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Upcoming Matchmaking Changes


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We will never split up a group. If you queue as 4 players in a group, you will all be on the same team.


If you will never split up a group, then there is only 1 way for you to have matchmaking. Only 1, here it is:


- Premades will remain in the queue until an equally skilled premade is available for the other team.


Give me a break if you think any sort of match making in wars will do anything even remotely well towards evening out the battles if you simply intend to match the _others_ in a match and ignore the extreme advantage of the premade portion of a team. If you have a skilled premade one 1 team, and a poor premade (or no premade) on the other it will not be a match, it'll be a face roll if any barely-adequate players are filling the rest of the premade's team.


To me this match-making sounds like this:

Two enemy groups are to meet on the battle field, one side has a military tank and 4 people carrying spears. In order to make it fair, we will make sure that the other team of 8 people are given slightly larger spears. Yeah, that'll even it out...get real.

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If you will never split up a group, then there is only 1 way for you to have matchmaking. Only 1, here it is:


- Premades will remain in the queue until an equally skilled premade is available for the other team.


Give me a break if you think any sort of match making in wars will do anything even remotely well towards evening out the battles if you simply intend to match the _others_ in a match and ignore the extreme advantage of the premade portion of a team. If you have a skilled premade one 1 team, and a poor premade (or no premade) on the other it will not be a match, it'll be a face roll if any barely-adequate players are filling the rest of the premade's team.


To me this match-making sounds like this:

Two enemy groups are to meet on the battle field, one side has a military tank and 4 people carrying spears. In order to make it fair, we will make sure that the other team of 8 people are given slightly larger spears. Yeah, that'll even it out...get real.


Skilled premade will win against bad premade, that’s how it supposed to be.

Giving you a larger spear is very nice of Bioware and will improve games quality till players themselves get better in a fairy even environment. Premade has a healer so pugs will likely get a healer too , match will be on even odds and skill will decide who wins.

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Skilled premade will win against bad premade, that’s how it supposed to be.

Giving you a larger spear is very nice of Bioware and will improve games quality till players themselves get better in a fairy even environment. Premade has a healer so pugs will likely get a healer too , match will be on even odds and skill will decide who wins.


You are missing the point completely, and maybe deliberately. Yes, we know that the better team will in most cases win, isn't that obvious? The point is, why not strive for closely even teams instead of forcing people to play through face rolls. Face rolls are not fun for either side and are pretty much a waste of time. Seems silly to drop 8 bad wars in the hopes of getting one that you have a chance to win. Proper match-making should greatly increase the chances of a "good matchup" EVERY war. Instead of just continuing the old "oh, this war has a premade in it, I guess there is no chance of a good game" and drop it.


The best PvP matches are those where if players feel that if they focus a little more, or bring their game to a slightly higher level, or make a couple of smart moves they could make the difference and give their team the edge. Wars where one team is simply target dummies are just dumb.


It is rare without match making for equal teams with a solid premade on one side. Why should we just be satisfied with any match that has a premade being a stinker.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Never said rolling a trinity comp was an issue if you read all of my posts I say a healer is fine a tank is fine but healers and tanks (plural) are a problem. There is so much cross healing that goes on SS it's not funny. PVP without the fear of dying is not good PVP, and these guys roll trinities or double premades with 3 healers and one tank I'm sorry that is just a group of people who can't dps. Oh and if people want to talk about objectives then we all may as well all roll concealment ops and just troll and roll nodes, but that is just as cancerous. Players simply are not dying enough in pvp and healer/tank stacking as well as too many DCD's/escapes are the reasons

I generally run 1 heal and an tank for a 4 man or 2 heal and one tank for an 8 man.


Are you saying 8 people should only have one healer? Because thats not what bw is saying. They are saying it is 2, like what i normally run (one particular scoundrel being a soon-to-be-former exception, sorry captain derek, we will need your skills as an actual healer now). If a healer and a tank running a 4 man together is healer and tank stacking, frankly thats ludicrous.


As to heal and tank stacking matches being impossible to win

From last night:


So: 4 healers, 2 tanks. 1 tank and 1 healer were from my premade. The other 3 healers and tank... were on the enemy team.


