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Open up lowbie and midbie PvP to F2P & Preferred


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Dear Bioware,


Some players play this game for PvP and PvP only. PvE is honestly mind-numbing and some of us would like to level up our characters in fun and interesting ways (hint, PvP!).


Unfortunately, teh queues for level 10-69 warzones are d-e-a-d. You can log in during prime-time with multiple instances on the fleet and even some planets, but not a single midbie warzone going on.


I think if all players were allowed to queue for warzones, it will lead to healthier pops and more fun for everyone.


With the planned PvP changes, or even at a later date, would it be possible to bring back lowbie and midbie PvP? If not this way, then any other way? It is non-existent right now. Cross faction won't help it, and if matchmaking is implemented then we can pretty much say farewell to this meta forever.


Besides, it will also show new players how fun PvP actually is, thus motivating them to get a subscription to enjoy unrestricted warzones at level 70!

Edited by Mycroft-Tarkin
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I contend it has more to do with the toxic players/community than it does with a person's subscription status.

There are simply not enough subscribers who actively play on characters that aren't maxed out yet. If toxic players were a reason not to queue then level 70 warzones wouldn't be popping 24/7.

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There are simply not enough subscribers who actively play on characters that aren't maxed out yet. If toxic players were a reason not to queue then level 70 warzones wouldn't be popping 24/7.


He's correct i believe, it has more to do with the time needed for endgame grind, people are more focused on getting their characters to 248 than they are leveling a new toon and restarting the process.

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I agree with the OP. Bioware should open up mid and lowbie pvp to F2P and Preferred, with one stipulation. They only get a maximum 15 matches. If they want more than 15, Bioware should add paid passes back onto the CM.


Ideally, Bioware should have multiple approach to fixing lowbie and mid pvp participation.


1. Add UCs and CXP as rewards for wins. These would be bound to character until they are lvl 70 (and would only be rewarded to subscribers)


2. Add special conquest rewards for doing lowbie or mid pvp


3. Give F2P and Preferred players, limited access to lowbie and mid pvp.


4. Add paid passes onto the CM to allow F2P and Preffered players to buy extra access. (Even if it’s $5 for 30 matches)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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My personal leveling experience is usually 12-14 hours in total, without trying too hard. That easily means that I leave the lowbie bracket before I get the chance to play 5 matches in there, and in the midbies I might get 10 matches, not so much more.


I think this is more responsible for having low pops on these lvls. Unless you lvl via only PVP and do nothing else between matches, you will just outlvl it too fast. With the current population, it is possible that at some points there are simply not enough players who are in the needed lvl range.


Still, of course, +1 for the idea. PVP restrictions are a stupid idea to begin with. It is enough that you can't max lvl or at least have a very impaired gear progression on the max lvl if you aren't sub, no need to restrict basic game functions, and it WOULD still help solve the problem a bit.

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I still don't understand why players need a pass or a sub to play in regs even at 70. Judging by the rewards, non-ranked PvP is not the end-game content. :D


Then don't judge them by the rewards? Once you are done with your characters the only thing you want to do is have fun - and endgame PvP is fun for a lot of people.

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My personal leveling experience is usually 12-14 hours in total, without trying too hard. That easily means that I leave the lowbie bracket before I get the chance to play 5 matches in there, and in the midbies I might get 10 matches, not so much more.


I think that is the case only if you are specifically focused on leveling up. If you just do story quests you won't reach 70 in 12 hours. Same goes for PvP. Assuming 3-4 games an hour that's what, 1-2 levels an hour?

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I wish there was a way to have a permanent mid toon. But they quickly level and so that’s that. Is there anyway to freeze a character at a level? If I could do that I would never play 70 again.


Some people quit matches before they end to gain no XP and freeze at lvl 69, but they get considered trolls eventually (mainly because mostly trolls and hackers do that, and because you unfairly remain the strongest guy around ordinary versus leveling players)


A legitimate way to play only midbies is to delete the characters as soon as they reach 70 and reuse the slots (WARNING: DOES NOT WORK IF YOU OVERCAPPED DURING SERVER MERGE)

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I still don't understand why players need a pass or a sub to play in regs even at 70. Judging by the rewards, non-ranked PvP is not the end-game content. :D

It's end game pvp for those of us for whom Arenas get old very quickly :D


I much prefer a good objective / huttball match myself :eek:

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I wish there was a way to have a permanent mid toon. But they quickly level and so that’s that. Is there anyway to freeze a character at a level? If I could do that I would never play 70 again.


