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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Summer Roadmap


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Casirabit is not the sort of poster that would turn concerns over the acquisition of the new stronghold into some sort of ragefest, unlike some who raged about wanting merges and raged about being made to play on the east coast, and raged about no more AP server and about ping and all kinds of stuff like that. I remember how ragey all those threads got and how many they spawned over those issues. :rolleyes:


Casira has always been a thoughtful and kind poster and certainly isn't prone to ragefests, so she's undeserving of this pointed response.


Now me? I'm the one you need to watch out for. :eek: lol. I merely wanted reassurances about the stronghold and how we're to get it. I won't be happy if it's pvp requirement to get it. It's the only thing I have to look forward to for a long time as a story player, but make no mistake, I'm far from raging at this point, but if some people continue to poke the bear, well, we'll see about raging. :p


Thanks Luna, I appreciate that. Though I have never seen you rage either.

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The game is based on story. It's fine if they want to focus on other stuff but I hope that population can sustain the game because story/solo players have zero incentive to continue subscribing at this point. Except that stronghold, which they are catering to PvP.


I'm very curious about that as well.


PvP is a more hate than love thing in most games. I think in a game like swtor thats based on story and lots of it. The number of PvP'er that are left are rather small in comparison to the ones that are here doing all the PvE even if it's old.


A PvP centered patch for the summer months when more people have free time screams bad business move when the group you are targeting is so small and swtor's PvP isn't something amazing that gets talked about much if at all in all the forums I hit.


The mount and SH don't really scream incentive to stick around for the summer for the largest group of swtor gamers.


I'm very curious as to what is the real player retention mechanic is over the summer because so far I don't see one that hits the largest population in swtor.

Edited by Quraswren
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So the cross faction pvp is a hot topic that is seemingly divisive to many, but if implemented right the devs could still cater to both camps. For example, why not make it a toggle option in the queue menu for all players. That way if they only want to team with same faction players, then they still can. And if they want nothing but cross-faction, then they can too. This way it gives players more options over all, and would still allow for more pvp in off hours, especially if the player is willing to toggle on the cross-faction option. Thoughts?
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It's irritating that there's so much focus on PvP in this game. As a sub who plays the game for story how about focusing on non-pvp, non-operations casual players for a change. Some of us pay for the game, but have lives and can only play casually.


More to the point, I dread to think how much I've paid into this game, there shouldn't be content I cant access e.g. a Stronghold just because I dont wish to endure the toxic environment that is PvP!



I do not mind BW doing more for PvP players it more that BW are saying FU to solo players. Yes there is story and have enjoyed playing it. but server mergers, level sync, changes to conquests it just been building up for some time. sorry but all these has ruined the game for me. I had 7 accounts but all good things come to an end and that end has come for me. I just no longer enjoy my time here. Not sure how much over my 7 accounts I have spend on this game but around £10k. I think over all the recent conquest changes for me was the final nail in the coffin. I have been slowly reducing my account since level sync came out but with server merges and now as said conquest changes it time to move on to something else.

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Pvp is about competition, especially ranked. Participation rewards sound like political correctness where kids get rewarded for losing soccer.

You don’t get the rewards in OPs unless you “win”, aka, kill the boss. You might have to try many times till you get it and if you don’t try, you don’t get the reward. I don’t see why it should any different in Ranked PVP.

No no no...here is where you're losing me. Unlike Ops, half the participants in PvP are going to "fail" by design - there is no Operation in this game where half the people won't be rewarded. You absolutely MUST reward participation in PvP...unequivocally. The mats are what I'm willing to concede, not rewards.

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This is my first, and only, MMO. And I’m not very familiar with roadmaps and what is/isn’t expected for these. So take it my $0.02 for what it is worth…



I’m a pure PvE story player, but I’m honestly happy for you PvP’rs (assuming you like the proposed offerings).


“QoL” improvements:

I’ve read it three times. Where are any upcoming QoL improvements? I don’t count expanded use of the PTS as such (though given the bugs and complaints with each new update, this will be welcome).



A recycled event we all knew was coming. Which involves just pulling a lever for a low chance at an item. And more pushing CM sales. Basically, they are packaging (very) old stuff as an Event.



I know many of you love them. It was a terrific addition, in 2014. I have four, only one fully decorated. Use only one. Deactivated my dupes. So, meh for me.


Beyond September:

This is the stuff I’d be interested in. And they told us nothing new. If anything, that makes me more concerned (if again, not unexpected). What about Kira/Scourge?


Essentially, disappointing, if not unexpected. I only intermittently sub, and it is ending in a few days. TBH, I fully planned to let it expire. This just affirms that decision.