Note who won. Not the team with more healers. The team that played objectively and managed to kill when necessary.


This is what warzones are about. Number farming is for arenas. If you number farm in regs fine, but expect to lose to an objective based team like mine. To think objectives are strictly the domain of concealment opers is frankly laughable.

Edited by KendraP
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Note who won. Not the team with more healers. The team that played objectively and managed to kill when necessary.


In no way can that be inferred from a scoreboard snapshot.


Suggesting that the quantity of healing is not the single most important factor in determining WZ victory is a staggering denial of reality. That doesn't just mean healers, it means the ridiculous amount of DCDs available to DPS.


The SWTOR PVP "Tank" role is just to act as a walking buff for healers

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In no way can that be inferred from a scoreboard snapshot.


Suggesting that the quantity of healing is not the single most important factor in determining WZ victory is a staggering denial of reality. That doesn't just mean healers, it means the ridiculous amount of DCDs available to DPS.


The SWTOR PVP "Tank" role is just to act as a walking buff for healers

3 healers vs 1 with an even number of tanks and we won somehow, which would seem to imply that, in fact, it IS possible to work around a superior number of healers.


Warzones are as much about playing smarter as they are about playing harder.


Im not saying number of healers isnt a factor - im saying stacking healers does not lead to easy success.

Edited by KendraP
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You can already see your win/loss rate. Kills and votes can also be seen. And since Eric said it's something that we cannot see, it is none of these.


In regs? There is a win counter but not a loss counter or game counter, so you can't see a win/loss rate.


I sure hope it is neither kills nor votes, it might be the worst skill test possible, one favors farmers and the other favors premades...

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Warzones are as much about playing smarter as they are about playing harder.


Objective based warzones are 100% about playing smarter, if you can't work around a healer/tank combo or a double healer than you're not playing to win. Guess what, I can only be at 1 node at a time so work around me. It takes 2 nodes to win in most cases and unless me and my tank or me and the other healer are holding your team off 2v6 than you have a numbers advantage somewhere else, so go there and make me adjust. If you can get me moving between nodes you'll see how much easier the match will become for you.


I've won many warzones with guys on my team pulling a massive 0/0/0 for the game while I pulled 4-5M+ healing at mid because no one challenged our other nodes and just dove head first into the fray without thinking. Guess what, if you do that you're going to lose.


I don't force you to run into me at mid over and over again only to parse away for the duration, but by golly I'll let you do that if that's what you choose to do because a) you could've easily gone to the East or West node after a minute or so and b) It makes my job a whole lot easier.


Go grab a node where we're light and don't force the issue by smacking your head against a wall at that one specific node you think is vital for the win if you see you're not making progress. In order to win, you need to see where the other team is heavy and adjust accordingly. No amount of lazy "matchmaking" will make up for a basic lack of strategic play by the opposite team. But this is all assuming you actual care about the objectives and want to win ... if you just want to watch people die than go roll in the arenas.

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There is no question that if 2 coordinated teams are battling, it is easier to hold a node than to capture it from the enemy. Why? Because the time you wasted by the defenders when they have to switch nodes equals or less than the time wasted by the attacker when they choose to switch nodes. That is because the attackers switch slower because it takes initiative and the defenders can merely respond to changes (in other words, the defender's job here is a little more brain-dead than the attacker's, even though both require brain and strategy. I am not insulting good defenders, it takes still too. Beating them takes more skill).


When adding to that the fact that for each player who is NOT a DPS the TTK of both sides gets longer (less damage overall and more taunts/guards/heals/defensiveness), and considering that long TTK is good for defenders and bad for attackers, and it makes perfect sense why BioWare wants to limit the number of "TTK increasing" roles in the match to 50% of the players in total. I don't know why is there an argument about smart play, hard play, objective play or farming play, and TBH I didn't read it all. These limits increase immersion and reduce the chance of stalemates. That's a good enough reason to implement them. It truly is too bad if certain people will have to switch roles or characters if they wish to play premade together, but their disappointment is insignificant to the good this change brings.

