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5.9.2 -- How bad is it?


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There was a 4v8 Odessen that did not end with the other team even having a tank and healer.



I already don't like Odessen. But that seems worse than usual.


Most people leave Odessen before it starts, or if they backfill.

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... or if their team starts losing. Or if their team starts winning. Or if the sun comes out from behind the clouds. Or if... :p


I like Odessen only because the score is deceiving. I've been on teams that have come back from a 300-400 pt deficit in that wz many times. Much harder to do in any of the others.

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Trying to maintain the healer/tank restriction with backfill will be a nightmare. Instead of somewhat fast backfill you'll have very lopsided wars. The healer/tank restriction was a bad idea from the start.


I don't think it does try on backfill. On the PTS (granted, the population was skewed there) we got lopsided backfill all the time. On the live server now I just had an AHG where our original healer (and also I think tank) in the match quit a few seconds before it started, and we got backfills in time... but no healer. We got crushed.


But AFAIK, we don't really know much about the algorithm it uses for match making. On the PTS it pretty often broke the rules that were stated in the original post by bioware. When that was reported, I don't recall ever really getting a complete answer about "what does it do if the queue just doesn't hold the right people to make match making work". I remember we got a post that said, "eventually it will pop anyway, even if too many healers and/or tanks", but no word on how long was "eventually". And let alone about backfill.

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I've never been compelled to post on the forums until today. I play pub side on SS and the biggest thing I have seen so far is the constant complaining from the imp players. Constant talking down to the pub players that they are teamed up with. I was one of two pubs in an Alderaan wz and holy crap did me and the other pub get a tongue lashing for trying to play objectives. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into another avenue for pvp trolling. That's just my 2 credits, maybe it was just a fluke.
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I've never been compelled to post on the forums until today. I play pub side on SS and the biggest thing I have seen so far is the constant complaining from the imp players. Constant talking down to the pub players that they are teamed up with. I was one of two pubs in an Alderaan wz and holy crap did me and the other pub get a tongue lashing for trying to play objectives. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into another avenue for pvp trolling. That's just my 2 credits, maybe it was just a fluke.


I hope it was a fluke for you. Were you losing? Because I would expect that more if your team was losing, because then 99% of people (scientifically proven percentage, totally not pulled out of my butt) immediately start looking for anyone or anything to blame except themselves.


Although, if you were with a team that didn't care about winning, and they were just mad because you tried... meh, I always tell those people "you play deathmatch your way, and I'll play it my way". I mean, once people start "not playing the game" I think they really give up any legitimate gripe about how anyone else decides to play it.


Also, by way of counter example... I just finished up 3 matches, and all 3 at least the teams were trying to win. Two matches were pretty close, with a middle NC being a nail biter right to the end. Match #3 we got trounced, but no one really got too angry, or started blaming pubs that I remember. There was some confusion about "wait, you mean everything is cross faction now!?", because I know big surprise, not everyone follows the forums :p ... but I don't remember any real hate going on.

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The lag seems to be even worse for me as of this mornings patch.

I can't hardly turn with my mouse, it behaves as if my mouse cursor disengages from the game while i'm trying to move.

Constantly right clicking to keep turning. It's only in WZs .

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I've never been compelled to post on the forums until today. I play pub side on SS and the biggest thing I have seen so far is the constant complaining from the imp players. Constant talking down to the pub players that they are teamed up with. I was one of two pubs in an Alderaan wz and holy crap did me and the other pub get a tongue lashing for trying to play objectives. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into another avenue for pvp trolling. That's just my 2 credits, maybe it was just a fluke.


I dont mind the new cross faction changes. But wzs not ending when its 4v8 without any backfill seems broken

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The lag seems to be even worse for me as of this mornings patch.

I can't hardly turn with my mouse, it behaves as if my mouse cursor disengages from the game while i'm trying to move.

Constantly right clicking to keep turning. It's only in WZs .


I also experienced PVP-only lags (though I noticed it more in GSF). Perhaps the system they must have implemented to monitor our skills for future matchmaking is overworking...


I played only midbies to gain from the double XP/CXP event. The matchmaking seems to be kinda less good there because it disregards character lvl (which makes quite a difference in midbies), but since it is a tactics VG and I don't feel like commiting suicide I suppose its kinda working.


And at least the role balance seems to be working perfectly

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I played only midbies...


