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Time to merge the US servers... again. Primetime window getting smaller and smaller.


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they must merge servers because of lower population, it gives only cross faction pvp because of lower population.... and why, they make the game more and more unattractive to play.


And the next step where they lose players is when you can get the tier 5 gear only by carfting ! The ressources for that you get only from operations , and what did pvp players like me ? So when they want killing game make that step, then they can merge all to 1 server maybe :D


When they did the last server mergers, I suspected that it would not be long before they needed to do it again. I even said half jokingly that that when they did finally merge to just one server, that they should name it the Death Star.


It would be nice if this game were doing better, but thanks to a stream of self inflicted wounds, this game is not a healthy as it could be.


If merging servers helps to keep the game around a little longer, then I hope they do it.

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The lack of real expansions and sluggish content update cadences have really hurt this game in the long run. Satele Shan is dying. Primetime window gets smaller and smaller and ranked PvP won't pop generally until it's almost ET evening hours. Even SF is very quiet until ET evening hours.


This is also another Shadowlands vs. Jedi Covenent situation. Two same servers competing for the exact same demographic. There is no reason to have 2 separate servers keeping the vast majority who do the same things away from each other.


I think the reasoning that keeping 2 servers due to "technical limitations" is a cop out, too. This game has bled out so much of its population that it frankly only needs 1 server, and you guys certainly have the hardware and knowledge to maintain that for the rest who play this game on a regular basis. The server won't be overbloated, that's for sure.


Please merge the servers. You're doing what little players remain a disservice by not doing so.


NO US server merge!! The last server merge cause a lot of bugs!! Different music and sound inside game going at the same time. Star fortress bug and one of characters can't get the C2-N2 droid. Rename characters after purchase the rename token is expensive to go to trash or waste of money investment. Merge cause a major bug mess. Think about others investment and hard work. You need to show some respect because 2 servers being settle and there are a lot of people inside on both US servers. More will be open if needed in time. I think you misleading another mess if you have bring the merge up before the first time and again was the second time. I think you doing on purpose until the game become shamble or fallen apart. NO!! US Server merge!! :mad:

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NO US server merge!! The last server merge cause a lot of bugs!! Different music and sound inside game going at the same time. Star fortress bug and one of characters can't get the C2-N2 droid. Rename characters after purchase the rename token is expensive to go to trash or waste of money investment. Merge cause a major bug mess. Think about others investment and hard work. You need to show some respect because 2 servers being settle and there are a lot of people inside on both US servers. More will be open if needed in time. I think you misleading another mess if you have bring the merge up before the first time and again was the second time. I think you doing on purpose until the game become shamble or fallen apart. NO!! US Server merge!! :mad:


I don't think your reasons against a server merge are in the same league as the reasons for it. Let's assume it's true that the merge causes bugs (which I've heard no other corroboration on). Even still, that's a nothing reason compared to having other people to do activities with.


As far as the name problem, I'd suggest that Bware try to come up with a way to make some modifications to a persons name with other special characters so the rename isn't that bad. You make it sound like you have to pay for a rename, but that's not true.


As far as "more will be open if needed in time", we don't need more servers, we need less.

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Re-posting again this info from last year's server merge which saw all West Coast Servers merged into ONE EAST COAST SERVER "Satele Shan"



Since all of NA is in one datacenter, shouldn’t we just have one server?


Moving all of NA together would create a very heavily populated server.

This would introduce several challenges:


1) Players would likely experience queues accessing the server and

2) It would increase the chances for server instability and downtime.


There are also a variety of other issues, but a key concern was combining all of North America would result in substantially more character name collisions.



Here is all of the FAQ portion from Eric's post:


As many of you know, on Tuesday Keith explained that in preparation for United Forces we moved all current west coast servers into our Virginia data center. Here’s some of the key questions we have received about the North American datacenter change:



Why not communicate this ahead of time?


We made the decision to not communicate this information ahead of time because we wanted you to have the ability to immediately login and determine the impact to your gameplay experience. This meant we could quickly start gathering feedback on what you were seeing in-game (more on this in the next question).


However, we have seen posts from players who made specific decisions based on location (such as character transfers) and we will be in touch with them to discuss. To ensure there is no confusion about this update in-game, we adjusted the server selection screen to reflect that all NA servers are on the east coast.



My ping has gone up since the change and it is affecting my gameplay, what options do I have?


Please continue to report it! As Keith mentioned in his forum post this is something we are actively tracking and working with our network partners to address where possible. We will be working through this especially over the next two weeks as we ramp up to United Forces.



