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Predictions for the new meta?


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The 5.9 changes, assuming they go live as is, will certainly affect the PvP meta. As the title asks, any predictions on what that will look like for both Ranked and Regs?


I can certainly predict what's not going to change: tanks will keep skanking.


To answer your question, I predict PT tanks to be limited to some adventurous individuals, I'm not sure about Sins, Juggs will reign supreme. With the buff to Enraged Defense and nerfs to Maras expect Juggs to be what Mercs and Engi Snipers were at 5.0 (not that, along with Maras, they aren't already).


I'm not qualified to comment on ranked.

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I can certainly predict what's not going to change: tanks will keep skanking.


To answer your question, I predict PT tanks to be limited to some adventurous individuals, I'm not sure about Sins, Juggs will reign supreme. With the buff to Enraged Defense and nerfs to Maras expect Juggs to be what Mercs and Engi Snipers were at 5.0 (not that, along with Maras, they aren't already).


I'm not qualified to comment on ranked.


You're joking right? Juggs are awful and will be even with the minor ED buff, the only strong jugg spec is skank tanks the rest fail in all forms of ranked and are outperformed by all other dps in regs. To compare them to 5.0 mercs is just ignorant and retarded.


To answer your question, I don't see any meta changes, whatsoever, mara sniper will rule supreme in granked, the class changes and ability changes are very minor.

Edited by DiavoIa
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With the buff to Enraged Defense and nerfs to Maras expect Juggs to be what Mercs and Engi Snipers were at 5.0 (not that, along with Maras, they aren't already).


I'm not qualified to comment on ranked.


This is what I’ve been concerned about with people calling for changes to Juggs.

I hate playing FOTM classes and have had to switch from Merc, sniper and then Mara’s last year as each change happened. In the past this wouldn’t have been an issue for me because you could gear up easier and in a shorter amount of time. But with this gearing system, it’s tedious and painful to have to start gearing another class because I don’t want to play FOTM ones. I’ve spent the last 5 months on my dps Juggs and guardians and I feel they are in a good place in regs. So this time if they go FOTM, I’m sorry to say, I won’t be switching because I’m sick of regearing under this stupid system.


There are already a lot more Juggs about in regs than Mara’s. I can only see this getting worse with this change.

I know regs and Ranked are different and I know DPS Juggs needed some sort of anti focus (which this really isn’t), so I can’t see this change affecting ranked much.



The only thing for people to realise, if “Juggs” go FOTM in regs, there are 3 specs, not just the FOTM specs. Just because you see 4 Juggs in a match, doesn’t mean they are all the same dps or all skanks. So don’t put us all in the same boat when you start accusing people of being FOTM rerolls.

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The 5.9 changes, assuming they go live as is, will certainly affect the PvP meta. As the title asks, any predictions on what that will look like for both Ranked and Regs?


It's really funny that while people think maras are FOTM there are twice as many jugg in regs...


I don't see big changes coming. We will see what will happen to Juggs and how much will ED heal them. If it heals them to full that will mean another life maybe. They needed some little buff to not be so useless. But I think under focus they will still go down first after they burn some defenses, but not as fast.


Maras will still hit like a truck. That "nerf" to RA won't change much. RA will now work exactly like the merc reflect shield.

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You're joking right? Juggs are awful and will be even with the minor ED buff, the only strong jugg spec is skank tanks the rest fail in all forms of ranked and are outperformed by all other dps in regs. To compare them to 5.0 mercs is just ignorant and retarded.


To answer your question, I don't see any meta changes, whatsoever, mara sniper will rule supreme in granked, the class changes and ability changes are very minor.


He's talking about skanks. A 4% DPS loss is not going to impact us, and with the ED buff, I think we are going to be the cause of much QQ come May.

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It's really funny that while people think maras are FOTM there are twice as many jugg in regs...


I don't see big changes coming. We will see what will happen to Juggs and how much will ED heal them. If it heals them to full that will mean another life maybe. They needed some little buff to not be so useless. But I think under focus they will still go down first after they burn some defenses, but not as fast.


