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The difference between SS & SF is night and day


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Do you find losing every match fun?


For some stupid reason, yes, some people enjoy seeing big numbers even though they lose every match. It makes no sense to me either, trixxie, and is incredibly annoying when they end up on your team if your idea of fun involves winning, which in objective based pvp is (as you say, trixxie) based on objectives.


This is one reason i could get behind an arena queue for regs. Unfortunately, I think we would still end up with farmers as 99% of the time i see claims of farming, its because my guys captured their node early on and they chose to farm 8 on 6 at mid rather than go try to get it back. Then they come here complaining about tactical dying when they prove unable to effectively farm even when they outnumber the opponent.

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For some stupid reason, yes, some people enjoy seeing big numbers even though they lose every match. It makes no sense to me either, trixxie, and is incredibly annoying when they end up on your team if your idea of fun involves winning, which in objective based pvp is (as you say, trixxie) based on objectives.


This is one reason i could get behind an arena queue for regs. Unfortunately, I think we would still end up with farmers as 99% of the time i see claims of farming, its because my guys captured their node early on and they chose to farm 8 on 6 at mid rather than go try to get it back. Then they come here complaining about tactical dying when they prove unable to effectively farm even when they outnumber the opponent.


Yeah, it’s the mentality of players like that, who have systematically destroyed any skill in pvp. Most can’t even play arena because they don’t have a 6v1 advantage at the start.


They go into objective pvp and ruin it for everyone who tries to play the game “as it was designed” to be played for “fun”.

I’m all for people working out what they think is fun when it doesn’t interfere with other people who are trying to play the game as it’s intended and designed to be played. When they deviate from that to play their own little mini game, they ruin matches and pvp.


Honestly, if all they want to do is grind dps, they can go form groups and have owpvp battles like we did in the old days or they have the option now to go to someone Rishi SH and death match there.


There is no need for them to come into objective pvp and ruin it. They have other options available to them. Objective pvpers dont.


What really pisses me off is most of these “farmers” can’t even do high numbers when that’s all their trying to do. “If” I was to go farming and only farming, I would expect to be hitting 2-4 mil every match (depending on class). But half these bozo’s can’t even get 500k, let alone 1 mil.


It amazes me when I occasionally take a node solo from 3 guys guarding and kill them all. That should not even be possible for the best players in the game’s history. They aren’t even on weak classes most of the time. Mercs, Mara’s and stupid Sin tanks who have zero idea of how a stealth class is played.


I actually got my first double node kill on my Lightning Sorc since 5.0. It was against a Mara and a Sin. How is that even possible?


I would say 9/10 times I will take an off node solo against 1 guard on my Jugg, Mara, sniper or Merc and it now seems my Sorc can do it too. The only time I don’t is if they get back in the form of a healer.


FYI, I’m not going to the node to 3 cap. I’m going there to take it because we’ve got one node,

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I really laugh whenever I see:

1. I pay for this game as much as you do so I have the right to play PVP however I wish.

2. I played this game for so long that I got bored with the objectives and now I rather deathmatch.

3. There is no incentive to win in regs.


The answers are truly simple:

1. Most hackers and trolls are subscribers too. They can say the exact same thing. "I pay for this game, and my way to enjoy it is hacking and making other people not enjoy it as a result". If your way of having fun disturbs other people's way of having fun but the difference between you and them is that THEY play the intended way and you don't, they have the moral high ground.

2. I would say such people have a short "boredom spawn" compared to others because others clearly still wanna play objectively (in which case, the solution for such people should be another game or ranked, not polluting the objective maps), but that would also be giving them too much credit. "Oddly enough" deathmatching doesn't seem to bore these people as much as objective playing bored them. No, the truth is, as much as people complain about BW "dumbing down" the game over the years, it is this kind of player which is responsible for the dumbing down of PVP. Objective gameplay required more than merely knowing your class, and reduced the possibility of easy solution such as FOTM stacking (except for very certain maps, FOTM classes are not always the best classes to stack in an objective map. For example: merc is a terrible pylon guard, and even a PT (worst class) could do better than him in such a task versus a smart operative.

3. First of all, that is only true for people who have unlimited time as far as they are concerned, or have already achieved valor 100 and CR 300 and don't lack credits. If you are one of these people and say such thing as a serious reason, you are "merely" absolutely selfish and self-centered. Else you should also have an incentive to win.

