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Outrageous Respec Cost


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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


I'm sure someone said this already, but I'm not mowing through 48 pages to find the post. First I'd like to state that I started playing only a few hours ago, and didn't play the beta. Having said that, I can tell already that leveling to 50 in this game is not a problem at all. There are people out there who already have more than three level 50 toons.


Why mention this? Simple. If you want to duel spec, it seems to me that the best way would be to have two level 50's of the same class. One agent Operative spec for heals, one Sniper spec for absolutely decimating in PvP.


Just my two cents, but SW:tOR is not a difficult game, nor is it particularly long. It's basically a sequel to KotOR I + II, but massively multiplayer.


Cheers, and THANK YOU BIOWARE for making this game. I've been waiting my entire life to play it.

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Ok many of you have been force to live with the fact the respecing so often is a no no because hey the devs do not like that and balancing the game around every possible spec is hard and game would be too difficult for players to analyze.


Bioware why dont you just copy and paste another one of Blizzard's game and allow for unlimited free respecs. Those people above me that complain about "sitck to one build" need to get out of that frame of mind the devs have forced onto you. Flexibility is a feature the gamers value and to deny them is bad product development. I am sorry if everyone here likes being boxed into one play style for the entire game but I rolled an operative to be able to heal and dps because it is what I feel like doing and helps in progression.


Only legitimate complaint I have seen on this thread is my math. yea it is roughly 25-30 games, but have many game will the 6th one cost.


The game is not ment for you to be able to switch between powers like that. They will have a dual spec later but not now. So just wait. The game needs to be balanced by the fact that you cant switch specs like that. The devs dont have some personal vendetta agaisnt you switching, they just want people to stick to one character not 2 or 3 diffrent specs. If everyone played the same spec then there would be no diffrence between people every Character would be the same. Do you not see that, they are just trying to make it so not everyone is the same person.

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if you are doing warzones to make money you are dumb or just making a ridiculous comparison on purpose.


It takes me 10 minutes to make 50k. go running boarding party regular, kill only the needed bosses and loot chests, vendor everything... There you go 50k! lol.. go respec


You are right, but the cost does keep climbing, my brothers is up to over 200k, and I think I have seen posts from people that are over 500k. It is supposed to reset back to 0 after 7 days of non use, but that is bugged and doesn't always happen.


one Sniper spec for absolutely decimating in PvP.



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It doesnt cap at 50 because im over that, I wanted to try my three different trees out, apparently im not supposed to do that. If this is the case im probably moving on, I like experimenting with different builds till I find one that fits my play style, that is not allowed here. Tweaking a build shouldnt.be an issue and I would be willing to pay up to 25k per, anything over that is just unreasonable and unnecessary.


This is very much how I feel about respec. I will never roll a second Jedi Sage because I want to play both DPS and Heal. If it comes down to that I'll unsub and move on. Different people enjoy different aspects of gaming -- some like to play with the market or IGN, some like many alts, I like creating builds and finding synergies that weren't immediately obvious. If this game doesn't make that fun for me and the many, many people that enjoy that aspect of play then... well, there are lots of game choices in the world.

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The respec cost is just stupid, up to 100k for me now.


The reason I respec is that I play one build in PVE for the daily's, e.g. I want force-pull and hp in pvp for my Assassin, and I do enjoy having some survivability


In group PVE I want a Deception build for DPS as I am not a tank by any means.


Sure it is easy to make money in the game, however as for me, on a work-night, the time is just enough for PVP dailys (tankish build) and some PVE dailys (this I can do either spec), if I am lucky however I get a FP/OP run as well, then I have to spec to DPS.


Now, I am stuck dying easy in PVP as my hp/armor/resist is down as I speccing over to tankish build again, would cost me around 1 third of my total funds.


This is a deal breaker for me, something that would make me quit the game in the future if I have throw away 500k+ on changing builds depending on what is expected from me.


I don't mind paying some, e.g. capping it at for example 50k, but paying 100k, then 200k etc is just stupid.


Either lower the prices, or give us dualspec (dualspec can be set on cooldown, e.g. once every 24 hours, otherwise it costs the price of respeccing).

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


In other mmo's you couldnt respec. Make a character, maybe change him one time, or at max Two times and for the rest leave him be. I choose X, and if my guild wants Y , then they better recruit Y, i have my toon how i want him and will not change him just to make it more convenient for others.

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What the Devs should do get rid of the talent trees and integrate all of our moves into our class. That way it doesn't cost my nephew 100k to respec. He hasn't respecced since December. My respecs are free if I wait a week. Both of us are level 50.


I don't see why the pvp talents are skippable in the trees if they are going to charge us 500k+ to respec. Nobody wants to go to a raid 1/2 specced dps and 1/2 pvp. Especially when the boss enrages and you wipe. Just kill the talent trees and integrate all moves into the classes.

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Now with target dummy and combat log coming in 1.2, many players would probably want to use a 3rd-party combat log parser to test and find an optimal build to adapt to the new 1.2 changes. This means we may want to respec every 10 minutes or so to find the best build for ourselves. Is this outrageous respec charge is still going to be the same? Are we supposed to pay that outrageous cost to find a best build? Or are we supposed to take many weeks to find our best build in order to save that outrageous respec cost?


