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Remote crafting via Android...


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lol @ false sense of entitlement. Nowhere did I say I was "entitled" to play on an Iphone. I said it would be a nice option.


Um, yes, that's right. This is what you said, in case you forgot:


"The only people against these ideas are people who don't work all day and are happily enjoying pulling ahead of everybody else with a job."


You are clearly whining about people "pulling ahead" of you because they have more time to play the game.


In case it's still not getting through your skull, how would you feel if one of these people who sit around playing a game all day complained about you having more money because you spend your time working for a living?

Edited by SpringDrive
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Um, yes, that's right. This is what you said, in case you forgot:


"The only people against these ideas are people who don't work all day and are happily enjoying pulling ahead of everybody else with a job."


You are clearly whining about people "pulling ahead" of you because they have more time to play the game.


In case it's still not getting through your skull, how would you feel if one of these people who sit around playing a game all day complained about you having more money because you spend your time working for a living?


You fail at logic.

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Um, yes, that's right. This is what you said, in case you forgot:


"The only people against these ideas are people who don't work all day and are happily enjoying pulling ahead of everybody else with a job."


You are clearly whining about people "pulling ahead" of you because they have more time to play the game.


In case it's still not getting through your skull, how would you feel if one of these people who sit around playing a game all day complained about you having more money because you spend your time working for a living?


That is a terrible analogy. A better one would be "how would you feel if one of these people who sit around playing a game all day got paid for streaming it?" At which point id like to shake their hand. If you are wondering why my analogy is more accurate its this: I want to play with my crafting while I get paid for my work, while the gamer wants to get paid for playing

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You can already do it with a remote viewer, so I don't know why people are complaining about an official app from BioWare. Its not even an unfair advantage because still using your credits. The only thing you would gain is the ability to craft while you are not playing. Sorry some people have work, school, possible a parent etc. and don't have enough free to log on and play.


So yeah, I dont get how it is an unfair advantage. You don't have a smartphone? Its an advantage you have a computer you even have a computer to play the game compared to someone who doesn't. Is a laptop an unfair advantage too?

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That is a terrible analogy. A better one would be "how would you feel if one of these people who sit around playing a game all day got paid for streaming it?" At which point id like to shake their hand. If you are wondering why my analogy is more accurate its this: I want to play with my crafting while I get paid for my work, while the gamer wants to get paid for playing


What's next? An app to earn XP and loot while you're at work? I mean, no one should be against that unless they are enjoying "pulling ahead" of everyone else because they have no job and game all day. Right? Is the logic making it through to you guys? See where this line of argument goes?


Am I really the only one who sees a problem with people wanting to earn in-game rewards while not playing the game? Just because they don't have as much time to play as people who are "pulling ahead" of them? I mean, this is ridiculous.


The really silly part is that it's already possible to craft at work by simply remoting in, as has been said. It almost sounds like people want an app so they can play parts of the game at work without being busted. I really don't think the devs should be spending time on that.

Edited by SpringDrive
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What's next? An app to earn XP and loot while you're at work? I mean, no one should be against that unless they are enjoying "pulling ahead" of everyone else because they have no job and game all day. Right? Is the logic making it through to you guys? See where this line of argument goes?


Am I really the only one who sees a problem with people wanting to earn in-game rewards while not playing the game? Just because they don't have as much time to play as people who are "pulling ahead" of them? I mean, this is ridiculous.


What are you even talking about now? There's been plenty of logic in this thread but none of it has actually come from you that I've seen.

An app that let's you craft from a mobile device, just as you would if you had been on your laptop or stationary computer has nothing to do with, nor would it ever lead to an app that "earns XP and loot". The notion itself is ridiculous and completely illogical and shows you're not actually here to add anything relevant to the thread.


Nevermind that you, with your completely arbitrary definition of what constitutes as "in-game" pointed out that remoting is perfectly fine since that's "in-game" enough for you but an app made specifically for crafting/AH/whatever else, no that's not ok. Because...I don't know, because you felt like pretending you had something to say, I guess.



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What's next? An app to earn XP and loot while you're at work? I mean, no one should be against that unless they are enjoying "pulling ahead" of everyone else because they have no job and game all day. Right? Is the logic making it through to you guys?