In addition, speaking of "incentive", let's think for a moment: what is THE GOAL anyway? Is there such? It clearly isn't achievement farming, not for everyone (many PVPers don't even PVE). It could be valor 100, in which case, you should switch to an alt or quit the game as soon as you reach it, or alternatively, find a new goal. It couldn't be gear, because the gear is the means to an end. What end? Eventually, this infinite loop of PVP, CXP, gear, PVP, CXP, gear leads to PVP (because the other 2 are finite). So just realize it: there shouldn't be an "incentive" to win matches because winning is not only the means but the end as well. Same as in overwatch and battlefront and any other game of queued matches. You play to win, in some, you get rewards in which you can upgrade yourself so you can still play to win. There is nothing further. At least I hope people don't finish gearing up a character only to shelve it forever, it makes all that progress meaningless and that's just depressing...



But the funniest thing is that all 3 reasons above ("I also sub", "got bored of the intended use of the feature" and "no incentive") are not exclusive to regs. You say: "I wanna simple-mindedly deathmatch without caring about victory, but there are only objective maps, so let's do it on the expanse of people who wanna play regs as intended". In that case, why not say: "I wanna simple-mindedly deathmatch without caring about victory, and there actually is a deathmatch-only queue, but I am undergeared and talentless, so let's do it anyway on the expanse of the real ranked players who care very much about their rating". In fact, if all these deathmatches switched to ranked at once:

1. Deathmathcers would have their match made with other deathmatchers, so they might actually have many fun matches and not only get stomped.

2. A healthy reward of expansive mats and greater valor even for the losers.

So the same logic which people now deathmatch in regs should let them all go ranked without caring about the rating for those who truly care. And as for the reasons:

1. They are subs too. So they have the right to go right when THEY consider themselves ready (which is 230 gear, incorrect utilities and absolute lack of experience).

2. They played regs too much and are bored of objectives. It makes much more sense to entirely switch gamemode than to play incorrectly in the old and boring mode.

3. Incentive? Plenty more than in regs. They can get mats, they might even be lucky and get rating. Many of them will eventually get at least silver rewards.


And if you would say they would never go ranked because chat will then be full of "<reproductive organ or action> <brain-related or racist childish insult>!!!! go unsub, uninstall and get yourself <creative method of death>!!!!!", guess what, this chat is around in regs anyway, and in fact, oddly enough, this absolutely useless deathmatchers are the ones scolding the objective players when they lose. So the toxicity in ranked is no longer so worse than the one in regs, so that's not a good reason.

Since I mentioned deathmathcers scolding objective players: recently I lost a huttball match 7-2 (lost by the clock, not by difference of points, you only lose if the difference is 6, so it was a full-length match). My total damage dealt was less than 80k and that is because all my kills but 2 were firepulls, firepushes, and firestuns. I killed more than 6 ball carriers for certain and I scored the 2 goals we got without passing the ball (there was no one to pass to) and without accepting any pass. There were only 2 times when someone but me was attacking the carrier. Once there was only 1 min to the end and it was already 6-2, the guy who turned out to be top DPS started cursing the team and me specifically for uselessness. His top damage was 860k. So in the duration of a full huttball match (I think it's 10 minutes?), he dealt 860k, that's 86k per minute on a deception assassin. A deception assassin is supposed to deal that to a random non-tank enemy player in less than 10 seconds. The rest of the group dealt even less. Now, I would understand that kind of number for objective players, as they usually spend more than half their time focused more on getting somewhere than on killing someone, but how could non of the 7 deathmatchers break the low cap of 100k per MINUTE? You should have 30 GCDs in a minute, and even 30 thrashes should deal that kind of damage...


Deathmatching is one of the main reasons for the degradation of PVP in this game. Along with people who have a "carried" mentality and quit trying as soon as they don't see easy victory (yesterday I backfilled a match in which all my 7 team members were idling on our turret and no one even tried taking the other 2 turrets. Quit on the spot, they weren't worth another second of my time), and of course trolls and morons who have the very common subintelligent disorder of having joy from annoying other people while hiding behind the safe anonymity of the internet ("I got bored of objective play and I pay sub so now I break mezzes, whitebar non-tactically whenever possible, pretend to guard only to idle as the node is taken, pull you with my sorc as you cap objective or intercede you after you stealthed-out with 1% so an observant enemy can find you, because I enjoy all these things" are mere examples, and are an additional reason why these 2 reasons are ridiculous").


