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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Keith : please advertise - promote 5.9.2 to old subscribers to bring them back.


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Hi Keith,


It would be in Biowares and the game’s best interest if you guys sent out a promotional email to advertise 5.9.2 to all those old subscribers instead of relying on social media or people telling friends.


It can’t be that hard to do as I get emails from game companies all the time trying to get me to come back.


You don’t even need to give anything away, although that would probably help lure some extra people back who are on the fence.


This is the first pvp road map in the history of the game and if you want to bring back all those pvpers who’ve left, you need to tell them about it by email. Most don’t even follow swtor social media anymore, so they won’t even know if you dont tell them personally.


I really hope you guys do this. Lack of advertising this game has always been one of its achilles heels.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I would have to agree with you. I've received less than 10 promotional emails the entire time I've had an account, I get emails all the time about my monthly cc though so they obviously have the ability to send them out. One of the best ways I've found out about potentially interesting content from other mmos I haven't played in a while was through an email, which then got me to at least look for more info on it. It would be very wise of them to do some form of marketing outside of their social media and forums. I'm pretty sure sending emails doesn't cost nearly as much as putting an ad out for it.
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I would have to agree with you. I've received less than 10 promotional emails the entire time I've had an account, I get emails all the time about my monthly cc though so they obviously have the ability to send them out. One of the best ways I've found out about potentially interesting content from other mmos I haven't played in a while was through an email, which then got me to at least look for more info on it. It would be very wise of them to do some form of marketing outside of their social media and forums. I'm pretty sure sending emails doesn't cost nearly as much as putting an ad out for it.


I’ve recieved none. The only emails I get from Bioware are to tell me my monthly Cartel Coins have been awarded and the one time pass words.

I know there have been the odd promotional emails in the past, but neither my wife, my friends or myself, heva ever received them.

The only way I even find out stuff is because I see it second hand on the forums or an email from twitter to say swtor posted xyz.

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Hopefully they'll do something. They're doing a livestream next week to show off the new Stronghold which will no doubt include some PvP discussion as well, adding to that stream a promotional mail would not withstand.


Yeah, but what about all the people who don’t even know that’s on. I didn’t until you posted it.


That’s an example of an opportunity missed. I get emails from other game companies all the time telling me about stuff like that. Bioware don’t advertise it or promote it.


They don’t announce when they are even doing third party popcasts. Which they really should to promote the game.


Lack of marketing or marketing staff/budget has plagued this game from the start. But they do have basic tools to do it themselves and they don’t.


Even making a post on the forums or twitter or something would help. But they don’t even do that.

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Yeah, but what about all the people who don’t even know that’s on. I didn’t until you posted it.


That’s an example of an opportunity missed. I get emails from other game companies all the time telling me about stuff like that. Bioware don’t advertise it or promote it.


They don’t announce when they are even doing third party popcasts. Which they really should to promote the game.


Lack of marketing or marketing staff/budget has plagued this game from the start. But they do have basic tools to do it themselves and they don’t.


Even making a post on the forums or twitter or something would help. But they don’t even do that.

There is no official announcement for the livestream (yet), but they're usually good with announcing those via the forums, Twitter and Facebook when it's hosted by the devs themselves. Third party podcasts do lack announcements, I happened to hear about them via Twitter in time to tune in and take part so yeah, that could be advertised better.


This was Eric's post in the thread asking for Rishi SH preview;

You betcha! In the next week or so we will be doing a live stream where we will show off the Stronghold. Also, it is our intention that 5.9.2 will be on PTS where you will be able to see it, play around in it, and help us test!



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There is no official announcement for the livestream (yet), but they're usually good with announcing those via the forums, Twitter and Facebook when it's hosted by the devs themselves. Third party podcasts do lack announcements, I happened to hear about them via Twitter in time to tune in and take part so yeah, that could be advertised better.


This was Eric's post in the thread asking for Rishi SH preview;


Yes, but that is buried in another thread. It should have its own thread and be stickied at the top, posted on the login screen and emailed out to people.

Those are the 3 basic in house things they can do. It is basic marketing.

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Throughout the years, I have been receiving promotional e-mails about Swtor. I cannot say regularly, but every now and then. The last one came a few weeks after the Nathema patch, marketing the conclusion of the traitor storyline. This might have even been in June.


The promotional e-mails don't look too bad with some fancy pictures. They usually hype a new content, then point out some other content which is still there and then there is of course also a huge space for the cartel market. ;)


I'm quite sure there will be another promotional e-mail coming when the PvP updates were introduced.


If you (you=in general) don't receive any promotion e-mails from BW, check your settings. You might have unticked that option.

Edited by JattaGin
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I just started to download the update, after many months. The login screen "news" is mostly from 2016. I have no idea where bioware is, but the news page on the update screen would have one believe the game died 2 years ago. Oh, there was one from 2017. Nothing from this year.
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Throughout the years, I have been receiving promotional e-mails about Swtor. I cannot say regularly, but every now and then. The last one came a few weeks after the Nathema patch, marketing the conclusion of the traitor storyline. This might have even been in June.


The promotional e-mails don't look too bad with some fancy pictures. They usually hype a new content, then point out some other content which is still there and then there is of course also a huge space for the cartel market. ;)


I'm quite sure there will be another promotional e-mail coming when the PvP updates were introduced.


If you (you=in general) don't receive any promotion e-mails from BW, check your settings. You might have unticked that option.


Same experience here, regarding email ads.


Trixxie.. you have to opt-in to receive them. If a player is not opted-in... no emails will get pushed out to them. But in reality, most players with any interest at all in coming back to SWTOR do keep tabs on what is coming.... from a variety of sources on the internet. People who do not bother to keep track of what is coming, and who left in a hissy sometime in the past ---> unlikely any emails will move them toward the game.


Generally though.... emails promoting a new patch release, absent any promotional incentives.... probably does little to attract returning players.

Edited by Andryah
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There is no official announcement for the livestream (yet), but they're usually good with announcing those via the forums, Twitter and Facebook when it's hosted by the devs themselves.
I'm genuinely curious...how many games that you've quit playing do you follow on Twitter, Facebook or their forums?


I don't follow any...and I assume I'm the 'norm'. I doubt I'd read an email about STO either, but at least I know they've tried to get my attention several times in the past. Any "official" announcement will never be seen by me for any game I'm not actively playing.

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I'm genuinely curious...how many games that you've quit playing do you follow on Twitter, Facebook or their forums?


I don't follow any...and I assume I'm the 'norm'. I doubt I'd read an email about STO either, but at least I know they've tried to get my attention several times in the past. Any "official" announcement will never be seen by me for any game I'm not actively playing.


Whenever I get an itch to check out a game I played in the past I go check out their webpage and read up. I don't stay connected unless I get that itch though. So I'm of the mind that an email campaign would be less than fruitful.

Edited by kodrac
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