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Legacy System (aka Dont alt or your screwed)


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I was paying a higher level of attention to what was going on with SWTOR development than most players, and I was unaware of all the aspects of the Legacy System. Before I had my Legacy unlock, I had 6 additional alts in the 10-14 level range, so I've missed out on some 65-70 levels of legacy xp.


Does this bother me? Not one bit. I hadn't even thought about the issue until reading this thread.


I know the amount of Legacy xp I'll get from levelling those characters to 50 will far outweigh the xp that I missed out on.

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No, OP. Sorry, but I knew from day 1 that I needed to unlock Legacy with one character in order for it to start gaining xp. I purposely refrained from making any alts on that server until I had unlocked it. I don't have inside information I just knew it was tied to the first character to end Act I because it's been talked about in every Legacy forum post to date.
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"STAY TUNED! More info on the legacy system coming soon!" Any idea WHEN?



Not really, no. The only info I've seen is that at least one thing it will do is add more options for character creation (although minor stuff according to Reid in the reddit Q&A)

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I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


You still get legacy exp as a level 50, so your worries are invalid. Legacy EXP is an infinite resource.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So all that fun you had leveling alts was for nothing eh? Rough life.


Yeah. I guess this is work and not a game.


In a related story, have you ever been talking to someone who just ended a relationship and they say how that whole period was "a waste of time?"


I guess relationships are competitions with goals and not just something you enjoy experiencing.


This WHOLE idea is why there's an expression that says "It's not the destination, it's the journey."

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I wouldnt stress anyways cause legacy goes up rather fast. I have one level 50 and a level 45 and im already legacy rank 13 or 14.


And as mentionnend, all xp gathered once you are 50 will still give its % to legacy, so you never stop making it. The only thing that could affect you tho is if they eventually add bonus starting features like looks or races ( if we are very lucky) with the legacy points, but this is only a problem if you already have a zillion alts. But even with that, worst case scenario is you re-roll one or 2 of them some day. level 20 is pretty fast to get.

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You are completely missing the point.


Yea, I enjoyed leveling them, but had I known about this, I would have leveled my main to this point, THEN gone back and made alts, thus getting the enjoyment AND the benefit.


Next time, do more research.

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Kids these days ... really what did you expected ? That they had BIG RED LETTERS on the main page for you to see? That they emailed you saying they had this system?

If you did read the forums enough you would have know the system , and thats it , you hope to know all about a game without doing no research about it? Good luck with that .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Although this case may seem trivial for many, OP has a point.


The solution is as easy as to mention or point the players to more info about Legacy around level 10 like they do with a a lot at level 10.

(even so much they send me an email everytime I reach level 10 with an alt. I get it, I can view a guide online...)


I don't think one should just dismiss this complaint, for there is a design flaw. It should never be required to read articles, interviews or watch online vids to fully understand a game, unless the game revolves around that.

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Its ok the legacy system has zero benefits right now and in the future you can roll some oob looking alien class so its not much to miss.


Just remember to go to preferences > settings > hide legacy name if you dont want male RP'ers to see you RP male and female sex scenes with them.

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Same thing happened to me. I accepted it and moved on. Every mmo that has ever existed has something you learn about later that makes you wish you had done something differently while leveling. Would be kind of dull if companies just advertised every little detail of the experience so people could maximize every detail of their toon while leveling.
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Let me get this straight OP....


1: You had no idea what the legacy system was.


2: You have no idea what legacy means.


3: You had no idea 'when' the legacy system would kick in for you.


4: When it DID kick in, you had no idea what it would do for you.


5: Your legacy finally kicks in and you realize you lost an entire level of legacy XP, due to your own ignorance, laziness.... and...

You are now mad at BIOWARE??? Because they 'screwed' you out of 1 lvl of legacy XP??


That about right??


Seems to me you are misdirecting your anger sir. You should be mad at the playerbase............. because clearly we did not hold your hand tight enough.... or not hold your head in the toilet long enough.... you choose.

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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".



No, it doesn't matter. Your low level alts would be hardly moving the legacy EXP bar. Do you lose "some" legacy EXP because you alts before you hit a legacy? Sure, but not much.

Go hop on your level 11 and bring him to level 20 and you won't even fill legacy level 1. Go back to your 30 something and the bar moves a lot faster.

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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


Thats so illogical that it hurts in my brain. If you knew that you get the legacy from 30+ on why complain that you didnt get anything out of it leveling alts without even having one single level 30?


Your complaint just seems to be "stupid", I'm sorry.


And as a short remark: leveling 5 lvl 20s doesnt take as long as leveling one level 50, so your total of 89 levels doesnt say anything at all about effort.

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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


Are you seriously complaining about getting ONE character to lvl 30-32 BEFORE making an alt? Wow, just wow.

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