It is also true to say that BW can never root out this infestation or even make rules against it. But there is a great difference "it isn't punishable" and "it is justfied and logical". Deathmatchers, don't lie to us or to yourselves, the decent among you who didn't consider any of the above might wish to seriously consider ranked, other games, organized OWPVP or PVP tournaments (the last two are very possible and easy to organize, at least if there are as many people like you and as you claim there are. Many guilds have such events already, it can't be too hard to do them daily if that is your sole focus),

Edited by Rafiknoll
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I really laugh whenever I see:

1. I pay for this game as much as you do so I have the right to play PVP however I wish.

2. I played this game for so long that I got bored with the objectives and now I rather deathmatch.

3. There is no incentive to win in regs.


The answers are truly simple:

1. Most hackers and trolls are subscribers too. They can say the exact same thing. "I pay for this game, and my way to enjoy it is hacking and making other people not enjoy it as a result". If your way of having fun disturbs other people's way of having fun but the difference between you and them is that THEY play the intended way and you don't, they have the moral high ground.

2. I would say such people have a short "boredom spawn" compared to others because others clearly still wanna play objectively (in which case, the solution for such people should be another game or ranked, not polluting the objective maps), but that would also be giving them too much credit. "Oddly enough" deathmatching doesn't seem to bore these people as much as objective playing bored them. No, the truth is, as much as people complain about BW "dumbing down" the game over the years, it is this kind of player which is responsible for the dumbing down of PVP. Objective gameplay required more than merely knowing your class, and reduced the possibility of easy solution such as FOTM stacking (except for very certain maps, FOTM classes are not always the best classes to stack in an objective map. For example: merc is a terrible pylon guard, and even a PT (worst class) could do better than him in such a task versus a smart operative.

3. First of all, that is only true for people who have unlimited time as far as they are concerned, or have already achieved valor 100 and CR 300 and don't lack credits. If you are one of these people and say such thing as a serious reason, you are "merely" absolutely selfish and self-centered. Else you should also have an incentive to win.

In addition, speaking of "incentive", let's think for a moment: what is THE GOAL anyway? Is there such? It clearly isn't achievement farming, not for everyone (many PVPers don't even PVE). It could be valor 100, in which case, you should switch to an alt or quit the game as soon as you reach it, or alternatively, find a new goal. It couldn't be gear, because the gear is the means to an end. What end? Eventually, this infinite loop of PVP, CXP, gear, PVP, CXP, gear leads to PVP (because the other 2 are finite). So just realize it: there shouldn't be an "incentive" to win matches because winning is not only the means but the end as well. Same as in overwatch and battlefront and any other game of queued matches. You play to win, in some, you get rewards in which you can upgrade yourself so you can still play to win. There is nothing further. At least I hope people don't finish gearing up a character only to shelve it forever, it makes all that progress meaningless and that's just depressing...



But the funniest thing is that all 3 reasons above ("I also sub", "got bored of the intended use of the feature" and "no incentive") are not exclusive to regs. You say: "I wanna simple-mindedly deathmatch without caring about victory, but there are only objective maps, so let's do it on the expanse of people who wanna play regs as intended". In that case, why not say: "I wanna simple-mindedly deathmatch without caring about victory, and there actually is a deathmatch-only queue, but I am undergeared and talentless, so let's do it anyway on the expanse of the real ranked players who care very much about their rating". In fact, if all these deathmatches switched to ranked at once:

1. Deathmathcers would have their match made with other deathmatchers, so they might actually have many fun matches and not only get stomped.

2. A healthy reward of expansive mats and greater valor even for the losers.

So the same logic which people now deathmatch in regs should let them all go ranked without caring about the rating for those who truly care. And as for the reasons:

1. They are subs too. So they have the right to go right when THEY consider themselves ready (which is 230 gear, incorrect utilities and absolute lack of experience).

2. They played regs too much and are bored of objectives. It makes much more sense to entirely switch gamemode than to play incorrectly in the old and boring mode.