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mainly its Cambodian warpigs, Reactor, Swap it like it's hot. Blue octagon and Shade / NRA will sometimes run joint premades too.


Nope, don't drag my guild into that group of guilds. Swap It Like It's Hot has and will never run "joint" premades. We do not super queue, we do not run double tank premades, we do not run double heal premades, and we definitely do not support all the Pub guilds who do these things regularly.

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In no way can that be inferred from a scoreboard snapshot.


I was in that match that Kendra screenshotted and I can attest to its accuracy. The other team had 3 healers and 1 tank, whereas Kendra's team had 1 healer and 1 tank. Yet we managed to hold them at mid for most of the match. The issue with the other team stacking healers is that they sacrificed DPS to do that, which meant they didn't have sufficient DPS to pressure our one healer and tank. It also meant that they couldn't spread out to challenge any other nodes, because the moment they didn't have 3 healers cross-healing each other, they got wrecked.


Point is, while I fully support the WZ changes that have been outlined by Eric, healer/tank stacking does not always equal an automatic win. Regardless of anyone's opinion, it's all rather moot since it's essentially going to be a thing of the past once 5.9.2 is implemented. I think we can all agree that Bioware is bringing some very good and long overdue changes to PvP.

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... it makes perfect sense why BioWare wants to limit the number of "TTK increasing" roles in the match to 50% of the players in total.


I would be OK and much happier with this matchmaking system if they would group the support classes (tank & healer) as one and limit to 2 of that combined group per 4 man rather than limiting to 1 of each. I agree queuing as 1 tank and 3 DPS is garbage (and honestly my 1st post a while back has been grossly misunderstood and wrongly represented by myself when I wrote it), but any 2 person combo of tanks and healers (1T1H, 2H, 2T) should be allowed to queue as a group so long as the rest of the 4 man group consists of 2 DPS.

Edited by Vissionary
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Objective based warzones are 100% about playing smarter.


No, about 30-50% depending on map. The rest is about having the right mix of classes for the objective or being in a premade.


If that's not true then why are all premades about roping up a pocket healer with their guard buff on a leash, sorry, "tank"


Of course you can prove me wrong by running a premade of 4 objective focused Pyro PTs and stomping everyone


Thought not

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There is no question that if 2 coordinated teams are battling, it is easier to hold a node than to capture it from the enemy. Why? Because the time you wasted by the defenders when they have to switch nodes equals or less than the time wasted by the attacker when they choose to switch nodes. That is because the attackers switch slower because it takes initiative and the defenders can merely respond to changes (in other words, the defender's job here is a little more brain-dead than the attacker's, even though both require brain and strategy. I am not insulting good defenders, it takes still too. Beating them takes more skill).


When adding to that the fact that for each player who is NOT a DPS the TTK of both sides gets longer (less damage overall and more taunts/guards/heals/defensiveness), and considering that long TTK is good for defenders and bad for attackers, and it makes perfect sense why BioWare wants to limit the number of "TTK increasing" roles in the match to 50% of the players in total. I don't know why is there an argument about smart play, hard play, objective play or farming play, and TBH I didn't read it all. These limits increase immersion and reduce the chance of stalemates. That's a good enough reason to implement them. It truly is too bad if certain people will have to switch roles or characters if they wish to play premade together, but their disappointment is insignificant to the good this change brings.


This is a really good point, Rafi. I agree with you 100%.


We see people screaming and yelling of the lopsidedness some teams have with regard to amount of healers and tanks and they want better matchmaking and the same time some are pissed because now they won't be able to premade with the other two player healers they'd like to play with on the same team just like it's been.


You can't complain on one hand that there are teams facing off where one team has 3 healers and a skank and the other team is all DPS and can't out DPS that many healers at the same time and on the other hand want no role limitations applied to when it comes to whom they play with and premade with.


If I gotta live with not being able to Kill the Jedi standing 2 feet from me who's friggen head I wanna bite off, than it better come with a virtual guarantee that changes will address the role distribution lopsidedness and premade issues that give some teams so much of an advantage over others right out of the gate and are part of the problem. Otherwise just leave crap as it is and and let us fight the other faction.