How'd you manage that? I just logged onto my level 52, and my only choice now it to "Queue Solo Ranked". Which of course it won't actually let me pick because... let's see... oh right... I'M LEVEL 52! Erg.


[Edit: Ah, I found it. I had to open up the full "PvP" panel, and then switch it over to 'unranked'. Was defaulting to ranked behind the scenes somehow. I still can't choose it by right-clicking though.]

Edited by Banderal
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Ebon Hawk++ (Star Forge):


I was in two matches against the same premade outfitted in all rated 248-rated gear augmented with 236, 240 augments. As with most matches involving premades the outcome was the usual: mass quiting by non-premades, premade gets a lop sided win with most it's members racking up anywhere from 30 to 40-something kills each, non-premades under a dozen kills each.


Harbinger-lite (Satele Shan)


Mainly got 4vs4 areans.


As this server is derived from Harbinger I am used to "highest pops, highest (match) drops (quits)". There was noticeable grumbling about playing alongside the other faction.

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Bought a new laptop today.

Could not play yet, due to endless windows 10 updates.

It was for good tho, cause I would be much more pissed off after playing and get no rating at all.

Can't wait to play the update and put my hands in the season 9 rewards.

Edited by RafaelPeretz
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Every single arena I played today were 1v0 healers. Those were pretty one sided fights...


Didn't get any Odessen. Plenty of Pylons and huttball and they were mostly 0v1 2v1 or 3v2 healers. So not a ridiculous difference, but still.

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So far matches been decent, fairly even matched.


Only bad thing I see is big delay when opening/interacting with cargo or NPCs etc. Like lag. Also got the red X of death too right before I logged out just now.


Screen stuck on the loading screen for 2 minutes before loading me to character select. So, something is going wonky.

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so they fixed the tatooine canyon roll out of spawn right? well with that i got stuck behind the mission terminal BECAUSE I WAS JUMPING AROUND MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS /stucked and then spawned back in STILL stuck literally got kicked because of their dumb add in FIX THIS NOW Edited by airman
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I've never been compelled to post on the forums until today. I play pub side on SS and the biggest thing I have seen so far is the constant complaining from the imp players. Constant talking down to the pub players that they are teamed up with. I was one of two pubs in an Alderaan wz and holy crap did me and the other pub get a tongue lashing for trying to play objectives. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into another avenue for pvp trolling. That's just my 2 credits, maybe it was just a fluke.


That’s cause a lot of Imps can’t play objective PvP. They play thug tactics and try to over whelming teams by crushing them in 5v1 situations.

Reps have always been better at playing objectives, that’s why if you got 1 team of Imps and 1 of reps and both were good combat players, the reps would win most of the time.

The Imps should actually be greatful there are finally some people on their teams that are willing to play objectives and help them win.

But I think you will see lots of bad Imp players try and deflect their own inadequacies on to reps and will just look even more childish for doing so.

Give it a couple of weeks and it will be fine. Lots of people actually play both factions and wont have to choose now. So they’ll play what they like and I think the whole thing will lvl out.

Then anyone trolling or abusing will look even dumber.

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They need to shorten the duration of matches and/or increase Conquest yield. Right now, they take WAY too long. 30 minutes, just for ONE game? And all I got out of it was 250 Conquest points ...out of like 15,000.


Seer Sages need a speed buff. We move like pregnant women. That + insta-kill, I can no longer acquire the Huttball. We die before we can even pass it.


They need to buff defensives in Voidstar. As of the moment, the attacking team has the advantage.


Since capping is easier in general, there is literally no point in calling for help. By the time your allies get to you, the enemy already belonged your base to them.


Essentially what they did to PvP was cater to steam rolling premades. At an early point in a match, it's easy to determine whether or not you will win, so everybody just bales out to save themselves TIME, which brings me back to my first point.


The changes they made to PvP and to GSF absolutely suck.

Edited by ForfiniteStories
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Only bad thing I see is big delay when opening/interacting with cargo or NPCs etc. Like lag. Also got the red X of death too right before I logged out just now.


Screen stuck on the loading screen for 2 minutes before loading me to character select. So, something is going wonky.


I’ve not logged in yet, BUT, I have a bad feeling about this because of my already exceptionally high lag.


Is anyone getting activation lag? That’s an even bigger killer for me than lag spikes.

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