3. Incentive? Plenty more than in regs. They can get mats, they might even be lucky and get rating. Many of them will eventually get at least silver rewards.


And if you would say they would never go ranked because chat will then be full of "<reproductive organ or action> <brain-related or racist childish insult>!!!! go unsub, uninstall and get yourself <creative method of death>!!!!!", guess what, this chat is around in regs anyway, and in fact, oddly enough, this absolutely useless deathmatchers are the ones scolding the objective players when they lose. So the toxicity in ranked is no longer so worse than the one in regs, so that's not a good reason.

Since I mentioned deathmathcers scolding objective players: recently I lost a huttball match 7-2 (lost by the clock, not by difference of points, you only lose if the difference is 6, so it was a full-length match). My total damage dealt was less than 80k and that is because all my kills but 2 were firepulls, firepushes, and firestuns. I killed more than 6 ball carriers for certain and I scored the 2 goals we got without passing the ball (there was no one to pass to) and without accepting any pass. There were only 2 times when someone but me was attacking the carrier. Once there was only 1 min to the end and it was already 6-2, the guy who turned out to be top DPS started cursing the team and me specifically for uselessness. His top damage was 860k. So in the duration of a full huttball match (I think it's 10 minutes?), he dealt 860k, that's 86k per minute on a deception assassin. A deception assassin is supposed to deal that to a random non-tank enemy player in less than 10 seconds. The rest of the group dealt even less. Now, I would understand that kind of number for objective players, as they usually spend more than half their time focused more on getting somewhere than on killing someone, but how could non of the 7 deathmatchers break the low cap of 100k per MINUTE? You should have 30 GCDs in a minute, and even 30 thrashes should deal that kind of damage...


Deathmatching is one of the main reasons for the degradation of PVP in this game. Along with people who have a "carried" mentality and quit trying as soon as they don't see easy victory (yesterday I backfilled a match in which all my 7 team members were idling on our turret and no one even tried taking the other 2 turrets. Quit on the spot, they weren't worth another second of my time), and of course trolls and morons who have the very common subintelligent disorder of having joy from annoying other people while hiding behind the safe anonymity of the internet ("I got bored of objective play and I pay sub so now I break mezzes, whitebar non-tactically whenever possible, pretend to guard only to idle as the node is taken, pull you with my sorc as you cap objective or intercede you after you stealthed-out with 1% so an observant enemy can find you, because I enjoy all these things" are mere examples, and are an additional reason why these 2 reasons are ridiculous").


It is also true to say that BW can never root out this infestation or even make rules against it. But there is a great difference "it isn't punishable" and "it is justfied and logical". Deathmatchers, don't like to us or to yourselves, the decent among you who didn't consider any of the above might wish to seriously consider ranked, other games, organized OWPVP or PVP tournaments (the last two are very possible and easy to organize, at least if there are as many people like you and as you claim there are. Many guilds have such events already, it can't be too hard to do them daily if that is your sole focus),

👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Well said

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The best pvpers can death match and play the objectives at the same time. Anything else is just an excuse to cover poor skill.

Sadly most of those players are gone, i love to just kill people in matches these days


but the old 8v8 ranked player in me will always have his camera facing the doors on voidstar & keep sabre throw handy for interupts or poke my camera over to grass, snow, East, west or just keep a lazy eye on the health of the person guarding


it's just another level of skill that people who weren't around for 8v8 ranked simply don't have


I manage top dps in more matches than not & alot of my number farming guildies can't understand how I always seem to find the action before it starts, they simply aren't capable of anticipating the flow of the battle


Why do I play objectives? Because I like to keep those skills handy, just in case one day 8v8 ranked returns & if it doesn't? Well i guess winning the match just comes down to a matter of pride in my own personal performance


Don't get me wrong, some teams just can't be saved but you get a feel for that pretty early in the match & that's generally when I go into kill mode


Each to their own at the end of the day but I've never once been happy seeing that defeat sign come up on my screen

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Coincidentally found this, sounds familiar?

lol only thing killing regular warzones are the masses of bads.

Check the date of the origin of this quote.

