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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7:15 pm PST and there is only 1 instance of 75 people on Satele Shan pub side fleet


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Because of Conquest reset.


Still makes no sense since it is not the hi peak time although it is a bit more busy than on other week days. But conquest does not make it go away that people are working, have things to do, etc. during the week.

Edited by Khaleg
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Even though that might be his reason, it’s a very flawed one.

Flawed for his reasoning, I agree...but Tuesday's are traditionally the most active nights I see. Mondays tend to be dead, Tuesday is alive because everything resets, not just Conquests, but Ops lockouts as well.

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With everything resetting on a Tuesday it has to be the fairest day to judge player numbers.


You pick a Monday where people will likely have completed any weeklies or be locked out of ops etc people would cry foul and say its not an accurate depiction of players. You pick the weekend and people will cry foul and say your competing with other activities or tv.


But really you don't need to look at number of players on fleet to see if a game is doing well. You can take a much broader view check MMO websites, how much interest has it garnered, check the front page of the website for how many updates, look at the forums and how many posts are about up coming content.

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White Knights can sugar coat the population all they want. I've been here since launch and there has been a slow decline in numbers since they ballooned the servers to 220 shortly after they realized the queues to enter the game were too long. Since that point, there has been a number server merges and the decline hasn't changed, there is no ebb and flow, it's a very slow decline in numbers. Personally, I didn't think the game would last as long as it has, but make no mistake, you can use any excuse you want, there has been a gradual decline for years, that is a fact, it doesn't mean it won't stabilize at some point, but the servers are nowhere near where they were after the last merge. Server merges weren't created to make mega servers, they're to consolidate what's left of the population. Edited by Pirana
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