I'm not insensitive to that idea that people like to play with friends, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to want, but nothing is actually gonna prevent you from playing with them, you just might have to play a different toon here and there. We all have to due our part. You don't want to? That's on you.


I don't give a rat's *** about other peoples guildies as long as the other team has a trinity by premade and the one I'm on doesn't and I and I can't get a heal for nuthen.


Rafi ftw.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I would be OK and much happier with this matchmaking system if they would group the support classes (tank & healer) as one and limit to 2 of that combined group per 4 man rather than limiting to 1 of each. I agree queuing as 1 tank and 3 DPS is garbage (and honestly my 1st post a while back has been grossly misunderstood and wrongly represented by myself when I wrote it), but any 2 person combo of tanks and healers (1T1H, 2H, 2T) should be allowed to queue as a group so long as the rest of the 4 man group consists of 2 DPS.


I hear you and get your reasoning, and TBH if they could implement it, that would be nice. But it complicates things too much for the system. They want to avoid a case of 3 healers or 3 tanks at any cost, and if they let you go premade with 2 healers, it means you are incompatible with other premades who have 1 or 2 healers, and they need to further program matchmaking to avoid this. As things currently are, you CAN'T make a premade that is incompatible with any other premade, because if your max is 1 healer and their max is 1 healer, then the total max is 2 healers.


If they could program it so that you can queue as 2H like you said and it would not make queue times longer or further force them to alter the priority of players who queue [AND separate the case for reg arenas because in reg arenas 2H>2T by far], I am for it. Else, I think we just left the "logical" zone and entered the "programming constraints" zone.


In short: Yours is more ideal, but I think they can't program that just yet without bad side effects, so you get the next best thing which is kinda annoying and limiting. A shame TBH, but that's the best we can get so far...

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This is a really good point, Rafi. I agree with you 100%.


We see people screaming and yelling of the lopsidedness some teams have with regard to amount of healers and tanks and they want better matchmaking and the same time some are pissed because now they won't be able to premade with the other two player healers they'd like to play with on the same team just like it's been.


You can't complain on one hand that there are teams facing off where one team has 3 healers and a skank and the other team is all DPS and can't out DPS that many healers at the same time and on the other hand want no role limitations applied to when it comes to whom they play with and premade with.


If I gotta live with not being able to Kill the Jedi standing 2 feet from me who's friggen head I wanna bite off, than it better come with a virtual guarantee that changes will address the role distribution lopsidedness and premade issues that give some teams so much of an advantage over others right out of the gate and are part of the problem. Otherwise just leave crap as it is and and let us fight the other faction.


I'm not insensitive to that idea that people like to play with friends, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to want, but nothing is actually gonna prevent you from playing with them, you just might have to play a different toon here and there. We all have to due our part. You don't want to? That's on you.


I don't give a rat's *** about other peoples guildies as long as the other team has a trinity by premade and the one I'm on doesn't and I and I can't get a heal for nuthen.


Rafi ftw.


I do think they will be addressing the premade situation with limiting them to 1 healer and 1 tank only. The queue will then try and put one healer and one tank on the other team.

I know this won’t eliminate the advantage of voice chat, but good premades rarely use voice chat for tactics. At least all of the pvp guilds I’ve been with over the year haven’t (except ranked). Most of the time we were talking crap to each other or joking around.


The real advantage of the good premade is the player skill and their ability to know what is needed from them and what their team mates will be doing. The more you play with someone, the better you get at reading what they will do in x situation.


I’ve been in lots of de facto premades when we weren’t even grouped or on voice chat. We just happened to pop together a lot, so we all got to know each other.

People learning or in mediocre premades will use voice to help with tactics and calls. Is that a problem, sure, it can be against full pug teams of equal or lower skill (higher skill will have no problem). The only way that will ever be fixed is to remove premades entirely, but that won’t remove the de facto premades that will still pop occasionally.


For better or worse, Bioware have decided not to split premades completely from pugs. What they have said is they will try and match up equally skilled people. So if there are 2 premades in the queue, there is a very good possibility they will be put against each other, atleast that’s what I’ve picked up from all the posts Eric has made.

