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Remote crafting via Android...


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I don't see any need to be able to craft while outside of the game. Crafting is part of playing the game, I see no real reason for being able to do this when not playing the game. It would also trivialize the time differences in crafting missions.


Making the market accessible through browsers/apps seems OK to me though. That's more about player-to-player transactions rather than actual gameplay.


Not playing? How is using the app at work any less "playing" than when I sat in the cantina last night and had all my guys running missions? Also, how does it trivialize the mission timings? Its not like people will be able to do any more missions than a college student can now.


How does it give me an unfair advantage?

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Not playing? How is using the app at work any less "playing" than when I sat in the cantina last night and had all my guys running missions? Also, how does it trivialize the mission timings? Its not like people will be able to do any more missions than a college student can now.


How does it give me an unfair advantage?


The amount of crafting you can do is limited by the amount of time you spend in-game. That seems appropriate. You don't have to sit around doing nothing while your crew runs missions.


I didn't say anything about unfair advantages. People who spend more time in-game have an advantage over people who have less time to spend in-game. That's true of everything, and of every MMO.

Edited by SpringDrive
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I already have a crafting app for my andriod. Its called logmein, I remote to my home computer and I'm able to send my companions on missions as well as crafting stuff. It is a challenge though as it's not the easiest app to use. Of course the app for your phone isn't free but they were having a 50% off sale and I couldn't resist.

So, adding an iphone/android app isn't giving smart phone users an unfair advantage because that advantage already exists. It would just make it a little more tolerable to do it.

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Pardon me, this team viewer thing people are talking about



(I am not going to talk about the fairness of it since people crying unfair wouldn't be doing so if they had one themsevles; most won't at least).


But, regarding team viewer - Pardon if this is a dumb question (just got one of them new fancy shmancy rocks myself); Can you actually control your character? I can understand hitting the buttons to launch missions etc, but some missions return items and can fill up your bag; can you actually go sell and stuff to?



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The amount of crafting you can do is limited by the amount of time you spend in-game. That seems appropriate. You don't have to sit around doing nothing while your crew runs missions.


I didn't say anything about unfair advantages. People who spend more time in-game have an advantage over people who have less time to spend in-game. That's true of everything, and of every MMO.


The limit is in this case only a limit because right now there is no app. Not because there's any actual reason why we shouldn't be able to "craft on the go".

And as people have actually pointed out, we can do this anyway since there are other apps one can use to achieve the same thing.


Far as I can tell the only reason one would have to be against it is because of some sort of misguided conservatism.

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Pardon me, this team viewer thing people are talking about



(I am not going to talk about the fairness of it since people crying unfair wouldn't be doing so if they had one themsevles; most won't at least).


But, regarding team viewer - Pardon if this is a dumb question (just got one of them new fancy shmancy rocks myself); Can you actually control your character? I can understand hitting the buttons to launch missions etc, but some missions return items and can fill up your bag; can you actually go sell and stuff to?




You can sell and whatnot but it's best to park your character near a vendor before using it. Moving around is part of the "wonky" part.

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The amount of crafting you can do is limited by the amount of time you spend in-game. That seems appropriate. You don't have to sit around doing nothing while your crew runs missions.


I didn't say anything about unfair advantages. People who spend more time in-game have an advantage over people who have less time to spend in-game. That's true of everything, and of every MMO.


Define "in game". I'd still be connected to the server, I just won't be visible to other players the same way I'm not visible to players while on my ship or in an instance. Is the different UI mean that I'm not in game? the inability to fight? That's probably the best argument you can make but it would be a stretch to say I could fight while I'm connected via dial up, but that's still in game.


The unfair advantage statement was just me throwing that question back out there since no one has been able to give me an answer, not as an accusation. My apologies.

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What about people who do not have smartphones how is that fair to them?


Not BW problem you can't play as much as everyone else. You will eventually have 3 companions fairly early on and you can always send two out at a time to do some crafting while you level.


how is it biowares problem you cant afford or dont want a smart phone? they are in this for the $$ if they see a market in it I bet money they would be on board

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Define "in game". I'd still be connected to the server, I just won't be visible to other players the same way I'm not visible to players while on my ship or in an instance. Is the different UI mean that I'm not in game? the inability to fight? That's probably the best argument you can make but it would be a stretch to say I could fight while I'm connected via dial up, but that's still in game.


The unfair advantage statement was just me throwing that question back out there since no one has been able to give me an answer, not as an accusation. My apologies.


By "in-game" I mean that you're actually playing the game, even if that means you're just sitting in a cantina while remoting in from your tablet at work. If you can do this from an app without having your characer in-game at all, it basically removes crafting from the game and makes it an app mini-game. Not that that would be terrible, but I see no real need for it.


I really don't care much since people aren't competing for finite resources. But I don't see a need to make crafting even easier than it already is. Might as well just be able to queue up crafting missions and item creation and not access the game at all for crafting.


Player auctions are different, since real-time access really matters.

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By "in-game" I mean that you're actually playing the game, even if that means you're just sitting in a cantina while remoting in from your tablet at work. If you can do this from an app without having your characer in-game at all, it basically removes crafting from the game and makes it an app mini-game. Not that that would be terrible, but I see no real need for it.


I really don't care much since people aren't competing for finite resources. But I don't see a need to make crafting even easier than it already is. Might as well just be able to queue up crafting missions and item creation and not access the game at all for crafting.


Player auctions are different, since real-time access really matters.


crafting is a massive time and credit sink that only affects a specific group of players. Especially with limited access to crafting trainers. The app does nothing more then free up the crafting folks for more time to actually play. I mean the stupid results window pops right up in the middle of combat. It's not making crafting easier as you still have the 30 minute crafting bar slowly moving across your screen it just gives crafters more time to actually play.