If dual spec is not coming for the moment, they should actually make the respec cost very cheap instead of expensive. Why can't we respec so we can play both PvE and PvP at our best build? Are we supposed to only be able to either PvE or PvP? Are we supposed to be only able to have a best build for either PvE or PvP exclusively?


We need an answer to this contradiction please, Bioware.


If you want to PvP, give up PvE.

If you want to PvE, give up PvP.

Or be prepared to pay a huge amount for the respec.


This is the current state of the game, providing those who only PvP a huge advantage in Warzone. Guess that is one of the reason that Imperials dominate Warzone since Imperials have a much higher percentage of population who favor PvP instead of PvE while vice versa for the Republics.

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


or you do one planetsworth of dailies and get to respec twice ! *shock*

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You are right, but the cost does keep climbing, my brothers is up to over 200k, and I think I have seen posts from people that are over 500k. It is supposed to reset back to 0 after 7 days of non use, but that is bugged and doesn't always happen.






huh mine has never gone over 56K, no matter how much i respecced it capped at 56K.

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Respec costs are reset if you don't respec again for 1 week.

If you are using respeccing as "dual spec" then you deserve to be charged an arm and a leg.

Wait for dual spec or pay 50k a pop, your call.


To those saying it doesn't reset, it actually does.

You will get a message telling you its going to be 50k or whatever. but once you click accept it says " you have not respecced for 1 week, so the cost is 0 " or words to that effect, and you are not charged.

Edited by defiantlegacy
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Respec costs are reset if you don't respec again for 1 week.

If you are using respeccing as "dual spec" then you deserve to be charged an arm and a leg.

Wait for dual spec or pay 50k a pop, your call.


To those saying it doesn't reset, it actually does.

You will get a message telling you its going to be 50k or whatever. but once you click accept it says " you have not respecced for 1 week, so the cost is 0 " or words to that effect, and you are not charged.


It is bugged, it does not reset for everyone. If it resets for you then there really isn't a problem for you, but the problem still exists for others.

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


This might of been pointed out since I didn't want to read all the responses, but if you don't respec for over a week the costs reset back to ZERO....


I know I went to respec and it had been awhile and it said it was like 50k to respec, I said ok and then got a message saying it had been a week since my last respec so prices were reset back to 0.

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Respec costs are reset if you don't respec again for 1 week.

If you are using respeccing as "dual spec" then you deserve to be charged an arm and a leg.

Wait for dual spec or pay 50k a pop, your call.


To those saying it doesn't reset, it actually does.

You will get a message telling you its going to be 50k or whatever. but once you click accept it says " you have not respecced for 1 week, so the cost is 0 " or words to that effect, and you are not charged.



Your first paragraph is a logical fallacy. "Don't do this because the way it's supposed to work, and the way you think it works aren't how it works yet" when they could simply set the cost to some trivial amount and effectively have dual spec. If they are adding dual (or multi) speccing in, which they are, then there shouldn't be a penalty for behaving in a way consistent with having dual spec.


It doesn't hurt the game to have people trying different things. If anything the idea that you can't respec for free hurts the game, a lot. People don't get talent points when they could because they're afraid of making a bad choice or wasting money (albeit trivial amounts). It means that you have to wait until you can find someone else to do things, and if you have 4 people online, one of you has to sit for someone else without respeccing. People don't know what they like until they have tried different things, etc. etc. etc. Respeccing wastes time, there's no easy way to change gear or ability bars. Having a cost associated with the convenience of not having to do those is a good idea. Having a cost to make you waste time just so you can get to the fun is not a good design.

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the respec costs reset after about a week. Sometimes it will bug out and say it still cost 50k-99k w.e your last one was but it will charge you nothing. They put the respec cost in so people wouldn't switch specs all day everyday. You can definitely afford to do it about 2-3 times a week though
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Ok many of you have been force to live with the fact the respecing so often is a no no because hey the devs do not like that and balancing the game around every possible spec is hard and game would be too difficult for players to analyze.


Bioware why dont you just copy and paste another one of Blizzard's game and allow for unlimited free respecs. Those people above me that complain about "sitck to one build" need to get out of that frame of mind the devs have forced onto you. Flexibility is a feature the gamers value and to deny them is bad product development. I am sorry if everyone here likes being boxed into one play style for the entire game but I rolled an operative to be able to heal and dps because it is what I feel like doing and helps in progression.


Only legitimate complaint I have seen on this thread is my math. yea it is roughly 25-30 games, but have many game will the 6th one cost.


Lol so your argument is you should be able to level as a dps and then switch to healing whenever you wish for easy groups and then back to dps? Lets break this down:


You level as dps so you learn how to dps well (hopefully)

then you magically change to healing which you dont use frequently and really dont know how to do so your probably not nearly as good as someone who actually dedicated themselves to heal.

What you want is the easy road to everything, you want to be able solo easily, get good dps in WZ and heal if WZ or FP when you feel like it.


They dont let you do this so that players who actually level healing specs arent shooting themselves in the foot. If you wanna heal, heal, if you wanna dps, dps, dont whine because you cant have your cake and eat it too lol

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