Could there be one data center in the Central US so that pings are more even for each coast?


Creating an entirely new datacenter is a daunting task, even above and beyond the substantial changes we have already made this year. This just isn’t something that was viable in the scope of the changes we made for United Forces.



Since all of NA is in one datacenter, shouldn’t we just have one server?


Moving all of NA together would create a very heavily populated server.

This would introduce several challenges:


1) Players would likely experience queues accessing the server and

2) It would increase the chances for server instability and downtime.


There are also a variety of other issues, but a key concern was combining all of North America would result in substantially more character name collisions.

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With regards to:


Since all of NA is in one datacenter, shouldn’t we just have one server?


Moving all of NA together would create a very heavily populated server.

This would introduce several challenges:


1) Players would likely experience queues accessing the server and

2) It would increase the chances for server instability and downtime.


There are also a variety of other issues, but a key concern was combining all of North America would result in substantially more character name collisions.


Fair enough to bring this up, but misses key points.


Are there as many players now as there were when this post was made, I believe you said a year ago?


The impression that I got is that as bad as things were on Jedi Covenant and Shadowlands and having several dead servers dragging down the whole game, it was still difficult for BW to see the wisdom in merging servers. So just as they managed to **** things up by moving the server to Virginia instead of somewhere in middle of the country, and just as they waited a year too late to do the last server merge, and just as they diverted resources to anthem, and just as they had the horrible command crates in the beginning of 5.0, just as we're only given one operations in almost 3 years, they will once again go the cheap route, let the game die some more, not try to invest in making one server work technologically, not make it possible to use special characters in names to manage name collisions, not look for alternatives, let things get worse and then make the merge after more players have left - that is what they will opt for.


I guess they see that as the less expensive option.


That thinking pretty much ruined this game.

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With regards to:


Since all of NA is in one datacenter, shouldn’t we just have one server?


Moving all of NA together would create a very heavily populated server.

This would introduce several challenges:


1) Players would likely experience queues accessing the server and

2) It would increase the chances for server instability and downtime.

I think you're severely overestimating our current populations...

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How about a cross Server group finder. So that one can play with all, on all servers? With tick set whether one searches only on the own server or everywhere. That should solve this problem. ;) If the engine can stand it. :p;)


You're not the first person to ask for that and while it would be ideal for many, I don't think this game can do it, or they would've by now.

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The population might have dwindled, but people do return when there's new content to play or something interesting to do. That was the case with Umbara, Copero and Nathema, as well as the first week of 2017 Life Day, where there were IIRC server queues here and there.


Having two NA servers to lighten that load makes sense. They have to plan beyond the current server populations.


It's already been explained that because of the differences between USA and EU laws, they have to have separate servers for Europe and North America. If they merged all three European servers, it might not do a thing for grouping either. Even if someone is bilingual or trilingual, mot everyone wants to be forced to speak English while they're playing and a lot of anglophones don't speak French or German. So it wouldn't necessarily increase group play anyway.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Or maybe just ride out these last two servers for two more years and WHEN they lose their license for this franchise, then just pack it up. That too is a cheap option which seems to be the smart way to bet with this management.

Fixed it for you bro.

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How about a cross Server group finder. So that one can play with all, on all servers? With tick set whether one searches only on the own server or everywhere. That should solve this problem. ;) If the engine can stand it. :p;)


My understanding of how that would work is they have to have a seperate physical server that people would instance to.

That would mean locating it in the US like they do with the login server. People in EU would end up having extra lag added to their group play.

If they do cross server, they need to only do it per region. Not the whole game or you create more problems.

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The lack of real expansions and sluggish content update cadences have really hurt this game in the long run. Satele Shan is dying. Primetime window gets smaller and smaller and ranked PvP won't pop generally until it's almost ET evening hours. Even SF is very quiet until ET evening hours.


This is also another Shadowlands vs. Jedi Covenent situation. Two same servers competing for the exact same demographic. There is no reason to have 2 separate servers keeping the vast majority who do the same things away from each other.


I think the reasoning that keeping 2 servers due to "technical limitations" is a cop out, too. This game has bled out so much of its population that it frankly only needs 1 server, and you guys certainly have the hardware and knowledge to maintain that for the rest who play this game on a regular basis. The server won't be overbloated, that's for sure.


Please merge the servers. You're doing what little players remain a disservice by not doing so.