There is no "pulling ahead" in an MMO unless you are racing for a server/world first. As for an xp app? I wouldn't buy it but if they want to make one more power to em. It would probably be a version of the train wreck called space combat (I knew it was going to be fighter style but a bit of dog fighting would be nice, more like starfox 64 instead of the original starfox). Why do I take an defend this position? Simple, it is not detremential to the game or my enjoyment thereof. So you have 2 options, tell me how the app gives me an unfair advantage or tell me how me raising my crew skills without you being able to see me makes the game less enjoyable / hurts the game.


PS cute ploy with the slippery slope, reminds me of certain political debates

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What's next? An app to earn XP and loot while you're at work? I mean, no one should be against that unless they are enjoying "pulling ahead" of everyone else because they have no job and game all day. Right? Is the logic making it through to you guys? See where this line of argument goes?


Am I really the only one who sees a problem with people wanting to earn in-game rewards while not playing the game? Just because they don't have as much time to play as people who are "pulling ahead" of them? I mean, this is ridiculous.


The really silly part is that it's already possible to craft at work by simply remoting in, as has been said. It almost sounds like people want an app so they can play parts of the game at work without being busted. I really don't think the devs should be spending time on that.


Are you kidding?


Sample 1: I'm doing a heroic instance. The group stops, I pull up my crewskills window and tell idiot to craft 5 widgets. Close window and move on.


Sample 2: I log into my crafting app on my android and tell idiot to make 5 widgets and close the window.


Difference: Zero! In both samples I pull up my crewskill window and tell idiot what to do and then proceed to do something different. Sample 1 is superior and more beneficial because I can actually gather more supplies as I go along as well as RE as I want.


As to remoting in. I have that capability via my phone but it is very clunky. Having an app would be much smoother. But also why having an app is "no big deal"!

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There is no "pulling ahead" in an MMO unless you are racing for a server/world first.


Those were not my words, which is why I used quotes.


Nowhere did I say that an app would be such a terrible thing. I'm pretty sure I've said the opposite. I'm saying that it's silly to ask for this. How much spoon-feeding would make you happy?


You can already remote in and do what you want, the only real complaint I'm hearing about this is that it's too much effort. And I suspect that there's a concern here that remoting in would make it easier to see that you're playing a game at work, while an app that you just have to check once and a while and click a button would be easier to get away with.


You're already sitting in front of a computer at work, right? What's stopping you from installing the client on your computer at work and playing the game that way? I mean, you can just spend a few seconds on crafting, then alt-tab out and get back to work. So why is an app necessary? Any reason other than not wanting to get busted for gaming at work?


Easy solution: go ahead and play on your work computer. Soon you will have all day to sit at home and play the game.

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Those were not my words, which is why I used quotes.


Nowhere did I say that an app would be such a terrible thing. I'm pretty sure I've said the opposite. I'm saying that it's silly to ask for this. How much spoon-feeding would make you happy?


You can already remote in and do what you want, the only real complaint I'm hearing about this is that it's too much effort. And I suspect that there's a concern here that remoting in would make it easier to see that you're playing a game at work, while an app that you just have to check once and a while and click a button would be easier to get away with.


You're already sitting in front of a computer at work, right? What's stopping you from installing the client on your computer at work and playing the game that way? I mean, you can just spend a few seconds on crafting, then alt-tab out and get back to work. So why is an app necessary? Any reason other than not wanting to get busted for gaming at work?


No computer, just my phone and its 3G. Why do I want an app instead of remoting in to my desktop? Because the cats at home can't walk across my phones keyboard and mess up the game. Because I don't want to pay the power bill for keeping my 900 watt power supply running. Because it would take me far longer to remote in, log in, and play that way than it would be for me to just open the app. Oh but I only have to do that once you say? except when I get disconnected for inactivity because I do sometimes have to actually work while I'm at work. Then there's the cats laying on the power button.../shake fist.


Also nice try to dodge my questions about why I shouldn't be able to have an app, but you've inadvertantly given me a new question for you. How is requesting a feature that does not impact the game or other players enjoyment spoon feeding? I'm not asking to have my hand held here.

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How is requesting a feature that does not impact the game or other players enjoyment spoon feeding? I'm not asking to have my hand held here.


