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  • Location
    In a house.
  • Interests
    Breathing, eating, farting.
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer
  1. Maybe it's just a ploy to push traffic to the website?
  2. Hah, that's funny. It's probably a texture that was used in earlier testing phases and it was either forgotten about or decided that no one would pay close enough attention to notice it.
  3. Exactly. I'm no suggesting that someone else makes the application. I'm saying BioWare should.
  4. So, I've had an idea bouncing around in my head for a while now for a SWTOR related smart phone application. The application would be free with a current subscription or have a cartel market weekly/monthly pass. The functions of this application would be as follows: Send companions out on missions from smartphone devices vendor or RE crafted items learn new items from skill vendors no transaction would be done if the character could not afford to do said action So as you can see the application would simply serve as a tool to help level or craft while you weren't actually near a computer and able to play. I know many smartphone users frequently look at their phones to check emails, text messages, or just daily news and would also incorporate this task into their daily routine or would just like a small step up into leveling their skills or creating crafted items. What does everyone else think about this idea? From a marketing standpoint? Usability?
  5. Honestly, would you want new companions so easily thrown about? People already complain about ability bloat (which I agree with to some degree) so why would you want to so easily add a new companion and then six months down the road ask for another? Unless, of course, you expect this game to be short lived and not reach the point where companions are a dime a dozen. I personally would have preferred one (or even two!) less companion, then the HK companion, then possibly a new companion with the release of makeb. I don't want my side-kicks to be rushed. I want them to each hold sentimental value. I also don't include your ship droid as a main companion.
  6. You statement is only valid under the principle that you are INTITLED to a reward to something that you did previously that had no such reward at the time and then discarded your proof you completed said deed. That is a flawed assumption. You can't say you deserve the millions of dollars some random signed article by some random historic person because you once own that article but then threw it away because you didn't see it's potential value. In the end it's YOUR fault. QQ
  7. Hi, I am recently looking into joining a guild on The Shadowlands in SW:TOR. My main reason for wanting to join a guild is that I miss the community that is accompanied with MMO's. Many friends that played at launch have since quit do to lack of interest or other personal reasons. I'm looking for a sense of comradery to progress and enjoy the game with. A little about myself. I was a single-player gamer as a child but after getting my first computer I started playing the game Runescape. This was my first MMO and I played it for several years throughout middle and high school. I quit playing that around 2007 and shortly picked up WoW during The Burning Crusade expansion. I played it for several years ( about 4.5) where I made several friends that I still stalk to today, some are real-life friends that I met locally. I also was apart of a guild that actively sought progressions through raiding and other random word events. After my friends quit playing I continued for a while until inter-guild drama caused the guild to collapse. I quit the game shortly after. Now I've been playing SW:TOR off and on since beta. I really enjoy the game but what I find that stops me from wanting to play consistently (aside from personally issues that arise) is the lack of involvement with the community. This is what led me to begin guild searching. I stumbled across your guild and read parts of your website. I like a lot of aspects about your guild and would like to seek more information about joining. If someone could contact me in-game I would greatly appreciate it. The main character I'm leveling currently is named Diskenth. I will also attempt to contact you myself. Thanks, and I hope to hear from you!
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