I do see the appeal because gear isn’t a factor. It’s the way all pvp should be.


You can try making lots of Alts ;)


Just don’t be one of those people who quit right at the end of the match so they don’t lvl. :(

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I've never understood the desire of some players to constantly play midbie/lowbie pvp. Its faceroll easy and you face no coordinated competition ever. Hell regs in 70 is bad enough.


It is more relaxed and often less toxic. If all you want to do is relax, lowbies and Mids can be fun at times. I like all lvls of pvp in the game, but sometimes it’s just nice to chill out in Mids.


Lowbies and Mids have 2 things going for them


1. No gear gaps or gear gods

2. Less abilities for people to contend with. ie less cc, stuns, speed, immunities... etc


Lvl 70 is fun, but IMO, there is some ability overbloat and playing with less abilities can be refreshing.

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I've never understood the desire of some players to constantly play midbie/lowbie pvp. Its faceroll easy and you face no coordinated competition ever. Hell regs in 70 is bad enough.


Some say it reminds them of the old SWTOR where you didn't have to do 400k damage to kill a player. I like it because it's more peaceful since there are fewer abilities overall. There isn't any chat cussing going on and you have any obligation to guard or win, you're all just there to play warzones.

Edited by Mycroft-Tarkin
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I've never understood the desire of some players to constantly play midbie/lowbie pvp. Its faceroll easy and you face no coordinated competition ever. Hell regs in 70 is bad enough.


Sometimes simpler is better. 70s offer all good things and bad for PVP. You get all your abilities, and with it comes all the CC, runspeed boosts, CC-immunities, and a plethora of ability bloat.


I am like Trixxie, I like all tiers of PVP depending on my mood.

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Being maxed out is a necessity for Lowbies PvP ?


I'm not sure I understand? I meant that most subscribers only have level 70 characters so that's where all the PvP action takes place. There are very few subscribers who are into non-70 warzones, evident by the lack of pops.

Edited by Mycroft-Tarkin
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I'm not sure I understand? I meant that most subscribers only have level 70 characters so that's where all the PvP action takes place. There are very few subscribers who are into non-70 warzones, evident by the lack of pops.


I disagree that most subscribers only have lvl 70s. I for one and many others I know have a multitude of Alts between lvl 10-69.

The problem is Bioware have made the game so Alt unfriendly and made the grind so long and tedious, that people don’t want to have to grind another through CXP gearing.

I think if the game became more Alt friendly again and there were some incentives like getting UCs as you lvl up, then there would be more participation in lower lvl pvp.

It’s not that people don’t want to play it, it’s that they don’t have time or the will to do anything else but grind gear.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Some people quit matches before they end to gain no XP and freeze at lvl 69, but they get considered trolls eventually (mainly because mostly trolls and hackers do that, and because you unfairly remain the strongest guy around ordinary versus leveling players)


There are these guys running around with TrixxieTriss names and doing this on DM in lowbies :D

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My personal leveling experience is usually 12-14 hours in total, without trying too hard. That easily means that I leave the lowbie bracket before I get the chance to play 5 matches in there, and in the midbies I might get 10 matches, not so much more.


I was leveling toons for Legendary status now and on DM I always qued for low and midbies, always got a pop, had many games, so no idea what Trixxie means.

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I can see absolutely no reason at this point that why they shouldn't open up lowbie and midbie pvp to F2P and Preferred players. Admittedly this is a changed stance for me, in the past I have been against it.


I've seen so many people complaining about the lack of/long pops for lowbies and midbies [some from two of our own - Trixxie and Lhance].


Hell at this point, they might as well open it at all levels. Perhaps it might bring about some more people getting subscriptions so that they can compete with proper gear at end game PVP[70]. It's not like they'd stand a chance at being competitive anyways without subscribering at end game just for the gear factor alone.


Even if you don't take the hope of getting new subscribers out of it [which I think is a distinct possibility because more play breeds more skill and confidence which breeds more excitement for the improving player, which brings more interest in them for PVPing more]. Gearing is always a good incentive as well. [Not everyone loves it, nothing makes me happier - must be the old Raider in me!]


Even if the idea is just to make pops better for the present subscribers who may be losing heart some from slow pops and lower population in those brackets, this could keep them happier because more players Quecing up in lower brackets].


I just don't see a downside at this point. Sides, it'd make Trixxie happy =]

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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