Makes one wonder if the situation truly changed so much since then, or is it just our own perspective changed because now we are better players and the gap between us and noobs has increased (and will forever keep increasing). I remember getting stomped, stomping or having fair matches at 1.7 about the same way I do now (though now the streaks are shorter because a large faction disparity in the queue at a given time no longer means that faction will always win because there is cross-faction to split the good players around the match, even if not yet necessarily in a balanced way)

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The most basic things I have noticed on SS playing as a TK Sage is:


-when I get a team that stays as a group and protects me, we stomp the opposing team.

-when I get a team full of individuals, we get farmed and I become easy kills for the other team, they see me and come after me (squishy sage) and I simply continue on for the credit of doing a match.

-when the map has two objectives, the team that splits into 2 teams of four usually wins. If they dominate, they will morph into 2x6 with a tank/heal defense and the other 6 in a hunting group.

-defending with anything that does not have a selection of defensive CDs is a waste of time, I have one and my team will run off thinking I can do it alone (here comes the stuns and getting ravaged by four or more enemy players). I no longer stay behind to defend bc I am more valuable elsewhere--besides it is suicide.

-calling out and running (again as individuals) to where most of the opposing team is before securing the objective you are at......why? They just pick you off one by one and you did not get the objective you were at secured.

-huttball, stay with your ball carrier!

-marking an enemy player and not grouping to kill them....again why?

-not protecting your AOE/ranged players and not killing off targets that are weak in my AOE. I cannot kill a group, but WE can if you pick them off when they are near death in my AOE. (Cancels my motivation to bring so many down in HP just to watch them heal back up bc you ran off to chase that one enemy who has great defensive skills.)


I just don't get why players do not watch how the other team wins and not adopt those tactics, or remember being on a winning side and take notes on why your team won.

Now I see familiar names that will cancel out on a match as soon as the slots are full--I guess their buddies are not present.

I also see teams that are obviously guilds/groups that are using voice chat. They move and fight so much better, but I guess we can't have different matches for solo/no chat and pre-made/voice groups.

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-huttball, stay with your ball carrier!

I disagree with this one... well, depending on exactly what you mean by "stay with". Please don't cluster right around your ball carrier and expect to "out DPS" the enemy to help your carrier get to the EZ. If the enemy is actually playing the game, then it's just fundamental numbers. 6 or 7 of them are going to bring down your 1 ball carrier before you can bring down all 6 or 7 of them. Instead run ahead for passes. Nothing makes me more sad than when 5 of my team mates are standing right beside me and NOONE WILL RUN OVER THE FIRE GRATE TO GIVE ME A PASS TARGET. So then I have to run over the fire, and of course get stunned and die. :(


... or remember being on a winning side and take notes on why your team won.

If we are on the winning side, obviously it was my superior skills that got us the win, and so I don't need to improve. If we are on the losing side, well I quit that match, so I didn't lose, and so again, I don't need to improve. See, simple. :p [All joking aside, I fear that is the actual attitude of way too many players. Oh well, they are not going to change because I disapprove. :( ]

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If we are on the winning side, obviously it was my superior skills that got us the win, and so I don't need to improve. If we are on the losing side, well I quit that match, so I didn't lose, and so again, I don't need to improve. See, simple. :p [All joking aside, I fear that is the actual attitude of way too many players. Oh well, they are not going to change because I disapprove. :( ]


I remember this Novare when after a long stalemate we eventually got 2 turrets up until 28% when they managed to grab mid. As soon as they grabbed it and started to progress on our bunker, this guy who was at the match for the whole time (more than 7 minutes already) starts going "**** useless team" even though he was in mid himself when it was taken. We were all like "seriously, dude? Have we all been useless up until now? Stop being a sore loser".


Another thing I saw: A mara cursing the group the entire hypergate match for being useless (because we were falling behind by something small like 80 points) and in the end he says "group of ***** without a single healer". Wait a minute... we are **** because we don't have a healer? Is it someone else's fault for not playing a healer more than it is his own? No, it is not, and the funniest thing is that when I told him just that, he said "didn't think of it that way XD".


Shifting blame is like a second(?) nature to too many people in the world these days, just as much as taking undue credit for successes and misdirecting frustrations at random targets (even if something isn't your fault, it doesn't automatically mean it is the fault of someone else of your choice ;)). All these, aside from being terrible childish social traits, prevent people from having accurate self-esteem and self-improvement.