He also said that premade skill lvl will be rated by their highest player and not the average of the team. That means that if they have a team of noobs, they will be rated as noobs. If they have a team of 1 good player and 3 noobs, they will all be rated as good even though 3 aren’t. Eric also said that a good premade will likely get less skilled pugs on their team unless the queue has enough good players so the other team can have equally good players.


I think what you will see (unless queue numbers are low), is premades with pugs vs premades with pugs. If there aren’t enough premades in the queue, I think the queue will end up putting more good players on the pug team than the premade team because the best premade player will make the rest of his premade the same skill lvl as them. So essentially the system will read all 4 players as the same and try to match appropriately. What will theoretically happen in that case is you will have 4 pugs at the same skill lvl as the best person in the premade, even if 3 of the premade are noobs.

The only time this won’t happen is if all the premade are close to the same lvl in skill. In those situations, the pug guys will also be at a similar skill lvl.


Yes they will have a disadvantage, but it won’t be anywhere near as bad as it is now (that’s theoretically of course)

As long as the match making really does work as they intend, I think premades will become less of a problem than they are now.

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I generally run 1 heal and an tank for a 4 man or 2 heal and one tank for an 8 man.


Are you saying 8 people should only have one healer? Because thats not what bw is saying. They are saying it is 2, like what i normally run (one particular scoundrel being a soon-to-be-former exception, sorry captain derek, we will need your skills as an actual healer now). If a healer and a tank running a 4 man together is healer and tank stacking, frankly thats ludicrous.


As to heal and tank stacking matches being impossible to win

From last night:


So: 4 healers, 2 tanks. 1 tank and 1 healer were from my premade. The other 3 healers and tank... were on the enemy team.


Note who won. Not the team with more healers. The team that played objectively and managed to kill when necessary.


This is what warzones are about. Number farming is for arenas. If you number farm in regs fine, but expect to lose to an objective based team like mine. To think objectives are strictly the domain of concealment opers is frankly laughable.


And yet again most players died only once or twice which just reinforces everything I have said about healers and tanks causing stalemates by making TTK even longer. MY ISSUE IS PLAYERS AREN"T DYING IN PVP. Also 3 sorc heals under 2 mill hardly represents what I call healers, that's about the total healing of 1 competent healer.

Edited by MuskyBoy
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Actually, since SWTOR launched players have always had a "rating" behind the scenes. I am hesitant to say rating since this isn't the same thing as your Ranked score, but it's the easiest way to explain it. This is more of a way that we approximate player skill solely for the purposes of matchmaking. This is also the reason we don't expose this information, since it is not really a rating (like Elo, etc).


In 5.9.2 we are making optimizations in how we use this information along with things like role, spec, gear, and more to try to create the most balanced teams we can.




Hidden rating? LOL

So if i wanna farm ranked well and never get high skilled opponenst I just need to be sure that my hidden rating is low enoght.... ok

So i troll regs or pre season ranked losing every game, and ill get easy farm on ranked arenas after? right?

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There is no question that if 2 coordinated teams are battling, it is easier to hold a node than to capture it from the enemy. Why? Because the time you wasted by the defenders when they have to switch nodes equals or less than the time wasted by the attacker when they choose to switch nodes. That is because the attackers switch slower because it takes initiative and the defenders can merely respond to changes (in other words, the defender's job here is a little more brain-dead than the attacker's, even though both require brain and strategy. I am not insulting good defenders, it takes still too. Beating them takes more skill).


When adding to that the fact that for each player who is NOT a DPS the TTK of both sides gets longer (less damage overall and more taunts/guards/heals/defensiveness), and considering that long TTK is good for defenders and bad for attackers, and it makes perfect sense why BioWare wants to limit the number of "TTK increasing" roles in the match to 50% of the players in total. I don't know why is there an argument about smart play, hard play, objective play or farming play, and TBH I didn't read it all. These limits increase immersion and reduce the chance of stalemates. That's a good enough reason to implement them. It truly is too bad if certain people will have to switch roles or characters if they wish to play premade together, but their disappointment is insignificant to the good this change brings.


