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The login service is currently unavailable


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First off, the new servers are mega servers. When the game first came out, the server capacity was about 10 - 15 times smaller than it is right now. So if a server is at medium population, that means that it is about holding 5 full origin servers. They have been that way for a long time. Out of the prior 21 servers, the ones that were mostly dead were the ones that had very few original servers combined (some only had one because they were very specific like pvp-rp). Harbinger was massive because it had a total of 20 ORIGIN SERVERS combined into it, which is why it was always full load for a while. It was to be the west coast PVE server.


Second off, Bioware doesn't want to the servers to go down as much as we do. They didn't screw you out of your weekly goals. If anything, you did because you had the entire week to complete it and you waited until the last minute. Your ISP could've went out. Your hard drive could've malfunctioned. Your router could've fried. And then you wouldn't've been able to complete your quests. Don't wait until the last minute and blame others.


Thank you for saying what I was thinking. Everyone finishing their conquest last minute... I finished mine yesterday. Like.... I greatly understand that not everyone has as much time to play as I do, but it's not terribly hard to get that 15k conquest goal.

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That's the biggest BS I heard since the MMORPG industry began !


I appreciate what you're doing here. Enjoying this thread. But to properly execute what you're doing you have to walk that line between preserving some believablity and outright hysteria. You had it going earlier, but this post loses it a bit. Dial it back and you'll be back to executing tr*** to perfection...

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First off, the new servers are mega servers. When the game first came out, the server capacity was about 10 - 15 times smaller than it is right now. So if a server is at medium population, that means that it is about holding 5 full origin servers. They have been that way for a long time. Out of the prior 21 servers, the ones that were mostly dead were the ones that had very few original servers combined (some only had one because they were very specific like pvp-rp). Harbinger was massive because it had a total of 20 ORIGIN SERVERS combined into it, which is why it was always full load for a while. It was to be the west coast PVE server.


Second off, Bioware doesn't want to the servers to go down as much as we do. They didn't screw you out of your weekly goals. If anything, you did because you had the entire week to complete it and you waited until the last minute. Your ISP could've went out. Your hard drive could've malfunctioned. Your router could've fried. And then you wouldn't've been able to complete your quests. Don't wait until the last minute and blame others.


So true... I'm reminded of a quote...


-A failure of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

Edited by KormiCznew
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EA will not issue any refund for any problem. They will correct billing if need be, but that's legal.


Asking for in game stuff will not cost them a penny, and literally, this game will be non existent if they loose another 100k+ subscribers like they did the beginning of last year. If that's the case, the 258 gear is just there to tap the last bit of cash till they announce there will be NO 6.0. it will probably happen anyways though


I agree that if they do lose a lot more subscribers it will no longer be viable to maintain the game. That's just business.


However, I don't know if them giving away a bunch of free stuff costs them nothing. It might cost them nothing directly, but it might be costly indirectly. Lets say they give away a bunch of free stuff that's currently on the GTS for exorbitant prices or that's in very high demand by a lot of players - which they want, because then some people will buy Cartel Coins to get that item rather than spending so many credits on it. Especially impatient people, which are the people who are going to make them the most money.


However, if they give you an in-game item that's not worth anything or that's easy to obtain, they won't have satisfied the people who believe themselves to be deserving of compensation, which won't stop the hateful comments - assuming they care to stop them.


This is all just mad speculation, but like I said, I don't have anything better to do. And at least this is keeping me entertained.

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ummm i live inteh USA and i cant get into the game the server list is blank i cant click on anything what is going on ??

Yep, this has been going on for several hours now, with no end in sight. Find something else to fill your time, possibly until tomorrow. Patience is key, as much as this annoys me lol

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Wait, wait, wait... seriously???????????? You need to look up Fallout 76 then. Or Bethesda and their Creation Club failure... or Sony Online Entertainment's epic failure for payment information that shut down Star Wars Galaxies... oh, god, I can seriously keep going with this list of 'biggest BS since the MMORPG industry began'


what about squre charging people who deactivated their FFXI accounts monthly?

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I'm giggling to myself by the sheer stupidity of people asking for compensation for 1 day of down time. If there are 30 days in a month and your subscription is $15 then a day is worth $.50... would you like cash or a check?