[There are also people have the problem of shifting due credits or taking unnecessary blame. But while they also need correction of their self-esteem, they are at least capable of self-improvement and are far less irritating to be around. This creates the funny reality that usually, there will be the useless who take the credit from the useful, and the useful who willingly give it to them :p]

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I disagree with this one... well, depending on exactly what you mean by "stay with". Please don't cluster right around your ball carrier and expect to "out DPS" the enemy to help your carrier get to the EZ. If the enemy is actually playing the game, then it's just fundamental numbers. 6 or 7 of them are going to bring down your 1 ball carrier before you can bring down all 6 or 7 of them. Instead run ahead for passes. Nothing makes me more sad than when 5 of my team mates are standing right beside me and NOONE WILL RUN OVER THE FIRE GRATE TO GIVE ME A PASS TARGET. So then I have to run over the fire, and of course get stunned and die. :(


I agree. I call it supporting the ball carrier.

Depending on the class, people should be either moving ahead for passes or interceding for the ball carrier.

If on a Sorc, try to pull or off heal the ball carrier

If a tank, guard and stun slow push back and keep the ball carrier free to move

If ranged dps, move ahead to receive passes (including snipers)

If melee dps, try to move ahead or slow down the enemy

If stealth, one stay mid and the others move forward


People should never need to run over a trap. There should always be someone on the other side for them to pass too. When I watch ball carriers try and run the same trap 4 times and die each time because they have no one to pass to or they don’t pass themselves, it makes me want to pull my hair out.

The only time a ball carrier should try to run a trap is if they have an immunity up or they are already white barred.

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I said before that I wish people would at least try to be an "opportunist" (if nothing else) when it comes to objectives.


So that said, deathmatching and nuking other players from orbit is a valid way to capture nodes, and shutdown the other team's offense. Not every time, ofc. But often. The sad thing is that there are a lot of mediocre deathmatchers out there. They get no kills, no objectives... The very definition of dead weight.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I said before that I wish people would at least try to be an "opportunist" (if nothing else) when it comes to objectives.


So that said, deathmatching and nuking other players from orbit is a valid way to capture nodes, and shutdown the other team's offense. Not every time, ofc. But often. The sad thing is that there are a lot of mediocre deathmatchers out there. They get no kills, no objectives... The very definition of dead weight.


Yep, no point trying to play death match tactics to win if you can’t actually do any damage or kill anything.

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The sad thing on Star forge is that so many ppl are stuck in the old 2 and 6 or 1 and 7 for objective games.. not realizing there is almost always premades in queue that goes 4/4 or 3/5 and ignores middle objective.. and these same premades win 90 percent of the time cause the veterans are too stubborn to accept the fact that sending 1 west and 7 south doesn't work as well as it used too when enemy team is ignoring south and sending 3 east 5 west. Edited by taxidermis
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The sad thing on Star forge is that so many ppl are stuck in the old 2 and 6 or 1 and 7 for objective games.. not realizing there is almost always premades in queue that goes 4/4 or 3/5 and ignores middle objective.. and these same premades win 90 percent of the time cause the veterans are too stubborn to accept the fact that sending 1 west and 7 south doesn't work as well as it used too when enemy team is ignoring south and sending 3 east 5 west.


You can easily go 2/5/1


I often hold up 2-3 by myself so my guys have a numbers advantage to take mid. Once they take mid, some can peel to either side if it’s not capped yet. If ones capped, you obviously head to the one that isn’t.


4/4 split is often a losing move against a good team. The only reason those tactics are working is because “everyone” runs mid and leaves the sides completely alone.


Premades obviously have an advantage, but those tactics are floored against another 2 premades who have a clue. Remember, most node maps are dependent on who caps first and then the second node,

If it’s a close game, you want to make sure you capped first. Especially if the 3rd node ends up a stalemate and no one caps it.


It’s noobs vs premades and there aren’t enough good solo players left to carry teams of noobs. Especially under this new matchmaking system which will put all the noobs with one experienced player to carry them, in those situations, one player can’t carry against premades if no one else has a clue.


Premades are more of a problem for pug teams under this new system than they’ve ever been in this game. They need to be dissolved so any semblance on match making has a chance to work.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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