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Everything posted by ormond

  1. How about the vigilance spec? I'm mostly going for Pve.
  2. Do I switch to a focus item instead of a shield? Or keep the shield to help offset any damage? What else should I know or do? I have been defense for 38 levels. Thanks in advance!
  3. ahh ok, thanks guys. I guess Infiltration is a no then
  4. Is it viable or possible? I know certain skills wont work and my dps will suffer, but does my healing? as a combat medic I dont want to be dishing too much dps anyways. I still think a medic lugging around a huge bfg is just wrong heh, too bad weapons arent tied to your spec, for example a combat medic with a rifle and if you spec dps you use bfg. Thanks in advance!
  5. ...does it have a place in a dps shadow rotation? if not...why does a shadow even have the ability? If it does have a place....where? Thanks in advance!
  6. It seems like she is a mix of sage and Shadow, or would she be the balance spec of a shadow? If a shadow had the force wave power that would be pretty cool.
  7. ...Or at least let people give Bioware a little slack? I played WoW from beta till about a year ago. it got to the point that I would get sick to my stomach just thinking about logging in to WoW. SWTOR is such a breath of fresh air. I LOVE this game......yes.....even with the down time and the bugs. Everyone needs to calm down and know that everything will be fixed in due time. WoW of 2004 looks NOTHING like Wow of today. Please give Bioware that chance to fix everything.
  8. I wanted to be the classic jedi. One single saber, Force push, Force leap and saber throw. Classic. I LOVE my guardian.....I just don't want to tank. I want to DPS. Are we EXPECTED to tank just because we are guardians? If so, why did bioware even bother with a dps tree? thanks in advance!
  9. LOL this is nothing compared to early EQ1. I remember pvping near freeport and if you got overwhelmed you would just run to the zone line which was VERY close to the front of freeport.
  10. YES!!!! I totally agree. I love my shadow but made a guardian for the classic single saber fighting look, but I really miss project and stealth. If I could make a shadow with a single saber I would have never stopped. I also have a combat medic trooper and really dont think the commando should have that big gun, they should have a blaster to be more mobile.
  11. I would love to be able to look like a jedi knight but be a shadow. I figured the skirt look was for a sage not a shadow, its not game breaking, but irritating. Anyone know if it stays that way to end game? I'm lvl 26 now.
  12. Thanks all for the replies! Looks like I'll be going Guardian, Sentinel and Sage to take advantage of no gear overlap.
  13. Did you even read any of the post beside me mentioning duel AC? this was not a duel AC post but which class story would you repeat question. I dont think I'm the troll in this situation.
  14. I want to have a Tank, Healer, and DPS. I have tried the trooper and the smuggler and i just cant bring myself to play a game set in the Star Wars universe without a saber in my hand. I was thinking of making a jedi sage for healing, a jedi shadow or Sentinal for DPS and a guardian for tanking. Now one of those will share a class quest story line, which one would YOU repeat? Or will the legacy system come into play in this situation to make alts level faster or differently? or Duel speccing AC's for that matter. Any thoughts or comments on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  15. If you log out in a cantina or other rest zone, at least you will have rested experience when you log back in
  16. Kira seems to be the best. Especially if you tank for her and let her do the dmg. Think of her as a dot.
  17. Draeka! Do you not realize there are 8 different stories? 4 republic and 4 Empire. The only way you would get the same story is if you pick the same starter class. the only quests that repeat are the side missions. but you can space bar past all or most of each conversation.
  18. Totally want! I played a shadow to 26. But I'm not a double bladed lightsaber guy. I wanted to have a single lightsaber and jump into the action. I'm now a guardian at level 16 and I barely look at the fights cause I'm constantly looking at my action bar or focus meter. I think the consular classes have it best with the force generating. I love my guardian but if I could play a shadow with a single lightsaber I would, that way I could actually watch my jedi fighting. We don't need a bunch of macros and bots and add ons. We just need customizable ui. Or at least floating combat text. It's the only thing I miss from WOW.
  19. LOL that's Awsome! I was thinking about doing that. But then thought it best to bounce between just a few then try others when those few level to 50.
  20. bump stuff moves fast on this board!
  21. Rested experience is the green bar of experience you get when you log out of the game in a cantina or other rest area. In WOW you could get a max rested bonus of 1.5 levels for 3 real days logged out in a city or rest area. I was wondering what the max amount of rest experience you can get and how long it takes in real time. Does anyone know?
  22. How long does it take to get full rested experience when you log out in a rest zone and how many levels do you get? Thanks in advance!
  23. How long does it take to get full rested experience when you log out in a rest zone and how many levels do you get? Thanks in advance!
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