Crafters are screwed enough in this game, this would make life a little better.

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I use this from my Kindle Fire to remote to my computer at home. I look to see if there is a queue on my server; if so I start my game before I leave work.


could you PM me the name of the app and how to set it up please. I have a Kindle fire as well and this would be clutch.

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By "in-game" I mean that you're actually playing the game, even if that means you're just sitting in a cantina while remoting in from your tablet at work. If you can do this from an app without having your characer in-game at all, it basically removes crafting from the game and makes it an app mini-game. Not that that would be terrible, but I see no real need for it.


I really don't care much since people aren't competing for finite resources. But I don't see a need to make crafting even easier than it already is. Might as well just be able to queue up crafting missions and item creation and not access the game at all for crafting.


Player auctions are different, since real-time access really matters.


So in game means launching the .exe I can see that. I don't agree since to me in game means I'm doing something that affects my character, but I can see your point. I view companion missions as a minigame anyway so I don't think the two of us will do much more than irritate each other so I will take my leave from this particular topic... still crusading for my app though /shifty eyes :D

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I have to agree. No to Iphone or droid apps for crafting.


Disagree. I'd be a huge fan of Iphone crafting. I'm at work 10-12 hours a day, so it'd allow me to at least tinker around with crafting while at work and allow me to help out the guild or other people on the server that need something. Be good for the community.


Would also be awesome to be able to join a server's general or trader chat on your iphone!


The only people against these ideas are people who don't work all day and are happily enjoying pulling ahead of everybody else with a job.

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it is an unfair advantage to people that don't have smart phones. if you can not understand that simple fact then I don't know what to tell you.


OK. Listen up.


Everyone with a laptop, you are cheating if you use it and it is unfair to those who do not have one. Its not fair that someone can play at Starbucks while I can't with my desktop.


See how dumb that sounds? So do your "I don't have a smartphone" posts. This app would not affect you yet you are against it with no listed reasons after being asked.


You are in no position to talk about someones grasp on the concept when you yourself do not have one.

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The only people against these ideas are people who don't work all day and are happily enjoying pulling ahead of everybody else with a job.


Wrong. Not everyone feels a false sense of entitlement.


If someone has ten hours a day to spend playing the game, fine, I can't compete with those people in any aspect of the game, and don't expect to. That's not unfair, that's just reality. In fact, if you think you should be able to compete with people like that without spending as much time playing the game, I think that would be unfair.


If you have a serious problem with the fact that people with no jobs and nothing to do all day but game have an advantage over you because you have to work, then MMOs probably are not for you.

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Wrong. Not everyone feels a false sense of entitlement.


If someone has ten hours a day to spend playing the game, fine, I can't compete with those people in any aspect of the game, and don't expect to. That's not unfair, that's just reality. In fact, if you think you should be able to compete with people like that without spending as much time playing the game, I think that would be unfair.


If you have a serious problem with the fact that people with no jobs and nothing to do all day but game have an advantage over you because you have to work, then MMOs probably are not for you.


Lol just had this conversation, the only way it can be considered not playing is if you define playing as launching the game from the .exe. id still be connected to the server, still be spending my characters credits, still be pushing the buttons to send them out and accept the rewards and id still be waiting for timers.

We aren't competing, we aren't looking for an edge, we just want to be able to play the crafting/gathering minigame while at work or during a long drive.

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I agree with this post and with all the other posts about this I've seen. Mainly in the Crew Skills forums.


There is no difference between someone playing on a laptop with wifi and on a phone except the hardware involved. I really would expect EA to jump on this for the very reason many have stated already. "This is already possible but no one is getting paid for the app. " EA will want the money no doubt, they are a company about profits after all.

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Wrong. Not everyone feels a false sense of entitlement.


If someone has ten hours a day to spend playing the game, fine, I can't compete with those people in any aspect of the game, and don't expect to. That's not unfair, that's just reality. In fact, if you think you should be able to compete with people like that without spending as much time playing the game, I think that would be unfair.


If you have a serious problem with the fact that people with no jobs and nothing to do all day but game have an advantage over you because you have to work, then MMOs probably are not for you.


lol @ false sense of entitlement. Nowhere did I say I was "entitled" to play on an Iphone. I said it would be a nice option.


Your response is laughable.

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The only people against these ideas are people who don't work all day and are happily enjoying pulling ahead of everybody else with a job.


Not true. Based on this thread I'd like to add that some would be against the idea for one reason and one reason only...and that is because they wouldn't use it themselves.

Which is incidentially the worst possible reason to be against something that there is.

Edited by Kenthen
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First of all how is doing crewskills remotely all of a sudden cause a huge rift between gamers?


Secondly, it makes no sense that people who want to craft while working (which btw some of those people help keep you at home so you can play 24/7 and NOT work) an unfair advantage? whats the advantage? there's nothing they can do remotely that would cause any form of a leap that anyone that is actually playing the game could compete against. Also Why is crafting against someone a competition? A proffession by all means is just in its purest definition, an occupation to make money. Not gank you in hoth with your whole crew. Fail arguments all around.


People who claim its not fair because they don't have smartphones are just people who don't have smartphones... to quote all the trolls, they're just jelly breh.


AND yea its already possible. At leaste if bioware does it they can make money off the app and further improve gameplay. shortsighted lemmings all over is swear.

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I would like to see the introduction of an app for Android which allowed crew missions/crafting control as well as Galactic Trading...


I was an avid user of the WoW remote auction house and would like to continue remote play with ToR...




Log into the game via your home PC... then remote in via the PocketCloud app.


You're welcome.

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