The main problem I see in pvp these days is the lack of tactics and strategy. People rely too much on how many healers and tanks there are. This is why we have premades with 3 healers and tank or pug teams with multiple healers and skanks.


“Tactics are hard... :rolleyes:”... at least for people who don’t use their brains in pvp. The vast majority these days think objective pvp is about hitting stuff and that will make you win. So when they come up against “parsing teams” (too many healers and tanks), they don’t know how to change tactics or strategy to deal with them.


People are also so obsessed with mid that it makes me want to pull out my hair. People, “YOU DONT NEED MID TO WIN”

Add to the fact that people get tunnel vision once they start “dummy” parsing at mid and they don’t listen to calls and you have a recipe for disaster.


I’ve been on teams against parsing healers where I could have carried us if my team had just responded to inc calls or got the hell out of mid once we had both sides. I can often solo a defender or two and if we already have one node, that gives us two. So when you are up against a parsing healer team, you can gaurentee they have low dps and you CAN hold the sides from them because they can’t kill enough if you to cap it. (As long as your guys fight at the node and watch it.

There have been more times than I can remember where I’ve been abused or trolled and told to uninstall for trying to carry a team with tactics (because they are stuck dummy parsing) and I just get told to get mid or stop going to the other node. I literally want to bang my head on the wall.


Rotating teams are just as bad, especially when the other team has more healers. If 5 of you weren’t able to take mid before against 2 healers and a tank, what makes you think 2-3 of you are going to do it after you die at a side node??

Just because you die or it seems hard, doesn’t mean you switch nodes. It means, get you arse back there and help the 1-2 people who haven’t died in the 6v2 (yet). I can usually hold till my team gets back an doften not die at all, but when the respawns all Zerg mid again to dummy parse, I can’t hold out all match against 5-6 and I will die. Then I have to go back to that node and recapture it all over again. I’ve literally recaptured the same node 5-6 times in a match and my team lets them have it back and stays mid or goes back to mid to play dummy parsing.


You also have the spam cappers. I dont just mean a bunch all trying to cap at once, I mean the idiots (no other word) who run solo up to a node with 3 defenders and keep clicking on the node while the defenders kill them :eek: ... really, how friggin stupid can they be. Without fail, I now see this in every match on both teams.


People are sheep or fish or birds or some other animal who play follow the leader like lemmings do. They don’t think individually or use their brains. This is why stupid play by potentially good players turn newbies into noobs and noobs breed more noobs. People watch these others and think that’s how you pvp. This is why we have had this steady decline in objective skill and tactics/strategy. I firmly believe the introduction of Arena and the removal of ranked objective pvp started us along this path and it’s been snow balling every since.


DPS and healing alone don’t win objective pvp. You can have all the DPS in the world, but if you don’t use some basic brain power, you will lose. “Nobody cares how big it is, if you don’t know how to use it”


YOU can win against superior combat teams IF you use your brains. I’ve proven this over and over and over and over again (you get the idea).,, tactics aren’t hard and neither is strategy... it just requires people to use the grey matter between their ears. If we had more of this and less flock mentality, teams would be more dynamic and premades would be less of a problem because you have the opportunity to out think them.


Rafi, this isn’t directed at you or Grim. My use of “you” is directed at those who don’t already know this or understand how to play objective pvp.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Hidden rating? LOL

So if i wanna farm ranked well and never get high skilled opponenst I just need to be sure that my hidden rating is low enoght.... ok

So i troll regs or pre season ranked losing every game, and ill get easy farm on ranked arenas after? right?


No that’s not how it works.

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And yet again most players died only once or twice which just reinforces everything I have said about healers and tanks causing stalemates by making TTK even longer. MY ISSUE IS PLAYERS AREN"T DYING IN PVP. Also 3 sorc heals under 2 mill hardly represents what I call healers, that's about the total healing of 1 competent healer.


You might not like tanks and healers, but the point is this match was stacked AGAINST my team, who were 6 dps, my tank, and 1 heal, and we still won.


Thus, maybe healer stacking is not the problem you imply it is.


Aka: if you want a format where damage is king, go do arenas. warzones are about objectives and playing smart as much as killing, and thus, my role should be able to queue just as easily as anyone else.

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