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Are there any casual PvP guilds anymore?


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Are there any active, casual PvP guilds anymore that don’t require or force you to use voice chat or act trollish?


Hardcore pvp guilds are dead.... and those who are in them aren't very bright/friendly.


If you ever come to DM hit me up and I will invite you to Smells like Chloroform. No toxicity, having fun is our motto. :D

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I dont play anymore, but up to a month or two ago there was a very friendly pvp guild on SS named <Forcekin>


nice people, objective minded and they play all level tiers with a relative amount of people online, 5-10


the best thing you can do about swtor pvp toxicity is dont get involved. be friendly, dont call out others, congratulate people for being better than you and offer help without making it seem like your opinion is the only right way.


youll do fine. I was never the "best" player, I got bronze and silver in ranked for the last 3 years but Im pretty good friends with several top 3/2k players who earned it legit and I am on semi good terms with the ones who didnt... as in there isnt any in your face bad blood

Edited by Seterade
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All actual "PVP" guilds that lived after the merges seem wiped out from what I can tell, with only a small handful of active players in them. I see not one active PVP guild now which is sad for me.


Basically you might as well join a conquest guild because usually they have a small group of players who PVP and you can group with them. They will appreciate your conquest points which is better than dumping them into nothing in my mind, anyway.


Plus if the guild manages to win conquest you get a nice share of crafting mats.


I am actually surprised no PVP guilds exist anymore. Not even casual zerg PVP guilds like TEH server had many over the years... Like <Regulators>, <Resolute>, and tons of much smaller guilds that ran really tight premades.


Used to be you could join a PVP guild and as soon as you logged in ask "any groups doing pvp?" and just get an invite. No voice, just a group with above average PVPers. Players good enough that you knew they called INCs, and knew WZ tactics without needing to be told what to do.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Hardcore pvp guilds are dead.... and those who are in them aren't very bright/friendly.


If you ever come to DM hit me up and I will invite you to Smells like Chloroform. No toxicity, having fun is our motto. :D


I saw many pvp guilds on dm. Tas, all-star sink, all-galaxy becliners, romads, the one you mentioned and many others. However some of them doing only ranked, some are only regs, some are even sitting on lower lvl warzones mostly lol (like Bahou project)


*all names were changed a bit to avoid forum rulles breaking

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Quite of a few PVP guilds out there. I was looking for a new one on SS and I just PVP'd for a few nights and noted the guild names I saw multiple times. forget people saying there is no PVP guilds, they are holding onto old names. So just look around and have fun PVPing, you will find one.


**** is recruiting imp side if you are interested do a who for /who stf and you will find people.

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Quite of a few PVP guilds out there. I was looking for a new one on SS and I just PVP'd for a few nights and noted the guild names I saw multiple times. forget people saying there is no PVP guilds, they are holding onto old names. So just look around and have fun PVPing, you will find one.


**** is recruiting imp side if you are interested do a who for /who stf and you will find people.


I guess what it boils down to is in the past there were so many established PVP guilds that if you were even just average, someone from one of these guilds would ask you to group and then invite you. Nowadays it just doesn't happen.


The old name PVP guilds have skeleton crews and just keep the tag for nostalgic purposes and I can't really say I see any tags that stick out in PVP on Star Forge to even consider asking about their guild.


What I do see more of is individuals that are decent PVPers from a large number of assorted guilds, most of which have no reputation on the server at all for any reason. Occasionally some of the prominent conquest guilds have decent PVPers which stand out, but those are it.






Star Forge has zero active PVP guilds with a substantially large roster. Maybe other servers do.

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Hardcore pvp guilds are dead.... and those who are in them aren't very bright/friendly.


That's not entirely true. I obviously can't speak for other servers, but on Satele Shan, there are several notable PvP guilds on both sides of the faction fence who are not only active but have some very skilled players in them. A few of those even have anti-toxicity policies.


As for mine, we've been around since the very beginning, and are still alive and well after the server mergers. We don't have 20-30 people online anymore like we used to, but during peak hours and on most weekends, we'll have about 9-10 folks on, most of whom are grouped up for PvP.


So depending on the server, there are active PvP guilds out there who aren't toxic. You just gotta do a little looking (server forums are a good place to start).

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That's not entirely true. I obviously can't speak for other servers, but on Satele Shan, there are several notable PvP guilds on both sides of the faction fence who are not only active but have some very skilled players in them. A few of those even have anti-toxicity policies.


As for mine, we've been around since the very beginning, and are still alive and well after the server mergers. We don't have 20-30 people online anymore like we used to, but during peak hours and on most weekends, we'll have about 9-10 folks on, most of whom are grouped up for PvP.


So depending on the server, there are active PvP guilds out there who aren't toxic. You just gotta do a little looking (server forums are a good place to start).


Any chance you can PM the names to me, especially the non toxic ones

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Are there any active, casual PvP guilds anymore that don’t require or force you to use voice chat or act trollish?


The Astrosquad still plays occasionally. Actually, I kicked everyone who wasn't family since none of us play frequently enough to manage the guild the right way. The GC loot box stuff drove us away.


But, when we do play we do nothing but 8v8 pvp. If you, or really anyone, is pvping, and you see my wife and I online, feel free to group up with us. Even with the new match making we tend to win 80% of our games, so might break you out of that slump you mentioned in the other thread.

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I'm the GM of 2 very casual pvp guilds, 1 pub and 1 imp....because i am the only person in them who plays anymore.


Pretty much where I'm at now. - At least I'm the Guildmaster of both (on DM)

So my PVP branch is me and my rules - which means there are very few.:


1) say hello in guild chat when you log on.

2) PVP

3) and have a good time

4) Like Banthas.

and 5) maybe vote for me unless I screw up.

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