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I'm a firm believer that story telling shouldn't be rushed so I'm content with waiting a few months for the story to be put on the back burner for now, at least as long as my JK finally gets his wife-to-be back when it does finally come, he's getting lonely and Jakkaro isn't satisfying his need to be held anymore.


I never play PvP myself but I'm happy those who do are getting the attention this time around and hopefully they'll be satisfied with the results. I'm sure most will but there will always be that very vocal group that hates everything regardless. Either way it looks promising nonetheless.

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PvP focused updates are what I was looking for in SWTOR for a long time. New arena, cross-faction queues

and unranked matchmaking are just awesome news! Also, info about developing new huttball warzone made me so hyped - normal and Quesh huttballs are my favourite maps :)

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I'm sure most will but there will always be that very vocal group that hates everything regardless..


They are the apprentices of the Dark Lord of the Sith Grumpy Cat :D.

On topic now, would be nice for non-PvPers to get a chance to buy the new stronghold .

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Thanks for the roadmap.


"... our plan is to give more players the opportunity to participate with us on our Public Test Server (PTS)"

This is very good.


"PvP over the Summer"

I don't do PvP at all, but I'm happy for PvPers. I think PvP has been neglected more often than not. As a PVEer, I can wait my turn for new content. Don't forget about GSF getting more love, too.


"... new Stronghold with a beach-front view!"

This piques my interest in the new Stronghold. There are Rishi areas I like, and Rishi areas I don't like.


"... we are introducing a Stronghold designed around PvP"

Eric Musco, please state whether or not doing PvP will be required to get the new Stronghold. After the dearth of information about requirements to obtain the Umbara SH before releasing it, I'm wondering what -- if anything -- isn't being disclosed about what it'll take to get the new SH. Will warzone comms be required to purchase the new SH?


I'm happy to see the Nightlife Event return. I like last year's new decos from the event.

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It's irritating that there's so much focus on PvP in this game.


You seriously must be new here. Either that or you're just stirring the PvE vs PvP pot for kicks. PvP hasn't been focused on in 4 years or more. It was a focus at launch, but then Ilum was a failure and when they realized they couldn't fix it they pushed it off to the side. They changed ranked with the addition of arenas 4 years ago and that's been the status quo for the last 4 years.

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They are the apprentices of the Dark Lord of the Sith Grumpy Cat :D.

On topic now, would be nice for non-PvPers to get a chance to buy the new stronghold .


This is the only question a lot of us have and yet they are staying silent on this and starts to make you wonder.

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Just wanted to drop by and say that, although I'm not a PvP player, rather a PvE one, I'm really happy about the focus on the PvP content this time.

This at least gives me some time to catch up on the PvE content.


For those that are complaining about why PvP content and why not else (that you want)?


We are one community, and not a big one for an MMO, so we should stick together and be happy if our player buddies get something new, even if it's not us this time.

Being passive aggressive is not a good way to go, hate will only make your life miserable.


I wish the PvP community good luck for this content (and not many bugs, hehe), enjoy!



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Pvp is about competition, especially ranked. Participation rewards sound like political correctness where kids get rewarded for losing soccer.

You don’t get the rewards in OPs unless you “win”, aka, kill the boss. You might have to try many times till you get it and if you don’t try, you don’t get the reward. I don’t see why it should any different in Ranked PVP.


I do know people will play more if they get participation rewards in pvp and we do need more people playing, but that should only ever be in regs and they should reward much less if you lose.

Participation rewards should always be tied to trying to win, not a bunch of of people giving up and sitting at the node all match or afk in the corner so they can get their rewards.


^^ Very much agree. There is entirely too much emphasis (both by players and studios) these days in doling out participation rewards. It's not what PvP used to be about in MMOs years ago.... over the years (largely due to WoW) it seems to be the normative view these days to issue lots of participation goodies in PvP. It encourages laziness and exploiting in some players, and it undervalues those that are really working to help the team win a match. Then again.. isn't instanced PvP these days (except for premades) mostly about everyone for themselves... with only a nominal nod to any sort of teamwork???


But there is a compromise to having participation rewards “if” you are trying.

I’ve suggested in the past that they could overhaul the medal system so it is custom for each map type. Then medals could be rewarded for how well you played towards trying to win the match and not some generic medals for pumping out numbers.


Currently the medal system hands them out generically and they have nothing to do with winning. Here are two examples of what I’m talking about.


I agree that the medal system is very flawed in this context. I'm not sure exactly how to fix it..... but given there are a finite number of contributing roles in a PvP match (guard objectives, heal, defend/guard other players, etc) the studio should be able to create a contribution profile for each that can be scored for that specific contributing role. Of course.... no matter how they go about it.. players can and will find loopholes and weaknesses in it and exploit it for the most medals they can personally pocket.

