distinction between PVE and PVP gear.


I expect the trend will continue. - Yes there may well be a new tier to grind or craft for, and it's a cynical way of making people re-earn what basically they had previously to keep them subbing and logging on.


BW are a business. They're in this to make money. - ticking off a large section of population isn't good business sense.

Oh really? One word: Conquest


Nuff said!

There is a difference between ticking players off purposely and ticking players off because the the players are unwilling to adapt. There is a distinction that puts the blame more on one side vs the other, and you clearly still dont understand it.
people will adapt to conquest nerfs but that doesn't mean they'll like them. Edited by Falensawino
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accidental double post..

so here's a transcript of the Livestream powerpoint slide with VOD (Video on Demand) timestamps




Game Update 5.10 "Jedi Under Siege"


Edited by Falensawino
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accidental double post..

so here's a transcript of the Livestream powerpoint slide with VOD (Video on Demand) timestamps




Game Update 5.10 "Jedi Under Siege"


God's work mate, saves so much time looking for stuff I'm most interested in!

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That's probably why bioware is about to nerf conquest by "improving" the conquest system in upcoming patches.


Predicted it during the livestream announcement, the changes will negatively impact people farming conquest system.


people will adapt to conquest nerfs but that doesn't mean they'll like them.


What kind of conquest "nerf" do you mean?

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Ive not played in a while... keep my sub on auto renewal in case they do something worthy of my time.


However, it is indeed a repeat if this new gear grind/schem drop goes into play.


People were mad and griped about 5.0 when it was announced - when it was in testing- and when it was released to the players. We had a massive exodus from the game and it left the devs with their pants down.


This game has a long history of the devs believing they know more of what the players want than the actual players do.


To counter the valid arguments the players made what we got in return was meme worthy. "It will be exciting" "Never know what you will get" "we can tweak the drop rates."


Perhaps it would be best for these devs to not just hear us but to actually listen to us for once.


This latest "crafted endgame gear grind" is a gigantic dumb idea.


Vendors guys... tokens, a sure thing... RNG should NEVER be involved in gearing in an MMO. You grind for results... not the possibility of a result.


This game has not had enough new content to warrant new gear. New gear is not content!

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accidental double post..

so here's a transcript of the Livestream powerpoint slide with VOD (Video on Demand) timestamps




Game Update 5.10 "Jedi Under Siege"


One of the most impressive posts I've ever seen on these forums. I love how organized it was...THANK YOU!

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