Maras will still hit like a truck. That "nerf" to RA won't change much. RA will now work exactly like the merc reflect shield.


Yeah, Juggs definitely out number Mara’s in regs at least 2:1 and sometimes 4:1. There are way more Juggs around than Mara’s and most Mara’s in regs go down hard against Juggs. Thankfully most of the good Mara’s stay in ranked ;)


Also, if you wanted to talk numbers in regs, this is what I’m seeing. Assassin’s, Operatives, snipers. Mercs, Sorc and even PTs out numbers Mara’s.

Assassins and Operatives are increasingly on the rise since January and it won’t be long till “stealths” in general will out number other classes. There are just as many Sins as Juggs and sometimes it’s much more.

I’ve seen whole teams with only one or two non stealths in them (usually me) and I’ve been against teams that have been totally stealth, even same faction vs faction or Yavin. But there is obviously no need for match making :rolleyes:

Mercs have been decreasing since their nerfs

Snipers are pretty static in numbers

Sorcs are pretty static in numbers

What’s surprising me is the slight increase in the amount t of PTs I’m seeing.

Mara’s actually descresed when they nerfed Carnage. You are lucky to see more than one in a match and quite often there are none.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Everything will stay the same. PTs and Juggs will still be focused first in ranked; hell I am not even sure I consider the nerf to RA an actual nerf. I guess maras will be stunned a bit more now, but 75% DR is still a wicked skill.
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Yeah, Juggs definitely out number Mara’s in regs at least 2:1 and sometimes 4:1. There are way more Juggs around than Mara’s and most Mara’s in regs go down hard against Juggs. Thankfully most of the good Mara’s stay in ranked ;)


Why do you think there are so few mara's/sents in regs despite them being so powerful right now? Is it because they are harder to play well than jugs/guardians?

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Why do you think there are so few mara's/sents in regs despite them being so powerful right now? Is it because they are harder to play well than jugs/guardians?


Oh, I don’t disagree. Mara’s are more technical to play well because they are less forgiving if you mess up.

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Why do you think there are so few mara's/sents in regs despite them being so powerful right now? Is it because they are harder to play well than jugs/guardians?


This is exactly the reason, trixie thinks mara's are under powered for some bazaar reason. Mara's are the strongest melee dps out of all the dps by a godly mile.

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Hey apparently rdps are supposed to be tankier than tanks, look at mercs for the last year!

Well Sorcs already do crap DPS so when people complain about their tankiness during 5.9 they might actually nerf their tankiness instead of their dps.

Wait, who am I kidding.

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Well Sorcs already do crap DPS so when people complain about their tankiness during 5.9 they might actually nerf their tankiness instead of their dps.

Wait, who am I kidding.


I’d gladly give up 20% of my survivability to get some real dps on my Lightning Sorc

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As the title asks, any predictions on what that will look like for both Ranked and Regs?
It will look pretty much exactly the same. All the utility/passive changes are too small to actually shuffle the pecking order and the tanks all got hit hard so, relative to each other anyway, not much changes there either.


Everything will stay the same. PTs and Juggs will still be focused first in ranked; hell I am not even sure I consider the nerf to RA an actual nerf.
75% yellow resist = 75% yellow damage reduction AND a lot of missed stuns, knockbacks, roots, and dot applications as well. The new RA is still unnecessarily strong but it is a mathematical downgrade from the old one.


So are you tell me there is a reality where Jugg dps are outperforming the other dps?
A lot of posters on this boards' opinion is colored by dunking on **** players in regs with vengeance AOE and never setting foot into either ranked format to see just how dismal jugg dps really is.


6-7 Lightning Sorcs in every WZ
If you think some flat damage reduction buffs are going to do much for that spec I recommend you try playing deception in the time before 5.9. Between entropic field and dark embrace you can legitimately have 24% flat DR on top of your armor going more or less at all times and yet you still absolutely melt under focus. It's all about defensive cooldowns and sorcs still have little.


Those buffs also do absolutely nothing about how hard your damage gets shut down by tunnel in lightning.

Edited by yellow_
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