Edited by Andryah
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It is always the story players who get irked when other parts of the game get content and they don't. The other players which do PvE operations and PvP accepted a long time ago they are not going to get much. At least this update is something for the PvP'ers to look forward to finally. Edited by ThomasStarWars
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It is always the story players who get irked when other parts of the game get content and they don't. The other players which do PvE and PvP accepted a long time ago they are not going to get much. At least this update is something for the PvP'ers to look forward to finally.


^^ I agree.


And to note: I am not an avid PvPer.. only doing it on occasion as part of an effort within the guild.

Edited by Andryah
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Looking forward to the casino event, I had fun with it before.


Otherwise, just echoing concerns already expressed.


I really hope when that story does get here in late fall or winter it's not in flashpoint only format. I prefer questing or the chapter format where I can do as much as I have time for in a play session and come back and finish it when I can.


I also hope that there won't be any pvp requirements tied to obtaining the Rishi stronghold as I'm very much interested in Rishi. I hated the Umbara grind, but at least it was soloable and pve. I am sure I just won't even bother with it if it's locked behind doing pvp.

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Looking forward to the casino event, I had fun with it before.


Otherwise, just echoing concerns already expressed.


I really hope when that story does get here in late fall or winter it's not in flashpoint only format. I prefer questing or the chapter format where I can do as much as I have time for in a play session and come back and finish it when I can.


I also hope that there won't be any pvp requirements tied to obtaining the Rishi stronghold as I'm very much interested in Rishi. I hated the Umbara grind, but at least it was soloable and pve. I am sure I just won't even bother with it if it's locked behind doing pvp.



Where did people get the idea that you need to PvP to get it... all they said is they are making a stronghold centered around PvP. From the get-go I realized they mean it's going to have mechanics designed for PvP.

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It is always the story players who get irked when other parts of the game get content and they don't. The other players which do PvE operations and PvP accepted a long time ago they are not going to get much. At least this update is something for the PvP'ers to look forward to finally.


Please don't get me wrong, i am happy if the PvP-ers will get rewards from PvP activities, as long as you guys are pleased, i am pleased too. Same goes for a mission to recruit Vailyn, personally i have no interest in doing it, but if it makes people happy, i'm cool with it.

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I <3 PVP, so it all sounds good to me. I do, however, hope that the new SH can be earned through either PVE or PVP play. I've never gotten the train, because I can't stand running that FP over and over again. I would hate to see for PVE players to miss out on what sounds like a great SH, just because they don't like PVP.


The new SH actually sounds like something that could encourage PVE players to try PVP, because they would be able to arrange for their own matches with friends, and start practicing their skills without having to worry about getting trolled for learning something new. Experienced PVPers might even be willing to play with them to pass on some knowledge in a less pressured environment. I know I would, because I think it would be fun to see folks explore PVP in a supportive environment. So, it would be a shame to limit that potential use by requiring folks to know how to PVP, in order to acquire a game feature that could help them learn how to PVP.

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It is always the story players who get irked when other parts of the game get content and they don't. The other players which do PvE operations and PvP accepted a long time ago they are not going to get much. At least this update is something for the PvP'ers to look forward to finally.


Actually most of the people I have read (minus one or two) have no problems with the pvp aspect of what is going on this summer, they would just like one question answered for their peace of mind, considering we are talking about EA and their history of communication is well less than stellular and upfront.

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Actually most of the people I have read (minus one or two) have no problems with the pvp aspect of what is going on this summer, they would just like one question answered for their peace of mind, considering we are talking about EA and their history of communication is well less than stellular and upfront.


Did they read anything after the PvP part? They got their peace of mind... "We haven't forgotten about you story players" unless I'm not getting something between the lines.

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Where did people get the idea that you need to PvP to get it... all they said is they are making a stronghold centered around PvP. From the get-go I realized they mean it's going to have mechanics designed for PvP.


I would rather have needlessly expressed my concern and been wrong about it than to have missed my chance to say something about it early on if it is the case, I don't use the forums often.

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I would rather have needlessly expressed my concern and been wrong about it than to have missed my chance to say something about it early on if it is the case, I don't use the forums often.


This. While some people think it is a given it would not be the first time they made a stronghold available by doing something. I.E. Umbarra train and that was not mention unti closer to launch of the stronghold so people would like clarification on this issue and it would take a simple answer from the devs and yet they have seem to ignore this question.


And they seem to also be ignoring this question as well on twitter.

Edited by casirabit
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