Nothing and population is still there. Subscribe to the game is what make you counted as part of population and keep the server open. Select your server location for your home street address location. If your address is inside Europe location for your language and you shouldn't see North America servers at the beginning your starting a character. As well those live in North America shouldn't see Europe servers at the beginning your starting your character. Your illegal for not being on correct location. People on wrong servers will be hacking, scam and taunting for server merge for PVP hack advantage against US or Europe. Bio ware game company may need to move people back to IP location.

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Nothing and population is still there. Subscribe to the game is what make you counted as part of population and keep the server open. Select your server location for your home street address location. If your address is inside Europe location for your language and you shouldn't see North America servers at the beginning your starting a character. As well those live in North America shouldn't see Europe servers at the beginning your starting your character. Your illegal for not being on correct location. People on wrong servers will be hacking, scam and taunting for server merge for PVP hack advantage against US or Europe. Bio ware game company may need to move people back to IP location.


What are you going on about? That is the most nonsensical thing I’ve read on the forums for a long time,

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To those folks suggesting x-server... x-server is NEVER going to happen for this game. This game is running on the pre-alpha Hero Engine. Because of that huge mistake the studio decided to make during development, this game will likely never see x-server.


And you know what BW's solution was for "better than x-server"? It was pvp/pve instances on all servers lmao. :rolleyes:

Edited by ColorfulCaiques
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What are you going on about? That is the most nonsensical thing I’ve read on the forums for a long time,



Europe residents shouldn't be asking for Europe servers and North America servers get merge. You don't speak for all North America residents and me. Their people in Europe resident area want to keep bring up server merge with North America for hacking their invincible superman against North America residents inside PVP warzone matching for being a worst hind in space. No one is invincible inside PVP matching warzone and only luck. Merge servers for the PVP matching is nonsense and not worth it to mess up players settlement investment or properties inside game. Merge servers was wrong from the start. Maybe EA have new technology type of servers for replace the old servers why they call it merge or copy new servers for new future content. No more merge.

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Let me end /thread here


Instead of sitting around fleet, stronghold doing nothing but looking at the clock tick and queue not pop


why don't people queue for warzones while doing something to pass the time like dailies, heroics or even restock the GTN.


Gaming is a form of hypnosis once you start the gaming trance you won't notice time's passing


This should alleviate symptoms people continuing this thread experience

Edited by Falensawino
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Europe residents shouldn't be asking for Europe servers and North America servers get merge. You don't speak for all North America residents and me. Their people in Europe resident area want to keep bring up server merge with North America for hacking their invincible superman against North America residents inside PVP warzone matching for being a worst hind in space. No one is invincible inside PVP matching warzone and only luck. Merge servers for the PVP matching is nonsense and not worth it to mess up players settlement investment or properties inside game. Merge servers was wrong from the start. Maybe EA have new technology type of servers for replace the old servers why they call it merge or copy new servers for new future content. No more merge.


Nobody to my knowledge has asked for the EU and US servers to be merged. I think you need to read the thread again.

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So the story now days is "everyone is leaving SS and moving to SF" (reasons unstated really, but it looks like the usual "follow the queue pops" routine) ... so.. why on earth do a server merge?


Just let human nature take it's course like it has for the last 6 years... and by spring of next year SS will be a ghost town and they can just shut it down, scrape out whoever is left there and move them. Done.

Edited by Andryah
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So the story now days is "everyone is leaving SS and moving to SF" (reasons unstated really, but it looks like the usual "follow the queue pops" routine... so.. why on earth do a server merge?


Just let human nature take it's course like it has for the last 6 years... and by spring of next year SS will be a ghost town and they can just shut it down, scrape out whoever is left there and move them. Done.

Lol the reasons don't really have to be stated sweaty, but I guess I'll bite.

  • With BW moving the west coast data center to the east coast, they alienated a lot of west coast players and the little bit of APAC players that still played this game. This hurt post-Harb and made SF the bigger server.
  • People see no reason to stay on SS since it's now like an east coast server like SF, only smaller (and dying each and every day). Better to just hop on SF where most of the east coast and RP players are anyway, thus making the server much bigger.
  • SF is becoming the newest server for dead server refugees. It's basically like another Fatman. SS is dying and no one wants to play on a quiet server in an MMO.
  • A lot of the PvP talent from SS started noticing the dying pops on the server so they all migrated to SF or DM.


They should just merge already. No one should have to pay 1k cc to transfer each and every toon in their legacy to SF, and it sends a bad message to leave dead servers open for new players who are trying out the game. This is literally the dead servers debacle from 2014-2017 all over again.

Edited by ColorfulCaiques
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