Going on 4 hours now with no servers listed, assuming it takes 2 more hours..I would like My 12.5 cents of lost game time to be donated to https://www.quora.com/Phrase-Definitions-What-is-nerd-rage.

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How is wanting compensation unreasonable? I am not able to play a game that I have paid for.


Do you make a habit out of insulting people whose money helps keep this game alive?


When the game has been down for 12 hours then you will be 25 cents out of pocket. Is 25 cents going to be such a big deal--really? And MY money also helps pay to keep this game alive and I am not screaming for compensation.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


The team is still digging away on the issue. It has turned out to be a fairly severe issue which is why it is taking as long as it is. We appreciate your continued patience, hopefully I will have more details or an ETA to pass on soon, but there isn't one currently.


Thanks all.



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Hey folks,


The team is still digging away on the issue. It has turned out to be a fairly severe issue which is why it is taking as long as it is. We appreciate your continued patience, hopefully I will have more details or an ETA to pass on soon, but there isn't one currently.


Thanks all.




Thank you for the update, Eric. Again, you and tech team are very much appreciated.

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How is wanting compensation unreasonable? I am not able to play a game that I have paid for.


Do you make a habit out of insulting people whose money helps keep this game alive?


How would you like them to send you your fifty cents? Check, money order? Or should they just drop 2 quarters in the mail to you?

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Hey folks,


The team is still digging away on the issue. It has turned out to be a fairly severe issue which is why it is taking as long as it is. We appreciate your continued patience, hopefully I will have more details or an ETA to pass on soon, but there isn't one currently.


Thanks all.




Thanks again for keeping in touch and letting us know how bad it really is.

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This post wins the thread! :p


Let's hope it's this one by Dogzard instead....


Look, people, seriously. Eric and team are doing the best they can. Not their fault, so far as we know, that something got borked, but they are at least attempting to resolve it. No reason, honestly, getting pissy because of something that is out of your control, or theirs, in fact.


We're getting updates, devs are being cordial while some of us are not, and are politely asking for our patience while they try to figure out what went wrong. If you've ever programmed, you know the pain of watching a billion lines of code swim by while looking for a solution to an error. If you never have, imagine trying to find a needle in a haystack without a magnet on a conveyor belt.


I know the frustration. Seen that face of life many times in practically all it's forms. Nothing I can do about it but wait.


To Eric and team, thank you for the updates and efforts. It is appreciated.


QFE ^ and boy how nice it would be if more even-keeled type people like you dominated in-game 'genchat' . And society in general tbh :eek:


That said, it's obviously very unfortunate timing considering the maintenance/offliine in the morning. But i suspect Eric & the devs feel exactly the same way.


My theory is:


The team working on this was getting hungry, so somebody went out for food. Unfortunately, they went to Chipotle and the team has been in the restroom for the last hour and a half.


p.s. That ^ post also gets honorable mention for the thread "win" lol


Wait, wait, wait... seriously???????????? You need to look up Sony Online Entertainment's epic failure for payment information that shut down Star Wars Galaxies... '


oh jeez, plz don't remind me! #serenitynow



p.p.s. Anyone else looking forward to the 'SW: Episode IX' trailer soon? :cool:

Edited by Nee-Elder
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How is wanting compensation unreasonable? I am not able to play a game that I have paid for.


Do you make a habit out of insulting people whose money helps keep this game alive?


Because obviously you can't read the EULA that you agreed to when you created an account. Computers and servers are unpredictable at best and cannot be blamed for the down time. Therefore, they do not need to compensate any player for any unexpected down time. It's not my fault for you not being able to read. So yes, I guess if you find this insulting, perhaps you should be thinking about why you find it insulting. It is a game and only a game. If it's anything more perhaps you should try getting out more.

Edited by Kasodi
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Actually Eric, I had a different issue. I never got in the game to see the server list. I got stopped at the launcher. It said that the login service was unavailable.


I have had this issue all day trying to log in blank list on servers so Is this issue you going to continue till the games is down for maintance at 5am today

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Hey folks,


The team is still digging away on the issue. It has turned out to be a fairly severe issue which is why it is taking as long as it is. We appreciate your continued patience, hopefully I will have more details or an ETA to pass on soon, but there isn't one currently.


Thanks all.




Thanks for posting, whether it's from your cushy office or your comfy jammies, 'preciate you checking in :)

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