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The login service is currently unavailable


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Still seeing no servers on server list. Hope the issue gets fixed soonish. I was hoping to play some tonight. Thanks BioWare for all your hard work. I know you're working as quick as possible. Things always seem to break down when you least expect it. I've come to learn that with computers and servers. They are so unreliable. :)
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It is different teams/people then what is planned for tomorrow.


I've been seeing visions of the last two BW crew assigned to SWTOR - exhausted, heads lowering over their keyboards, red-eyed with lids half closed - alternating with visions of bug-eyed, hands-shaking, caffeinated twitchlings - working from 3 am to .. what is it... 11 pm.

But I hope they're a couple of fresh techstars working their magic like mad :D

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Jesus, for three hour? Youch!


If they've no idea what the problem is and they don't want to do anything to cause the people who are currently online to get booted, yeah.


I've not ever troubleshooted anything as exciting as an MMO server but it certainly takes time.

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Look, people, seriously. Eric and team are doing the best they can. Not their fault, so far as we know, that something got borked, but they are at least attempting to resolve it. No reason, honestly, getting pissy because of something that is out of your control, or theirs, in fact. We're getting updates, devs are being cordial while some of us are not, and are politely asking for our patience while they try to figure out what went wrong. If you've ever programmed, you know the pain of watching a billion lines of code swim by while looking for a solution to an error. If you never have, imagine trying to find a needle in a haystack without a magnet on a conveyor belt.


I know the frustration. Seen that face of life many times in practically all it's forms. Nothing I can do about it but wait.


To Eric and team, thank you for the updates and efforts. It is appreciated.

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"I am the head of IT and I have it on good authority that if you type "Google" into Google, you can break the Internet. So please, no one try it, even for a joke."


"Wait a minute. ... The Elders of the Internet? ... The Elders of the Internet know who I am?!?! ... You've got to let me have it!"

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So other people that were already logged on now have the advantage over those that weren't, thanks for confirming.

BTW Shut down the live servers to be fair, or did that ever occur to your extremely bright maintenance management ?


CIAO, and thanks for eating my time and money, and now my patience after finally telling the truth :(

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You guys are seriously killing my limited conquest points time !


As has been stated, it is not their fault, it is the doings of an evil Sith Lord by the name of Darth Furrball. If you see or know anyone that has come in contact with this beast, please contact the Galactic Authorities. Reward will be given out in the form of pats on the back and statements like: "I'm proud of you.", "Great job!", etc.

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ya, this set back has killed a lot of peoples goals before patch, and EA/BW have gone out of those ways to make the new grind and then leave the player hanging to finish their weekly quota...


seriously, if you know the client is sending the query for the server list, and its not being sent back, even as garbage, you need to hire people who know what they're doing and not this, whatever it is, life support maintance/dev team.


Grind is a very important part of mmos, as it keeps people playing while they develop new content. Every single mmo uses some sort of grinding as a way to keep people engaged and playing the game. If you were able to just get everything instantly, there wouldn't be any reason to login after a week for a lot of people.


You want the BEST gear, then you have to grind to get it, it's that simple. The best gear is hardly necessary and if you want it, you have to work for it. That is not just the norm, but the expectation when playing an mmo. In this case they are using a rep grind. Some other games you have to down the hardest raid content in order to get it. Would you rather it only drops in NiM GotM? It sucks that the server is down but we had all week to finish the relatively easy dailies.


And computer bugs happen. And it is not always easy to fix them. A single misplaced comma somewhere could affect something totally different from where it is placed in the coding. You don't think the team working on the login wants to get this done and go home or work on something else productive? You're frustrated by not being able to login and they are just as frustrated with not finding the solution.

Edited by Talinis
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So other people that were already logged on now have the advantage over those that weren't, thanks for confirming.

BTW Shut down the live servers to be fair, or did that ever occur to your extremely bright maintenance management ?


CIAO, and thanks for eating my time and money, and now my patience after finally telling the truth :(


Not sure if stupid on purpose....

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If they've no idea what the problem is and they don't want to do anything to cause the people who are currently online to get booted, yeah.


I've not ever troubleshooted anything as exciting as an MMO server but it certainly takes time.


Wouldn't it be easier to just take everything offline and TS that environment? I'm glad there are people who are able to play right now, but the rest of us pay too... they can wait just like we've been waiting.


Just a thought.

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So other people that were already logged on now have the advantage over those that weren't, thanks for confirming.

BTW Shut down the live servers to be fair, or did that ever occur to your extremely bright maintenance management ?


CIAO, and thanks for eating my time and money, and now my patience after finally telling the truth :(


My wife who has been mocking me all night by playing because she logged in before all of this happened, takes offense to your comment.

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So other people that were already logged on now have the advantage over those that weren't, thanks for confirming.

BTW Shut down the live servers to be fair, or did that ever occur to your extremely bright maintenance management ?


CIAO, and thanks for eating my time and money, and now my patience after finally telling the truth :(


LoL... If I can’t play with my toys... no one can...

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Just a thought. By why don't they just re-boot the servers? if there's people on them and the rest of us can't get in, that usually means everyone needs to get out first. Just like you'd re-start your computer if something was wrong. (Have you tried turning it off and on again?) :p
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