Wait a minute, you're saying that you want devs to spend time on an app because it's a big problem for you that your cat might walk on your keyboard, you have to click a button and wait a few seconds because of inactivity logout, you can't afford the power to keep your computer running (seriously?), etc.


And you're asking me why I think you're asking to be spoon-fed? Maybe spoon-fed is the wrong term, but you really don't see anything unreasonable about what you're asking?


Your excuses for wanting the app are so weak that I can't help but think they aren't the real reasons for what you're asking.

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Wait a minute.


No computer, just my phone and its 3G.


and then:


cats at home can't walk across my phones keyboard and mess up the game...


OK, so you're saying you want it for home not work. You don't even have a computer at work.


I get disconnected for inactivity because I do sometimes have to actually work while I'm at work.


What? Am I reading this wrong, or is this just not adding up?

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Wait a minute.




and then:




OK, so you're saying you want it for home not work. You don't even have a computer at work.




What? Am I reading this wrong, or is this just not adding up?


1st one..he has no pc at work so he cant install it at work


2nd one..hes implying if he leaves his pc on at home to remote in the cats will mess it up at home...it has nothing to do with wanting the app at home.


3rd..if he remotes in and alt tabs while at work (if he had a pc) he would get afk booted


not that hard to understand imo....


IMHO I'm for an app like this. For those of us who want to pay a little extra for something like that it, we would enjoy it. For those who are against it, it would not hurt them. It's basically the same thing as mobile AH. Some people play mmo's just for the economy aspect of it. This would benefit them greatly.

Edited by darthhavok
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Wait a minute.




and then:




OK, so you're saying you want it for home not work. You don't even have a computer at work.




What? Am I reading this wrong, or is this just not adding up?


You are reading it wrong, I want the app for work, if I'm at home I can throw the cats off. But in order to remote in to the game I have to have the game running on my machine. Remoting in gives me access to my pc while it runs, so my pc at home still needs to be on.

Why do I want it? Because it would give me something to do besides lurking forums during downtime agt work. Nothing more or less.

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You are reading it wrong


OK, figured I might be. You're already playing from work, it's just a pain.


Well, OK, it's not going to affect me much if they make an app so this is easier for you, though I kind of hope they fix real issues with the PC version first.


I wish I had your job, I'd get fired for doing that. I had no idea that easily playing a game from work was such an issue for some people. I didnt' even know that jobs existed where you were allowed to do this.

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Two things you have to think about, does the app only allow one character to do their respective crew skills or does it allow all of your characters? The second thing you will have to ask is, if you have slicing as an option (even with the nerf) is it fair to have multiple toons slicing to bolster their credits?


Heck, if gamers try to exploit the system, we could see a potential nerf to crew skills to balance out the game for those that stay ingame only (I know why would you limit yourself but not everyone has a smartphone/ipod).

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Two things you have to think about, does the app only allow one character to do their respective crew skills or does it allow all of your characters? The second thing you will have to ask is, if you have slicing as an option (even with the nerf) is it fair to have multiple toons slicing to bolster their credits?


Heck, if gamers try to exploit the system, we could see a potential nerf to crew skills to balance out the game for those that stay ingame only (I know why would you limit yourself but not everyone has a smartphone/ipod).


How is that anymore an "exploit" than somebody just rotating through characters to run slicing missions all day while doing other stuff at home?

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How is that anymore an "exploit" than somebody just rotating through characters to run slicing missions all day while doing other stuff at home?


Couldnt agree more. I just don't understand the negativity here. Heck I'd play the entire game from my phone if it was possible, but obviously it's not powerful enough. Not sure what people are finding a problem.


As for 'installing the client on my work PC'... You what? How many people could do that and NOT get fired? Not to mention 99% of company machines wouldn't even make the games minimum specs.

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As for 'installing the client on my work PC'... You what? How many people could do that and NOT get fired?


That was my point actually, some people seemed to want this app so they could game at work, which I thought was silly because it's an amazingly bad idea to do that. But apparently some people are allowed to do this at their jobs.

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I don't remote in because its too much of a hassle, well and it'd kill my battery even faster. As is its on the charger for half the day it seems. As for being allowed...well, I work in a machine shop so while my machines are running I have downtime. Since I work in what I lovingly call my fortress of solitude what the boss doesn't see can't hurt me.
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