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10 Good
  1. If the new gear can only be obtained through crafting & or PVE then count me out I don't mind a grind as long as the grind is PVP but you couldn't pay me to craft, its even more boring than PVE & that is saying something
  2. Given state of the game economy this sounds like a horrible idea
  3. Sadly most of those players are gone, i love to just kill people in matches these days but the old 8v8 ranked player in me will always have his camera facing the doors on voidstar & keep sabre throw handy for interupts or poke my camera over to grass, snow, East, west or just keep a lazy eye on the health of the person guarding it's just another level of skill that people who weren't around for 8v8 ranked simply don't have I manage top dps in more matches than not & alot of my number farming guildies can't understand how I always seem to find the action before it starts, they simply aren't capable of anticipating the flow of the battle Why do I play objectives? Because I like to keep those skills handy, just in case one day 8v8 ranked returns & if it doesn't? Well i guess winning the match just comes down to a matter of pride in my own personal performance Don't get me wrong, some teams just can't be saved but you get a feel for that pretty early in the match & that's generally when I go into kill mode Each to their own at the end of the day but I've never once been happy seeing that defeat sign come up on my screen
  4. I dont post on here anymore because it has always felt like a waste of time, the fact this problem you speak of has been an issue for well over 3 years is proof but here goes Their are 2 reasons people wear dps gear on tanks in PVP 1. mitigation doesnt work through guard 2. The DPS isnt far from their dps spec with the added bonus of being hard to kill Solutions Allow mitigation gear to be affective against damage taken through guarded target, this would require a nerf to stop them being unkillable which would further discourage the use of dps gear Another option is to significantly reduce the dmg output for tanks, this would send the fake tanks back to their dps specs On a side note, take the guard ability away from dps already
  5. This is basically what every APAC player needs to do, ive been using one for over a year now & couldnt be happier with the results, ive tried a few but Battleping seems to give me the best results for swtor, http://www.battleping.com You can test it for free to see if it can help you, cost is $5 USD for 30 days
  6. Because so many apac players use VPNs is probably the reason they thought our community was so small
  7. Yeah i wont be resubbing, was kinda tossing up whether or not too resub anyway, this has made the decision a no brainer Ive enjoyed playing swtor, i still think its a great game but the way it has been managed over the years is just a disgrace, almost like they wanted it to fail
  8. Yeah small galaxy, FTTH & Telstra but ive used the 3rd party program called "Battleping" for the last year or so to get a decent connection to the game, used get a solid 140ms then over time it increased to 340ish, battleping got it back to around 150ms but recently creeped up to 180ms, now as i said im at 210ms which from memory is about the same ping i get on EH Id also like to add that i have absolutely no ping issues to any other game i play so no doubt it was some cost cutting measure biofail implemented that caused my original grief
  9. most locals refer to it as Gods Country
  10. Australia, NSW, Kiama Downs Harbinger (old) with battleping sydney server 1 = 180ms without battleping = 330ms 2 yrs ago without battleping = 140ms (go figure) Harbinger (new) with battleping sydney server 1 = 280ms with battleping sydney-texas 1 = 210ms without battleping = 230ms 210ms is the best i can get which still sux but is playable, though once the rest of the APAC players leave i wont have anyone to play with anyway
  11. /signed i dont think i have ever been so angry with a game developer before but lets be honest, this company hasnt cared about its player base from day 1 who ever made the call to withhold this info until after it was done is truely a piece of ****
  12. You cant blame the players for people leaving the game, that is nonsense if anyone is to blame here its bioware, it wouldnt have been hard to setup queues to match premades against each other & throw all the solo queued players in together of course now that the population is basically dead its probably not the right course of action dont think for a second though that a solo queue will stop your team getting flogged by 2-3 good players who have no affiliation with each other
  13. Not sure how things work but perhaps starting a brand new server would be better & then just migrate everyone onto it As for RPers i dont see the big deal, i never noticed any formalities on EH as far as RPing goes
  14. get battleping, problem solved, you can even test it for free
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